Cover-Ups - Page 4
- Close Encounters (103)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The 1952 Washington DC UFO Invasion!
Throughout most of 1952 UFO sightings were seemingly taking over the United States. So much so, that Project Blue Book was set up to monitor them. However, within only six months, not only was America in the midst of a UFO wave, but privately those behind the scenes were expecting a “big” UFO incident on the east coast of the United States as a result of their data. By mid-July, that big UFO event would take place over consecutive weekends, over the nation’s capital, Washington DC…
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- February 4, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 11 min read
The 1977 Colares Island Incident
During most of 1977 and much of 1978, the Colares Islands in Brazil were subject to a wave of not only UFO sightings but bizarre interaction with these strange aerial anomalies. Ones that would, coincidentally or not, tie in perfectly with local legends of strange attackers from the air that would paralyze their victims and suck their blood, no less…
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- February 3, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 17 min read
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The “Night Of UFOs” – The 1986 Brazilian Air Force Chase
The “Night of UFOs” in May 1986 over the skies of southern Brazil is perhaps the nation’s most famous, and most credible, UFO encounter on record. Not only were there several solid identifications made on commercial and military radar, several experienced and respected Brazilian Air Force pilots also witnessed the anomalies physically. Just what happened that evening in Brazil, and why, despite the multiple witnesses did the Brazilian government keep it undisclosed for almost thirty years…?
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- January 30, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 25 min read
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The 1992 Southaven Park UFO Crash
The apparent crash of a UFO in Southaven County Park in Long Island, New York, is one that would seemingly lead to a dark conspiracy of government cover-up, false accusations, and wrongful imprisonment. What’s more, these events are still quietly rolling on today nearly three decades later. Is the Southaven UFO crash and the accusations that followed it the ravings of, as the courts ruled, a “delusional” mind? Or does it point us in the direction of dark, shadow governments and the secrets they protect…?
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- January 19, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Fort Monmouth UFO Incident
The Fort Monmouth incident, which took place over two days in the skies of New Jersey in September 1951 is an incident that not only is rich in up close and most likely largely authentic and up-close UFO detail, but goes a long way to laying bare the true nature of the US government’s approach to the UFO and alien question…
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- January 13, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 17 min read
The Rendlesham Forest Incident
Often referred to as “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest incident in the immediate aftermath of Christmas 1980 is one of the most documented and intriguing UFO cases on record. And the incident is much more than just a sighting. The encounter saw the apparent craft from another world land in the middle of the woodland of Sussex, twice, in front of multiple witnesses. That something happened is surely beyond doubt. The real question is, why…?
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- December 30, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 17 min read
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What Was Actually Going On Over Gatwick Airport?
In a year where several UFO sightings have made the mainstream news platforms, an incident over the skies of Gatwick Airport in London, one that forced a complete standstill in operations for 36 hours right in the run up to the Christmas rush, may be another such incident. Although it was first claimed that drones had caused the standstill, with even two arrests being made, the suspects were soon released, and the claims of drones were quickly softened. Just what happened over Gatwick Airport in December 2018…?
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- December 24, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Cold War Soviet UFO Recovery Missions
The Cold War environment would provide for both the Soviet Union and “The East” and the United States of “The West” with ideal cover to conduct their clandestine operations. Not least those that revolved around UFO sightings, and more specifically, the alleged recovery missions of apparently downed alien craft in several destinations behind the Iron Curtain. With the fall of the Soviet Union in the early-90s, more and more reports would begin to leak out into the west, some of which would make for very interesting reading indeed…
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- December 7, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
The 1986 “Height 611” Dalnegorsk UFO Crash
An incident that is labeled by some in the UFO community as the “Roswell Incident of the Soviet Union”, an alleged UFO crash in mining town of Dalnegorsk in January 1986 remained unsolved, despite several initial and extensive investigations into the incident on Izvestkovaya Mountain. Is this yet another case of a cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting our planet…?
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- December 3, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
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Twentieth Century Patented Tech The Result Of The Roswell Crash?
According to the CEO of the American Computer Company, Jack Shuman, many of the technologies and conveniences of the modern world are squarely the result of the Roswell crash in 1947. According to the claims he made in the late-1990s, he was in the possession of documents named the “Lab-keepers Notebook”, in which, were the accounts of alien technology was “gifted” to very specific private companies so they could reverse engineer it and introduce it to the world as their inventions…
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- November 22, 2018
- December 7, 2022
- 5 min read
The Battle Of Los Angeles
The events of 25th February 1942 are still unexplained, despite numerous investigations, both officially and in the name of independent research. Were the residents of Los Angeles witnessing their military attempt to attack a huge alien spacecraft? One that appeared undamaged, unfazed, and unconcerned with the barrage of artillery fire aimed at it? Just what was in the skies of southern California that infamous evening just weeks after the Pearl Harbor attacks…?
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- November 4, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 21 min read
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UFO Crash In Argentina – The 1995 Salta Case
Although the encounter is officially denied by the Argentinian authorities, and alleged UFO crash in Salta, Argentina in the summer of 1995 was witnessed by multiple local residents. One of which happened to be an experienced pilot with his own plane to boot. Not only would he take to the skies in the immediate aftermath, he would also do so again days later. What he found would suggest that “something” most definitely came crashing to the ground…
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- October 29, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Little Remembered 1962 UFO Crash In Las Vegas
According to some researchers, a UFO incident in April 1962, one that saw a “glowing red craft” cross much of the United States before crashing within the grounds of Nellis Air Force Base In Las Vegas was purposely suppressed by the US military. With sightings in individual states kept from each other, it wasn’t until years later that these apparent one-off and insignificant events were pieced together for a potentially fuller picture…
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- October 22, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Isla De Lobos Lighthouse Incident
The Uruguayan Navy would be responsible for the maintenance and wellbeing of the Isla De Lobos lighthouse. So, when a close encounter incident occurred in October 1972, it would be subject to a thorough and complex investigation, conducted by the military themselves, no less. While it is a case with only a single witness, it remains one of the most intriguing on record…
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- August 24, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 7 min read
UFO Crash, And Recovery In The Kingdom Of Lesotho?
The Kingdom of Lesotho, while independent of South Africa, is bordered by it on all sides. So, when a UFO apparently came crashing to Earth on its land in September 1995, the South African government would negotiate with their authorities to retrieve it. At least according to the claims and conspiracies surrounding it. While many are skeptical of the report, apparent leaked documents would suggest it to be authentic and genuine…
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- August 4, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read