Close Encounters - Page 7
- Close Encounters (105)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The Cowichan Hospital Encounter
Perhaps one of the most little-known UFO incidents took place in the early hours of New Year’s Day 1970 in British Columbia, Canada, when the several staff members on the night shift at Cowichan District Hospital would witness a strange craft, with occupants, at extremely close range. What made the sighting even more credible, were the corroborating sightings in the same region in the hours that followed the incident…
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- April 21, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The 1973 Mansfield Coyne Helicopter UFO Incident
Still considered to be one of the most genuine and authentic UFO encounters, the incident over Mansfield, Ohio in October 1973 – when much of the United States was experiencing a wave of strange aerial sightings – would see four experienced and respected military pilots witness an object seemingly from out of this world at extremely close range. Furthermore, multiple residents on the ground would also witness the events, which officially, remain unexplained to this day…
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- April 16, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
The Bone-Chilling Deadly UFO Encounter Of Joao Prestes Filho
A UFO encounter from Brazil in 1946 is without a doubt one of the most harrowing and horrifying close encounters on record. 44-year-old Joao Prestes Filho would experience a sudden and agonizing death following an attacker “not from this world” would captivate UFO researchers and investigators in the years that followed. Just what did happen to Filho, and was it extraterrestrial in nature…?
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- March 30, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Long UFO History Of The Bass Strait Triangle
Not only is the Bass Stait, which runs between the south eastern coast of Australia and the island of Tasmania, a place where numerous ships and planes have seemingly disappeared without a trace, it is also a hot-spot of UFO activity. And what’s more, it has been for some time. Might it be that the two strange phenomena share a connection with the other…?
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- February 5, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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More Than Foo Fighters! Solid UFO Encounters In War Torn Skies
While there are the “foo-fighter” sightings of World War Two – generally glow orbs of light – there are several, lesser talked about incidents that involve more definite “nuts-and-bolts” UFOs. And what’s more, these were seen by pilots of multiple nations at various points of the planet. Some UFO researchers believe that the nuclear explosions over Japan alerted an alien intelligence to our presence on Earth. However, if these incidents are authentic, then they may have been watching events here long before…
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- November 27, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 18 min read
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UFOs And Ominous Black Boxes: The Unknown Connection
It is a detail that has little information with it, but that discreetly crops up in seemingly unrelated UFO cases across the world – the presence of mysterious, and usually deadly “black boxes”. Just what are these mysterious pieces of apparent alien technology? And perhaps of even more interest, what is the connection to the numerous Bigfoot sightings at the same time…?
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- November 25, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Many Mysteries of The Falkirk Triangle And Rosslyn Chapel
An area in Scotland, known to some locals and researchers as the Falkirk Triangle is regarded by some as a UFO hot spot, with a particularly intense rush of sightings in the mid-1990s. Perhaps what makes these sightings all the more interesting is that Rosslyn Chapel – a most mysterious building with a plethora of conspiracies to its name in its own right – sits within the boundaries of this mysterious stretch of land…
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- June 14, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 5 min read
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The Extraordinary 1982 Ota Air Base UFO Incident
The morning of 2nd November 1982 would see three experienced Portuguese Air Force pilots involved in a midair UFO encounter. The pilots would manage to take in intricate details of the strange saucer-like craft. And when UFO investigators took hold of the case they were assisted by an unprecedented approach from the Portuguese Air Force Chief of Staff releasing to them all UFO files under his charge…
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- May 8, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 4 min read
The Cash-Landrum Case – One Of The “Most Important In History!”
While driving home to Dayton, Texas on the evening of 29th December 1980, Vickie Landrum, her grandson, and her friend, Betty Cash, would experience one of the most terrifying and, in terms of the affects, far-reaching UFO encounter in history. One that would not only involve an apparent alien craft, but a discreet, secretive, military presence suggesting another level to the UFO phenomenon…
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- March 31, 2017
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Livingston Dechmont Woods Incident – A “Criminal Investigation” Of A UFO!
When truck driver, Robert Taylor, left his vehicle to walk his dog, he came across a strange object in a clearing in the woodlands near the roadside. He would approach the object only to be seemingly knocked unconscious by whatever intelligence was behind it. When he came to and eventually returned home, he would report the incident to police, forcing them to open an investigation…
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- March 28, 2017
- October 12, 2021
- 11 min read
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The Bizarre And Forgotten Broad Haven School UFO Incident Of 1977
In February 1977, at Broad Haven School in Wales, a UFO was witnessed by 14 school children. What’s more, six of them would even claim they had seen a humanoid pilot with a silver suit and “odd long ears!” It was an incident that would eventually bring the eyes of many interested parties on it. Including those of the Ministry of Defense…
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- February 21, 2017
- October 12, 2021
- 20 min read
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The Delphos Ring And Strange Cases Of Physical UFO Evidence
In November 1971, on an otherwise quiet farm in Delphos, Kansas, a strange craft would appear out of the night sky and land in a field on the Johnson property. Upon investigating the landing spot the following day, a strange circle was visible on the ground where it stood. While it is perhaps one of the most famous cases of a UFO leaving physical evidence behind, it certainly isn’t the only one…
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- December 4, 2016
- October 12, 2021
- 10 min read
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Deadly UFO Experiences Of The Sixth Kind
Most UFO sightings are nothing more than exactly that – mere sightings. Even close contact encounters or alien abduction result in little to no harm to those involved. Some people, though, albeit a very small minority, are not so lucky, and suffer apparently fatal consequences of such close contact events. These fatal close encounters are known as one of the sixth kind…
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- October 26, 2016
- October 12, 2021
- 21 min read
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UFO Encounters In The Wild West
The Wild West is perhaps the last place we would expect to see evidence of UFOs and alien visitation. But the fact is, however, there is an abundance of sightings on record during this time in America’s transformative years. And what’s more, they are some of the most detailed accounts on record and still worth investigating today in our modern age in order that we can attempt to piece together the timeline of UFO activity on our planet…
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- October 23, 2016
- November 10, 2021
- 7 min read
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What Exactly is Angel Hair? We Analyze and Discuss This Mysterious Substance
Aside from scorch marks and circles on the ground, one of the most recurring pieces of UFO evidence is a strange substance called angel hair. What this might be is still open to debate. What is interesting, however, is there is evidence of this right the way through history. Does it suggest some kind of supernatural element to the UFO and alien question…?
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- September 22, 2016
- October 12, 2021
- 10 min read