UFOs - Page 9


The Utsuro-Bune Legend And UFO Encounters Of Ancient Japan

An apparent encounter from the early-nineteenth century is one that has perplexed the minds of many researchers over the decades since, right into the modern world. To some, the story is exactly that, a legend based on myths and folklore of previous centuries. To others, though, the encounter is further evidence of alien visitation long before the modern UFO era began in the late-1940s…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 23, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read

The Backyard Experiment That Sparked A UFO Incident

A UFO incident in 1957 was thought for decades to be part of a government and military cover-up. However, it would appear that the sighting was sparked by an experiment by a local resident that was misidentified as a flying saucer. The case is an intriguing one, and one that takes many unusual twists and turns…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 17, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

UFO Encounters And Physical Evidence

When we think of UFOs, strangely enough, most of us do not automatically think of the evidence left behind by such strange visitors. Indeed, many of us focus in on the actual sighting or the most exciting part of the incident that we often overlook the discreet bits of evidence left behind. And what’s more, there are more incidents on record with evidence left behind than we might think…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 11, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
16 min read

The Mount Musine UFO Encounters – What Attracts UFOs To This Location?

A mountain in the northwest region of Italy is one that is not only shrouded in mystery but has an abundance of UFO sightings to its name. These sightings occur not only in the modern UFO era but throughout history. Just what might the reason be for the sheer number of strange occurrences over and around Mount Musine…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 10, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Men In Black – Who Or What Are They?

The Men In Black are an organization that most are familiar with, whether it is the real-life accounts or the “Hollywood” image of the mysterious group. However, the actual reality of the Men In Black, who they might be, and where they might come from is much more complex than even the most experienced researchers might realize…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 4, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read

The Paihuano Incident – UFO Crash And Retrieval In The Chilean Mountains?

An alleged crash of a UFO on the hills of a small village in Chile was witnessed by almost the entire local population. What’s more, they all each witnessed the discreet recovery mission two days later, much of which was conducted at night in unmarked helicopters and heavy-duty trucks. Furthermore, there was a discreet American presence in the area in the days following the crash…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 3, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Chard Town UFO “Light Beam” Sighting

Two sightings of strange lights in the sky in 1986 are intriguing as any other sighting on record. Not least as they both offer details that surface in other UFO encounters. Just what was taking place over the UK in 1986? Ad why were strange crafts witnessed in the skies over the country…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 24, 2020
Last Updated
September 1, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Daylight Discs Incident Of 1665 Stralsund, Germany

There are many examples of UFOs in the distant past right up until the start of the Modern UFO era. However, several such accounts – officially documented to boot – feature these strange, aerial visitors apparently locked in a battle of sorts. One that was perhaps more akin to a science fiction movie than something out of the Middle Ages…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 9, 2020
Last Updated
October 21, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Draguignan Disc Incident – A Connection To The World Grid?

A UFO sighting in a quiet region of France in the spring of 1971 was witnessed by two band dancers who were traveling to an isolated location in order to practice their routines with other members of the band. However, on their way they would witness a bizarre glowing object overhead. What’s more, when investigators examined the case, they would also find several other very similar sightings had taken place in the region, one of which dated back to the mid-1940s…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 6, 2020
Last Updated
September 1, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

The Air France Flight AF3532 Near Miss UFO Encounter

A sighting of a UFO over France from the cockpit of a commercial airliner is perhaps one of the most intriguing of such sightings – not least as it forces us to address certain questions that repeatedly come up in similar UFO encounters. Are UFOs – as we understand them – nothing more than a mental projection? Something designed to take our collective attention away from their real agenda, perhaps. And if that is the case, just what does that alien agenda revolve around and what is its ultimate end goal…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 29, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

The Lake Anten UFO Landing Incident

An apparent UFO landing near the lakes of Anten in Sweden in the summer of 1970 was witnessed by multiple locals of the town. What’s more, it would leave behind physical evidence of the landing in the form of a precise indention on the ground. Even more intriguing, there were several similar sightings with remarkably similar details throughout the Scandinavian region during the opening 18 months of the seventies…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 22, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read

The Blackout Of Nanesti UFO Case

One summer’s evening in 2001, in a small village in Romania, the residents were suddenly plunged into darkness. When they ventured outside from their respective homes to investigate, they would notice a strange, red, glowing object overhead. It remained there for over 90 minutes, at times coming to within 1000 feet from the ground, before finally disappearing out of sight…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 21, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The “Electric UFO Photo” Incident – More Signs Of Scotland’s Increased UFO Activity?

A sighting of a strange glowing object near the BP chemical plant in Grangemouth in November 1991 is one that result in one of the clearest and largely regarded as credible UFO pictures on record. That it took place in the middle of an increased period of activity in Scotland during the 1990s, in an area known as the Falkirk Triangle, no less, makes this incident all the more intriguing…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 17, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
16 min read

Operation Sea Find – The Search For A Crashed UFO In Lake Backjson

Although a UFO incident of a cigar-shaped UFO allegedly “crashing” into the waters of Lake Backsjon in Sweden in the summer of 1999 was only a few moments long, it was witnessed by several people. What’s more, it would evoke a response from the Swedish military that would result in Operation Sea Find. The operation was in place for several days but allegedly discovered nothing of significance. Just what did happen that afternoon over southern Sweden…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 13, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
5 min read

The Peterborough Incident And The Increase In Black Triangle UFOs

In the summer of 2004 came a sighting of a black triangular UFO over Peterborough in Ontario, Canada. In fact, there were several sightings over a period of three days. However, when we look at that particular window of time, not only do we find similar sightings of black triangular UFOs all over the North American continent, but we also begin to appreciate just how unique sightings of black triangles actually are, forcing us to ask ourselves, just why this is…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 8, 2020
Last Updated
October 12, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read