The Claims Of “Harrison”: Another UFO Crash Before The Roswell Event!
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- January 16, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- 8 min read
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- UFOs, Cover-Ups
The claims of “Harrison” of a downed UFO somewhere on a Native American reserve in late 1944 is yet another of an apparent vehicle from another world crash-landing here on Earth years before the more famed Roswell event of July 1947. Moreover, perhaps because it had come down on Native American land (most likely somewhere in North or South Dakota), the object went undetected for almost six months before the crew was seemingly recovered by a “mothership” during some kind of interplanetary rescue mission.
Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke is arguably one of the loudest voices in telling the wider world of Native Americans’ experiences with UFOs and alien entities. Being of Cherokee heritage herself, Dr. Clarke has heard multiple stories and accounts over the years, many of which she documented in the book Encounters with Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians, including that of Harrison.
The account we are about to examine is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating on record. If it proves to be accurate, even if only in part, it will leave us with further questions about the UFO and alien mysteries.
A Rumbling That Shook The Entire Property
According to Harrison’s account, one evening in November 1944, his grandfather was at his log cabin on their reservation when a sudden rumbling shook the entire property, even cracking the foundations. [1] He immediately ran outside, not least to check on the now- spooked horses, and when he did he could see a “huge dust cloud blocking the western sky!” Given that he had no neighbors for approximately 20 miles, Harrison’s grandfather was as intrigued as much as anything else.
The cloud of dust eventually disappeared, allowing him to see what looked like a small section of a futuristic metallic vehicle sticking out of the ground. After observing the object from a distance for several moments, Harrison’s grandfather turned his attention back to his horses, which had scattered in all directions due to the sudden chaotic noise around them. He eventually managed to round most of them up before returning home, deciding he would find the remaining horses in the morning.
When he returned outside the following day, the crippled craft remained exactly where it was. And now, in broad daylight, he could make out more details. It had clearly crashed, with what appeared to be some kind of door hanging open on the side of the object, clearly damaged. He described the object as being around 30 feet wide and around 60 feet long and a distinct cylinder shape. Although he could now see what the cause of the noise the previous evening was, he stayed away from the craft for several days. [2] Then, after not seeing any signs of activity, he finally decided to go and investigate it more closely.
Multiple Surviving (Extraterrestrial) Crew
By the time he arrived at the ship, it was more than clear to Harrison’s father that, as well as the craft itself, there were multiple survivors. In fact, although he wasn’t certain, it appeared that all of the crew survived, with Harrison’s grandfather estimating there were 14 in total. Each was between seven and eight feet tall and was “so white you could see inside” their very thin skin. They appeared very human-like, although they had extremely long, slender fingers. Even more remarkable, the color of their eyes changed depending on the light.
They all appeared to be male, with each sporting hair of various lengths and each wearing the same one-piece, light-green outfit. One particularly intriguing detail that Harrison’s grandfather noticed over the coming weeks and months (during which he would spend increasing time with these strange beings) is that this suit remained dry even when the figures were in water (in the river, for example). We have previously examined the case of Paul Parada, a medic who found himself treating a very similar humanoid entity in Peru in 2019. He claimed that the entity was not only wearing a one-piece suit similar to those described over half a century earlier by Harrison’s grandfather but that it appeared to remain dry even when wet (in this case, with blood).
Harrison’s grandfather looked on at these strange beings for several moments, a combination of awe and shock running through him. Then, however, it was clear that the crew members had noticed his presence, and a moment later, right in front of his eyes, they simply vanished into thin air.
A Gradual Build-Up Of Trust
To begin with, the beings would continue to vanish whenever Harrison’s grandfather approached them. However, after several days it appeared that they began to trust him somewhat. So much so that they allowed him inside the craft. For his part, Harrison’s grandfather already knew who the crew were – they were Star People, and he had heard plenty of them from Native American elders, as well as from family members. They had, according to the legends, been coming to Earth for thousands of years.
Over the following months, Harrison’s grandfather learned much from the crew members. For example, when he visited them after going hunting to give them his catch so they might eat, he was informed that they only ate vegetation and “not flesh!” He also observed them “picking up rocks and plants” as if they were collecting them for study. Once more, this detail often surfaces in close encounters with extraterrestrials, particularly humanoid-type extraterrestrials.
He further learned from them that their home planet was in the Taurus constellation and that they were “voyagers (who had) traveled the universe observing life on other worlds!” As Harrison’s grandfather already knew, they had been coming to Earth for thousands of years, “observing, collecting data, and noting changes!” At that time (1945), their craft was one of four exploring Earth, with a fifth, bigger craft orbiting the planet.
Of even more interest were the “flashing pictures” they showed him on a “picture machine” (we expect that this is some kind of video footage) of their home planet. According to what his grandfather had told him, Harrison recalled that it “reminded him of the Badlands but with no vegetation. Their houses were underground…on their world, water was underground…nothing (was) on the surface!”
According to what his grandfather later told him, on the evening of April 17th, 1945, he witnessed another ship come down on the land where the crashed craft still resided. Only this time, the landing was controlled. The object was exactly the same as the one that had crashed six months earlier. It was clear to Harrison’s grandfather that this second craft had arrived to pick up the crew of the first vehicle—essentially, it was a retrieval mission.
A Crashed Object That “Shapeshifted” To Look Like A “Big Boulder!”
