Whether it is sightings over the world’s military bases and installations, to the absolute plethora of accounts from individuals around the world, to sightings witnessed by multiple people at the same time, accounts and reports in the UFO section range from the plausible to the outlandish.
All, however, at least according to the respective witnesses, are completely true.
As expected, such bizarre accounts and claims undoubtedly divide opinion. And that is no different in the UFO community and, in turn, with the range of our articles here.
From close-up viewings of apparently otherworldly craft to the dazzling and magnificent displays of lights in our skies, humanities history is rich in these strange but intriguing accounts…
- Close Encounters (106)
- Cover-Ups (87)
- Sightings (102)
- Waves (32)
The Multi-Witness 2003 Huntingdon Incident And The Discreet Indiana UFO Wave
The day after Christmas 2003 saw three Huntingdon police officers witness a strange object moving over the Indiana town in the middle of the day. Although the sighting itself lasted less than a minute, it is seen as a very credible report. Moreover, while this sighting received relatively substantial newspaper coverage, it was just one of many sightings over the Hoosier State throughout December 2003 – sightings that were very similar in nature…
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- March 19, 2025
- 9 min read
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One Strange Day in ’76 – A Bizarre 24 Hours Of UFO And Alien Encounters
September 3rd, 1976, saw multiple UFO and alien encounters take place around the planet within a 24 hour period, undoubtedly a day of high strangeness. What makes this even more intriguing, is that while these bizarre events were taking place here on Earth, the Viking 2 mission was touching down on the Martian surface ready to explore our cosmic neighbor. And while this is almost certainly nothing but pure coincidence, it is a thought-provoking one, to say the least…
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- March 16, 2025
- 8 min read
Strange Lights, Circling Objects, And Backyard Aliens – The 1926 Wave Of UFO And Humanoid Encounters
Reports of strange lights moving over Maitland in Canada came from multiple residents over the space of several months throughout 1926 – decades before the start of the Modern UFO Era. Furthermore, these were just one of many UFO and humanoid encounters that took place during this time, with reports coming from around the world. Indeed, rather than being one-off sightings, we might ask if there was some kind of purposeful extraterrestrial presence on Earth a hundred years ago, at the very least…
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- March 10, 2025
- 6 min read
Struck In The Back Yard – The Foxboro UFO Paralysis Case
A UFO encounter of an anonymous 13-year-old boy in Foxboro, Massachusetts saw a bizarre laser-type light beam emerge from the craft, striking the boy, causing him to be paralyzed for several minutes. What’s more, this detail is one that surfaces in many other such close encounters, causing us to ask just what is this technology and what is it regularly used against witnesses to these incidents…
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- February 28, 2025
- 8 min read
The Close Encounter Of Yvon Vildier – Another UFO Incident With Physical Evidence
The UFO close encounter of 12-year-old Yvan Vildier remains little-known outside of UFO circles, despite the encounter being one where physical evidence was left behind. Moreover, the main witness, as well as two subsequent witnesses, were seen as very credible and reliable by investigators and authorities alike. Ultimately, the case remains one of the most discreetly credible and authentic on record…
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- February 23, 2025
- 7 min read
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Something At The Roadside: The Bizarre UFO Encounter Of Enrico Carotenuto Bossa
The roadside UFO encounter of Enrico Carotenuto Bossa is not only one of the earliest on record, but it is one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking on record, not least as many parts of it remain a complete mystery today three quarters of a century later. Moreover, the part of Argentina where this account occurred has played host to many equally as baffling encounters over the decades…
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- February 16, 2025
- 14 min read
The Claims Of “Harrison”: Another UFO Crash Before The Roswell Event!
