Pine Bush – New York’s “Secret” UFO And Paranormal Hot-Spot?
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- September 29, 2018
- November 14, 2021
- 6 min read
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- UFOs, Waves
We have examined before the mysterious and intriguing UFO sightings of the early-1980s in Hudson Valley, New York. And how these sightings are still happening today. However, while Hudson Valley is perhaps one of the first places that might come to mind when thinking of UFOs and strange activity in the state of New York, it would appear that the true epicenter of such bizarre activity is the apparently typical and quiet suburb of Pine Bush.

A depiction of the Pine Bush UFO
Indeed, while the locals are happy to talk of their latest strange sightings, such is their normality to Pine Bush residents, outsiders regularly travel to the area, risking (and receiving) fines for trespassing, in order to catch a glimpse of these apparently otherworldly visitors. And to investigate for themselves the multiple conspiracies connected to the region.
Before we look at this seemingly darkly unique location a little further, check out the short video below. It shows a number of strange UFO sightings in the area captured on video.
The Initial Investigations Of Ellen Crystal
Perhaps the first person to begin to draw widespread attention, albeit slowly, to the Pine Bush region was author and UFO researcher, Ellen Crystal. [1] Following an eleven-year investigation in the region, Crystal released the book Silent Invasion in 1991. In it, she detailed several close encounters with UFOs, some of which she witnessed landing or taking off from some of the region’s open fields. She even offered several pictures of some of these incidents. They were, however, extremely unclear, something many used against her and her research. In her defense, she would offer that this was “due to intentional magnetic or microwave disruption focused on the camera (or) film by the aliens in order to camouflage their craft”.
Not surprisingly, many dismissed her claims unreservedly, even some in the UFO community. However, over time, many other paranormal and UFO researchers began to visit the area. Slowly and quietly, the word began to spread that there was “something strange” about Pine Bush. These initial researchers into all-things-strange formed a loose and unnamed organization that would regularly travel to the area in the early nineties. They would watch the skies, and discuss, swap, and compare notes of strange accounts they had heard from the locals.
By the mid-to-late 1990s, and on into the 2000s, the strange activity in the region continued. And while widespread attention was still a little way off, the researchers who were paying particular attention to Pine Bush treated the incidents with seriousness. As they might, considering they were increasingly strange, further blurring the lines between different fields of research.
Incidentally, Ellen Crystal passed away from Cancer in December 2002 at the age of just 52-years-old. Her initial investigation into the Pine Bush area continues through other researchers today. The video below features Crystal’s work.
Lights, Phantom Beings, And Strange Animal Sightings
The more those initial researchers began to study the area, they began to form a fuller picture of the truly bizarre goings-on at Pine Bush. In scenes reminiscent of Skinwalker Ranch all manner of truly astounding activity was noted. Reports of strange lights in the sky, for example, were regular and persistent. However, strange “phantom beings” were also reported – some so strange they defied description. Perhaps stranger still were the numerous reports of strange and bizarre animals – again with descriptions that resembled the results of some hideous breeding program.
Even more disturbing were the “strange mechanical rumblings” that appeared to come from deep under the ground. These particularly strange noises arguably led many to pursue theories of underground facilities in the area. This would also, in theory, explain the explosion of UFO sightings in and around Pine Bush and the state of New York as a whole.
Many farmers in the region would often witness these strange glowing UFOs over their fields. Often, when exploring them the next day they would find huge mounds of earth piled up as if by a tractor. Then, there is the strange activity on record from the surrounding woodland.
Strange “white orbs of light” were regularly seen and reported. Even stranger, when people would attempt to capture these orbs on film (referred to as Tesla Globes) they would discover a strange red mist in their photographs. This red mist is apparently invisible to the naked eye. Even more disturbing is the “warm gusts of air” that reach out of the woods. Even in winter when in freezing cold conditions.
Claims Of Alien Abduction In Pine Bush
It wasn’t long before local newspapers began to pick up on the increased presence of these researchers, and the bizarre encounters and incidents they were recording. [2] Many local residents and even visitors to the area would begin sending in images they had captured of strange aerial objects to various local publications, while others would tell of their bizarre close encounters with the occupants of these strange crafts.