Harrison arrived at his grandfather’s home in early May 1945, as he did most years. This year, however, the stay would be like none before or after. His grandfather soon told him of the events of the past few months, of the crashed object and the strange crew who claimed to be from another planet. Needless to say, Harrison was more than excited to see the object once he discovered that the crippled remains were still on his grandfather’s land.
By the time Harrison saw the craft for himself, it was clear the crew had embedded it further into the butte so that only a small section was above the ground’s surface. Furthermore, although he couldn’t explain how they had done so, from a distance (and even from relatively close up) they had made it so the visible part of the ship “made itself appear as part of the landscape!” Harrison elaborated as best he could that when he was close to the ship he could see that it was silver, dull grey color, metallic, and had a door. However, the craft quite literally “shapeshifted and looked like a big boulder,” essentially matching the desert soil around it.
There were further fascinating discoveries when Harrison ventured inside the craft. Perhaps one of the most fascinating of these was when he positioned himself in one of the chairs (of which he counted 17 in total). He claimed that when he did so, the chair “melted around him,” causing him to panic a little. However, when he struggled against this, the chair “released” him. He tried this several times, eventually mastering whatever technology was at play so that the chair “enveloped (him) like a warm hug, and then released” him when he wanted to stand.
Further Details That Show Up In Other Cases
He further described the walls and surfaces inside the craft as particularly smooth and adorned with various screens and buttons, some of which had hieroglyphic-like symbols or markings on them, something which comes up more than we might think in close encounters with UFOs. Another detail that often surfaces in such cases is the positioning of a central pillar-like object, usually in the middle of the craft, and that is exactly what Harrison described finding behind the main chairs – a “huge round cylinder encased in a glass-like ball!” If other accounts are to be believed, this cylinder likely had something to do with the craft’s propulsion and navigation.
Harrison’s grandfather informed him that the extraterrestrial crew members had taken almost all of their possessions and supplies when they had been picked up by the retrieval ship. When Harrison looked around the inside of the craft, the only thing of interest left were several clear containers that were lined up against one of the walls. When he inspected one of these, he could see a “thick, slimy substance, like honey” inside, which “reeked like a compost pile!”
Harrison wanted to keep one of the containers, partly as evidence of the otherworldly beings’ visitation, but his grandfather insisted that he leave it, saying that it wasn’t “suitable” for them. Following their inspection, the pair left the craft and returned to the house, happy enough to leave the wreckage where it was, hidden in plain sight. However, two years later – around the same time as the Roswell crash, incidentally or not – the story took a sudden twist.
Suggestions Of Another UFO Cover-Up
One day in 1947, out of the blue and without warning, the United States military sent an Army Corp of Engineers to the ranch, immediately cordoning off a large section of it – coincidentally or not, the land that the wrecked spacecraft sat within. They eventually confiscated the ranch entirely as a matter of national security and compensated Harrison’s grandfather with another piece of land nearby (although it was “useless” by comparison, according to Harrison).
They eventually began a dam-building project on the land and created an artificial reservoir and lake. History tells us that this was part of the Garrison Dam project – as well as telling us that Native Americans being turfed off their land happened more than we might think during this period in history.
Harrison’s grandfather, though, believed that the real reason for the confiscation of the land and tying it to the Garrison Dam project was that they had found the crashed object. They had, he believed, either recovered it and taken it away to study it, or they had hidden it beneath the waters of their creation, away from the public gaze. Whatever the truth, a member of the Army Corp visited his home not long after arriving. Among the many questions they asked him, they repeatedly came back to enquiring if he had “ever seen anything strange on or near his ranch!” According to Harrison, his grandfather simply “played dumb,” fully aware of what the engineer was really asking.
One UFO Crash Of Many?
Harrison’s claims are intriguing and thought-provoking, no doubt. Many of the small, seemingly trivial details he offers resonate nicely with many other accounts on record. For example, the seat that molded around Harrison when he sat in it, the middle cylinder that was likely the propulsion system, and even the hieroglyphic-like symbols can all be found in other reports of alien abduction and close-contact UFO encounters.
It is perhaps interesting to note, however, that the notion of a dam being created to hide a crashed UFO can be found elsewhere in the United States following another alleged UFO crash event. This time, according to the research of Timothy Good, an otherworldly vehicle plummeted to earth in Paradise Valley just outside Phoenix, Arizona, in October 1947. According to the account, the Dreamy Daw Dam was built, unofficially, of course, for the express purpose of covering over the wreckage, which it was determined was too large to move without drawing attention. Of course, how true such rumors and claims might be remains open to debate, but it is interesting to keep in mind, given Harrison’s account.
The account is yet another claim of a downed UFO that the authorities were seemingly aware of, if on this occasion, after the fact. Why were so many apparent vehicles from other worlds crashing down to earth during the 1940s and early fifties? Is this still happening today? Only time will tell if any further information or declassified documents enter the public arena regarding this alleged fascinating affair.
The short video below looks at further Native American UFO encounters.
↑1 | A Systematization of the Cases Published by Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke (part one), Mike Jamieson, Medium https://medium.com/@michaeldj1950/a-systematization-of-the-cases-published-by-dr-ardy-sixkiller-clarke-part-one-bb41af2eded0 |
↑2 | Story Of ‘Star People’ By Indian Elder & Alien Ship Crashed In 1945, Rescued By Mothership After Months, Vicky Verma, How & Whys https://howandwhys.com/encounters-with-star-people-in-1945/ |
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