The claims of “Harrison” of a UFO crash on a Native American reservation in the mid-1940s is not only one of a downed UFO over two years before the alleged crash at Roswell, but is also one of an interplanetary retrieval mission by the same race of extraterrestrials who crash-landed several months previously. Moreover, there are suggestions that the authorities learned of the downed craft, and covered up the wreckage under the guise of a public program…
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- January 16, 2025
- January 17, 2025
- 8 min read
A Close Proximity UFO Sighting With Physical Evidence: The Greenfield Incident
In the late fall of 1978 in Greenfield, Indiana, two sisters witnessed a strange object descending to the ground over a field at the back of their house. Not only did the two women witness the curious craft close-up, but there were 19 other reports from people around the Greenfield area that night, making the incident one of the most credible on record…
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- September 28, 2024
- 10 min read
The Langenburg Sighting And The Encounter Of Edwin Fuhr
The case of Edwin Fuhr is perhaps one of the most credible close-proximity UFO encounters on record. It is also one that it, outside of Canada, relatively little-known, despite the potentially otherworldly crafts in question leaving behind physical evidence of their visit…
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- August 13, 2024
- 15 min read
The North Hudson Park UFO Landings – The Alien Encounter Of George O’ Barski
One January night in 1975, 71-year-old George O’ Barski was driving home from his liquor store in New Jersey when a bizarre flying object passed his vehicle and landed in a field ahead of him in North Hudson Park. Even more bizarre, he witnessed several figures emerge from the futuristic craft and scoop dirt samples from the ground before returning inside. As an investigation of the sighting got underway, it quickly became apparent that he was not the only person who had witnessed the strange events that night, and what’s more, there would be suggestions that the incident could have been much more than “just” a sighting…
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- June 4, 2024
- 15 min read
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UFO Repairs On The Hillside: The 1964 Berlin, Connecticut UFO Landing
A UFO landing encounter in Connecticut in the middle of the night in November 1964, followed by the occupants of these otherworldly objects carrying out apparent repairs on the craft, was witnessed in its entirety by a housewife on her mother-in-law. Not only that, but in the days that followed, evidence of the presence of this advanced vehicle was discovered by the witness. The incident remains unexplained today, and, as such, remains of interest to UFO researchers and enthusiasts over half a century later…
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- April 30, 2024
- 9 min read
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The Kukagami Lake Road Incident: The Art Larabie UFO Encounter
Late one night in 1973, Art Larabie was awoken by urgent knocks at his front door. Upon venturing outside to investigate, Art found himself staring at a hovering vehicle seemingly from another world. What’s more, it appeared to be drawing power from the nearby powerlines it was hovering over. The incident took place during one of the most intense and busy waves of UFO sightings on record, and as such, remains relatively little-known, even in UFO circles…
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- April 20, 2024
- 5 min read
A Truly Strange Night Journey: The 1974 Beit Bridge UFO Teleportation Case
In the early summer of 1974, husband and wife – Peter and Francis – found themselves in the middle of bizarre events as they traveled from modern-day Zimbabwe to South Africa. Not only did they cover a vast distance with little recollection, but they used hardly any petrol. When Peter later underwent hypnotic regression, details of a remarkable encounter emerged…
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- April 12, 2024
- 17 min read
The Hadhramaut UFO Landing And Strange Aerial Objects Of The Middle East
A potential UFO landing case in the Hadhramaut region of the Middle East in the mid-1970s was one that was investigated thoroughly in the days that followed and remains one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking on record. What’s more, it is one of several equally interesting UFO and alien encounters from this part of the world, a region that perhaps is often overlooked in UFO circles…
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- April 1, 2024
- 12 min read
Something Very Strange Yet Credible: The 1967 Yvan Guindon UFO Encounter
The UFO encounter of teenager, Yvan Guindon was not only an incident where physical evidence was later discovered at the scene, but the sighting was corroborated by another local resident, while several other people claimed to have seen similar objects in the same place in the previous months. Now, over half a century later, the case remains a complete mystery, and, consequently, of interest to UFO researchers and enthusiasts alike…
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- March 29, 2024
- 7 min read