In 1993, for example, The Poughkeepsie Journal ran an article on a local group, the United Friends Observer Society, whose members included people who claimed to have been the victims of alien abduction. One such member would tell the Journal that he had recently been abducted and that “it started like it always does, with the noise in my ears”. The alleged abductee would go on to tell how he would become paralyzed. Only able to move his eyes he would soon find himself in a strange room “filled with entities”.
Another local publication, The Times-Herald Record, would tell of the account of Jim Smith. Smith was a long-time Pine Bush resident and a sergeant at the Woodbourne Correctional Facility. According to Smith, he had “seen so many of the beings” that he knew much about them. From how they moved to what different sizes and shapes of the entities there were. He would tell the paper, “when you see them so much, you know they are not of this Earth”.
These types of claims appeared to come thick and fast out of Pine Bush in the early nineties. And while some were undoubtedly motivated by money or the need for attention, many others are very likely genuine. As you might imagine, not everyone was happy about the increased attention on the region. Not least, the original researchers of the area.

Depiction of UFOs overhead
An “Exact Scale Replica” Of Cydonia!
More and more reports came out of the Pine Bush area of New York. And more and more people began to take an interest in the region. Perhaps more noteworthy, many apparent alien abductees, possibly spurred on by the slow acceptance that something untoward was occurring in Pine Bush, would come forward and report their encounters. Arguably, although still several years away, the most well-known of these would be Whitley Strieber. In the publication of Communion he details his own abduction accounts. He would declare publicly that many of his encounters took place in the Pine Bush region.
The initial group of Pine Bush researchers, whether through inward protectionism or wanting to secure against charlatans, would largely close themselves from this second wave of interested researchers and abductees.
One of the more interesting researchers to conduct investigations in the area was Dr. Bruce Cornet, who following meeting with Ellen Crystal in the early-1990s, began to spend more and more time in the region. He would conduct magnetic and geological experiments and surveys of the area. He would ultimately declare to have discovered the presence of underground transmitters. These were firing off “polarized magnetic photo beams” into outer space. After claiming telepathic communication with the intelligence behind this strange technology, he would go on to state that the entire Wallkill River valley region was an “exact scale replica” of the Cydonia region of Mars. Rightly or wrongly, many struggled with Cornet’s assertions.
That was until May 1997 that is. Then, along with two colleagues captured footage and pictures of a bizarre triangular UFO crossing over the region. Although it didn’t support his earlier claims, it did show that the strange activity he spoke about was very real.

radar image reproduction
Questionable Crackdown?
In more recent years, although the sightings certainly haven’t ceased, nor the tales of the strange activity in Pine Bush, being able to watch and record them has. Watching for UFOs – or “skywatching” as per Orange County’s term – was banned in the area by the early-2000s. This is partly due to the increased urbanization of the area. Wide open spaces that once allowed anyone who wished to go there, are increasingly subject to “Private Property” signs and warnings of “Trespassing”.
While this explains some of the land encroached upon, other areas appear to be subject to question. And many question whether an apparent understandable law with regard to private property has been taken advantage of. Perhaps in order to stop those who may wish to film, documenting, and gathering proof that something strange and bizarre is indeed taking place in the Pine Bush area of New York.
Many still do venture into the area, though. And the cosmic fruits of their risky work continues to find their way online and out into the wider world. Check out the short documentary below. It looks at Pine Bush and the strange and intriguing activity that occurs there.
↑1 | The Rise and Fall of Pine Bush, New York: America’s Most Uncelebrated UFO Hotspot, Scott Carr, Week In Weird http://weekinweird.com/2008/11/02/the-rise-and-fall-of-pine-bush/ |
↑2 | Pine Bush––The UFO Capitol of New York, Weird US http://www.weirdus.com/states/new_york/ancient_mysteries/pine_bush/index.php |
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PINE BUSH Forever!
Hello , I live directly off of rt52 dead smack in the middle of Pine Bush and Walden , right down the road from where the old bowling alley used to be. Been here for almost 10 years now and just wanna say that rather suddenly I began seeing UFO’s , largely triangles in the skies around my property on literally an almost weekly basis for now the last 5 years. I at the same time me and another family member I live with both began to experience alot of weird and at times disturbing events in an around our house , high strangeness I guess. This includes me waking up in the middle of the night to seeing a being or entity in my bedroom , usually which is just staring at me while I sleep. It is humanoid in shape , almost just like a human , only slight differences in shape , but only it’s outline has ever been visible as the rest of it is featureless due to being translucent , almost like whatever it is is using some type of cloaking technology of sorts, it looks very similar to wriggling heat waves one would commonly see rising up from the surface of a very hot asphalt road on a hot summer day, sounds rediculous but if you have seen the 1980’s sci-fi movie “the predator” , the thing looks similar to what the character predator looked like in the movie when it used it’s invisibility cloak. Would love to be able to talk with some who are having similar experiences in my local area.
