Close Encounters - Page 4
- Close Encounters (105)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (30)
The “Electric UFO Photo” Incident – More Signs Of Scotland’s Increased UFO Activity?
A sighting of a strange glowing object near the BP chemical plant in Grangemouth in November 1991 is one that result in one of the clearest and largely regarded as credible UFO pictures on record. That it took place in the middle of an increased period of activity in Scotland during the 1990s, in an area known as the Falkirk Triangle, no less, makes this incident all the more intriguing…
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- February 17, 2020
- October 5, 2021
- 16 min read
The Eccentric, Outrageous Side Of UFO Culture
If there is one thing the UFO community has plenty of in abundance, its eccentricity, especially, it would appear, in the early days of the modern UFO era. Were these mere opportunists? Or was there a genuine attempt on an extraterrestrial level to reach out to humanity for the sake of the planet, ourselves, and potentially all life in the universe…
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- January 19, 2020
- October 5, 2021
- 24 min read
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The Columbia, Missouri Mobile Home UFO Incident
A bizarre UFO encounter that took place during one of the most active UFO waves in the summer of 1973 is perhaps one of the most detailed lesser-known encounters that might prove to be of great importance when weighing up the UFO and alien question. Just what happened that evening to a terrified father and daughter in their mobile home on the outskirts of town…?
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- January 12, 2020
- October 5, 2021
- 26 min read
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The Bizarre Hochries Mountain Incident
A UFO sighting in the Bavarian mountains in December 1973 not only had several witnesses but occurred during a time of dramatically increased activity around the world. Even during this wave, several other similar sightings occurred around mainland Europe during that timeframe, meaning the idea that they might be connected was not at all a stretch of one’s imagination…
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- January 6, 2020
- October 5, 2021
- 8 min read
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The UFO Home Invasion Incident And Bizarre Plasma UFO Orbs
A strange account of a “mini-UFO” that went through the living room wall of the witnesses as if it was a ghostly apparition in 2012 is but one of a plethora of such incidents. Strange, drone-like crafts that appear to be on some kind of cosmic reconnaissance mission for reasons unknown to us as a collective. What these strange crafts are and how they fit into the puzzle that is the UFO and alien question are notions up for debate…
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- November 8, 2019
- October 5, 2021
- 7 min read
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The 1957 Merom “Light Beam” UFO Incident
A UFO incident from Indiana in November 1957 is not only memorable due to it occurring in the middle of a mini UFO wave, but because the main witness would go on to suffer medical complications from the incident, even requiring a stay in hospital. Even more unnerving, he would receive a visit from the United States Air Force in the aftermath of the sighting. And after listening to his encounter, would tell him he was not to speak to anyone else about the incident…
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- October 18, 2019
- October 5, 2021
- 7 min read
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The 1994 Newport Chemical Depot UFO Incident
A brief UFO sighting in the early hours of a September morning, witnessed by two security officers at the Newport Chemical Depot is yet another example of a connection between nuclear materials and facilities and these alleged cosmic visitors from elsewhere in the universe. What is this apparent interest in this aspect of humanity and should it be something that concerns is…?
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- October 14, 2019
- October 5, 2021
- 6 min read
The Karnes City Uranium Mine UFO Sighting
A little-known UFO sighting from Karnes City in Texas in the summer of 1971 may well have be overlooked by many, even inside UFO circles. However, the fact it occurred over an active uranium mine connects it to other similar incidents over other similar locations in different parts of the planet – and, in some cases, different eras in time. Perhaps further long-term study might reveal not only a pattern to these UFOs with an apparent interest in such facilities, but also might suggest a reason why they are happening in the first place…
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- October 11, 2019
- October 5, 2021
- 7 min read
The 1977 Flora, Mississippi UFO Encounter
A sighting just outside the small town of Flora, Mississippi in the winter of 1977 would draw a considerable amount of attention at the time. When we look at the sighting today in retrospect – over 40 years later, no less – it would appear that a mini-wave of sorts was underway. One that spread over to the neighboring state of Louisiana to boot…
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- September 13, 2019
- October 5, 2021
- 8 min read
The 1981 Queens “Bell” UFO Incident
A bizarre and little-known UFO sighting from the fall of 1981 in the Corona district of Queens was witnessed by at least ten people and would feature in local newspapers in the weeks that followed. However, not only does the case remain unsolved, no extensive investigation appears to have taken place. Furthermore, a similar sighting around six months earlier over nearby Montauk could very be connected…
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- August 5, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Amarante UFO Incident
A UFO encounter from Autumn 1981 from the north east region of France is one that is almost unheard of outside of French UFO circles. It is, though, potentially one of the most important UFO cases on record. Not least as it demonstrates the importance of investigating thoroughly the location of UFO sightings. Physical evidence was left behind following this particular sighting. Evidence that just might tell us a lot of the technology on display…
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- August 3, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 14 min read
The Strange And Intriguing Val Johnson Case
The case of Val Johnson from the summer of 1979 remains unsolved four decades after it occurred. It also remains a topic of focus for researchers from fields ranging from UFOs to the paranormal and the supernatural. That something took place on the lonely country road in the state of Minnesota is without doubt. What it might have been, however, remains the focus of investigation still today…
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- August 2, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 8 min read
The Cherry Creek UFO Landing
Although it was seemingly thoroughly investigated at the time, an apparent UFO landing encounter in the summer of 1965 in Cherry Creek New York remains relatively little-known, and most certainly unexplained. As we will examine, there were several similar sightings in the New York region around the same time as the Cherry Creek landing incident. It isn’t that much of a stretch of the imagination to think they may be connected…
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- July 22, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 8 min read
The 1879 Mothership UFO And Early New York Close Encounters
In the modern age of UFO sightings and encounters, the state of New York is one of those locations with an abundance of such incidents to its name. However, these incidents date back centuries. And very likely, they go back even longer before the settlers came over from Europe. Indeed, the Empire State has a long and rich history of mysterious and strange occurrences…
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- July 1, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 11 min read
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The Deadly Grouse Mountain UFO Encounter
A fatal crash resulting in the death of an active United States Air Force pilot has long rumoured to have been caused by the pilot’s instructions to pursue a UFO. There are several very similar incidents on record, each with very similar results. Is the Grouse Mountain crash the result of another intercept mission by the United States Air Force? And have they successfully covered up the circumstances for over half a century…?
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- June 23, 2019
- October 6, 2021
- 18 min read
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