UFOs - Page 20
- Close Encounters (102)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The Increasing Sightings Of UFOs On Live TV Broadcasts
In the contemporary era, live television, whether on the TV or over the Internet is part of the fabric of modern life. When something is happening in one place, the satellites and modern technology, the rest of the world can watch along in real time. As you might imagine, then, with so many cameras recording and broadcasting to the world, some would surely capture strange objects in the background…
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- March 5, 2018
- November 9, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Xilitla Incident And Connections To “Mexico’s Roswell!”
Many countries have their own version of “Roswell” – a high-ranking case that features a crashed and recovered UFO – and in Mexico’s case, that is an incident that occurred in the Chihuahuan Desert in August 1974 and is a case still researched and debated today. However, a very similar incident in August 2007 in the town of Xilitla may share some bizarre but important connections…
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- February 12, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 9 min read
The Long UFO History Of The Bass Strait Triangle
Not only is the Bass Stait, which runs between the south eastern coast of Australia and the island of Tasmania, a place where numerous ships and planes have seemingly disappeared without a trace, it is also a hot-spot of UFO activity. And what’s more, it has been for some time. Might it be that the two strange phenomena share a connection with the other…?
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- February 5, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Tales Of Charlotte Mann – “My Grandfather And The Aliens!”
According to Charlotte Mann, an unknown (to the wider public) UFO crash in Missouri in the spring of 1941 would result in the recovery of both the crippled craft and the dead occupants – all of which were extraterrestrials. She was aware of this as it was her grandfather – a local reverend at the time of the incident – would be called out to the scene to administer the last rites of these alien creatures…
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- January 9, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 5 min read
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More Than Foo Fighters! Solid UFO Encounters In War Torn Skies
While there are the “foo-fighter” sightings of World War Two – generally glow orbs of light – there are several, lesser talked about incidents that involve more definite “nuts-and-bolts” UFOs. And what’s more, these were seen by pilots of multiple nations at various points of the planet. Some UFO researchers believe that the nuclear explosions over Japan alerted an alien intelligence to our presence on Earth. However, if these incidents are authentic, then they may have been watching events here long before…
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- November 27, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 18 min read
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UFOs And Ominous Black Boxes: The Unknown Connection
It is a detail that has little information with it, but that discreetly crops up in seemingly unrelated UFO cases across the world – the presence of mysterious, and usually deadly “black boxes”. Just what are these mysterious pieces of apparent alien technology? And perhaps of even more interest, what is the connection to the numerous Bigfoot sightings at the same time…?
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- November 25, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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Just What Did Happen To Tom Preziose? Contact, Or Cover-Up?
On the evening of 23rd October 2002, despite his extensive experience as a pilot, Tom Preziose’s small Cessna airplane crashed out of the sky and into Alabama’s Big Bateau Bay causing his immediate death. The investigation, itself suspicious in its conduct, would declare “pilot error” was the reason for the 54-year-old’s death, something both his family and independent researchers disagree with in its entirety…
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- November 8, 2017
- October 13, 2021
- 4 min read
The Recovered Alien Craft in Arizona’s Paradise Valley?
According to 1950s UFO researcher, Frank Scully, a UFO crashed to Earth in Arizona’s Paradise Valley in October 1947, less than six months following the famous Roswell crash. Furthermore, both the craft and its extraterrestrial occupants were quickly recovered by the United States military before word of the sighting could spread to the outside population. Further still, one of the state’s tourist attractions, if we believe the conspiracy, was built to cover evidence of the incident…
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- October 12, 2017
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
The Case Of Oscar Linke And Flying Saucers Over Cold War Berlin
When Oscar Linke finally managed to escape Berlin, East Germany and the Soviet controlled regime, he not only brought himself and his family, but an intriguing encounter of disc-like craft in the summer of July 1952. As he would state in his report, Soviet authorities wouldn’t “tolerate” such sightings, which made up his mind to escape such mental control…
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- September 21, 2017
- October 13, 2021
- 13 min read
The Extraordinary World Wide UFO Panic Of 1954
1954, without a doubt, is one of the busiest years, in terms of UFO activity, sightings, and reports, on record. It is arguably the first such world wide wave of UFO sightings, and one that very likely contributed to the UFO craze that would sweep through the United States and many other parts of the world. It is obvious that something was taking place in the skies that year. Perhaps that it was the same year as the alleged meeting between aliens and President Eisenhower is just coincidence…
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- August 28, 2017
- November 14, 2021
- 6 min read
The Many Sightings Of The 1995 Galicia UFO Wave
The normally quiet and sleepy Galicia region of Spain was subject to a flurry of UFO activity towards the end of 1995 and the beginning of 1996. Many sightings, courtesy of the military cameras around its installations would even be captured on film, and with such evidence, were considered a genuine security threat by Spanish authorities. Furthermore, declassified files of the Spanish government in the 2000s would reveal they had been monitoring such sightings for almost thirty years previously…
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- July 23, 2017
- November 14, 2021
- 18 min read
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The Stephenville Incident! What’s Special About This Part Of Texas?
In January 2008, sightings of strange lights over the town of Stephenville would prove to be just one of a long history of strange UFO sightings in Texas. Sightings that date back to the late-nineteenth century. What’s more, there is a recurring theme of “military interference” in such cases in the Lone Star State making many wonder whether it might be of some importance to the UFO and alien question…
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- July 16, 2017
- November 9, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Many Mysteries of The Falkirk Triangle And Rosslyn Chapel
An area in Scotland, known to some locals and researchers as the Falkirk Triangle is regarded by some as a UFO hot spot, with a particularly intense rush of sightings in the mid-1990s. Perhaps what makes these sightings all the more interesting is that Rosslyn Chapel – a most mysterious building with a plethora of conspiracies to its name in its own right – sits within the boundaries of this mysterious stretch of land…
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- June 14, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Secrets of Room 801 And Britain’s “Lost” 1950s UFO Cases
Like many countries in the western world in the fifties and sixties, the United Kingdom’s official view on UFO was that they had no interest in such cases. While many always suspected this to be a lie, declassified papers would confirm this, as well as the presence of Room 801, where the UK intelligence services would investigate UFO sightings hidden in plain sight right under the nose of the collective British public…
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- June 11, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 14 min read
The Place Bonaventure Incident And Montreal’s Long UFO History
On the evening of 7th November 1990, a sighting of a large UFO above the Place Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal, Canada was witnessed by hundreds of people, as well as being captured on film by several residents. It is an encounter that still fascinated UFO researchers today. Perhaps especially so when sightings of similar crafts began in the same region in late-2014…
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- June 1, 2017
- October 14, 2021
- 7 min read