Something At The Roadside: The Bizarre UFO Encounter Of Enrico Carotenuto Bossa
- By
- February 16, 2025
- 14 min read
- Posted in
- UFOs, Close Encounters
Although there is only a single witness to the events, a UFO landing encounter in the La Pampa Province region of Argentina in May 1950 is not only one of the most remarkable on record, but it remains of interest to UFO researchers not only in South America but around the world. Moreover, despite there being only one witness to these potentially reality-altering events, their account offers details that resonate very nicely with other accounts that have surfaced since, potentially adding credibility to the witness’s claims.
What is perhaps also of interest about the case, and something we will examine shortly, is that this area of Argentina has more than its fair share of UFO activity and strange encounters, not only in the past but also in our contemporary era. Could it be that there is something special about this location? Could there be some kind of electromagnetic energy here that attracts these strange objects?
The account has been published on multiple platforms and UFO magazines in the decades since the encounter unfolded, although news of it first entered the public arena five years after it happened in an article in the May 7th, 1955 edition of the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal.
- 1 A “Silvery Object” At The Side Of The Road!
- 2 A Strange Man Slumped In A Strange Chair
- 3 Bone-Chilling Discoveries
- 4 A Missing Crew Member?
- 5 A Cosmic Retrieval And Clean-Up Mission?
- 6 The Santa Rosa Incident
- 7 The Encounter Of Duilio Guidone
- 8 Across Multiple Countries – The Transportation Case Of Dr. Geraldo Vidal
- 9 Transported 400 Miles In An Instant – The Case Of Graciela del Lourdes Ciminez
- 10 “Taken” Out Of His Car – The Businessman Transported From One End Of The Country To The Other
- 11 Just Waiting For Details To Match In Other Cases
A “Silvery Object” At The Side Of The Road!
While driving back from a business trip to the Bahia Blanca region of Argentina on the afternoon of May 15th, 1950, Enrico Carotenuto Bossa suddenly noticed something strange ahead of him. There, as clear as day and shining in the afternoon sun, was a large “silvery object” that was simply resting on the ground approximately 300 yards ahead of him. [1] Although he began to slow his vehicle, he continued on towards it, perplexed at what he was seeing. When he was barely 50 yards from the strange object, he brought his car to a stop. He remained in the driver’s seat, leaning forward and peering through the windshield in an attempt to get a better view of this bizarre craft.
From here, it appeared that the object was disc-shaped and had a silver exterior. Along the side of the object, there appeared to be portholes while a “translucent cupola” was on the top. As he looked at the object, trying to make sense of what he was seeing, he asked himself if he was staring at some kind of wreckage, perhaps of a small plane. [2] However, the more he looked, the more he knew that he wasn’t looking at an airplane, small or otherwise. He was looking at something a lot more out of the ordinary. He eventually got out of his car and walked a little closer to the strange craft until he was only several yards away. The closer he got, the more his mind kept telling him he was looking at a “flying saucer!”
It was at this point that he noticed what looked like a door was open in the side of the object. He estimated this doorway was around 30 feet wide and appeared to have two parts to it. The upper section of the door was cylindrical in shape and eventually morphed into the cupola on top. The bottom section was the shape of an “inverted saucer!” He walked as close as he dared and examined the doorway closely, noting how it had a polished chromium color to it. In fact, this exterior was so polished that he could clearly see his reflection in it. He took one more look around and decided he was going to go inside this mysterious object.
A Strange Man Slumped In A Strange Chair
Cautiously but confidently, on all fours, he ventured inside the object, immediately noting how dark it was inside. As well as the blackness of the interior, he noticed an immediate smell that he later described as a cross between “ozone and garlic!” Eventually, his eyes adjusted somewhat, and he could see a short drop of around three feet in front of him, leading to what he presumed was the main cockpit area of the craft. Still on all fours, he dropped down to the floor below, noting how it briefly appeared to give way but remained steady and stable.
