Struck In The Back Yard – The Foxboro UFO Paralysis Case

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 28, 2025
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read
Posted in
UFOs, Close Encounters

A UFO close encounter that unfolded in Foxboro, Massachusetts in December 1980 is not only one that featured the thought-provoking if disturbing detail of paralysis-inducing laser-like light beams, but is also described by investigators as a “very convincing case,” and a “watershed of the nature and reality of UFO human interaction!”

On the night in question, a young boy was struck by the bizarre beam of light after noticing a strange object appear over his house, causing him to be paralyzed for almost 10 minutes. While this detail sounds like something straight out of a science-fiction movie, it is one that shows up in more UFO close encounter reports than many people might think. Of further interest, and another detail that shows up in many other UFO cases, the witness experienced some kind of telepathic communication during the incident, an exchange of information that he later recalled in his sleep from his subconscious memory.

The encounter was investigated by Mutal UFO Network (MUFON) investigators, Edwin Fogg Jr. and Joseph Nyman, and it is from their report that the following is based.

An Object “Bigger Than A House” Hovering Overhead!

According to the MUFON report, at around 6:30 pm on the evening of December 5th, 1980 in Foxboro, Massachusetts – a “bitterly cold” night – an anonymous 13-year-old boy rushed into this family home from the backyard with a remarkable tale to tell his parents. [1] He claimed that while he was outside he had suddenly noticed a UFO that was “bigger than a house!” overhead.

As we might expect, his mother and stepfather found his claims a little bizarre, but they both also noticed how agitated and scared the young boy was, and certainly believed that he had seen something out of the ordinary. His account, though, would get even stranger, and more compelling.

He continued that this object had appeared “from nowhere” and hovered for several moments. Then, as he looked up in awe, a strange laser-like light beam came from the bottom of the craft and struck him. As soon as it did so, he was unable to move, while at the same time a strange “mumbling (began) in his head!” He remained in this position for around 10 minutes before he seemingly lost consciousness. The next thing he remembered, the UFO was gone and he was walking toward the house, a walk that quickly turned into a run.

A report was made to the local UFO organization who promptly sent investigators to speak with the youngster and examine the backyard for themselves. Remarkably, when they spoke to the teenager, they discovered he had a “painless, sunburn-like redness” in his upper torso, presumably where the light beam had struck him, a redness that the young boy had not been aware of.

A Potential Case Of Alien Abduction!

Following UFO investigators speaking with the teenager, his parents suggested that they should leave a small tape recorder by his bed that evening. They claimed that he often spoke in his sleep during times of stress, and that his subconscious memories of the mystifying events might show themselves that way. As it happened, their inkling to take such action would prove to be vital in putting together a bigger picture of the strange events that cold December evening.

Over the course of the next few nights, the young boy did indeed speak out loud in his sleep of his experience in the yard, and from these recordings, his parents and investigators began to put together a timeline of events.

It seemed that after the beam of light had struck him he heard a voice inside his head that was not just mumbling, but issuing instructions. This voice, among other things, said that they “wanted to examine him” and that the procedure would be harmless. Obviously, the implication here is that the events in the yard were much more than a mere sighting and most likely an abduction. However, it is not clear if an abduction took place or not as the witness didn’t describe it in his nightly ramblings, nor did he speak about entering the hovering object. Whether this happened and he simply didn’t recall it, or perhaps the examination was not a physical one and could have been achieved via the strange light beam remains open to debate.

In the days and weeks that followed, though, the witness’s parents noticed a sudden surge of paranormal-type activity taking place in their home, especially when their son was present. Lights would suddenly switch on or off of their own accord, for example, while other electrical gadgets would do likewise. This detail of paranormal-type activity can be found in many other reports of alien abduction in the weeks before and after the event, and perhaps is another indicator that UFOs and alien abductions are much more connected to hauntings and poltergeist-like activity than many of us might think.

A Seemingly Very Credible Case

In documenting the case, MUFON investigators noted that in cases of UFO sightings and alien abduction “attempts must be made to gauge the motivations” of people making such claims, noting further that a desire for monetary reward was often the reason people fabricated or even manufactured such claims.

However, they also noted that in this particular case, there was no evidence whatsoever for such motivation or action. The parents, for example, had no desire for any publicity due to the fact that the witness’s mother was “in the middle of a custody battle with the boy’s natural father!” In fact, she specifically expressed her fears of anyone outside of the family and the investigators knowing anything about the events in case it caused her to lose the custody case.

Ultimately, they concluded that the chances of the claims being untrue and the case being a hoax were “nonexistent!” They further noted, with regard to the many paranormal events that unfolded in the days and weeks following the strange events that the boy was likely being used “as an agent” by the intelligence behind the UFO he had witnessed.

Of course, this would suggest that the event in the yard that cold December night was just one of many (although we should note it is not known if this is the case and is purely speculation on our part). The case remains unexplained, and it is not known if the witness experienced any other UFO encounters in the years that have followed since. Several weeks later, though, another UFO encounter unfolded in Massachusetts, and it is to that incident we will turn our attention to next.

