The Nostradamus Prophecies
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- July 27, 2019
- September 26, 2021
- 20 min read
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- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Historical
Most of us today in the twenty-first century are aware of Michel de Nostredame, or as he is better known, Nostradamus. Indeed, since the mid-1500s he has fascinated and enthralled everyone from the common man to royalty and those in the high reaches of government and industry.
Could Nostradamus predict the future? And has he been proven chillingly correct on several occasions during the twentieth century alone? Or have his writings been twisted and purposely misinterpreted in our modern age so as to lend legitimacy to various regimes, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich being just one?

Did he predict the two monstrous world wars of the first half of the 1900s? And what about the atom bomb, the assassination of President Kennedy, and even the 9/11 attacks? And, perhaps of more concern as we prepare to enter into the 2020s, what might still be to follow? Are further predictions of Nostradamus worth studying? And what might they warn us of the future to come?
Perhaps most intriguing of all, if we accept that Nostradamus could indeed see future events, where might this ability have come from? Just what should we make of those who have made their predictions of a time far removed from their own existence?
And, as we will examine shortly, might the truth behind Nostradamus be altogether less supernatural, but certainly not less intriguing. Might he have been a part of a conspiracy and a secret that has been kept for multiple generations across distance and time?
- 1 The Formation Of A “Seer”
- 2 Connections To The Occult
- 3 Les Propheties
- 4 Predictions From The Pre-Twentieth Century
- 4.1 The Death Of King Henry II Of France, 1559 – Perhaps The Key To Them All?
- 4.2 A Very Interesting Side Note
- 4.3 A Prophet? Or A Secret Agent Of The 1500s Elite?
- 4.4 The Great Fire Of London
- 4.5 A Coincidental Collection Of Coincidences?
- 4.6 The French Revolution
- 4.7 Napoleon Bonaparte And Louis Pasteur
- 5 Modern Era Predictions
- 6 The Future Still To Come
- 7 Several Points Of Caution To Take On Board
- 8 A Need For Caution And Alertness
The Formation Of A “Seer”
Born in December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence region of France (there is discrepancy over the date with some sources stating 14th December and others stating the 21st) Michel de Nostredame was known in his own contemporary era as a respected astrologer and physician. [1] And while he was known to be able to see future events (sometimes referred to as a “seer”), it wasn’t until 1555, only eleven years before his death in 1566 that he would write his now-famous Les Propheties.
He would enter the University of Avignon around 1517-18 at the age of 14, however, the following year had to cut his studies short when plague forced the university to close. For much of the 1520s, he would travel from place to place, conducting research for remedies with herbs and plants. In fact, he would make money, and indeed a name for himself, acting as an apothecary, which is the 1500s equivalent of a modern pharmacist.

However, this trade would hurt Nostradamus when he enrolled at the University of Montpellier to continue his studies. As the trade was outlawed among students, when the university learned of his apothecary activities he was immediately expelled, forcing him to continue his work in this capacity.
Shortly after, Italian physician and leading scholar of his day, Jules-Cesar Scaliger would contact Nostradamus. Scaliger spent much of his life in France and would invite Nostradamus to come to Agen in the south of the country so that he might learn under him. While there, he is believed to have married and conceived two children. However, all three are thought to have become victims of the plague that would sweep the region around 1534.
Connections To The Occult
Following the deaths of his wife and children, he would see the horrors of death first-hand as he, along with any other medical professional battled the plague that was sweeping through Europe in various waves at the time.
It is around this time, in the 1540s, when Nostradamus is thought to have taken several trips to Italy where he is said to have discovered the arts of the Occult. [2] He would learn the ways of necromancy, astrology, and how to read horoscopes. Like many other inquisitive minds of his era, he is very likely to have practiced alchemy and all that came with it.

It is also around this time that he began to use the Latinized version of his name as opposed to Michel de Nostredame. It would appear in print for the first time in 1550 when he wrote the first of several yearly almanacs that not only helped earn him reasonable wealth but secured his name in the circles of the era’s elite. In fact, it was from the success of these annual publications that people in such circles would seek further advice and wisdom from him. These would include “psychic” readings.
