Forbidden Locations Of The Moon

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 5, 2024
Last Updated
July 3, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read
Posted in
Space, Future Exploration

Are there areas on the moon that NASA doesn’t want the public to see? Could these restricted zones be the true reason we haven’t returned to the moon in over 50 years, contrary to the explanations of technological and budgetary constraints?

David Adair claims to have developed propulsion methods capable of taking us back to the moon. Moreover, if successful, he plans to explore these supposedly off-limits regions of the lunar surface. In reality, we have only thoroughly examined a small portion of the moon, with the majority still largely unexplored. Additionally, Adair’s work could not only facilitate a return to the moon but also lead to cleaner energy and reduced environmental impact on Earth.

If Adair’s claims were true – and we should note that many offer they should be treated with caution – it could just see humans set foot on the lunar surface once more. And we can only guess what they might find if they are allowed into these alleged forbidden areas.

The Claims Of David Adair

Before delving into the alleged restricted areas on the lunar surface, it’s pertinent to examine the assertions of David Adair, who claims to have developed a propulsion system capable of returning humans to the moon. Adair is highly regarded in the field of advanced propulsion systems and has made substantial contributions to alternative energy sources and space exploration.

Central to Adair’s efforts to facilitate human lunar missions are thorium reactors and contained fusion technologies. Thorium, a naturally occurring radioactive element, offers potential as an alternative fuel for nuclear reactors, known for its enhanced safety and stability compared to traditional uranium-based systems, significantly reducing the risk of meltdowns. Additionally, thorium reactors operate at atmospheric pressure, further mitigating risks associated with high-pressure systems.

Thorium is abundant and promises not only advancements in space travel and propulsion but also cleaner and safer energy solutions. Adair’s extensive work spans over four decades in developing thorium reactors and advancing contained fusion techniques, which utilize non-radioactive fuels like boron, thereby enhancing safety and control while minimizing physical footprint.

Moreover, thorium reactors offer reduced environmental impact and sustainability benefits compared to uranium-based counterparts, generating significantly less long-lived nuclear waste. This approach addresses critical concerns associated with nuclear energy, advocating a more sustainable and responsible path for power generation.

Investors By The “One-Percenters!”

Adair recently highlighted during a public presentation that governments overlooked thorium when embracing nuclear power, opting instead for the fission methods currently in use, primarily due to their necessity for fueling nuclear weapons. This realization prompts the sobering reflection that clean and abundant energy could have been available for decades, had research priorities not leaned heavily towards weaponry.

Despite the promise of thorium reactors and contained fusion, significant research is still needed to optimize their efficiency and scalability. Moreover, addressing regulatory frameworks and gaining public acceptance are crucial steps to ensure the safe deployment of these nuclear technologies.

Adair asserts he has developed a total of seven projects involving thorium reactors and contained fusion. Recently, he claims to have received multiple billion-dollar investment offers and aims to launch these initiatives in the near future. These investments, he notes, have come from what he terms “one-percenters” – the elite and ultra-wealthy individuals of the world.

According to Adair, these one-percenters generally fall into two camps: those seeking to amass wealth and those eager to reinvest in cleaner, more affordable energy and other technologies. Should these projects materialize, it could represent a significant leap forward not only in cleaner energy on Earth but also in space exploration, including missions to the moon.

The safety advantages and efficiency of thorium-based power systems, coupled with the compact and potent nature of contained fusion, suggest that future missions to the moon and beyond could be both safer and swifter. Furthermore, the moon harbors substantial thorium deposits, implying that future endeavors may involve mining this mineral for use both in space and back on Earth.

Restricted Landing Zones

So, where exactly are these restricted landing zones on the moon? It’s important to note that while laws in the United States designate certain areas as off-limits on the lunar surface, there are also several unofficial locations that NASA purportedly prefers future space explorers avoid, according to whistleblowers and insiders.

The Apollo mission landing sites, such as Tranquility Base where Apollo 11 touched down with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first humans to walk on the moon, fall under the protection of these new U.S. government laws. These sites, akin to cosmic cultural heritage sites, may potentially become destinations for future generations to visit on lunar tourism expeditions.

Speculation arises, however, particularly in light of claims by Armstrong and Aldrin about sighting alleged alien craft on the moon. One might wonder whether NASA’s desire to prevent future missions to these sites stems from a motivation for historical preservation or from knowledge of a potential existing alien presence.

Beyond these well-known sites, there are reportedly other locations on the moon that remain off-limits to prospective visitors to our celestial neighbor.

Lunar Regions Off-Limits

Take for instance the Mendeleev Ridge, purportedly one of these restricted areas, likely holding significant insights into past volcanic activity on the moon. While the rationale for preserving this region may indeed center on ongoing scientific research and exploration, there are those who harbor suspicions about what might truly be occurring there.

Similarly, the Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex, situated on the far side of the moon, remains an enigmatic formation of keen interest to both professional and amateur astronomers. The area features a volcanic structure that some scientists speculate could have been active relatively recently.

Speculation persists that this region might harbor valuable minerals and materials, while also potentially revealing other surprising geological aspects of lunar structure.

Another intriguing area cloaked in mystery is the Sinus Medii region, located near the center of the moon’s near side. Among certain conspiracy theorists, this spot is considered one of the most suspicious on the lunar surface.

Some suggest that observation equipment aimed at monitoring Earth has been established there, while others raise concerns about clandestine lunar installations. The reasons behind NASA’s decision to restrict access to this location remain a perplexing mystery.

