Conspiracies Of The “Real” Jesus
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- December 23, 2018
- September 26, 2021
- 25 min read
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- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Historical
Did Jesus really exist or is his story nothing more than allegory? Was he actually an Egyptian Pharaoh in exile from his homeland? Did his teachings revolve around the mysteries of what eventually became the Freemasons? Whose roots themselves appear to be in those same mystery schools of ancient Egypt that Jesus also appears connected with? Did he survive the apparent crucifixion? And is there a bloodline that still exists today?

The Jesus Conspiracy
The story of Jesus has survived for over 2,000 years. And while for much of that time the church would force such beliefs on the population, the fact that we are still talking, dissecting, and burrowing for the truth of such accounts perhaps should tell us how important this account is. The real question surely is, why?
With that in mind, there is so much to examine in the “Jesus conspiracy” that it is impossible to cover it all in absolute detail here. Nor is it possible, or wise, to take a definitive stance over another. The conspiracies, though, are some of the most intriguing in conspiracy and historical circles.
Before we look at some of the claims as to whether Jesus had children or even survived the crucifixion, or what his true origins might have been, we will look at the claims that the widely accepted story of Jesus, at least as told in the Bible, is nothing more than an allegory for the yearly journey of the Sun. A theory that will perhaps make a little more sense, when we examine the origins of the Bible version of Jesus a little later.
- 1 The Origins Of The Allegory Claims
- 2 Baptism And Follower From The Fishing Communities!
- 3 The Shepherd King
- 4 The Esoteric Importance Of The Summer Solstice
- 5 The Rise And Fall Of The Son (Sun) Of God!
- 6 The Zodiac Disc
- 7 The Crucifixion And Winter Solstice – The Rebirth!
- 8 The Blur Between Allegory And Reality
- 9 The Origins Of “Christianity” – Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Sun Worship!
- 10 The Drastically Different Story Of The “Forbidden” Texts!
- 11 The Clues In The Account Of The Wedding At Cana
- 12 Puppet Kings And Hardline Rebels – The Reality To The Background Of Jesus’s Times!
- 13 Jesus The Royal King! Jesus “The” Christ!
- 14 Murkiness Around The Crucifixion Account
- 15 Further Surviving The Crucifixion Theories
- 16 A Secret Escape To The South OF France?
- 17 Berringer Sauniere And The Artwork 14th Station
- 18 Bloodline Links Across The Centuries!
- 19 Jesus – The Ancestor Of A Royal Pharaonic Bloodline!
- 20 Masonic “Clues” All Over History!
- 21 The Rex Deus Conspiracy
- 22 A Wait Of 1,000 Years!
- 23 The “Angel” Gabriel – A Priest-King Of God!
- 24 Long-Reaching Bloodlines And Tentative Alien Links
The Origins Of The Allegory Claims
Perhaps we should start, then, with the allegory argument and Christmas. Or perhaps that should be winter solstice. The main drive behind the claims of the story of Jesus being nothing more than an allegory are that his life represents the yearly journey of the sun through the houses of the zodiac. He is not so much the “Son of God” but the “Sun God”. For example, following the 21st December, the sun appears at its lowest point – at least in the northern hemisphere. It has, at this point, completed its journey through the zodiac and is now at rest. For three days, no less.
Following that day, around the 24th or 25th December – familiar dates to most of us, right? – the “new sun” is birthed again and then begins its new journey back through the zodiac. The “new sun” is born! This was if we believe the theories, represented in the allegory story by the “baby Jesus”. As a further testament to this, numerous ancient and later depictions feature the alleged Jesus as a baby in the first months of the year, a boy at Easter and a strong young man following Easter – following the increasing strength of the sun. Similarly, in the winter months, depictions of Jesus are of a weakened person – in sympathy with the sun, which grows weaker by the day towards its “death” in 21st December.
Even the halo around the head of typical depictions of Jesus is really pointing towards Jesus really being, quite literally the Sun. Even descriptions of the “three wise men” are said by some to actually be the three stars of Orion’s Belt, which at this time of year points to Sirius, which some claim is the star the “three wise men followed”.
Baptism And Follower From The Fishing Communities!
According to ancient writings, Jesus was baptized at thirty years of age. However, if we look back to the Sun and its journey through the houses of the Zodiac, we see that it enters into the House of Aquarius thirty days after it was born (or reborn at the Winter Solstice). Of course, Aquarius is a water sign and so is represented by Jesus (the Sun) being soaked during his baptism. An interesting point to note here are the connections to ancient Egypt where most scholars agree the story of Jesus, whatever it represents now, originates from (this is something we will explore in much more depth later). During these first months of the year in Egypt, the River Nile would burst its banks and overflow onto the land. This was essential for the population to enjoy a good harvest as it fertilized and watered the land.