This is perhaps an interesting detail. As many skeptics to Nostradamus’ readings (of which there are many) would state this is perhaps an indication of a realization on Nostradamus’ part to be able to make money and secure his position in society by making such “readings”. How accurate that charge might be is open to debate. As we will see when we do examine some of his further-reaching predictions, whereas they are, without doubt, open to interpretation, some are very eerily accurate it would perhaps be foolish to discount them or Nostradamus’ apparent ability completely.
Les Propheties
Whether his introduction into Occultism and the writings that would become his famous predictions are connected is perhaps open to debate. However, his eventual writings released in 1555 would contain some remarkable readings.
Perhaps one of the first persons of historical note to respond to them was the wife of King Henry II of France, Catherine de’ Medici, who would request he come to Paris to explain some of his musings regarding an apparent threat to the royal family further. Indeed, she would consider Nostradamus one of her most trusted advisors.
We should perhaps also remember the times that Nostradamus was living in. The Inquisition was rolling through Europe slaughtering anyone guilty of Heresy, which was a charge that essentially, in its broadest terms, was anyone not of the Catholic faith. And while the Age of Enlightenment was still two hundred years away from dominating intellectual and spiritual thought in western Europe, in particular in England, in the sixteenth century such thinking was still very much frowned upon at best, and likely to lead one to a torturous end at worst.
Because of this, Nostradamus, like many gifted individuals (perhaps most notably Leonardo da Vinci) would write much of their work in a specific and unique coded format.
It is no secret that Nostradamus lived much of his final years in a paranoid state due to the ever-present threat of The Church and the brutal self-righteous nature of The Inquisition.
Nostradamus died on July 1st, 1566 (some sources state the date to be 2nd July of the same year), with his name becoming synonymous with predictions of the future ever since.
Before we look at some of those predictions in a little more detail, check out the video below.
Predictions From The Pre-Twentieth Century
While we will look at some of the predictions still to come a little later, some of the predictions of events that have already occurred are also worth analysis. If only to understand the place Nostradamus and his predictions still occupy in the modern collective conscious. [3]
These predictions, contained in the work Les Propheties, are broken down into quatrains – four-lined poems. They each deal with what has been interpreted as future events of war, natural disasters, and world-shaking events and encounters.
We should perhaps also note that there is a considerable body of people who suspect the apparent work to be hijacked writings at best, perhaps even outright forgeries, with a view to using them for political, and at the time, religious gain on the European stage. Many, for example, revolve around an apparent “end times” and the coming of an “anti-Christ”.
We will examine several of the more intriguing of these predictions in a moment. First, though, we will look at the prediction which firmly entrenched Nostradamus in the minds of the French, and as far as the elite of the era were concerned, the European’s as the most remarkable “seer” of his day.
The Death Of King Henry II Of France, 1559 – Perhaps The Key To Them All?
So, just what did Nostradamus predict? Perhaps one of the most intriguing of his alleged predictions was the death of King Henry II in 1559. According to the verse:
The young lion with overcome the older one,
On the field of combat in a single battle.
He will pierce his eye through the golden cage,
Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.
When we examine the sudden death of King Henry II it is easy to see why a connection would be made to the verse of Nostradamus.
On the 30th June 1559, at the royal palace in Paris, during a jousting tournament against Gabriel Montgomery, King Henry II was severely injured as a splinter of Montgomery’s joust hit him in his eyes and temple. He was bed-ridden for the next ten days as medical treatment was administered to save his life. However, on 10th July, he died, very much in agony from the wound and the sepsis which ravaged his body.
It was this prediction that catapulted Nostradamus to become a celebrity of his day. And it is also this prediction which might be the most valuable of all of those made by Nostradamus.
What this particular verse also allows us to do is briefly explore some of the claims that Nostradamus himself, in the words of Manly P Hall, “belonged to the Order of the Quest” – essentially he was a Freemason arguably before the term existed, but within the societies that spawned them. He would continue that the mystic had access to “some inner source of knowledge beyond the reach of ordinary mortals”.
