Close Encounters - Page 5
- Close Encounters (105)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The Kinross Incident – The Disappearance Of Felix Moncla And Robert Wilson
The incident of 23rd November 1953 would see not one, but two members of the United States Air Force vanish seemingly without a trace in a matter of seconds. What’s more, the actual events of that mysterious evening are still unexplained. The two pilots are technically considered dead – but what happened to them? What bizarre and otherworldly fate awaited them and just what did the United States Air Force know of the incident that the public don’t…?
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- May 26, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 18 min read
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UFO Encounters Over The Yukon
The Yukon region of Canada is perhaps one of the most discreet and understated UFO hot-spots on the planet. And what’s more, such encounters go back decades, very likely, centuries. Indeed, the Yukon region of Canada, much like the American state of Alaska – which for all intents and purposes are the same stretch of land – has a long and still active history of UFO and alien encounters. So active, in fact, that the UFO community can’t ignore the region any longer…
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- April 28, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 20 min read
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The Algerian War Incident – UFO Sighting Over The Foreign Legion
Like many other conflicts of the twentieth century, the Algerian War had its fair share of UFO sightings. One in particular in the summer of 1958 stands out from the rest. Not least due to the obscure nature of the events that would follow the main witness. Just what did happen that evening at an outpost of the Foreign Legion…?
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- April 12, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 8 min read
The Wayne City UFO Chase, The Ronnie Austin Encounter
An incident through Wayne City in Illinois in the summer of 1963 would see a strange, glowing, object following a teenage couple as they drove home from the drive-in movie theatre. After dropping his girlfriend at her parent’s home, the object would then actively pursue driver, Ronnie Austin, following him right the way to his family’s farm house, leading to further witnesses in what would prove to be but one such incident in a discreet wave of UFO sightings in Illinois at the time…
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- April 7, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 18 min read
The 1972 Kera UFO Incident
A case from Japan in the summer of 1972 remained relatively unknown until the early 2000s when it was “fictionalized” in a comic strip for a UFO magazine. So popular was the comic that UFO enthusiasts and researchers began to take an interest in the case, eventually reopening an investigation in 2007. Just what did the five teenage boys witness in a rice field, not just once, but on several occasions…
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- April 5, 2019
- February 5, 2022
- 8 min read
The Wedowee, Alabama UFO Orb Chase
In the fall of 1995, an incident in Alabama would see a orb-like UFO follow a van full of churchgoing bingo players as they made their way from Georgia to a church in the American deep south state. What is perhaps interesting is that there are many similar sightings – not only of orb-like objects, but of strange crafts that moved in such alien-like ways that it would certainly seem they hailed from another world…
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- March 25, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 10 min read
The Bagshot Heath UFO Incident
The UFO encounter on a lonely road in Bagshot Heath in the south of England on a late September evening in 1985 is one that is little spoken of or indeed dusted off for further research. This, despite, multiple witnesses from different locations, and the detailed aftermath and hypnotic regression sessions that would further reveal more details about this little-known encounter. Was UFO researcher Gordon Creighton correct when he claimed that there is a purposeful effort by some to quieten the media presence of these otherwise credible UFO encounters…?
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- March 18, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 10 min read
The Portage County UFO Chase
In the early hours of one April morning in 1966 in Portage County, Ohio, several police officers would chase a UFO across a state border, covering over eight miles and lasting for over an hour. It is still regarded, over half a century later, as one of the most credible UFO encounters of all time. And furthermore, it would appear that the sighting was just one of a wave of sightings in the upper northeast of the United States…
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- February 17, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 18 min read
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The Zamora Incident – UFO Landing At Socorro
A UFO incident that took place in Socorro, New Mexico in April 1964 continues to fascinate researchers today, over half a century after it took place. The Zamora incident, according to some researchers, is one of the most credible encounters on record and will most likely prove to be one of the most important UFO events to ever unfold. And what’s more, it would appear the US government would go out of their way to discredit and distance themselves from the incident…
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- February 10, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 18 min read
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The Trans-en-Provence UFO Landing
A single-witness sighting in France in January 1981 may well have been lost to the void of forgotten history if it hadn’t have been for the physical evidence left behind by the disc-shaped craft that, albeit very briefly, landed in a field near to the property of Renato Nicolai, whose real identity, incidentally, initially remained a secret due to the very specific French privacy laws. Just what did land that evening in Trans-en-Provence? And does it share connections to other, similar sightings…?
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- January 14, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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Was The 2002 Kentucky UFO Train Collision Genuine Or A Hoax?
An apparent collision between a cargo train and a disc-shaped UFO in January morning in 2002 is a case that continues to divide opinion in the UFO community. While some insist the report is nothing more than a hoax, others point to the use of specific “railyard language” as a means of proving its authenticity. Just what did happen just outside the old Paintsville railyard in the early hours of that cold January morning…?
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- January 10, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Shari Adamiak Las Mitres Mountains UFO Report
A CSETI UFO field investigation in December 1994 in Monterrey, Mexico not only saw two respected UFO researchers make contact with an alien entity, but it was a contact of the kind that is against the usual grain of abductions and experiments, perhaps most associated with “The Greys”. The incident is without a doubt one of the most intriguing on record…
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- January 7, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
The 1977 Fostoria Incident – UFO Sighting On The C&O Railroad
In October 1977 in Fostoria, Ohio, two experienced rail workers would have a close encounter, featuring communitive interaction, with a disc-shaped craft apparently under intelligent control while making their way along the C&O railroad. The incident, which is still without an adequate explanation, occurred near the already mysterious Lake Eire, a hot-spot of sorts for UFO activity and bizarre phenomena…
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- November 28, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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Bizarre Encounters From The Woodlands Of Elliot, Maine
The woodlands that surround the town of Elliot in Maine are host to a whole plethora of strange accounts and local legends. Two of the most bizarre, and certainly of interest to both the UFO and the paranormal communities occurred at either end of a five-year window between 1977 and 1982. And what perhaps made these sightings all the more interesting is the “morphing” of an apparent nuts-and-bolts craft from one thing to something completely different…
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- November 5, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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Multiple UFOs On The Monon Railroad
In October 1958, the Monon Railroad that runs through Indiana was host to one of the most intriguing UFO sightings on record. What’s more, five experienced crew members were on board the freight trains as it careered through the mid-western state, while one of the most spectacular incidents unfolded around them. Further still, they would retain enough mental fortitude to document the incident intricately…
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- October 15, 2018
- October 6, 2021
- 10 min read
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