Cover-Ups - Page 3
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The 1949 Rogue River UFO Incident
A UFO sighting over the Rogue River in Oregon in the summer of 1949 is not only little-known outside of the UFO community, it is perhaps a perfect account to demonstrate the lengths authorities would go to in order to twist, distort, and outright suppress information concerning UFO incidents. And what’s more, it appears this cover-up has been in place at least from the very beginning of the modern UFO era…
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- August 19, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 7 min read
The 2013 Aguadilla UFO Incident
An incident from April 2013 involving an apparent UFO over the skies of Puerto Rico was not only witnessed by multiple people but would be captured on film for several minutes. What’s more, the footage would eventually be leaked to several UFO investigators by anonymous whistleblowers looking to ensure that the incident was not buried and withheld from the public arena. The footage was analysed by several UFO researchers resulting in a 161-page report on the incident…
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- August 17, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 18 min read
The Loring Air Force Base UFO Encounter
UFO encounters over several consecutive nights in October 1975 are potentially some of the most fascinating and crucial such sightings in unlocking the overall UFO and alien question. Strange, then, that they do not enjoy more widespread exposure, inside or outside the UFO community. Perhaps that is a purposeful and carefully chosen path. Taken by those high above the normal and visible hierarchy…
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- August 11, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 16 min read
The 1953 Ellsworth Air Force Base UFO Sighting
A UFO sighting in August 1953 is one that not only had multiple witnesses – ones from both the military and the residential communities – but was also confirmed on radar and by two trained fighter pilots. Strange, then, that the entire incident appears forgotten about and downplayed as “chasing stars” and mistaken sightings…
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- July 29, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Largely Unknown 1983 Wales UFO Crash – Europe’s Roswell?
Considering there are materials in existence in the hands of UFO researcher, Gary Rowe, that are alleged to be the wreckage of a UFO crash in north Wales in January 1983, the incident in question is almost unheard of outside the UFO community. Even in UFO circles the case is usually low down on such crash and recovery encounters. However, if the accounts and wreckage prove to be genuine, and there appears to be little reason to doubt them, the incident could be one of the most important to occur in the UK…
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- July 26, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
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The 1979 Elk River UFO Crash – The Grays Harbor Incident
The alleged crash of a UFO near the Elk River in Westport in the state of Washington is one of the most intriguing of such cases. Not least, due to the apparently successful job of completely covering over the incident by the United States’ military. Despite multiple witnesses, both of the incident itself and of a distinct military presence in the area in the days following, the event remains officially non-existent. It didn’t happen. However, as we will see, the many witness accounts suggest otherwise…
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- June 28, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Mariana UFO Film Incident
The footage taken by Nick Mariana in the summer of 1950 is argued by some to be the first UFO footage intentionally captured. Certainly in the contemporary times of the post-Roswell era. However, like many other such cases of the 1950s, conspiracy and controversy surrounds the encounter…
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- June 17, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 9 min read
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The Minot Air Force Base UFO Incidents
Like many air force facilities around the United States, Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota has a long and rich history of UFO encounters on record. Perhaps what makes these incidents even more intriguing – or concerning – is the apparent tampering with nuclear weapons, making essentially, redundant. Just what makes this particular military facility so special…?
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- June 16, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 18 min read
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UFO And Alien Encounters From Russia And The Soviet Union
With the fall of the Iron Curtain and the break-up of the Soviet Union, many state secrets would filter into the west. Everything from government policy to generic information on living standards would surface in various investigations and documentaries into this, until recently, closed off part of the world. What also surfaced during this time in the early-1990s, was a wealth of UFO reports, some dating back to the start of the twentieth century…
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- June 6, 2019
- May 21, 2023
- 31 min read
The Emenegger-Sandler UFO Landing Film Conspiracy
When Robert Emenegger was approached by shadowy figures from the United States Air Force with the promise of footage of an actual UFO landing in return for him making a documentary on the subject, complete with their backing, cooperation, and access to their files, it was almost an offer too good to be true. As it turned out, in many ways, it was. But who was behind the commissioning of such a documentary? And for what reason…?
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- May 20, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Big Sur UFO Film Incident
The apparent footage of an alien craft “disabling” a dummy nuclear missile had attracted attention in the UFO community over the years for several reasons. Not least due to it being an apparent display of the advanced technology at their disposal compared to our own. What’s more, though, it would appear an already strange incident has a lot more secrets to reveal, and could very well be an important incident in the history of humanity…
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- May 12, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 14 min read
The Nellis Air Force Base UFO Sightings
The rumors and conspiracies that surround Nellis Air Force Base have been persistent since the early-1950s when several sightings took place. Although wider knowledge of such incidents were still some time away – with only those in military circles being aware of them initially – these sightings most often had multiple witnesses, who were experienced and trained to take in details in pressure situations. This in itself lends a certain amount of credence to the abundance of sightings at the military facility just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada…
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- May 5, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 14 min read
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The Astronaut UFO Encounters
We would imagine that those who have ventured out into the mysterious world that is space and the Universe would hold more sway than the “average Joe”. However, when we begin to study these sightings, made by astronauts and cosmonauts across several decades, there appears to be an almost increased desire by authorities to keep these accounts away from the public record altogether. Only now, decades later with the end of official secrets clauses that these accounts are beginning to come to light…
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- March 24, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 17 min read
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The Mantell Incident
Even for the UFO community, the Mantell case was one that was explained as a “weather balloon”. However, in recent years, thanks in part to the connectivity of the Internet, the case has been subject to reinvestigation by UFO researchers around the world. Just what happened that afternoon over the skies of Kentucky? An incident that left an active service man dead at the age of just 25-years-old…?
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- March 3, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 16 min read
The Reigate UFO Incident – Classified Films And Radar Confirmation
On the evening of 4th March 1988 multiple people would witness strange lights hovering over the M25 motorway just outside of London. Furthermore, several police officers would witness the lights. And further still, the motorway security cameras would record over half an hour of footage of the bizarre aerial anomaly. Although they would acknowledge the footage, they wouldn’t allow it to be released to the public, much to the frustration, and suspicion to UFO investigators…
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- February 8, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 9 min read
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