A Very Interesting Side Note
Was this prediction of the death of King Henry II – itself almost identical to the death of the Merovingian King Dagobert II – more knowledge of his symbolic and planned death?
This notion was discussed at length in the book The Temple And The Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. [4] And while their theories are dismissed by some, they are a great example of how seemingly unconnected events are anything but.

Depiction of King Henry II’s fatal joust
Their essential claim was not just that Nostradamus had accurately predicted the death of King Henry II, but he himself was working as “an agent” for the families of the secret societies that had been represented at one time by the higher echelons of the Knights Templar, and would eventually, as mentioned above, morph into what the wider world knows as Freemasonry.
The prediction was not merely “inside knowledge”, however, it was a coded message for the would-be assassin, Gabriel de Montgomery to carry out the killing. One, as we mentioned, almost identical to that of King Dagobert II in 679 – seen as the death that killed the Merovingian dynasty, which now, morphed into such families as the Lorraines and the Montgomerys, were looking to fill the perceived gap the death of Henry II had left.
If the above accusation is true, what should we make of the plethora of predictions that came after that? Perhaps of even more interest, especially if we accept the accuracy of Nostradamus’ predictions, is Manly’s assurance that he “wrote the history of the world to come”.
A Prophet? Or A Secret Agent Of The 1500s Elite?
With this last point in mind, the following two predictions of Nostradamus are also of interest as each has long been rumored to have been circumstances that were more planned than accidental. And what’s more, at least according to some, involve the same families of the secret societies as those involved in the death of King Henry II.
Of course, what this would mean is the conspiracies of a “secret elite” who have controlled events of the planet for hundreds, if not thousands of years, are possibly more accurate than we might dare to imagine. With that in mind were the predictions of Nostradamus, as Manly P Hall states, the result of “an inner source of knowledge” that most do not have access to? Was he merely stating events planned hundreds of years in advance?
If so, what was the purpose of this? Was this last act of writing Les Propheties merely a way for Nostradamus to ease the guilt of his (apparent) part in the death of King Henry II? Or might the predictions still act as some kind of “hidden-in-plain-sight” code, even hundreds of years later, to those in the know to access and activate at the correct time?
Out of the following disasters – each predicted by Nostradamus – came very interesting developments. Each that perhaps adds credence to the notion subscribed to by many apparent secret societies that out of chaos, comes order. First, though, check out the video below.
The Great Fire Of London
In the early hours of 2nd September 1666, at least according to the official story, a fire in a baker’s oven on Pudding Lane would quickly engulf the entire city, lasting three days and literally burning London to the ground. Known as The Great Fire of London, the incident indirectly led to the creation of the modern London we see today.
Of the incident, Nostradamus would apparently write:
The blood of the just will be lacking in London,
Burnt up in the fire of ‘66
The ancient Lady will topple from her high place,
Many of the same sect will be killed!
What is also interesting to note is that the plague (otherwise referred to as The Black Death) was wiped out following the fire. Many point to the line “the blood of the just” as being in reference to this. Furthermore, as we mentioned above, the modern metropolis that is the London we know today was built out of the ashes of the fire.

The Great Fire of London, 1666
It is perhaps worth mentioning here some of David Icke’s research from his book The Biggest Secret. Whatever people might think of some of Icke’s reptilian theories, his connecting of dots throughout history is, at times, remarkable. Here he is demonstrating how things do sometimes have an “organized and predetermined” feel to them “under the supervision of the inner core which operates outside of the public arena”.
A Coincidental Collection Of Coincidences?
Icke draws our attention to the fact that in 1665, the British and the Dutch were at war with each other. Meanwhile, at the same time, the plague is thought to have wiped out almost 70,000 people in the English capital, with many more fleeing the city to escape the certain death the disease would bring.