I saw a craft like this on my way to work one night in the winter of 85.it was hovering above those large high power lines.I thought it was the power company checking the lines in a helicopter.i stop my car and rolled down the windows cause this was very cool.Then I noticed this craft was silent absolutely no noise but the grass and brushes were moving like a wind was pushing them but I never forget those triangle lights and the way it pitch and roll so as to shine the lights in different directions.I was afraid so I left in a hurry.
I visited Pine Bush frm 1990 to 1993 and saw much “stuff” and went to the monthly meetings as well. I lived then, in Ct. and am now in Northeastern Pa as we just moved here in late August. I heard Ellen speak and made wonderful friends when going out to the fields, etc.
It would take quite a few pages to relate all I witness and heard. But to today I have a dear friend Beverly B. and we continue to have interest in what is going on. I know there is a Linda Zimmerman involved much with PB. Ok, God bless guys – very interesting Days! Yish.
Patricia Owens, Pa.
TALKED TO Ellen back in the 90s . SHE OFFERED TO MEET UP IN Pine Bush but I was working in New York and living in Brodheadsville,PA. I WANT TO VISIT BUT WHERE TO VISIT? MY NEPHEW LIVES IN Pine Bush and sees sightings. PAT ANY HELP YOU CAN GIVE THANKS
This is old news. nothing new in the last 5 years.
The UFO’s have moved to a different grid.
We should now be concentrating on the missing children/adults who have disappeared in parks and nearby.
If you check out David Paulides stories, missing 411, they have not found evidence, but it could be Et’s or God knows what is happening.
I agree the Missing 411 is intriguing (if grim). I believe we have touched on Paulides work briefly before https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/reptilians/reptilian-aliens-ruling-earth
This isn’t not true that they moved on to a different grid , or if they at a point years ago did move on I can tell you absolutely they have for the last 5-6 years returned in mases. I live directly off rt.52 1 mile from where the old bowling alley used to be , basically I’m like 1.5 miles away absolute max from what is considered the epicenter of all the activity, so I get a barrage of constant activity of all types and forms in the skies around my property , on my property and in my house on quite literally a daily , or more mostly a nightly basis. 7 nights ago I had one of the absolutely wildest nights of skywatching from my driveway that I’ve ever had in the 5-6 years since I noticed this activity for the first time myself, where I was outside for almost 3 hours and for a considerable time I was able to count no exaggeration at least 12 UFOs in the sky’s swarming around my property all at the same time within a very visible 3 or so mile diameter circle of activity in the skies around my home with my property dead smack in the middle of where they swarmed , making repeated passes north to south repeatedly over and over and over at the usual rediculously low elevations and speeds of travel of a snales pace. And I’ll just note I did not just see lights in the skies either as I was able to see the actual structures and shapes of many of them pretty clearly, a couple of them with crystal clear clarity and detail which actually happens fairly often, some of them I was lucky enough once again to get long winded really good close up views of them immediately after the sun went down before it really started to get dark , when the sky is still very blue and well illuminated allowing me to have some of the best sightings I’ve ever had that evening. Also got to see a craft at about 600-800 feet elevation fly directly over my head when the sky was still very well lit , moving maybe 45-55mph that literally right before my very eyes while watching it the thing went from a silent air force large cargo jet but again silent and with no engine pods on either of rhe wings literally out of no where fully shape shifted into a crystal clear image of a manta ray ufo , this shape shifting thing excited the **** outta me because it doesn’t happen that ive seen very often at all being it was only the 4th time in 5-6 years that I’ve without any doubt positively seen a craft clear as day shape shift right before my eyes , it was wild. But yeah the UFOs are out every single night , I almost will always see at least 2-3 of them on any given random night within at the very most 1-2 minutes of walking outside after dark, and if I stop to watch them and focus upon them for just 5-10 minutes before I know it there will always be at least half a dozen or more that I can clearly see all at once in the local skies around my property. So yeah the activity is currently and has been again for years very strong and constant.