He briefly scanned his surroundings, noting he was standing in what was a perfect circle. From the floor to the top of the domed roof section was approximately six feet, enough for him to stand. Moreover, he could see several of the portholes he witnessed when he approached the craft. He examined them closely, later describing them as being made from some kind of “thick plexiglass!”
By this point, Bossa’s eyes were almost fully adjusted to his dark environment, allowing him to see much more of his surroundings. And it didn’t take long for him to notice the strange man, around four-and-a-half feet tall, slumped in a “strange chair” dressed in a grey-colored coverall-type suit that covered his entire body except for his hands and face. In his hands was a black box. It appeared that the man had been gripping the box tightly in his final moments. The man’s face appeared human with “tobacco-colored” skin and no facial hair but with sandy-colored hair on his head. The eyes were “very dilated and glassy” and were distinctly larger than a human’s eyes.
Bone-Chilling Discoveries
After staring at the strange man for several moments, Bossa slowly reached forward and touched one of the figure’s arms. He could immediately tell it was frozen stiff. A moment later, he placed his hand on the man’s head. It, too, was icy cold. From there he placed his hand on the figure’s suit, noting that it appeared to be made of something similar to leather and had a “padded” feel to it around the shoulders.
He next turned his attention to the chair the figures was slumped in. Although he couldn’t tell what material it was made from, it had a bizarre and very noticeable red metallic look to it. In front of the chair, in line with the man’s face, was a mysterious disc that had the appearance of a switched-off television screen.
Bossa then stepped back a step or two, noticing as he did so that a column or cylinder stretched from the floor to the ceiling and ran through the back of the chair, almost like a “central post” that appeared to control the chair. This detail is an intriguing one, and one that shows up in many UFO reports from around the world and across the decades. Moreover, there are several encounters with the occupants of these strange vehicles who have informed the witnesses that these central columns are connected to the propulsion system and navigation equipment of the vehicle. This is something that Bossa simply wouldn’t have known at the time he made his report and would have been extremely lucky if he had chanced upon such a detail.
Bossa now turned his attention around the room and quickly noticed two other men, each lying on something best described as looking similar to a sofa. And much like the figure in the chair, each man appeared cold and lifeless. Even more unsettling, when Bossa examined the two men closer, each had a look of wide-eyed terror on their face, complete with their mouth twisted in what appeared to be a silent scream.
It was then that Bossa noticed another chair – only this one was empty, a detail that filled Bossa with sudden dread.
A Missing Crew Member?
He remained where he was for several moments, the thought going round and round in his mind as to where the apparent missing crew member might be. Were they also dead, their body lying somewhere in the craft unseen? Or had they escaped and ventured off into the countryside, and is that why the door was left open? Or, perhaps worst of all, was the occupant still in the craft, perhaps even watching and stalking him? Perhaps they were injured and awaiting him to find them so he could help them? He stood there, his mind tumbling with thoughts and possible scenarios, a surge of fear running through him at the same time.
Then, his thoughts were disturbed by a bright orange-white light that began to flash on the ceiling of the cockpit. Suddenly, the fear he was feeling turned into outright error. He turned around, pulled himself out of the cockpit area and headed for the door as fast as he could move. A moment later he was dropping to the ground below. He found himself taking in great gulps of air, realizing for the first time that the air inside the object had been extremely heavy.
Then, he remembered the empty chair and the potentially missing object and quickly spun around, making sure that no one was standing nearby waiting to pounce. Satisfied that he was alone he turned and made his way to his car as fast as he could. He opened the door and flung himself inside. He immediately reached for the keys in the ignition. Although it took him several attempts, the engine eventually turned over. He pressed down on the gas and made his way away from the area. However, as he did so, he noticed how “sluggish” the car’s engine was, something it hadn’t been before, making Bossa contemplate if the car’s battery was suddenly flat. Regardless, he continued on, eventually arriving home with no further incidents.
He eventually told several close friends of what he had seen, eventually convincing them to return to the location where he had seen the craft so they could investigate the area further.