Then, following the Great Fire, which leveled the center of the city to the ground, destroying hundreds of homes and buildings, plans were being made to establish William of Orange from Holland to become the King of England. This, according to Icke, is how such secret societies move and install their authority from one country to the next. He writes:
When he (William of Orange) arrived from Holland to take the throne, many branches of the Brotherhood bloodlines united in London, or New Troy, to create their operational headquarters. London, thanks to the fire, had created a blank sheet of land…And who was the main architect of new London? A high initiate of the Brotherhood network called Sir Christopher Wren!
Indeed, Icke would later elaborate on how one of the main surveyors following the Great Fire of London, Robert Hooke, was part of the same Brotherhood. According to Icke, not only was the foundation (literally) put in place that projected the British Empire which controlled substantial parts of the planet for centuries, but it was built on a former place of worship to the ancient goddess, Diana, as well as being built “to a Masonic street plan”.
Speculative as those theories may be, it does pull us, albeit slightly, towards the notion of some slowly unfolding plan in place across the centuries.
The French Revolution
One of the bloodiest moments in history was the French Revolution which saw many members of the nobility, some guilty of no wrongdoing other than being born into a wealthy family, were brutally rounded up with some even falling victim to somewhat cowardly beheadings. While the rights and wrongs of such moments in history might be debated, the fact is the revolution itself was the result of constant stoking of emotions by a hidden element of society that wished change in the country but for their own agenda.
Indeed, some researchers have even suggested that the revolution was a demonstration to the British royal family of resisting the control of such secret societies (although this is pure speculation). Of the events, Nostradamus would write:
Songs, chants, and demand will come from the enslaved
Held captive by the nobility in their prisons.
At a later date, brainless idiots
Will take these as divine utterances.
The height of the French Revolution, indeed the tipping point in favor of the “peasants” was the storming and taking of the Bastille in Paris – a fortress used mostly as the city prison. Whatever the true source and motivation of the French Revolution, the events themselves and the consequences were very real. Of course, whether the above verse is making reference to such an incident is open to question.
Once more, however, if the accusation of secret society involvement in the events is true, then it vindicates the notion just a little bit more than the apparent mystic of the 1500s was, in fact, privy to secret knowledge of a world hundred years ahead of his time.
Napoleon Bonaparte And Louis Pasteur
Perhaps one of the greatest leaders in French history is Napoleon Bonaparte. According to many researchers, he was long predicted by Nostradamus, something not at all lost on Napoleon himself. Nostradamus’ writings state:
Pau, Nay, Loron, more fire than blood,
Swimming in praise, the great man hurries to the confluence.
He will refuse entry to the magpies
Pampon and Durrance will confine them.
The opening words are three towns in Paris, which according to some interpretations if the letters of which are rearranged spells “Napaulon Roy” which is said to mean Napoleon The King. That Napoleon would win power via a coup is what is referenced next, meaning that his blood is not royal. The magpies are thought to refer to his imprisonment of Popes Pius VI and VII.
As well as Napoleon and his military conquests, Nostradamus also seemingly predicted the achievements of Louis Pasteur, and in particular “pasteurization” – the process of removing bacteria which, in turn, would lead to vaccines for many diseases. Nostradamus would write:
The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries,
Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure.
This is when the Moon complete her great cycle,
But by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
There is no doubt that the pasteurization process (which is named in his honor) is the achievement which the mystic is referring to, it is perhaps interesting that he also makes reference to this being something that is “the lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries”. Is this a reference to advanced medical knowledge at a time in antiquity?
And it is also likely that the dishonoring is in connection with a discovery in 1995 showing that Pasteur had, in fact, used uncredited work of another scientist to make his theory work.
Modern Era Predictions
As the twentieth century unfolded, so did the atrocities of the two world wars in 1914 to 1918 and then barely over two decades later from 1939 to 1945. As well as the predictions of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which would light the touch paper of the first global conflict, Nostradamus would also apparently predict with chilling accuracy, Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, and the Third Reich, whose invasion of Poland and subsequent countries in Europe eventually led to the Second World War. [5]

Nostradamus/depiction of “end of the world”
What is perhaps interesting, especially if we keep the notion that secret societies were behind the influence of such predictions, is that both the alleged assassination of Ferdinand and the bringing to power of Hitler are both claimed by some to be the result of these secret societies. Allegedly concerning Hitler, Nostradamus would write:
From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people.
