Sightings - Page 5
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Best UFO Sightings, Videos & Encounters Of 2020
Whether or not it turns out to be the case, many people are predicting that 2020 will prove to be a big year for people in the UFO community, both in terms of sightings themselves and overall disclosure. Only the next 12 months will prove how correct those predictions are, but you can rest assured that we will cover the best of those sightings here on this page each month…
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- January 31, 2020
- January 2, 2021
- 113 min read
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The Unexplained Nils Frost Picture – Alien Crafts Over Sweden?
An incident that occurred during the worldwide wave of 1952 in Sweden remains one of the most well-known and thoroughly investigated of the country’s UFO cases. It also remains unexplained over 70 years after it occurred and given that the main witness has since died, it will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future…
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- January 27, 2020
- September 1, 2020
- 6 min read
The Unexplained Castelo De Bode Dam UFO Case
A UFO sighting over the skies of Portugal during the summer of 1977, brief though it was, might prove to be one of the most significant on record. Not least due to the thorough cooperation of the Portuguese military, as well as the fact that there appeared to be a very direct correlation between the appearance and sudden disappearance of this strange craft, and the instruments of the plane that the witness was piloting at the time…
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- January 20, 2020
- October 21, 2021
- 14 min read
The Weyauwega UFO Incident – Alien Craft Captured On Film?
What is perhaps most interesting about a sighting of a strange craft in Weyauwega, Wisconsin in February 2003 is the placement of the lights underneath (in a triangle) against the obvious round, disc shape of the vehicle itself. Might many other supposed triangular UFO sightings actually be of disc-shaped crafts with lights in a triangular formation…?
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- January 10, 2020
- October 21, 2021
- 9 min read
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Triangular UFO Over North Dakota – 2004 Sighting Still A Mystery!
A UFO incident over the skies of Dickinson, North Dakota remains unexplained today almost 20 years after it was filmed from the back yard of the witness. What’s more, several other sightings are also on record in the United States around the same time as the incident recorded in North Dakota. Might there be a connection…?
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- January 3, 2020
- September 1, 2020
- 8 min read
The 1979 Ingolstadt UFO Encounters
A series of UFO sightings in September 1979 would hit the Bavarian region of Germany and would be witnessed by multiple people, including several on-duty police officers. What’s more, UFO investigators were on the scene and would speak to witnesses at the time. So when the authorities suggested that people were essentially “seeing things” such claims were almost universally rejected…
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- October 25, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Makena Beach UFO Incident
A sighting of a UFO featuring multiple witnesses in the summer of 1999 over Hawaii was quickly forgotten about by the local media and faded into the background of even the minds of many of the UFO community. However, in part because it occurred in an age where the Internet was truly beginning to take a hold, such sightings remained in the conscious of those in UFO circles. Might it be that like other hotspots near the western coast of the United States, that Hawaii and the sightings from there have an important role to play in solving the mystery of such strange aerial sightings…?
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- October 7, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 6 min read
The 1967 Indiana “Beanpot” UFO Encounter
A sighting of a UFO that the witness managed to capture on film in January 1967 was part of an oncoming wave of UFO sightings throughout the year. And what’s more, the subsequent wave that followed this particular incident was one of the busiest in UFO history. What is interesting about the sighting in question was the witness – a 14-year-old school student – managed to capture a picture of the craft before it disappeared…
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- September 27, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 8 min read
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The American West Flight 564 UFO Incident
American Airlines Flight 564, while crossing the United States from Florida to Las Vegas in Nevada, would witness a bizarre and glowing object while passing over the Texas panhandle. The sighting was just one of several high-profile sightings by airline pilots during the 1990s. Just what was flying around the skies of our planet and just how close were those “near misses”…?
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- September 21, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 14 min read
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The 1981 Texomaland UFO Sighting
A little-known UFO sighting along the Texas-Oklahoma border in May 1981 is yet another that not only has details that are found in numerous other, similar UFO cases, but also all the hallmarks of an attempt to cover-up the incident entirely. Is this perhaps because of the advanced propulsion systems on display, the reason many believe the UFO question is so secret and closely guarded in the first place…
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- September 16, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 7 min read
The Odessa Radio Tower UFO Incident
A UFO incident in the summer of 1973 over a radio station tower in Odessa, Texas was largely unknown until the Internet age of the early twenty-first century, when the desire to make sure there was at least a record of the incident before he passed away drove the witness to come forward. As well as the intrigue of the incident itself, it is another one that has the hallmarks of an unseen authority attempting to conceal the incident from the public arena…
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- September 2, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 8 min read
The 1970 Yuma UFO Incident – The Morphing Saucers Case
Despite it having an alleged 16 witnesses, a mass UFO sighting on the outskirts of Yuma in Arizona in the summer of 1970 has only of those witnesses on record. And even then, the declaration came over 30 years later in 2002. That said, it is still a very intriguing account. And one that is perhaps authentic in as much as it is a relatively pedestrian one. Perhaps a little too pedestrian to be dismissed entirely…
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- July 19, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 7 min read
The George Wheeler UFO Sighting
The George Wheeler Case is truly one of the most fascinating UFO encounters on record. Not least due to the overall credibility of the witness, as well as the several corroborating witnesses on top of that. Furthermore, the sighting took place in the middle of several very similar incidents in the same state of Wisconsin – all in the mid-to-late 1970s…
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- June 30, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 17 min read
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Illinois – A Hot-Spot Of Activity And “UFO Capital Of America?”
The state of Illinois is certainly not the first place that many would think of when it comes to UFO sightings. However, the fact is, the state has one of the highest UFO encounters in the United States. And descriptions of the crafts in those sightings mirror those of others across the entire planet. Just why is this part of the world so apparently important to the intelligence behind these strange craft…?
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- June 21, 2019
- October 22, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Farmington, New Mexico UFO Armada Case
A 3-day UFO encounter in March 1950 in Farmington, New Mexico is quietly one of the most credible UFO cases on record. During those three days, hundreds of UFOs were witnessed by over a thousand residents. In fact, so full were the skies of these “flying saucers”, looking ominously like a fleet of warships, the incident was labelled the Farmington Armada…
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- June 10, 2019
- October 24, 2021
- 8 min read
- 3