A Cosmic Retrieval And Clean-Up Mission?
Following a particularly heavy thunderstorm passing through the region, Bossa and several of his friends set out to the location on the roadside where he had witnessed the bizarre craft. However, upon arriving at the spot he insisted the events had played out, the craft was no longer there. There was, though, a “ring of silvery-red ashes” that was around 15 feet in width and stood around six feet high. Even stranger, and perhaps indicated that whatever had happened had happened recently, a faint smoke was visibly rising from the ashy circle.
Curious, Bossa stretched his hand toward the circle of ash but immediately pulled it back, telling the others he could feel intense heat coming from the deposit. When the group took a rough temperature of the ashes, they were more than shocked to discover they were over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, something strange happened.
Almost in unison, each of the men, without knowing why, suddenly turned their attention skyward. There, above them, was a saucer-shaped object passing calmly overhead. Bossa immediately reached for his camera and went to take a picture of the aerial anomaly. However, before he could do so, his attention was captured by a second saucer-shaped object, this one exactly the same as the first, and both the same as the crippled object Bossa had discovered previously.
It was around this time that each of the men noticed something else in the sky – a larger, cigar-shaped craft hovering at a much higher altitude than the two saucer-shaped ones. As they watched, the two smaller objects began to ascend, heading directly towards the larger craft, suggesting it was some kind of mothership. The men recalled that as the two objects climbed, they changed color from silver to something similar to the color of a red rose. Then, the two round objects “joined” with the cigar-shaped craft (presumably the docked), which then vanished with lightning speed.
There are, of course, several interesting points and details to explore concerning this remarkable events. Before we delve into those, however, it is worth our time examining just some of the other reports of strange UFO activity in the La Pampa region.
The Santa Rosa Incident
Around 60 years after the Bossa encounter, at around 8 pm on September 20th, 2010, an anonymous witness in the La Pampa region was at home in Santa Rosa when her evening took a decidedly dark turn. [3] This was just the latest in several strange and unexplained events that had recently plagued the witness’s life.
According to the witness, out of nowhere, a strange “very thin” entity with “long extremities” suddenly appeared in her home right in front of her. She estimated this figure was around seven feet tall and moved as if it was extremely frail and weak. The being had a strangely-shaped head with a small nose, no ears, and a slit-like mouth. Perhaps strangest of all, though, were the eyes, which she at first thought were nothing but an empty eye socket, but she eventually saw some kind of strange, glowing orb within them.
Then, the figure moved toward the witness and reached for her. It was at this point that she realized, despite its frail appearance, this creature was exceptionally strong. As the creature grabbed at her, she couldn’t help but get a close-up of its skin, which she later described as greeny-grey, “wrinkly,” and similar in appearance to fish scales. Moreover, she recalled asking herself if the “skin” was, in fact, some kind of suit or body armor. She further recalled that its hands were particularly large, with “large, rounded fingers!”
As this was unfolding, the witness had the distinct feeling that there was more than one of these strange creatures in the house with her. She somehow sensed there was at least one, if not more, behind the creature that had a grip on her but she was unable to physically see if this was the case. At this point, the creature moved its grip to her face, grabbing her by the cheeks.
A moment later, the witness’s son – who claimed he had heard a bizarre buzzing in the air – burst into the room. A moment after that, the creature seemingly disappeared into thin air and was gone. After taking a few moments to collect themselves, the woman’s son noticed a strange, burn-like mark on her face where the creature had grabbed her. Furthermore, when UFO investigators visited the woman a short time later, they found similar burn marks outside the house, as if from the creature’s feet where it had been standing.
The incident remains a complete mystery. However, the descriptions given by the witness – the glowing eyes, the grey-green scaly, armor-like skin, the strength, and the overall dimensions in terms of height, are perhaps suggestive of a reptilian creature.