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop,
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.
Hitler was indeed born in the west of Europe and into a poor family. It is also no secret that his superb ability to speak in public galvanized Germany to stand behind him, even those that inwardly questioned his words, such was the extraordinary presence on a stage in front of an audience. Indeed, many people who were present at some of the larger speeches recall them strongly. And what’s more, are remembered as a bizarre hypnotizing of those listening.
Furthermore, Nazi Germany, after initial pacts with the Soviet Union were betrayed by the Germans themselves as they attempted an attack, would ally themselves with Japan, an unlikely friend in the East.
Further Predictions Of Hitler And Post-War France
Nostradamus would further write of Hitler:
Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
Many detractors point to this verse actually predicting a flood of the Danube River. Those who believe the verse is predicting Hitler’s arrival, however, point to the fact that his place of birth was only a short distance from the Danube River, whose old name was one Hister.
We should also mention here once more, Hitler and his supporters close to him, much like Napoleon, would very likely have encouraged and cultivated the idea that their arrival was foretold by Nostradamus, lending their credence a sense of inevitability, not to mention massaging an ego that would seemingly know no bounds when it came to power.
At the same time, and on the other side of the global conflict of the 1940s, Nostradamus apparently predicted the ascension of Charles de Gaulle. Of him, in part, Nostradamus would write:
Hercules become king of Rome and of Annemarc,
A man named De Gaulle is a three-time leader.
De Gaulle would spend time leading the Free French Forces government-in-exile in London for the majority of the Second World War. And would become the first Prime Minister of France following the war’s end. Just over a decade later, he would become the president of the French Fifth Republic.
Predictions Of Slaughter And Death
Furthermore, there is also an apparent prediction of the end of the Second World War. With the deployment of the atom bomb over Japan. Most of us know the historical facts of the two atomic bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. What Nostradamus is alleged to have written of it are genuinely chilling. He states:
The heavenly dart with stretch its course
Death in the speaking, a great achievement.
The proud nation brought low by the stone in the tree
Rumors of a monstrous human, bring purge, then expiation.
The phrase, “stone in the tree” is thought to be a reference to the now-famous image of the mushroom cloud. The one that formed over the stricken (and once-proud) cities.
Perhaps even more shocking is the apparent prediction of the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963. Nostradamus would write:
The ancient task will be completed
From on high, evil will fall on the great man.
A dead innocent will be accused of the deed
The guilty on will remain in the mist.
This is a most interesting verse when we look at what we know regarding the Kennedy assassination. First of all, assassinations of political leaders are something that goes back to the dawn of civilizations. And would certainly qualify as an “ancient task”.
Secondly, regardless of who pulled the trigger, the bullet that entered Kennedy’s head came from “roof-level”.
Then, of course, there is the person accused of pulling the trigger, Lee Harvey Oswald. It is interesting here that Nostradamus refers to Oswald as “a dead innocent”. Oswald himself assassinated the following day. Many people believe he was set-up and was a scapegoat to cover-up shadowy elements in the United States’ government.
The Moon Landings And The 9/11 Attacks
In the years following Kennedy’s assassination, the United States would succeed in one of the fallen president’s promises. They would land two men on the Moon [6] for the first time in history. Of this encounter, Nostradamus would write:
He will come to travel to the corner of Luna
Where he will be captured and put in a strange land,
The unripe fruits to be subject of a great scandal,
Great blame, to one, great praise.
Nostradamus also used the words “The Eagle” in a later line of this particular verse. Which some researchers take to be a direct reference to the lunar landing module.
In more recent times, there are claims that Nostradamus predicted the 9/11 attacks [7] in September 2001. The account of that day is well-known still today. Of it, Nostradamus would write:
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.
By fire, he will destroy the city.
A cold and cruel heart, blood will pour mercy to none.
There is much debate as to the authenticity and interpretation of this verse. It is thought that the 45 degrees is a reference to New York’s position on the 45th latitude. The “new city”, while ambiguous, is thought to be a reference to New York. Which remains arguably the largest city in the world.
