UFOs: Cover-Ups

Perhaps enveloping all aspects of the UFO question is the alleged cover-ups and suppressing of information that many claim have, and continues to be, actioned by many of the world’s militaries and governments. Indeed, perhaps a conspiracy within the UFO conspiracy itself is that many of these discreet agencies work above each nation’s respective government in order to maintain such secrecy.
Is there a covering up of UFO evidence? And if so, what might the reasons for that cover-up be? Might it be, as has been suggested over the years, to prevent panic among the wider population should alien visitors from outer space suddenly become a reality?
Or might the cover-up revolve around possibly recovered extraterrestrial technology that each nation wishes to keep to itself in an effort to reverse-engineer and use to their own military advantage?
Perhaps a meeting between, albeit a limited number of humans and these alien visitors has already taken place. Might there be, for example, any credence into the allegations that such a secret meeting resulted in a discreet arrangement for highly advanced alien technology in return for access to the human population and the deeply dark phenomenon of alien abductions that would sweep across the United States, and other parts of the world from the 1960s onwards?
Maybe the reasons for the covering up of UFO visitation revolve not so much around the extraterrestrials themselves but the vehicles they arrive in – specifically, the propulsion systems and the energy used to power them. Might such technology help solve the world’s energy crisis but also hit the profits of those in charge of the energy industries? And where do the Men In Black fit into all of this?
As we might imagine, the claims of conspiracies and cover-ups in the UFO community are as big as the subject of UFOs itself…
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Claims Of “Harrison”: Another UFO Crash Before The Roswell Event!
The claims of “Harrison” of a UFO crash on a Native American reservation in the mid-1940s is not only one of a downed UFO over two years before the alleged crash at Roswell, but is also one of an interplanetary retrieval mission by the same race of extraterrestrials who crash-landed several months previously. Moreover, there are suggestions that the authorities learned of the downed craft, and covered up the wreckage under the guise of a public program…
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- January 16, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- 8 min read
Otherworldly Objects And Special Forces: The Josie Zwinenberg UFO Encounter
Josie Zwinenberg witnessed a UFO in the summer of 1979 while riding her horse in the woods near her home in the Netherlands. Over four decades later, the incident would be brought to forefront of her mind following an unsettling “chance” encounter with a mysterious bed and breakfast owner in Ireland…
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- January 13, 2024
- January 26, 2024
- 11 min read
The 1945 Padilla Ranch UFO Crash – Another Covered-Up Retrieval Mission?
An apparent crash of an otherworldly vehicle on a ranch in New Mexico in the summer of 1945, only days after the unleashing of the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was not only witnessed by two young boys, but they also secretly watched the military clean-up and retrieval operation. And while the military brushed off the object as nothing more than a weather balloon, there is ample reason to believe the mystery object was indeed of extraterrestrial origin…
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- January 10, 2024
- 12 min read
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Another Military Cover-Up: The 1971 Bermuda Triangle UFO Incident
In 1971, multiple crew members onboard the USS John F. Kennedy in the Bermuda Triangle, witnessed a huge, glowing object hovering silently over their ship. What’s more, as it hovered, the ship’s communication, navigational, and electrical equipment all suddenly failed. Despite the surreal nature of the events, as well as the multiple witnesses, no official report was ever made, at least publicly, and the encounter only came to light decades later with the arrival of the Internet…
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- December 21, 2023
- 6 min read
The Talcahuano Port Incident : A UFO Close Encounter Off The Chilean Coast
A UFO encounter that occurred just off the coast of Chile in October 1969 could very well be one of the most discreetly important encounters on record. Not only did the intriguing events have multiple witnesses, but there appears to have been a considerable effort by the authorities to suppress the incident, with some actions seemingly attempting to erase it from history altogether…
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- December 9, 2023
- 6 min read
Is There A UFO Cover-Up, Only Not In The Way We Think?