The Sun then moves on to the House of Pisces whose depiction in the zodiac is a fish. If we believe the comparisons to the story of Jesus, this is represented by him taking his followers from the fishermen communities of the coast (again we will look at alternative theories about this later). Perhaps also, as some believe, the origins of Lent also have their roots in this sign of the zodiac and its hosting of the Sun at this time of year.
By now we are entering into early-Spring. And here is where some of the most interesting allegorical claims reside.
The Shepherd King
Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the allegory claims is the Sun’s stay in the House of Aries, symbolized by the Ram. Not least because, as we will explore later, there appears to be a lot of truth, interpretation, reinterpretation, and then twisting of account and perspectives all rolled into one aspect of the allegory account. It is said that Jesus spent time as a shepherd, tending to his flock. Hence the flock is represented by a lamb. However, the flock, in reality, will have been his followers. And it would appear that Jesus was not merely a lowly shepherd at all.
In reality, these references to lambs are a connection to the ancient pagan and Sun worship sacrifices performed as Spring approached. Lambs would be sacrificed as an offering to the Sun, their blood flowing on to the land they hoped to grow a substantial harvest from. Ever wonder why we eat lamb, still today traditionally, at Easter?
Interestingly, author Ralph Ellis, in his book Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs argues that this connection of Aeries is more in line with the Hyksos Kings of Egypt, [1] who were likely Priest-Kings and astronomers, and ancestors of the “real” Jesus. This royal line was aware of the changing from the constellation of Taurus to the constellation of Aries. The detail he goes into is fascinating and we will touch on this more as we delve into some of the grittier aspects of the Jesus story. Not least that Jesus was a “shepherd king” not because he was an actual shepherd, but because of his knowledge of the stars and the constellations, and where in “the heavens” such constellations were at that present time.
Back to the “Jesus allegory”, though, we are now approaching summer.

Is the story of Jesus just an allegory for the sun?
The Esoteric Importance Of The Summer Solstice
While we all think of summer today as a time to venture off to (even) hotter climates, get the barbecue out, and lounging around the paddling pool with several beers on ice, in ancient times, the Summer was arguably the most important part of the year. And the busiest. After the preparation and, at least in Egypt, the “flooding of the land”, it was now time to sow the seeds of the next harvest in anticipation of replenishing their fast running out supplies. Should such a harvest fail, or even be slightly affected in some way, it could mean the very chance of depleted food supplies and, in turn, ill health and perhaps death.
The Sun moves into the House of Taurus as this begins, represented by the bull. In such times, bulls and oxen would have dragged plows across the fields in anticipation of planting the seeds of the harvest. When these are planted, and the first signs of growth are visible, the Sun now resides in the House of Gemini – the Twins. This is, if we believe the allegory claims, representative of the seeds growing and reproducing into the next harvest, essentially “doubling” themselves.
Of course, on 21st June we are at the Summer Solstice. This, in reality, is when the Sun is in the sky for the longest time and performs its most powerful work on the crops below, encouraging them to grow. In the story of Jesus, this is when he was most influential among his followers and the flocking crowds who would come to see him. This particular festival, under many different names, is perhaps one of the oldest festivals in human history. What’s more, it very likely goes back to before records began.
The Rise And Fall Of The Son (Sun) Of God!
As we move through the summer months and towards autumn, and then the very harsh reality of winter, some of the comparisons do become a little tenuous. However, and as an example of one “original source” of such a story, there are some remarkable connections that force us to stick with the theory to the end.
For example, as the summer progresses, the Sun passes through the House of Cancer and then into the House of Leo. Cancer is symbolized by a crab, which during these hot summer months, certainly without the aid of water, the vegetation can appear to dry up (or “go sideways”). Perhaps this is also representing Jesus self-doubt, as well as the, temporary as it was, doubt of some of his followers. Leo, of course, is represented by the Lion, arguably the King of all animals. This, as eluded to at the start of the summer months shows Jesus at his most powerful against the tyrannical Roman rule.
In terms of the harvest, a final surge of growth usually happens which ensures a healthy and plentiful harvest. The harvest occurs while the Sun resides within the House of Virgo. This is symbolized by the Virgin – the seed in the virgin soil which has now grown in anticipation of a harvest.