The claims that the world would enter into a period of war for 400 years following the incident were largely dismissed at the time. However, almost two decades later there are various pockets of conflict taking place seemingly simultaneously. Perhaps such a prediction should be considered again.
The Future Still To Come
What many people don’t perhaps realize is that many of these predictions are still to come. [8] With multiple verses for each year. In 2019, for example, there are several predictions that are contained within his writings.
Once more, these are open to interpretation. With some researchers looking to pinpoint very specific events. While others are much looser with the meanings. Even stating that such predictions may happen several years from the proscribed date. This is an interesting notion. And one that suggests that rather than being set in stone, the future changes constantly as a consequence as to what is happening in the present. In other words, humanity has the power to change its own fate.

Artist’s impression of a post-apocalyptic world
What is largely agreed, though, is that there is a very negative feeling about the predictions of 2019. And even if specific events don’t come to pass, it could be argued that negative feeling, and almost permanent sense of anxiety, is palpable throughout our contemporary world.
Perhaps the most chilling prediction is the breakout of a Third World War. One between “two great world powers that will last for 27 years”, no less. Furthermore, the height of this violence will coincide with a natural disaster, possibly due to a comet. Perhaps even more interesting is the prediction that a “giant planet shall approach the Earth”.
And while we are still very much in “peacetime” at the moment (the various pockets of conflicts taken into consideration) it is not, unfortunately, and frightening as it might be, that much of a stretch to think such an outbreak of war could happen.
And what’s more, let’s examine some of the main themes for 2019 and beyond. When we can also see how his apparently wise words can be manipulated to specific people’s own ends.
Accuracy Of Supporting Evidence
For example, aside from predictions of war and global warming, let’s examine a person’s right to have a child. This is predicted by Nostradamus when he says people will “require a license or permit”. What’s more, some groups and lobbyists in the western world are actively campaigning to have real restrictions put in place. Very similar to China’s experiments with such issues.
Is this a part of the prediction that is coming true as Nostradamus predicted? Or is this a case of such groups, in theory, using such knowledge to justify their own stance and solution?
This is certainly an interesting notion. Especially when we look at some of his predictions that humans will live to “at least 200 years of age”. And where “an 80-year-old man will look just like a 50-year-old”.

What is interesting here is the several stories in the past few years have surfaced reporting such things. That developments in modern medicine will likely mean humans living to be in excess of 100 or 150-years old. And what’s more, although times vary, many state it will likely be quite common by the end of the century.
Let’s return back to the environmental predictions for a moment. We should mention the ominous warning of an earthquake. One so large and terrible that “its power shall be felt in lands throughout the globe”. What’s more, it appears the area to receive the most damage will be the “western area of the United States”.
The west coast of the United States, particularly California is extremely prone to earthquakes. And what’s more there does appear to be a steady rise in earthquakes around the planet in recent years.
A Planet Heading For Disaster?
With all of this carnage apparently set to explode it is perhaps not surprising that there are also predictions of economic collapse. And what’s more, it is set to hit around much of the world. Furthermore, at least in the western world, there will come a complete end of taxation. This, in order to stem a mass revolt.
According to translations of Nostradamus’ predictions, the population “will simply refuse to pay the King any more taxes”. It isn’t clear which country he is predicting. Or whether it will affect, in theory at least, multiple countries at once. He does, however, warn that the tax revolts will be part of wider public disorder.
Perhaps the less ominous of the predictions for 2019 is that a “new machine” will render many languages obsolete. And signal a return to the “Tower of Babel” days. Where one language was spoken by the world’s entire population (at least according to the Biblical verse). In our modern high-tech age, there are such devices that translate from one language to another in real-time. And what’s more, these are available and can fit in your pocket.
We should remind ourselves once more, that these predictions may not be confined to this year. Some researchers of Nostradamus’ predictions advise adding up to five years in order for such predictions to play out. Suddenly, with almost four and a half years to go under that scenario, these predictions don’t seem irrational. As things stand right now, they seem quite likely.