The Chicopee UFO Event

Several weeks later, just before midnight on the evening of December 30th, 1980 in the Chicopee region, another unnamed witness was asleep in their bedroom at home when a booming “noise like thunder” woke them suddenly. [2] They immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the bedroom window. To their disbelief, right outside was an “orange fireball” that was “gliding” directly over the top of their home. Thinking that a “meteor was falling into the backyard,” the witness rushed to the kitchen window, waking their sister as they went. When they reached the window in the kitchen and looked outside, they were confronted with a sight they were not at all expecting.

Right outside on the roof of their porch was a “black diamond-shaped craft” with flashing green lights. The witness estimated the object was around eight feet in height and approximately 10 feet wide, which would perhaps suggest – if it was a UFO – it would be a small, single-pilot vehicle.

Despite having a great urge to go outside, the witness remained where they were and watched the object, which remained on the porch roof for several minutes. Then, the object rose from the rooftop and hovered over the yard for several moments before the flashing green lights went out. A moment later, it took off high into the sky and disappeared into the distance. Interestingly or not, several minutes after the incident, several military jets passed directly over the house heading in the direction the object had disappeared.

The Remarkably Similar Encounter Of Jared Lee

It is also worth noting a very similar encounter to that of the anonymous 13-year-old from Foxboro that occurred a little over a decade later at around 10 pm one evening in early December 1991 in the Havana region of Florida. [3] On the night in question, 13-year-old Jared Lee had just returned from Tallahassee where he had picked up a pizza when he noticed a strange light overhead as he climbed out of his car. From his perspective, it appeared as though the light was descending towards some nearby trees. At this point, the young boy called out to his parents so that they too saw the bizarre events unfolding before him.

Having not yet entered the house, they both turned around to their son before turning their attention to where he was looking. They watched in amazement for several seconds. They noticed that the lights had a “sweeping nature” to them, which made them contemplate if they were watching hunters looking for deer. However, they soon realized the lights were much too high to be hunters. Then, with a sense of anxiousness already rising in all three of the Lee family, and with the lights continuing to descend, the car horn suddenly sounded.

The three witnesses could now see that the lights were, in fact, several lights. Even more amazing, one of them – a “large, orange, glowing ball of light” – moved independently of the others. This was followed by a similar blue-green ball of light. Then, all of the lights suddenly went out, leaving the sky in darkness once more. All three of the witnesses remained exactly where they were, looking in the direction the lights had been only moments before.

Then, without warning, a “large, beam of intense, glistening, white-gold light” suddenly appeared out of the sky and hit the ground below. The light allowed the witnesses to see that it was coming from a large, metallic craft that was hovering silently above them. The light beam continued to shine constantly for around 15 minutes before it suddenly went out and the craft disappeared.

It is unclear if the light beam was concentrated (and had struck) an unseen individual as it had in the Foxboro case, or whether it eventually made its way to the witnesses and they simply don’t recall. The details are intriguingly similar to the case from Massachusetts 11 years earlier.

Paralyzing Laser Beams – A Credible Details Of UFO Encounters?

As bizarre as the idea of a “laser-beam of light” emerging from an apparently otherworldly craft causing temporary paralysis in those it strikes might be to some, the fact is there are many close encounter UFO cases where this detail can be found. In fact, there are so many reports that feature a beam of light causing temporary paralysis in the witness that it would perhaps be irresponsible to ignore or dismiss such details without serious consideration.

What is even more thought-provoking, this detail of paralysis-inducing light beams is not limited to a specific area or a specific time period in the Modern UFO Era, with cases being spread around the world and across the decades, which only serves to make the detail a credible one associated with close encounter UFO cases.

If we accept for a moment that this technology is in the possession of these apparent extraterrestrial visitors, we might ask just why it is utilized against us? Is it merely to peacefully incapacitate without causing lasting harm? Or might there be other procedures taking place that we are simply unaware of? We might recall, for example, in the Foxboro incident, the young boy recalled receiving instructions directly into his mind. Could this have been some kind of “information upload” and is this data carried within these futuristic light beams?

A Detail That Requires Understanding

Ultimately, there is much for us to consider here. Are these light beam encounters connected to the alien abduction phenomenon? Perhaps they are some kind of pre-abduction examination or scouting procedure? Or maybe these encounters occur after an abduction, perhaps following the fitting of implants. We have already mentioned the possibility that some kind of information could be being uploaded to the people caught in these light beams, but what if these uploads were more concerned with erasing memories, perhaps those of previous abductions. While these possibilities might sound preposterous, they all need to be considered.

We might also consider if these types of encounters are extraterrestrial in nature or whether they might be connected to some kind of unknown, covert experiment on the world’s population by organizations unknown, one carried out under the guise of UFO encounters and possibly even alien abduction. If this were true, then this would perhaps explain the reason behind UFO secrecy – because the issue is used as a way of carrying out such clandestine experiments.

As usual, such a detail only serves to muddy the waters of the UFO and alien picture even further, while adding another layer of considerations to the already complicated and in-flux big picture. One thing we can be certain of, is that the detail of light beams causing paralysis will one day prove to be of importance to solving the UFO and alien mysteries.

The short video below explores some of the strangest UFO close encounters on record.


1 Young boy struck by beam of light from UFO, UFO Evidence
2 NUFORC UFO Sighting 32334, NUFORC
3 1991 – Lee Family Encounters UFO, UFO Casebook

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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