This time of year, in the story of Jesus, is further represented by his long-predicted entry into Jerusalem. As the summer progresses, though, the nights begin to get shorter and shorter as the Sun spends less and less time in the sky. In many ancient pieces of artwork, the Sun would often be depicted as a weakened individual. In the story of Jesus, we are now heading towards his capture by the Romans, and his eventual crucifixion.
The Zodiac Disc
Again, as we move into the winter months, and in particular claims of the crucifixion, we get several conflicting beliefs. While some believe the crucifixion of Jesus was very much a real event (there are apparent records of such an event, albeit in ancient texts), others claim the crucifixion itself is nothing more than a reference to an ancient “zodiac disc” which many “wise men” and Priest-Kings would use. This would be split into four sections by placing a cross over the top of it. At the center of the cross is the Sun. It is from this very device that we get the four seasons of the year, at least according to some. You can view that zodiac disc below.

The Zodiac Disc
It is here that the Sun “crosses over” from summer into autumn and grows weaker. It is dying. From this, according to some, are the stories of Jesus “dying on the cross”. Even phrases that somebody has “crossed” or “passed over” come from this ancient zodiac disc and the ancients’ obsession with the Sun.
In terms of the zodiac and the journey of the Sun, it is now in the House of Libra, whose symbol is the scales. It is at this time of year when the harvest is sold, leading to the use of scales for weighing and carrying out such transactions. In the Jesus story, this is where he forces out the “moneychangers” from the temple and, in turn, sealing his eventual fate at the hands of the Romans. By the time the Sun has moved into the House of Scorpio, Jesus has been arrested following his betrayal (the sting) and a slow death awaits.
In fact, the crucifixion itself is telling of the Sun on the “cross” between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Jesus between two thieves.
The Crucifixion And Winter Solstice – The Rebirth!
Most of us know the basics of the crucifixion of Jesus story. He was put to death in between two “common thieves”. In terms of the allegorical explanation, these two thieves, Dismas and Gestas according to some interpretations, are the Sun’s time in between these two constellations. A time when the days are getting shorter, and the night is “stealing” more and more of the Sun each day. Of course, because of the shorter daylight hours, not to mention the Sun’s “weakened” state, growing crops, at least north of the equator, was not a realistic option. This is representative of the eventual death of Jesus on the cross between the two thieves.
There are some interesting details to look at, though. Perhaps one of the most interesting is the name of one of the alleged thieves, Dismas. This appears to be an adaptation of a Greek word which means “sunset”. And just to draw further connections back to ancient Egypt, they would depict the Sun’s journey into dusk and night with the god, Set (sun-Set).
After its stay with Sagittarius the Sun enters the House of Capricorn, from where it started its journey twelve months earlier (twelve disciples!). It is on 21st December that the Winter Solstice occurs, much like the summer equivalent, a festival that dates back before official record keeping. The Sun will remain at its absolute lowest point for three days during this time before it begins its journey all over again. It is, essentially, re-born. If we go back to the Biblical story of Jesus, he was taken to a tomb where after three days his body was found to have disappeared. He was, re-born.
The short video below looks a little more at the allegory theories of Jesus.
The Blur Between Allegory And Reality
As we will examine in a moment, it is highly likely that the man, Jesus, did exist in reality. Of course, it is also highly likely he was just a man and not divine. However, that doesn’t at all make the allegory theories wrong. Indeed, it highlights even more how information and knowledge can be hidden in plain sight. And sometimes required interpretation and perspective as opposed to just taking such information at face value. Of course, when to do one over the other is a decision each of us has to make for ourselves.
In fact, the allegory takes on even more significance when we learn that many researchers believe the real Jesus was actually born in a cave and not the stable of seasonal and Biblical tales. This would, in fact, sit rather neatly within the further Jesus conspiracies. That Christianity is essentially “Sun worship” in disguise. And to appreciate this, we need to go back to the historical start of Christianity and to the year 325 and the Roman Emperor Constantine.
Although Constantine didn’t start Christianity, itself at the time generally regarded as an “off-shoot” of the early Judaic religions, he did unite his nation and all areas under the control of Rome behind it. Indeed, for all of his faults, Constantine was an intelligent individual who could clearly see the bigger picture. And who apparently had a good grasp of history and the start of this off-shoot Judaic religion.
The Origins Of “Christianity” – Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Sun Worship!