Several Points Of Caution To Take On Board
We should mention that many in the mainstream dismiss the apparent predictions of Nostradamus. It is tempting to, in turn, dismiss their dismissals as a usual reaction to something out of the ordinary. On this occasion, though, they do have several valid points.
For example, as we have already mentioned, many of the translations are said to be questionable at best. And there are, while not necessarily making the predictions themselves any less valid, several instances of predictions being used to justify or validate questionable political positions or revolutionary type acts.

The Future
Perhaps what is most interesting in the skeptics’ arguments is that almost all of the predictions of Nostradamus are seemingly made after the fact. And while, once again, this doesn’t necessarily make the predictions themselves any less valid, it is a very valid point. And one that lends itself to the misinterpretation of wording, purposely or not, in order to fit a preconceived notion.
It is not enough to dismiss the alleged predictions of the French mystic and seer unreservedly. These are, however, some valid points to consider.
A Need For Caution And Alertness
At the end of the day, like life in general, the work and predictions of Nostradamus come down to interpretation. And furthermore, in the case of such writings from France at the time, often seem to be mistranslated. This even happens, it would appear, purposely. We have seen, for example, the dangers of such an act. Particularly when attempting to justify the coming to power of a tyrant or a fascist dictator.
Was he was operating with the insider knowledge of a secret society-driven agenda? Or was he genuinely gifted with an ability to see into the future? Perhaps some bizarre combination of the two? He is, however, still spoken of, romanced over, has his name used to justify all manner of actions from the mundane to the atrocious, and his predictions studied over 400 years following his death.
And what of the predictions that are still to come? We should perhaps pay attention to those making claims of deciphering their meaning. Certainly as much as we do to the words of Nostradamus themselves. As we should the intentions of those criticizing them. Like in most arenas, there is also apparent nepotism in place. One that shuns any who might voice new interpretations on such studied works. In short, everyone has their own agenda to push.
Check out the video below. Just one of many documentaries on the intriguing person who was Nostradamus.
↑1 | Nostradamus, Biography https://www.biography.com/scholar/nostradamus |
↑2 | The true history of star astrologer Nostradamus, Nick Inman, The Connexion, January 4th, 2021 https://www.connexionfrance.com/Mag/Culture/The-true-history-of-star-astrologer-Nostradamus |
↑3 | 11 shockingly accurate predictions from Nostradamus, Christina Sterbenz and Robert Johnson, The Independent, December 14th, 2015 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/11-shockingly-accurate-predictions-nostradamus-a6772736.html |
↑4 | The Temple and The Lodge, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, ISBN 9780099 257042 |
↑5 | The Rise and Fall of Hitler As Foreseen by Nostradamus, Robert Arthur, The Military Engineer, Jan-Feb 1959, Vol. 51 No. 339 https://www.jstor.org/stable/44568098?seq=1 |
↑6 | Nostradamus predictions: Did the French mystic predict the Apollo 11 Moon landing?, Sebastian Kettley, The Express, December 28th, 2020 https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1377208/nostradamus-predictions-nasa-apollo-11-moon-landing-prophecy-evg |
↑7 | Did Nostradamus Really Predict the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks?, Benjamin Radford, Live Science, September 11th, 2011 https://www.livescience.com/16001-nostradamus-predict-9-11-world-trade-center.html |
↑8 | Did Nostradamus Predict the End of the World?, Stephen Wagner, Liveaboutdotcom, January 19th, 2018 https://www.liveabout.com/nostradamuss-prophesies-end-of-the-world-4072734 |
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The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. The details included in the article are based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided by witnesses and publications - sources/references are published above.
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Marcus, Somewhere in the past I’ve heard something about Nostradamus predicting UFOs, and the new NASA UFO program makes me wonder what the old seer’s quatrains might have had to say about them. A Google search on the subject returns a highly-questionable site at the top spot with a link to your page in 2nd place. The fact that your bio states that you’re a UFO investigator, and there’s no mention of them in this piece, makes me think that Nostradamus’s alleged prediction concerning UFOs was just a rumor. Is that so?
I loved the pages he wrote