Close Encounters - Page 3


There’s Something In The Waters: USOs And Subaquatic Alien Bases!

Most of us imagine the deep reaches of space when we think of UFOs. Extraterrestrial entities visiting us from another world. However, the fact is, these alien creatures could very well be visiting us from the depths of our own oceans. More than half of UFO sightings occur over or near water. And many alien abductees recall being taken to subaquatic alien bases. Could it really be that there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and could it reside deep below the water...?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 6, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The Winchester UFO Landing Incidents – The Strange Encounters Of Joyce Bowles

What began as a UFO landing encounter reported by two neighbors in Winchester in southern England would quickly turn into an incident seemingly witnessed by multiple people around the area, as well as several sightings much further afield. What’s more, the main witness to the sighting would go on to experience several other sightings over the months that followed, all of which would result in her interacting with strange humanoid entities seemingly from another world…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 29, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

The UFO Encounter Of Pat Norris And Little-Known Encounters Of The American South

When Pat Norris made her way home one evening in 1983, her journey, and indeed her life, would be changed forever when she witnessed, at close range, a vehicle seemingly from another world. What’s more, hers was one of only several similar sightings throughout the states of the American South around the same time…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 14, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
12 min read

Just What Landed Near The Blake Family’s Home? The Mellon UFO Incident

The UFO sighting of the Blake family from their secluded home in Mellen, Wisconsin was one that was later corroborated by multiple residents of the town who almost certainly saw the same craft, several of whom were on-duty police officers. Did a UFO land in Wisconsin? The state has a long history of UFO encounters which continue to happen to this day…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
September 2, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

The Invisible UFO Air Force Encounter And Mexico’s Persistent UFO Presence

When the crew of a Mexican Air Force jet out on a routine patrol mission witnessed multiple unknown objects on their radar equipment they were perplexed as none of them could see the anomalous objects with the naked eye. Even when they were completely surrounded by these seemingly otherworldly craft, the pilots could not make visual identification. The sighting is just one of many to have occurred in the skies over Mexico in recent decades…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 7, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

Multiple Witnesses, Triangular Vehicles, And The Many California UFO Incidents Of The Twenty-First Century

UFO sightings have been reported in California since the very start of the Modern UFO era, and even for decades prior to that. It should perhaps not surprise us, then, that these reports continue to flood into the UFO websites and organizations today two decades into the twenty-first century. What makes this part of the United States so special and of interest to these cosmic visitors from other worlds...?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 23, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
23 min read

Objects Over The Ocean, Humanoid Encounters, And Cosmic Drones: Brazilian UFO Encounters Of The 1970s

Brazil has a long history of UFO sightings, and they continue to happen today. During the 1970s, however, when UFO encounters and even alien abductions were beginning to increase across the glove, many different encounters unfolded in the South American country. Many of these were highly detailed and thoroughly investigated, and offer us some of the most intriguing otherworldly incidents on record…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 14, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
26 min read

The USS Memphis Incident And The Persistent Underwater UFO Presence

There are many UFO encounters over or near large bodies of water. However, there are also many that take place under the surface of the world’s oceans and seas, with many of these involving military submarines. Even more concerning, there is reason to believe that some of these encounters resulted in several tragedies that saw submarines sunk or missing. Indeed, there have been many more encounters of UFOs witnessed from military submarines than many of might suspect…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 11, 2021
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
26 min read

Glowing Lights, Discs, And Ancient Vimanas: The Persistent UFO Encounters Of The Indian Region

Like almost everywhere else on the planet, India and the countries that surround it has many UFO sightings on record. However, perhaps unlike many other places around the world, UFO and alien encounters have seemingly gone on here for thousands of years. And what’s more, many of the ancient Sanskrit writings of the region state this very fact. Investigation of these continued sightings today in our modern world might very well provide a link to the strange activity of the distant past…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 27, 2021
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
32 min read

The Missing Time Incident Of 1966 Nebraska

There are many alien abduction encounters that, to the witness, are nothing more than a sighting of something strange in the skies overhead – that is until they realize there is a sizeable amount of time that they can’t account for. That is very much the case for an unnamed witness in Columbus, Nebraska, who after witnessing a strange object while on his way to his girlfriend’s parents’ home, suddenly realized that he was missing 30 minutes…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 30, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The Utsuro-Bune Legend And UFO Encounters Of Ancient Japan

An apparent encounter from the early-nineteenth century is one that has perplexed the minds of many researchers over the decades since, right into the modern world. To some, the story is exactly that, a legend based on myths and folklore of previous centuries. To others, though, the encounter is further evidence of alien visitation long before the modern UFO era began in the late-1940s…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 23, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read

The Mount Musine UFO Encounters – What Attracts UFOs To This Location?

A mountain in the northwest region of Italy is one that is not only shrouded in mystery but has an abundance of UFO sightings to its name. These sightings occur not only in the modern UFO era but throughout history. Just what might the reason be for the sheer number of strange occurrences over and around Mount Musine…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 10, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Chard Town UFO “Light Beam” Sighting

Two sightings of strange lights in the sky in 1986 are intriguing as any other sighting on record. Not least as they both offer details that surface in other UFO encounters. Just what was taking place over the UK in 1986? Ad why were strange crafts witnessed in the skies over the country…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 24, 2020
Last Updated
September 1, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

The Air France Flight AF3532 Near Miss UFO Encounter

A sighting of a UFO over France from the cockpit of a commercial airliner is perhaps one of the most intriguing of such sightings – not least as it forces us to address certain questions that repeatedly come up in similar UFO encounters. Are UFOs – as we understand them – nothing more than a mental projection? Something designed to take our collective attention away from their real agenda, perhaps. And if that is the case, just what does that alien agenda revolve around and what is its ultimate end goal…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 29, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

The Lake Anten UFO Landing Incident

An apparent UFO landing near the lakes of Anten in Sweden in the summer of 1970 was witnessed by multiple locals of the town. What’s more, it would leave behind physical evidence of the landing in the form of a precise indention on the ground. Even more intriguing, there were several similar sightings with remarkably similar details throughout the Scandinavian region during the opening 18 months of the seventies…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 22, 2020
Last Updated
October 5, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read