Cover-Ups - Page 2
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Tarija Case: UFO Crash In Bolivia Witnessed By Hundreds!
Although it is perhaps little heard of outside of South America, an alleged UFO crash in Tarija, Bolivia in May 1978 is arguably one of the most credible and investigated of such cases in the entire continent. What’s more, there appears to have been a heavy United States presence in the region in the immediate aftermath of the event, with some claims that the wreckage left Bolivia on a United States military cargo plane…
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- August 15, 2021
- October 12, 2021
- 25 min read
The Cecconi UFO Incident: Photographic Evidence Of An Extraterrestrial Vehicle?
A sighting of a cigar-shaped UFO in the summer of 1979 over Italy is not only one of the most credible on record due to the witness being an experienced air force pilot, but because multiple pictures were captured of the potential extraterrestrial craft, some of which eventually made their way into the public domain. What’s more, there were several other sightings and encounters with cigar-shaped UFOs during this period of time, both in Italy and around the world…
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- August 1, 2021
- October 12, 2021
- 26 min read
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The Charlton Crater UFO Incident – Genuine Alien Landing Or Nothing But A Hoax?
In the summer of 1963, an apparent UFO case would, for a time, capture the attention of the British public. Not only was a crater mark left, but there were rumors of pieces of wreckage as well as strange sightings in the sky on the night in question. However, things quickly took a strange turn when an apparent hoaxer came forward to admit to being behind the incident, only for him quickly take back his confession throwing the case up in the air once more…
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- June 3, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Backyard Experiment That Sparked A UFO Incident
A UFO incident in 1957 was thought for decades to be part of a government and military cover-up. However, it would appear that the sighting was sparked by an experiment by a local resident that was misidentified as a flying saucer. The case is an intriguing one, and one that takes many unusual twists and turns…
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- April 17, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 6 min read
UFO Encounters And Physical Evidence
When we think of UFOs, strangely enough, most of us do not automatically think of the evidence left behind by such strange visitors. Indeed, many of us focus in on the actual sighting or the most exciting part of the incident that we often overlook the discreet bits of evidence left behind. And what’s more, there are more incidents on record with evidence left behind than we might think…
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- April 11, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 16 min read
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The Men In Black – Who Or What Are They?
The Men In Black are an organization that most are familiar with, whether it is the real-life accounts or the “Hollywood” image of the mysterious group. However, the actual reality of the Men In Black, who they might be, and where they might come from is much more complex than even the most experienced researchers might realize…
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- April 4, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 21 min read
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The Paihuano Incident – UFO Crash And Retrieval In The Chilean Mountains?
An alleged crash of a UFO on the hills of a small village in Chile was witnessed by almost the entire local population. What’s more, they all each witnessed the discreet recovery mission two days later, much of which was conducted at night in unmarked helicopters and heavy-duty trucks. Furthermore, there was a discreet American presence in the area in the days following the crash…
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- April 3, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 6 min read
Operation Sea Find – The Search For A Crashed UFO In Lake Backjson
Although a UFO incident of a cigar-shaped UFO allegedly “crashing” into the waters of Lake Backsjon in Sweden in the summer of 1999 was only a few moments long, it was witnessed by several people. What’s more, it would evoke a response from the Swedish military that would result in Operation Sea Find. The operation was in place for several days but allegedly discovered nothing of significance. Just what did happen that afternoon over southern Sweden…?
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- February 13, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Peterborough Incident And The Increase In Black Triangle UFOs
In the summer of 2004 came a sighting of a black triangular UFO over Peterborough in Ontario, Canada. In fact, there were several sightings over a period of three days. However, when we look at that particular window of time, not only do we find similar sightings of black triangular UFOs all over the North American continent, but we also begin to appreciate just how unique sightings of black triangles actually are, forcing us to ask ourselves, just why this is…?
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- February 8, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 21 min read
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The Flight JK297 UFO Incident – The Manises Case
A UFO incident in November 1979 featuring the crew of a commercial airliner flying over southern Europe would force it to make an emergency landing at an airport in Manises – the first time that a UFO would force a commercial airliner to take such drastic action. Despite the wealth of information from the respective witnesses, the Spanish authorities would still suggest that the incident was nothing more than a case of misidentification…
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- February 7, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 7 min read
The Mussolini UFO Files – Cover-Up In Pre-World War Two Italy?
Although there is considerable doubt, at least in some corners, as to their authenticity, leaked documents suggesting a clandestine operation to study UFOs under the Mussolini regime in 1930s Italy are certainly intriguing. And would perhaps fit well with other sightings around the world, both at this time and in the decades that would follow…
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- January 24, 2020
- October 12, 2021
- 7 min read
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UFOs, Aliens, and Hollywood
UFOs, aliens, and Hollywood have always been a great mix. However, many in the UFO community believe that their regular existence within blockbuster movies and hit television shows is more than just entertainment. To some, such storylines are actually drip feeding us the truth as we hurtle toward disclosure – a disclosure that never seems to arrive. Whatever the truth of the matter, the connection between Hollywood and UFO and alien encounters is an intriguing one, to say the least…
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- January 5, 2020
- October 13, 2021
- 32 min read
What Are The Reasons For UFO Secrecy?
There are many varied reasons for UFO secrecy, some more legitimate and credible than others. However, when we start to examine some of these potential reasons for the secrecy around the existence of extraterrestrial life visiting our planet, it becomes quite obvious that something truly extraordinary is taking place around us. And what’s more, it is seemingly having a very true effect on how we live our lives. Just why is there such secrecy surrounding the UFO and alien question…?
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- December 22, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 22 min read
The 1967 Blitho Florida UFO Incident
Although they would remain a mystery for almost 40 years before finally entering the public domain in the Internet age, two little-known UFO encounters from Florida in the late-1960s may very well be connected. And furthermore, when we examine some of the finer details of these intriguing cases, may also share connections to the alien abduction phenomena that was about to be unleashed on the United States, and indeed the world, in the decades that followed…
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- October 28, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 6 min read
The Cheyenne Mountain UFO Incident
An apparent UFO incident in late-October 1975 over the main NORAD Command Post, Cheyenne Mountain occurred during a time of intense UFO activity over much of the United States. Especially, it seemed, over military facilities. The fact that every effort appeared to have been made to cover-up the incident perhaps suggests the encounter may be of importance…
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- August 26, 2019
- October 13, 2021
- 7 min read
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