In the years leading up to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD there was increasing tensions and rising violence among the Jewish population against Roman rule. Although Rome did regain control and exert calm over the area, the years were bloody, and Constantine had no desire to repeat them. Since that time, an “off-shoot” of the old Judaic religion was practiced among the wider population. A population where rising tensions were prevalent. Rather than banish or outlaw this new religion, Constantine would embrace it. However, he would do so on his terms with his reforms, a decision that would ultimately lead to the first version of the New Testament.
In truth, Constantine was a high priest of the Sol Invictus religion, who worshipped the Sun as their deity and whose origins lay in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. The main festival date of the Sol Invictus religion was 25th December. Sound familiar? This is where Jesus’ birthday was now placed following the “virgin birth” (more on this later). This would allow Constantine and anyone else of the Sol Invictus religion to celebrate their deity, while the masses celebrated the same deity but were ignorant of doing so.
Furthermore, depictions of Jesus, as well as other “divine” characters, would have “halos” on or near their head. This was, in fact, another reference to the secret worship of the Sun. Saint Peter and Saint Paul were, in fact, renamed versions of Romulus and Remus. The day of the Sabbath was also discreetly changed. The original Judaic sabbath day was Saturday. Under Christianity, this was, once again hidden in plain sight, and moved to Sunday (Sun-day).
The short video below looks at this a little further.
The Drastically Different Story Of The “Forbidden” Texts!
The story of Jesus as told by the New Testament was generally speaking the absolute and final word on such an account. That was until the mid-twentieth century and the discovery of strange documents that would appear to tell an altogether different story than the one put together by Constantine and the one that most of us know so well. Referred to as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gnostic Gospels, these writings would open the door to a flurry of research that arguably for the first time in 2,000 years, would paint an altogether different picture of Jesus.
Perhaps the most earth-shaking change, certainly for the Church, were the claims that Jesus was, in fact, married to Mary Magdalene, who the New Testament claimed was a prostitute who Jesus had taken pity on. It would appear not only was she not a prostitute but like Jesus, she was of a royal, wealthy and influential bloodline. Perhaps we should look at the famous “Wedding at Cana”. It is an account that is told as though Jesus, along with his mother, Mary, and his disciples are invited to a wedding. When the wine runs out, it is claimed that Jesus “turns water into wine” in order that the many guests can drink.
As examined by authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln in their best-selling book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail all indications are that this wedding was not one Jesus attended as a guest. [2] It was his own wedding, to Mary Magdalene no less. First of all, they draw attention to how the idea of celibacy is practically a sin in the Jewish-Essene communities at the time.
The Clues In The Account Of The Wedding At Cana
It is more likely had Jesus not have been married that it would have stood out more. And certainly affected his perceived ability to lead. Furthermore, many, if not all of the disciples are very obviously married.
The fact that, according to numerous ancient texts, Jesus taught in the Temples also tells us several interesting things. The fact that he could read, write, and then teach in such an official environment as the Judaic temples show that Jesus was a highly educated man. One who likely received substantial training from the Temple authorities. Furthermore, for him to teach in the Temples, by Judaic law he would have to have a wife.
The fact that Jesus is even there at this time is rather suspicious. As is the fact of his apparent celebrity. In the words of Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, “this is slightly curious as he has not yet really embarked on his ministry”. The fact that his mother is there is also strange. As is the fact that she “virtually orders” her son to replenish the wine (of the eventual water into wine story). Custom would suggest that it was the host of respective weddings to provide the food and drink.
With all of this in mind, then, can we accept that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were husband and wife? And that marriage took place in Cana. An account told in the New Testament, but one that leaves out any (purposeful) reference to the fact that it is his wedding. And twists the account of his mother demanding he replenish the wine (as was his responsibility as the host) to one of a miracle. In order to prove his “divinity” that would serve to control the masses for almost 2,000 years.

The wedding at Cana – was this Jesus’s own wedding?
Puppet Kings And Hardline Rebels – The Reality To The Background Of Jesus’s Times!
So, if we accept that Jesus was not of “divine” origin, at least how we understand that term today, why was he such a “threat” to both the Romans and their puppet Kings and Jewish leaders that ruled under them. Once more, it points to a birthright of a bloodline that would have a legitimate right to rule. This right was because Jesus was not born to a poor couple in a stable. He was born of a royal bloodline into a wealthy and influential family. One, that has apparent connections going in all directions.
At the time of birth, Palestine was over fifty years into a Roman rule that would last throughout his life and for several centuries after. For Rome, however, they had their military and political leaders across various regions. So much so, that they would install “puppet Kings” to rule in their absence as opposed to direct rule. Before the most well-known of these in Herod, Antipater had overseen the indirect Roman rule from 63 BC to 37 BC.