The Encounter Of Duilio Guidone
Five years later, shortly after midnight on June 12th, 2015, 65-year-old businessman and commercial pilot Duilio Guidone was driving through a toll booth into the La Pamp region. Before leaving, he brought his car to a stop near one of the security kiosks in order to ask the security guard the nearest place to buy a hot drink at this late hour. The security guard recommended a service station a short distance away, and Guidone made his way there, arriving at around 1:30 am. However, much to his disappointment, the restaurant section was already closed. He got back in his car and continued on down the lonely road; his eyes alert for any late-night establishment that might be open.
Then, something truly bizarre took place.
Instead of cruising down the road looking for late-night eating establishments, his car was now only “rolling along” in slow cruise control. Moreover, his hands were no longer even on the steering wheel but resting calmly on his knees. This was the same with his feet, which were no longer on or hovering over the pedals but positioned under his seat in a relaxed position. What’s more, he had no memory of how he had come to be in this position.
After a moment, he finally came to enough to take control of the car, bringing it to a stop at the roadside. He then glanced at his watch and was more than shocked to find it was now 4:30 am. He had absolutely no recollection of the last three hours. Despite his confusion, he continued on with his journey, arriving home a short time later. He immediately told his family of his strange night and eventually made an official report to the authorities, although, as we might imagine, they had little to go on in terms of any kind of follow-up investigation.
Just what might have happened that evening in 2015 remains a mystery. Is it possible Guidone was abducted by aliens? The details are certainly suggestive of such a possibility. On the other hand, he witnessed no strange entities, or even a UFO. One thing Guidone is certain of is that the encounter has left “a tremendous question mark” in his life.
Across Multiple Countries – The Transportation Case Of Dr. Geraldo Vidal
With this last case, in particular, in mind, it is also worth our time briefly mentioning several strange transportation cases that unfolded in nearby Bahia Blanca detailed in the book Our Haunted Planet by John Keel.
In May 1968, for example, in Chascomus, Dr. Gerado Vidal was driving through the countryside with his wife one evening when a bizarre, white cloud suddenly appeared out of nowhere and completely enveloped their car. The next thing the pair realized, the car had come to a stop. Even stranger, it was no longer evening but, judging by the brightness of the sun, morning or early afternoon. Neither could recall what had happened or where they now were.
They eventually made their way to a nearby gas station, where they discovered that two full days had passed. Moreover, they were no longer in Bahia Blanca but were around 4000 miles away in rural Mexico. Stranger still, despite this apparent mammoth journey, the car’s petrol tank was still almost full, exactly as it had been on the evening Vidal and his wife had decided to go out for a drive.
Needless to say, the pair were at a loss as to why they couldn’t recall anything of the last 48 hours, not to mention how they had entered another country seemingly undetected (keeping in mind they would have had to have crossed several borders to arrive in Mexico). When investigators examined their car in the days following the bizarre events, they discovered scorch marks on the exterior of the vehicle, leading them to conclude that they had likely been at the Mexican roadside for the best part of those missing 48 hours. This, of course, would suggest that shortly after the bizarre white cloud descended out of the sky, the car was somehow transported from the countryside road in Argentina to the isolated country road in Mexico. As bizarre as this sounds, it is far from the only such case on record from this part of Argentina.
Transported 400 Miles In An Instant – The Case Of Graciela del Lourdes Ciminez
Only several months later, in August 1968, this time in the town of Cordoba, 11-year-old Graciela del Lourdes Ciminez was playing with her friends outside her family home when a “strange white cloud” suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Even more alarming, it appeared to head straight towards the young girl. A moment later, she was completely enveloped in this menacing mist. She turned in all directions, but no matter which way she looked, all she could see in front of her was thick white fog.
Then, the strange cloud was suddenly gone. However, when she had scanned her surroundings for a moment, the young girl quickly realized she was no longer standing outside her home as she had been only moments earlier. Now, there were people walking all around her; only these people were strangers. What’s more, she was in some kind of busy city square.
