Sightings - Page 7
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Recently Persistent UFO Sightings Over Manchester, England
Dating back as far as the mid-1990s, at least, UFO sightings over the city of Manchester, England have quietly risen over the decades, with twenty-three sightings reported in the city alone in 2015. What’s more, several of these sightings have been captured on film or on photographs leading many UFO researchers and investigators to ask jut what is flying through the skies of one of the busiest cities in the United Kingdom…?
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- August 13, 2018
- January 16, 2022
- 10 min read
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The Tony Dodd UFO Sightings That Sparked An Alien Investigator
Until his death in 2009, Tony Dodd had been one of the UK’s leading UFO investigators for almost three decades. His first encounter would take place, however, in the late-1970s while he was a North Yorkshire Police sergeant patrolling the quiet lanes of the Yorkshire countryside. It would be an incident that would lead him towards an area of interest he would not previously have given a second thought to…
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- July 21, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 8 min read
The Greifswald Lights Incident – A Last Sighting Of The Cold War?
In August 1990, in the final days of East Germany before its official unification with the German west, a wave of sightings of strange lights would occur over Greifswald near the Baltic Sea. The light would move in ways not like any known aircraft. And what’s more, they were witnessed by multiple people. Interestingly or not, the Baltic Sea is a hot-spot for UFO activity…
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- July 19, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 5 min read
The 1976 Canary Islands Sphere Incident
On the evening of 22nd June 1976, multiple witnesses – very likely over a thousand – would witness strange glowing spheres over the skies of the Canary Islands. The case would remain locked away until the mid-nineties when the Spanish government declassified its UFO files. Some who had witnessed the events close up managed to capture photographs, while others told of witnessing “entities” within the spheres themselves…
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- June 23, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Hokkaido UFO Sightings Of 1970s Japan
Throughout the 1970s, the second largest of Japan’s islands, Hokkaido, experienced several prominent UFO sightings, several of which would result in picture. All were different in their finer details, but it would appear that something was in the skies over Hokkaido during the decade. What might raise an eye brow or two is beginning in 2010, UFO sightings appear to be happening in the same area once again…
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- June 2, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
The Kaikoura Mountains UFO Incident
There were several sightings of UFOs in the Kaikoura Mountains between Christmas and New Year 1978. However, what made one of the last of them particularly special was the presence of a professional news cameraman meant several minutes of their presence could be filmed. An investigation by the Royal New Zealand Air Force would state they were “unburnt meteors”. However, declassified three decades later would suggest there was much more to the sightings than would the military had offered…
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- May 16, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
UFOs Over Illinois – The O’Hare, Tinley Park, And St. Clair Sightings
So far, in the first two decades of the 2000s, Illinois has proven to be one of the top states in America for UFO sightings. What’s more, Illinois can boast several sightings within this period that have not only multiple witnesses, but witnesses with a “professional” background such as pilots, military, or police officers. That Illinois sits on the shores of Lake Michigan is not coincidence, given the ancient lake’s own history with strange events and phenomena…?
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- May 12, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Persistent Mystery Of The Hessdalen Lights
Although they are still studied today to a much lesser degree, in the early-to-mid 1980s strange lights over the Norwegian town of Hessdalen were a regular and persistent occurrence. Furthermore, even today, two-thirds of UFO reports in Norway hail from this most mysterious area. Just what are these strange lights? And are they connected to the UFO and alien question…?
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- May 9, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
The Increasing Sightings Of UFOs On Live TV Broadcasts
In the contemporary era, live television, whether on the TV or over the Internet is part of the fabric of modern life. When something is happening in one place, the satellites and modern technology, the rest of the world can watch along in real time. As you might imagine, then, with so many cameras recording and broadcasting to the world, some would surely capture strange objects in the background…
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- March 5, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Stephenville Incident! What’s Special About This Part Of Texas?
In January 2008, sightings of strange lights over the town of Stephenville would prove to be just one of a long history of strange UFO sightings in Texas. Sightings that date back to the late-nineteenth century. What’s more, there is a recurring theme of “military interference” in such cases in the Lone Star State making many wonder whether it might be of some importance to the UFO and alien question…
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- July 16, 2017
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
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UFOs, Abductions, And Strange Goings-On: The Mysteries Of Hudson Valley!
Throughout the eighties and the early-1990s, UFO sightings over the skies of the Hudson Valley were a regular occurrence. Many were captured on film and photographed. And many were the subject of extensive UFO investigations. While many believed the sightings had ceased, strange activity in the twenty-first century would suggest they have begun again. If indeed they ever stopped in the first place…
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- May 1, 2017
- November 9, 2021
- 45 min read
The Strange Tale of Tom Preston – UFOs In The North Atlantic?
An incident in 1963 on board a Royal Navy Ship off the coast of Norway would see a strange object suddenly appear on their radar. What’s more, it would then break the surface of the ocean and dive deep below the water, eventually disappearing out of range. It is just one of many accounts of UFOs emerging from or disappearing into the waters and oceans of the planet…
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- April 20, 2017
- September 8, 2020
- 5 min read
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