Following the death of Herod, things became even murkier. The Romans would divide Palestine between Herod’s three sons and their sister. However, tensions would become increasingly volatile. There was a growing number of hardline rebels who wished to throw off Roman rule completely. These hardline rebels, according to various researchers, were the Essenes. And it is this group that Jesus, perhaps even against his will, would lead. The Messiah. This very word we will examine in a moment as it is a great example of what is perhaps “purposeful misinterpretation”.
By 6 AD Judea would come under direct Roman rule. And things would take a drastic turn for the worse for the local population.
Jesus The Royal King! Jesus “The” Christ!
As soon as the area came under direct Roman rule, examples were made of the population and the increasing rebel element. According to the aforementioned The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail 3,000 rebels were crucified just to send out a message to anyone who might wish to engage in such rebellion. This is the background to which Jesus grew up. And by the time he was approaching his thirtieth birthday towards the late-20s AD, with Pontius Pilate now in control, the situation was approaching something akin to chaos.
As many researchers have pointed out, during this time it would appear that the local population split into various separate tribes and sects. However, in reality, these different sects were most likely one and the same. And, interestingly or not, one of the apparent leaders of the Essene tribes who inhabited the area of Qumran, would go by the name, Jesus. This area, incidentally, is where many of the Gnostic writings would surface. Although names and the translation of words is a persistent problem in unraveling the deeper levels of any part of human history. This becomes even more difficult when we factor in that some of these mistranslations are not mistakes.
For example, we have purposely refrained from naming Jesus with his apparent second name, Christ. It is largely agreed that Christ is a Greek translation of the Hebrew word, “Messiah”. Some believe this means “savior”, however, it is more likely to translate as something close to “rightful king of the Jews”. And “king” was a reference to the literal “royal” bloodline to which Jesus belonged. Not one of divinity. Therefore, it is not “Jesus Christ”. It is “Jesus The Christ”. Jesus, the royal king of the Jews.
Murkiness Around The Crucifixion Account
In the book The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, they would argue that Jesus’s actual name, according to their research, was most likely, Yehoshua, the Hebrew version of “Jesus”. [3] However, the modern equivalent of this word is “Joshua”, a name more than familiar in many Biblical stories of the Old Testament. Remember, it was Joshua who would lead his people to victory in Jericho with the aid of the Ark of the Covenant, no less. Might Joshua actually be Jesus?
We will look at the crucifixion conspiracies in a moment, but perhaps another example of the mistranslation, or even misrepresentation of words, is the identity of Barabbas, the “common thief” who the baying crowds chose for the Romans to release instead of “Jesus”. At least according to the account in the New Testament. Some believe this is an attempt to distance “Christians” from “Jews” and to portray them as being responsible for the death of Jesus (the) Christ.
However, some would suggest that the full name of this “common thief” (who incidentally would not face crucifixion for theft, something reserved for political crimes only) was actually Jesus Barabbas. Furthermore, Barabbas is another word that is a victim of mistranslation and should actually be Berabbi. Berabbi is a word that would go after the first name of a highly respected rabbi. Jesus Berabbi. Some claim Jesus Barabbas was actually Jesus Christ.
Another take on this wording is that Jesus Barabbas is actually a mistranslation of “Jesus bar Abba”. This would mean “son of the father” and would suggest that Jesus Barabbas was actually Jesus (the) Christ’s son.
Of course, this is just one of the conspiracies surrounding the apparent crucifixion of Jesus.

Artistic impression of the Crucifixion
Further Surviving The Crucifixion Theories
So, if we assume that there was a crucifixion of Jesus, is it possible Jesus might have survived the “execution”, whether with Roman collusion or not? The theories are as intriguing as you might expect. And what’s more, they hold a little more weight than we might think.
First of all, the crucifixion itself took place on Joseph of Arimathea’s land, an uncle to Jesus. He was also a person of huge influence. If anyone had enough connections, both with the Romans and the Jewish leaders, it was Joseph of Arimathea. Furthermore, the land was far from the crowd where nobody could get a close-up view of the events.
Perhaps of most interest was how quickly Jesus’ crucifixion actually took. In general, and by design, crucifixions would drag on for days causing a slow and painful death for those sentenced to die in such a way. However, the crucifixion of Jesus was over within hours – something almost unheard of. According to the story, a Roman soldier would pierce the side of Jesus with a spear to end his suffering. This is something they wouldn’t have done. In fact, quite the opposite if there was any interference from the Romans during crucifixions, it would have been to produce more suffering.