She eventually approached a nearby house and after taking a moment she knocked on the door. When it was answered, she explained that she was lost and didn’t know where she was. Eventually the young girl’s family were contacted and informed that their daughter had turned up in the city of Plaza Espana – almost 400 miles from her home.
Her disappearance and reappearance hundreds of miles away seemingly only moments later remains completely unexplained. The similarities, though, to the Dr. Vidal case are clear. That two such similar cases of what is, essentially, transportation occurring in the same geographic location only months apart is surely more than coincidence. Furthermore, around a decade earlier, we can find yet another almost identical case.
“Taken” Out Of His Car – The Businessman Transported From One End Of The Country To The Other
In an article titled Teleportations, sourced from the Argentinian newspaper Diario de Corboda, Gorden Creighton relayed an encounter involving an anonymous businessman who was in Bahia Blanca on business sometime in 1959. On this particular morning, with his business now complete, the man was preparing to check out of the motel he had been staying in. He packed his suitcase in the trunk, got in the car, and turned the keys in the ignition. However, the next thing he knew, he was suddenly surrounded by a fast-appearing thick, white fog.
Unable to see anything other than white mist all around him, the man became disorientated. A moment later, he suspected he blacked out, if only very briefly. Whatever did happen, however, when he came to fully next, he was no longer sitting in his car but was standing in the middle of a field close to a lonely road several feet away. Confused, he looked around him, but he was completely alone.
Then, he heard the sound of an approaching truck and he quickly made his way to the side of the road and began waving his arms in an attempt to get the truck driver’s attention. Much to his relief, the truck driver pulled his vehicle to the side of the road. The businessman then asked him if he could drive him to his motel in Bahia Blanca. The truck driver appeared a little shocked by this, informing the man that Bahia Blanca was over 600 miles away to the south, elaborating that they were currently in the city of Salta.
At this point, completely confused, the businessman checked his wristwatch. Only several minutes had passed since he had checked out of the hotel. The truck driver agreed to drive the man to the local police station where, after telling them his account, they contacted the police department in Bahia Blanca and asked them to check out the motel the man claimed to have checked out of only minutes earlier.
Much to their disbelief, when the Bahia Blanca police department got back to them, they confirmed that not only had the hotel staff confirmed his version of events and that he had indeed checked out a short time before, but they had also found the man’s car outside the motel with the engine running and the keys in the ignition.
Just Waiting For Details To Match In Other Cases
If we return our attention back to Enrico Carotenuto Bossa and his bizarre experience in May 1950, we might ask if what Bossa – and, in part, his friends – witnessed was some kind of recovery and rescue operation carried out by an intelligence from another world. And what about the apparent missing crew member? Were they also recovered along with the craft? Or might they have ventured out into the Argentinian countryside?
We might also ask if there is any connection to the region itself, which, as we have seen, has many strange events to boast of. Is there some kind of electromagnetic anomaly present in this region that perhaps opens portals and gateways to other realms and dimensions? Perhaps that is the reason there is such a diversity of encounters and strange activity in this part of the world. Are the strange disappearances and reappearances we examined somehow connected to the Bossa account, and are they, in turn, connected to the more recent encounters of the 2000s?
While it is unlikely that this case will bring forth any further revelations, it is possible that the details of it might find resonance in a future case that shines a light on both of them and, in turn, the bigger UFO question.
The short video below explores some of the most mind-blowing UFO sightings on record.
↑1 | L’Affaire Botta, Dr. Willy Smith, Flying Saucer Review https://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Smith,Dead%20Humanoids%201950,Argentina,Enrico%20Bossa,FSR86V31N5.pdf |
↑2 | General Alcha, La Pampa: A Crashful Landing (15 May 1950), Roberto Banchs Vision Ovni https://www.visionovni.com.ar/archivos/923 |
↑3 | Argentina: Another Stunning CE-3 in La Pampa, Inexplicata https://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2010/10/argentina-another-stunning-ce-3-in-la.html |
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