Close Encounters - Page 6
- Close Encounters (105)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The 1980 White-Acres Rosedale UFO Encounter
The UFO encounter at White-Acres Farm in Rosedale, Australia is important for several reasons. There were corroborating witnesses to the bizarre events as well as physical evidence left behind. That evidence, though – a strange black circle on the ground of the incident – is one that is replicated in multiple UFO sightings across the globe. Many of which occurred between the early sixties and early eighties. Most of these, also occurred on farms and near large supplies of water…
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- October 6, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Multiple Witness Trumbull County UFO Incident
Perhaps one of the most credible UFO encounters took place in December 1994 in Trumbull County in the state of Ohio. Not only were there multiple witnesses to the event, but several of them were on-duty police officers, themselves trained to operate calmly in the most pressured and bizarre situations. What all involved agreed with, was that the events of Trumbull county, involving a solid craft, were most certainly strange and bizarre…
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- September 20, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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The James Flynn Incident – UFO Over The Florida Everglades
Experienced hunter and outdoorsman, James Flynn, would venture into the Florida Everglades in his purposely made hunting jeep with his four dogs. What followed was an encounter with a UFO that would not only leave physical evidence at the site but would also leave Flynn with permanent and life-changing injuries. At a time when UFO sightings were reaching ever higher levels, this is an incident that stands out from many of the same era…
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- September 10, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 7 min read
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Michigan, 1966 – The “Swamp Gas” Incidents
The sightings of strange activity in the Ann Arbor region of Michigan in March 1966 is perhaps more famous for the rather outlandish, but official explanation issued for it – that the sightings were down to “swamp gas”. It was an explanation that the witnesses would reject outright. As would the vast majority of UFO researchers who examined the case over the decades since. It remains, then, one of the most controversial sightings on record…
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- September 8, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Paraguay River Encounter – First UFO Sighting In 1846 Brazil?
A bizarre incident over the Paraguay River in November 1846 us largely agreed to be the first recorded UFO incident in Brazilian history. However, when we examine reports from other countries’ UFO records of the pre-twentieth century, we find several that occurred in the 1840s from around the globe. These encounters are spread far and wide, however, might it be that these similarly timed sightings share a connection of some kind to each other…?
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- August 22, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
The Lost Five Days Of Corporal Armando Valdes
The UFO incident and apparent abduction of Corporal Armando Valdes remains one of Chile’s most well-known and fascinating UFO cases. One that the Chilean authorities would even acknowledge as having taken place. Just where Valdes vanished to for an apparent five days is very much still open to debate. As is just what caused his disappearance in the first place…
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- August 18, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Trancas Incident – UFO Encounter In The Argentine Countryside
The Trancas Incident of October 1963 is not only one of the most famous UFO encounters in Argentina’s long UFO history, but it would also go a long way to inspiring much of the storyline and scenery of the famous Hollywood blockbuster ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ released a decade and a half later. Just what happened that evening in the quiet countryside of Argentina remains a mystery, but the encounter is arguably one of the most credible on record…
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- August 10, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Crestview Elementary School UFO Incident
The multiple witness UFO sighting over the Crestview Elementary School in southern Florida is another one that perhaps owes the rejuvenated interest in the case to the Internet, which would certainly play a role in witnesses seeking out each other, and consequently, putting together a fuller picture of what happened that afternoon, in full view of dozens of students and several teachers. And if it was perhaps part of a wider range of strange activity taking place in the south Florida region at the time…?
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- August 6, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Baker Family UFO Encounter Over Lake Erie
The Baker family were driving home past Lake Eire as usual one Friday evening in March 1988 when they would experience an incident that change all of their lives. Furthermore, the incident would eventually be witnessed by two members of the Ohio Coastal Guard. What’s more, the entire Lake Eire region is one of the biggest UFO hot-sports in the United States…
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- August 2, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Bexleyheath UFO Landing
In the summer of 1955, in the middle of the afternoon on a busy road in Bexleyheath in London, England, a spinning disc-like object landed in full view of shocked onlookers. Following a fre brief moments it would then take off and venture out into the skies over the London. UFO investigators at the time expressed their opinion that the incident was not a hoax. Nor was it a prank. That an official investigation by the UK government didn’t take place was, in their view, baffling…
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- July 25, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 8 min read
The Contra Costa County UFO Landing
Although it is little known now, and a “slow-burning” case at the time in that it would take almost a year before investigators and researchers to an interest in the incident, but an encounter in the West Pittsburg area of Contra Costa County, California, involved not only a sighting but an apparent landing of a strange craft. Furthermore, strange entities, who the witnesses would claim were “not people” but “something else” emerged from this landed cosmic craft…
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- July 4, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 9 min read
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UFO Encounters Of The Korean War
The Korean War of the early-1950s is one that is often overlooked by history, sandwiched as it is in between the horrors that were World War Two and the Vietnam War. However, aside from the very real horrors witnessed there as in any other conflict zones, there were many UFO sightings and encounters witnessed by multiple American soldiers on numerous occasions…
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- June 30, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 9 min read
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The Piedmont UFO Incident and The 37th Parallel Conspiracy
For much of 1973 the United States experienced a surge of UFO activity. Just one of those sightings would feature half a high school basketball team, who after returning home following a close playoff defeat with members of their coaching staff, would witness a bizarre, brightly lit craft moving overhead and landing in a nearby field. Furthermore, the sighting would be corroborated by several other witnesses…
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- June 25, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Tehran UFO Jet Chase Incident
Perhaps one of the most credible and authentic UFO encounters would unfold over the skies of Tehran in Iran in the late-summer of 1976, when several military jets would actively pursue several strange objects over the country’s capitol. Not only that, but the events were witnessed by thousands of citizens below, as well as being captured on film, which eventually, in the Internet age, allowed many of us to witness the events ourselves…
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- May 17, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 8 min read
The Mindalore Incident And Persistent UFO Activity South Africa
South Africa, as beautiful and historic a country as it is, is perhaps not one of the first place many of us will think about when the subject of UFOs and aliens is brought up. However, South Africa has been subject to some of the most fascinating sightings in the history of ufology. And from an ancient astronaut perspective, this is where the first missions to mine gold took place. It would, then, make sense for sightings to occur there today in contemporary times…
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- April 28, 2018
- October 11, 2021
- 17 min read