Pontius Pilate, who like Constantine 300 years later, was not a stupid man, and could certainly see the potential of his own downfall brewing if he didn’t quash the increasing popularity of Jesus. And for many of the hardliners in the Essene tribes, the fact that Jesus wouldn’t publicly declare the Jewish people not to pay taxes meant he wasn’t in line with their beliefs. Between them, Pilate and the Jewish leaders needed Jesus gone.
A Secret Escape To The South OF France?
While the Essenes would seemingly happily have him crucified, it would seem Pilate just wanted him out of his hair. And, the fact that Jesus was likely of an important bloodline would afford him such “luxuries”. While there is discrepancy as to how much Pilate might have been aware of, it does seem that the crucifixion was essentially a “death” for the crowds and for history while Jesus himself, much like the Knights Templars and the Freemasons whose connections to this enthralling story we will examine shortly, would disappear and blend into the background of his surroundings. And what’s more, those surroundings would appear to be in Europe, in the South of France.
Some records suggest Jesus would head east. If we accept that Mary Magdalene was indeed his wife, however, then we have to look at the southern region of France for a realistic destination for the two refugees. French Gaul, for example, was under the control of the Romans. And Pilate had a residence there, no less. Perhaps if there was a deal, such a destination would be ideal. One where Jesus would be out of the way but still where Pilate could keep track of his movements.
Bearing in mind that the Dead Sea Scrolls claim Mary Magdalene to have given birth to at least one of Jesus’ children, the sheer number of churches and chapels dedicated to her would also suggest a genuine connection to someone who once called the area home. There are also legends of the Desposyni. This name translates to “of the Lord” and they would claim direct descent from the bloodline of Jesus. Around the year 200 AD, the Roman Church would slaughter the majority of this “divine” group. The rest would go into hiding.

The 14th Station
Berringer Sauniere And The Artwork 14th Station
Perhaps one of the strongest indicators of the presence of Mary Magdalene and possibly Jesus Christ is the one-time poverty-stricken and little-known priest from the famous village of Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France, Berringer Sauniere. After a lifetime of such poverty, in the late-1890s he would suddenly become unthinkably rich.
Many people believe Sauniere discovered proof of Mary Magdalene’s residency in the South of France. As well as the fact that she was married to Jesus and had at least one child with him. If this was true, it would have brought down the entire church. Further to these rumors, many believe the Sauniere simply blackmailed the Vatican for large sums of money. With this money, he would transform his almost ruined church. And it could be that a piece of artwork on the altar of the Rennes-le-Chateau church contains another clue. One of the real story of Jesus.
The section of the altar artwork of interest is the 14th Station. It shows disciples moving the apparently dead body of Jesus following the crucifixion. However, the incident is clearly set at night as we can see a full moon in the background. If this was the case, then it would suggest that Jesus was alive following the crucifixion as the Jewish faith forbids the touching of any dead body during night time hours. Does this offer proof, then, that Jesus was alive when this transportation took place?
It would certainly seem that Sauniere knew “something” that was threatening to the church. Not least due to his rather suspicious and sudden death in the early 1900s.
Bloodline Links Across The Centuries!
For obvious reasons, information on the Dark Ages is rather thin on the ground. Much of what we know, like history in general, is a case of what we believe is most likely. In terms of the bloodline of Jesus, if we accept that the claims of an arrival of at least Mary Magdalene, with child, possibly with Jesus, in the South of France to be true, then the claims and theories that they would marry into and place themselves into influential positions within the Merovingian bloodline are particularly fascinating.
Between the 400s and the late-800s, the Merovingians were one of the most powerful dynastic families in Europe. The Merovingians would also claim direct descendancy to King Solomon and the House of David. In turn, this means they were claiming a direct link into the bloodline of Jesus. Many of these families also share connections to the influential families who would make up the Knights Templar. These families, in turn, over the centuries would emerge as the Freemasons.
There are even some people alive today who claim a genuine connection to the bloodline of Jesus. Perhaps one of the most intriguing of these is Hugh Montgomery. He claims to be able to trace his ancestry “all the way back to the God-Kings of Mesopotamia”. The statement “God-Kings” is interesting. And a slightly different way of wording it – “Kings of God” – will come up later. A group that claims a similar ancestry.
Jesus – The Ancestor Of A Royal Pharaonic Bloodline!