Most people in the UFO community accept that there are very likely various cover-ups in place and disinformation regularly released. However, rather than being used to suppress or discredit information regarding visitors from another world, there is the distinct possibility that claims of UFO sightings and even crashes are being used to cover-up much more earthly if no less dark activities…
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- March 22, 2023
- 7 min read
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The Enduring Mystery And Intrigue Of The Calvine UFO Photo
The Cavline UFO photograph is arguably one of the most intriguing and controversial UFO pictures in history – and could very prove to be one of the most authentic and important. What makes it even more interesting, is that there is no certainty as to identity of the person who took the picture as they have remained silent for over 30 years, with the picture only to coming to light very recently through a retired RAF officer who met with the witness not long after the incident in the summer of 1990, and who has held on to the picture all this time…
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- March 15, 2023
- 8 min read
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The Trinity UFO Crash – Another Covered-Up UFO Encounter Of The 1940s?
An alleged UFO crash in Trinity, Texas could very well soon be proven through a new bill that would force the United States government to release previously unseen files on UFO events. And the fact that this apparent crash occurred two years before the Roswell incident only makes this prospect all the more intriguing…
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- March 11, 2023
- 6 min read
The Kingman UFO Crash – A Discreet Downed UFO That Slipped Under The Radar?
Like many apparent cases of UFO crashes, the Kingman incident is one that is surrounded with controversy, not least due to the seemingly embellished and outright manufactured claims by some of the witnesses. However, mystery still surrounds the incident, and there remains doubt as to whether there might be at least some truths to these bizarre and thought-provoking claims…
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- January 28, 2023
- 13 min read
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The Boston Stump Incident And The 1996 UK UFO Wave
In October 1996 two strange lights were reported by several members of the public in the United Kingdom, including police officers, and was seemingly picked up on military radar. Despite, this the sighting was put down to a radar echo caused by a spire in the town of Boston. However, this explanation did not sit well with all, including those who had witnessed the lights. In fact, such was the interest in the case, it was even brought up in the Houses of Parliament…
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- August 3, 2022
- 12 min read
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The Petrozavodsk Jellyfish UFO Sighting
A bizarre sighting of a jellyfish-like UFO over the Russian town of Petrozavodsk in 1977 – an incident witnessed by hundreds of people – is quite possibly one of the most well-known and potentially credible UFO sightings in Russian history, perhaps not least due to the physical left behind following the encounter. Despite this, it was officially dismissed as nothing more than the optical illusion cause by a rocket launch. However, closer examination would appear this explanation simply doesn’t stand up…
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- June 30, 2022
- 13 min read
The Tully Nest Affair And The 1966 Wave Of UFO Sightings Across Australia
The Tully Nest sightings are arguably one of Australia’s most intriguing and well-known UFO encounters – one that left physical evidence behind, to boot. They came at a time when Australia was experiencing a particularly high volume of UFO encounters, and remain some of the most discussed, investigated, and mysterious incidents on record…
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- April 26, 2022
- 13 min read
The Pentyrch UFO Crash – A Cover-Up Of A Downed Alien Craft By The UK Military?
The Pentyrch UFO incident could quite possible prove to be one of the most important claims of crashed UFO in history, and one that appears to have many more secrets left to reveal. Not only were there multiple witnesses to the UFOs themselves, but also corroborating witnesses who claimed they hears a huge explosion a short time after the objects appeared. One of those witnesses claims that the UK military are covering up the event…
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- February 8, 2022
- March 8, 2023
- 17 min read
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The Discreetly Intriguing Carbondale Case – A Downed UFO In Pennsylvania
An apparent downed UFO case in Carbondale, Pennsylvania in the opening weeks of 1974 is one that is controversial, even in UFO circles. While many researchers and enthusiasts suggest the incident has been subject to a huge cover-up, others, including many UFO investigators insist the incident was nothing more than a mistakenly sighted meteor and an opportunistic hoax. What is certain, though, is that the Keystone State has been active with UFO sightings for decades…
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- August 29, 2021
- October 12, 2021
- 33 min read
The Grave Of The Devil Case – UFO Crash And Retrieval In Russia
Although it is little known outside of UFO circles, an alleged downed UFO from the final days of the Soviet Union is perhaps one of the most intriguing cases on record, not least as it was investigated by leading UFO researchers who would even claim to have located the crash site and viewed the otherworldly vehicle for themselves. However, like many such incidents, it would appear that the event was covered over by the authorities leaving many unanswered questions three decades later…
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- August 22, 2021
- October 12, 2021
- 20 min read
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