Sightings - Page 6
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Nash-Fortenberry UFO Sighting
A UFO sighting over Virginia, witnessed by two experienced airline pilots is perhaps one of most credible and intriguing on record. Which, to say it only lasts 12 seconds from start to finish says a lot about the amount of detail the witnesses were able to piece together from what little they had to go on, itself a reflection of their credibility…
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- June 9, 2019
- October 24, 2021
- 16 min read
The 1976 Cannon Air Force Base UFO Encounters
The incidents over Cannon Air Force Base in January 1976 remain unsolved or unexplained almost half a century later. This, despite intense efforts to silence the main witness in the early 2000s when he finally revealed publicly for the first time what he knew of the incident. What’s more, official Freedom of Information Acts would reveal that a UFO incident did indeed take place over the small town in New Mexico…
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- May 17, 2019
- October 24, 2021
- 9 min read
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The 1947 Snake River Canyon UFO Incident
Most of us – at least in UFO terms – associate the year 1947 with the Roswell incident and the apparent crashed UFO in the New Mexico desert. However, what many of us do not realize is that 1947 was merely the start of discreet waves of UFO sightings and encounters. And what’s more, one way or another, those waves are still being felt today…
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- April 15, 2019
- October 24, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Kenneth Arnold Sighting – The Start Of The Modern UFO Era
The Kenneth Arnold sighting is largely seen as the first true UFO sighting and report of the modern age. And what’s more, there were plenty of supporting witness statements that back up Arnold’s claim. What’s more, those who would interview the experienced pilot, would find him to be incredibly credible and convincing. Just what did he see that afternoon in the summer of 1947 only weeks before the Roswell incident…?
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- March 9, 2019
- October 24, 2021
- 9 min read
The “UFO Windows” Of The United Kingdom
There would appear to be three main “hot spot” areas of UFO activity in the United Kingdom. Two of them, it would appear, are no longer as active as they once were, although sightings still continue. The third, however, has remained active and consistent with UFO activity, alien abductions, and even top-secret military activity. And it is most likely, one of the last places most would think of when thinking of such a UFO hot spot…
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- March 4, 2019
- May 10, 2022
- 36 min read
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The Best UFO Sightings, Videos & Encounters Of 2019
According to many people in the UFO community, 2019 is likely to be a big year for UFO sightings, strange encounters, and disclosure of both. Whether that proves to be the case remains to be seen. However, if it does prove to be the case you will read about it here on our regularly updated article on the best UFO sightings and encounters throughout the year…
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- January 31, 2019
- July 20, 2020
- 91 min read
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Best & Most Intriguing UFO And Alien Encounters Of 2018
2018 will surely go down as one of the most active UFO years, at least in terms of attention from the mainstream media who would pick up on several particular UFO encounters throughout the year. Whether that means there is more of an acceptance of such incidents, or whether, as some believe, such coverage is in anticipation of some kind of disclosure is open to debate. Whether we can expect more of the same in 2019 remains to be seen…
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- January 6, 2019
- July 20, 2020
- 21 min read
The “Forgotten” UFO Incidents Of The Loch Raven Dam
Baltimore, Maryland is very likely not the first place most of us might think of when we think of UFO hot spots. However, the Loch Raven Reservoir, and more specifically, the Loch Raven Dam, just to the north of the city, has played host to multiple sightings over the decades dating back to the early-1950s. What is perhaps strange is that despite this, there is very little written or discussed about the incidents. Might this be a purposeful decision by the powers that be…?
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- January 3, 2019
- October 25, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Baffin Island UFO Sighting – Yet Another Pilot Report
When airline pilots make reports of UFOs, the general public tend to pay a little more attention than they might otherwise. During 2018, several such sightings found their way into the mainstream news platforms, the most recent over the skies of Baffin Island in Canada’s Nunavut region. When you consider that strange sounds have been reported coming from under the icy waters in the same area since 2016, it makes such sightings all the more intriguing…
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- December 17, 2018
- October 25, 2021
- 6 min read
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The “Black Boomerang” UFO Of Poughkeepsie
In the summer of 1985 multiple residents of the town of Poughkeepsie witnessed a “black boomerang” shaped UFO make its way through the skies and then hover near the building of the Poughkeepsie Journal offices. Instead of breaking the “story of the century”, journalists and photographers were informed their coverage of the sightings wouldn’t be required. Or welcome…
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- December 15, 2018
- October 25, 2021
- 8 min read
- 7
The 1960 Red Bluff Incident
In the summer of 1960 not only would two serving California police officers witness a glowing oblong-object, but radar operators at nearby Red Bluff Air Station would pick up the object also. And to add another layer of intrigue and credibility to whole affair, several other police officers on duty the same evening would witness the strange aerial object too…
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- November 10, 2018
- November 8, 2021
- 9 min read
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The Pittsburgh Highland Reservoir Sighting
While overlooking the Highland Reservoir in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his girlfriend, a local construction worker would witness a large unexplained object seemingly taking off into space. He would report the sighting to a local UFO group, whose efforts with local radio in looking for other witnesses would result in a sighting otherwise slipping through the cracks of time and being lost forever…
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- October 25, 2018
- November 8, 2021
- 16 min read
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The Lake Movil UFO Incident
In the summer of 1962 a UFO sighting over Lake Movil in the state of Minnesota would interrupt the vacation of a family from North Dakota. A strange glowing red light would appear over the water where a lonely boat was docked. It is just one of an absolute plethora of UFO sightings over large bodies of water, and one of several in the Minnesota region at the time…
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- October 20, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 7 min read
The 1997 Phoenix Lights Incident
One of the most famous UFO sightings of the late-twentieth century occurred on the evening of 13th March 1997. And while the bulk of the sightings were witnessed over the skies of Phoenix, Arizona, other sightings were recorded as far away as Nevada and New Mexico. Despite official explanation that the sightings were nothing more than military flares, the witness statements pieces of footage would suggest otherwise…
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- September 30, 2018
- November 28, 2021
- 21 min read
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The Louisiana Sightings – UFOs In The American Deep South
Louisiana and the wider Deep South of America is a location that is awash with bizarre activity, folklore legends and myths of strange creatures roaming the woods and marshlands. It is also, however, a destination that boasts a fair share of UFO sightings and alien activity, simply another layer of interest in this already intriguing destination. What’s more, this apparent cosmic activity stretches back decades…
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- August 27, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 8 min read
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