But if we are saying that there is a secret dynastic bloodline that has survived for thousands of years across multiple countries, using numerous fronts such as the Knights Templars or the Freemasons, are there any further connections to suggest such a prolonged bloodline? One that has stretched across the ages?
If we go back to ancient Egypt, we will find such a connection between these aforementioned organizations of human history. As well as to Jesus, the man. Not the divine version of the New Testament writings. It does though endorse Constantine’s twisting of Christianity from his real worship of the Sun.
We know, for example, that many of the Masonic rituals have their roots in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. The secret anointing rituals of Kings. As well as those who understand the workings of the universe and the motions of the stars. Perhaps one of the finest researchers in this area is author, Ralph Ellis. He argues in extraordinary detail, that Jesus was very likely of Essene tribes of Jerusalem. However, he was most likely of “royal blood”. Egyptian Pharaonic blood. An exiled Pharaoh whose ancestors fled the country. Indeed, the “Exodus” was very likely a record of this royal escape.
With that in mind, then, it would make sense that a person of royal descent should learn of his past. As we know, Jesus would “go missing” from the historical record for two years. It is very likely he went to Heliopolis in Egypt. Likely his family line’s home town. And a place of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools.
Ralph Ellis explains this a little more in the video below.
Masonic “Clues” All Over History!
Let’s recall how Constantine established what we would recognize as “Christianity” as we know it today. As a way of worshipping his ancient Sun religion by making the masses believe they were worshipping Jesus (the) Christ. It is interesting, then, that at the end of all Christian prayers are the words “Amen”. Usually with no mind as to what that actually means. Perhaps it is pure coincidence that the ancient Egyptians worshiped the Sun god, Ra. Who some call Amen-Ra.
With all of these connections to ancient Egypt, through the apparent discreet conduit that was Jesus (the) Christ, it is hard not to accept connections from such groups as the Knights Templar. They very outwardly considered themselves connected to the bloodline of Jesus Christ. And we know that their mysterious rituals, through such families as the Sinclairs would eventually establish Freemasonry. Should we take from that, then, although such a word unlikely existed at the time, that Jesus, was a Freemason?
The connections are more than we can list or examine in one article, extended as it is. But perhaps we should look at how Jesus is referred to as “the anointed one”? A ritual that is still active in the “anointing” the kings and queens of the modern world. Even if these are largely symbolic. And perhaps we should look to another Biblical story that is most likely an example of Masonic ritual. The account of Lazarus, who Jesus leaves for three days and three nights in a cave. He then finally goes to his aid and “brings him back from the dead”. He didn’t literally do this. Jesus would simply complete the ritual.
The Rex Deus Conspiracy
With all of these claims of connections to Freemasonry, who themselves connect to the Knights Templar, perhaps the claims surrounding the Rex Deus conspiracy are all the more intriguing. And perhaps, concerning.
The story comes to us from a variety of sources. Perhaps most prominently co-authors, Tim Wallace-Murphy, Marylin Hopkins, and Graham Simmans. As well as co-authors, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas. In their respective books, Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus, [4] and The Second Messiah, [5] they would tell of a mysterious Frenchman. A man who came forward to Wallace-Murphy with a strange tale to tell. One that, for reasons he couldn’t quite explain, Wallace-Murphy believed were authentic and genuine.
The mysterious gentleman had approached the author following a talk he had given in London. The two would speak in French, which Wallace-Murphy is fluent in. And the information he would volunteer is fascinating. He would state that he was a descendant of the first (official) Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Hughes de Payens. Furthermore, and even more intriguing, he was part of “Rex Deus”. A bloodline of families with a connection to the same families as Jesus. And the original Judaic religion.
Further still, the Rex Deus line dated back to the around 70 AD, following the sacking of Jerusalem. Priest-Kings of the Nazarene tribes who some claim are essentially the Essenes and were of the bloodline of Jesus, a rightful Pharaoh’s bloodline of ancient Egypt, would flee the crippled city. They would spread out across Europe. There, they would blend into their environment. Taking names local to the area and bide their time over decades and centuries. For a time when they would return to Jerusalem. And claim the riches and knowledge their ancestors had hidden there.

Rex Deus Conspiracy
A Wait Of 1,000 Years!
In order that such a widely spread bloodline should continue and recognize each other, each of the original families received a specialized ring. Upon the twenty-first birthday of a selected son, not necessarily the eldest, he would learn of the secret background to the family. And given such a ring, and expected to carry it forward. This loose collection of families, would essentially form the core of the Knights Templar. They would provide “safe passage” for Christians wishing to visit the holy land of Jerusalem. However, they journeyed there for one reason, and one reason only. To recover the riches of their ancestors. As well as the esoteric information and knowledge that would paint a vastly different and likely truer picture of the history of our world than the official version.