From The South Pole To The Far Side

Another area on the moon that appears to be off-limits is the Leibnitz Plateau near the moon’s south pole. This region is characterized by its remarkably flat and elevated terrain, prompting speculation among researchers that it could potentially host lunar bases.

Additionally, NASA has identified several craters on the moon that hold particular significance. The Tycho Crater, for instance, is one that NASA prefers to leave unexplored, likely because it serves as a critical reference point in the study of impact craters on the lunar surface.

Another notable crater is Tsiolkovsky, located on the moon’s far side. Officially, NASA restricts access to this area due to its proximity to permanently shadowed regions where water ice deposits may exist. The agency aims to protect these potential resources and prevent contamination, preserving the pristine environment for future scientific investigations.

Thus, it is evident that NASA has several valid reasons for maintaining the undisturbed status of certain lunar locations.

Preservation For Historical Purposes

As observed with certain Apollo landing sites, there is a clear motivation to preserve these locations for historical reasons. However, considerable speculation surrounds the unofficial reasons behind why these lunar areas remain off-limits.

Some believe that an extraterrestrial civilization has already established a presence there. Others suggest that while aliens may no longer inhabit the moon, ancient structures, such as moon bases, still exist. It’s purported that NASA wishes to conceal these structures from the global populace, partly to potentially retrieve and study any advanced technology that might still reside within them.

These structures are undeniably intriguing. Many vigilant lunar observers claim to have spotted pyramid-like formations on the moon’s surface, resembling those found at Giza in Egypt. While scientists propose that these structures likely result from natural geological processes like impact craters or volcanic activity, fascination persists among many with the idea that an ancient civilization, possibly linked to ancient Egypt, could have constructed these lunar pyramids thousands of years ago.

Signs Of Artificial Structures?

Another intriguing structure of interest is the Tower of Babel, located near the Aristarchus Crater on the moon. This towering, column-like formation raises questions about its origins, with its sheer height suggesting a possible artificial construction. However, skeptics argue that its appearance could be deceiving, attributing it to optical illusions created by lighting conditions and the irregular lunar landscape.

Similarly, there’s the Ina Bridge situated within the Ina Caldera region of the lunar surface. Named for its bridge-like appearance, this feature prompts speculation about its nature—is it another artificial structure or merely a geological formation resulting from the collapse of lava tubes, as proposed by NASA scientists?

David Adair, in a recent interview, emphasized the vast unknowns of the moon’s surface and its subterranean depths. He vividly illustrated the scale by highlighting that the entire surface area of the United States could fit twice over on the moon. Moreover, he likened the combined explored areas of the moon to the size of the Mall of America, a mere speck compared to the moon’s total expanse.

Potential Evidence Of Life On The Moon?

Adair’s point underscores the immense potential for discovery on the lunar surface. Despite humanity’s strides in space exploration, the majority of the moon remains uncharted territory. The prospect of returning to the moon holds the promise of unveiling new secrets, including any ancient structures that might lie hidden beneath its rugged landscape.

Understanding the scale and scope of lunar exploration is crucial in appreciating the magnitude of what lies ahead. Each step towards exploring the moon involves meticulous planning and technological advancements. From spacecraft design to mission protocols, every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure the safety of astronauts and the success of scientific endeavors.

The rationale behind exploring these alleged forbidden areas, such as the Tower of Babel and Ina Bridge, extends beyond mere curiosity. These sites could potentially hold clues to the moon’s geological history, insights into lunar volcanic activity, and possibly even evidence of ancient lunar civilizations—if such were to exist.

In planning future lunar missions, it is essential to consider the ethical and scientific implications of exploring these enigmatic locations. Preservation of lunar heritage, protection of potential scientific discoveries, and the pursuit of knowledge are all integral to the mission objectives.

Indeed, the journey to explore the moon’s mysteries involves a blend of scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and a deep-seated curiosity about the cosmos. With each mission, humanity inches closer to unlocking the secrets of our celestial neighbor and expanding our understanding of the universe.

Are NASA Hiding The Truth?

Let’s consider the following questions: Are there lunar locations that NASA prefers to keep concealed from the general public? If so, what exactly might be found there? Could it be ancient structures or buildings, potentially housing advanced extraterrestrial technology? Is it possible that aliens themselves are present on the moon?

The prospect of returning humans to the moon hinges significantly on the accomplishments of David Adair. Will he successfully execute his seven projects involving Thorium Reactors and contained fusion, thereby achieving his goal of exploring these purportedly off-limits lunar areas?

Furthermore, what impact could advancements in thorium reactors and contained fusion have on Earth? Could these technologies lead to cleaner, safer, and more efficient energy solutions as a byproduct of space exploration and lunar exploration?

It raises the question whether the reluctance to adopt such cleaner energy methods is not solely due to technological challenges, but also because their implementation could threaten the profits of global energy suppliers.

Undoubtedly, the potential return to the moon represents a pivotal moment in human history on Earth. The outcome could fundamentally alter our trajectory, shaping future advancements and discoveries both in space and here at home.

The video below looks at some of the mysteries of the moon.

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

You can contact Marcus via email.

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  • Andrew Borg says:

    What about far side of the moon??

    It is said that there is a large mothership 1.5 million years old dumbed there.

    There was a secret mission Apollo20 whom some say that it was a suicidal mission cause at those times technology was still premature to skip Van Allen Belt which is a very high radio active zone.

    These could be conspiracy theories but other international satellites saw this ship too.

    Ok interesting.

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