Of course, this group, following the similar circumstances of the hunting down of the Knights Templar in 1307 would take a similar approach. And would once again blend into the backgrounds of the new respective surroundings. Over time, these families developed into the Freemasons. However, within that group, the Rex Deus families continued their existence. This mystery gentleman, though, had no son to pass on his knowledge. Given Wallace-Murphy’s understanding and passionate approach to the subject, he picked him to pass on such knowledge. Lest it should become forgotten when he died.
Part of this information, if true and proven so, would be explosive. Not only for Christianity, but for all of the Abrahamic religions. And once more, it suggests that Jesus was far from a baby born to a poor family. It would suggest he was very much of a special, royal line. A line that went on thousands of years before him. And very likely continues today.
The “Angel” Gabriel – A Priest-King Of God!
According to this mystery French gentleman, he had an explosive story. Certain “special” children would attend special schools run by the Temple of Jerusalem. These children were ones of a certain royal bloodline. The bloodline of the “Kings of God”. One of these schools was for boys, and one for girls. The priests who worked in these specialized schools were very likely the same as the mystery schools of ancient Egypt. They were called Angels, and given the names as such, Michael, Mazaldek, and, in this case, Gabriel. This was, according to the mystery man “to preserve the true lines of Levi and David”.
Following the girls reaching puberty, she would be impregnated by one of the “Angel Priests”. This, in order to preserve and carry on the bloodline. Once pregnant, a “respectable man” from the community within the bloodline would marry the young girl. They would bring up the child as their own until the age of seven. Then the offspring would return to the Temple to learn the ways of the mystery schools. Or, if they were a girl, to ultimately be impregnated by one of the Angel Priests.
What is interesting here is, according to the tale, one of the girls at these schools was “Mary”. Who would receive a “visit” from the “Angel Gabriel”. Of course, Mary was a virgin, although the pregnancy wasn’t miraculous. She was, to be kind, “made pregnant” by one of the Angel Priests so as to ensure their royal line. In short, the Immaculate Conception was nothing more than an organized pregnancy of a young, teenage girl. A pregnancy that would result in the very earthly Jesus. Did Jesus himself break from this tradition?
The video below looks at the Rex Deus conspiracy.
Long-Reaching Bloodlines And Tentative Alien Links
Of course, we need to ask what is so special about this bloodline. Why, even today with the vastly loosened grip of the church in the modern age, does this story persevere. And continue to intrigue and enthrall so many?
Perhaps, given the connections to ancient Egypt we should look at the Pharaoh Akhenaten. And the plethora of strange conspiracies surrounding him and his bloodline. Not least, because like the question asked above as to whether Jesus broke from the tradition that resulted in his own conception, Akhenaten broke drastically from the religions and traditions of the Egyptian society.
As a side-note, given the claims of alien-human hybridization of Akhenaten and the possible connections to Jesus and in turn the early families of Europe, the Merovingians, we should note the claims of researcher and author David Icke. According to his research, these same families, which remember stretch back the “God-Kings of Mesopotamia”, have links to the reptilian hybrids which secretly control the planet from the shadows. Regardless of whether we believe Icke’s claims or not, they are certainly extremely interesting. Particularly as much of his work, regardless of the reptilian claims, revolves heavily around, bloodlines.
For some reason, of all the wise people that undoubtedly existed in ancient times, many of whom who will have known the same esoteric (even then) knowledge as Jesus, it is his story that endures. Why?
Check out the video below. One of many intriguing documentaries based on the research of numerous researchers on the most important story in human history. Important, though, for reasons that many, on both sides of the “religion spectrum”, most likely miss.
↑1 | Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, Ralph Ellis, ISBN 9780953 191314 |
↑2 | The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Michael Beigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, ISBN 9780099 503095 |
↑3 | The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons, and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, ISBN 9780099 699415 |
↑4 | Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus, Marilyn Hopkins, Graham Simmans, and Tim Wallace-Murphy, ISBN 9781862 044722 |
↑5 | The Second Messiah: Templars, The Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, ISBN 9780099 227328 |
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One error I see is that the Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s mother’s conception of Mary, not Mary’s conception of Jesus. This is a tenet of the Roman Catholic faith so Mary could be born without ‘original sin’ and in turn, Jesus would be born without original sin.
Fair point