The Psychic Internet Theory – What Is It? Does It Make Sense?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 13, 2020
Last Updated
October 11, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read
Posted in
Supernatural, Time & Reality

In his book Paranormal Encounters On Britain’s Roads, author and researcher, Peter McCue speaks of the psychic internet theory, which suggests the possibility that “people’s minds sometimes interact at a subconscious level and generate paranormal phenomena”.

McCue, as he states in his writings, has built on from the suggestions and theories of the psychical researcher of the early twentieth century, George Tyrrell. Tyrrell would claim that many ghostly manifestations and apparitions could quite possibly be explained as “hallucinations engendered by telepathy”. And in the case of the psychic internet theory, a kind of group telepathy.

A picture of the Earth superimposed over a digital eye

Might UFOs be nothing more than a manifestation of energy?

McCue asks, for example, whether there might be, both over history and in our contemporary era, a “collective wish” for evidence for proof of all manner of paranormal activity. From the appearance of ghosts to “evidence of UFOs”. And whether our connected minds – “like computers linked to one another via the Internet” – might be responsible for at least some of the many strange encounters that surround all of us.

It is an intriguing notion, no doubt. And one that if true, if only in part, might demonstrate just how powerful and unexplored the human mind really is. And, as we will look at a little more later, might it be that these thought projections are not mere hallucinations, but the real manipulation and creation of what we know and understand as reality?

Can Thoughts Change Reality?

We have examined on several occasions what reality, both personal and collective, might actually be. As well as whether there are many “alternative” realities all around us that might, on occasion, crash into ours and so produce the wealth of strange and paranormal activity that occupies our existence.

For example, there are many claims that certain areas of the world are “hot spots” for UFO activity. And on most occasions, such hot spots will attract a concentration of attention. Whether from afar in our contemporary era of the Internet, or directly through the visitation to the areas by researchers, enthusiasts, and adventurers, these locations find themselves the focus of many people and, in turn, their minds.

A digital screen with a hooded figure behind it

We know very little of the full potential of the human mind

Might the expectation and/or desire of this collective focus result in the eventual manifestation of a flying saucer? Or even an extraterrestrial entity? McCue even argues that this attention, through the psychic internet, [1] could even produce “genuine manifestations”.

This is an interesting point and one we will return to later. That the collective human mind can result in the literal physical appearance of “X”. This would, essentially, mean we could collectively change our reality. And as an ominous afterthought, imagine the implications if any one person, or group of people, understood how to achieve such reality-altering manifestations.

Such a notion sounds like the script of a science-fiction movie. However, there is very likely more to such seemingly “crazy” theories than we might think.

“Energy, Frequency, And Vibration!” – The Secrets Of The Universe

We have asked before, as have many other UFO and paranormal researchers, if UFOs are not traveling here from the vast reaches of outer space, but from another realm or dimension. If so, what would that mean for the psychic internet theory?

If we take this further, we might ask what the bridge or doorway is from their dimension to ours? Are the collective thoughts, wants, and desires of humanity strong enough to provide a link to these other dimensions? Or, as we mentioned above, are these apparently extraterrestrial crafts “imagined” into being by a discreet public conscious? And if so, are they merely hallucinations or something altogether more?

An old-fashioned room with ghostly hands and figures blended

Tesla claimed understand Energy, Frequency, and Vibration would unlock the secrets of the universe

Furthermore, many researchers suggest that rather than some kind of “portal” or “gateway” that we might physically step through to reach these other realities, the key is to “control” one’s own “vibration” or “vibratory rate”.

As we do regularly – and for good reason – we should remind ourselves of the words of Nikola Tesla. He would state that to discover the true secrets of the universe, we should “think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”.

More “Evidence” For The Akashic Record?

In terms of UFO sightings and alien abduction, might it be possible that these accounts are actually manifestations – whether hallucinatory or physical – of people’s subconscious minds? Perhaps even manifested by somehow accessing not only their own thoughts, but those of other people.

Very similar to the notion of accessing information from the Akashic Record, an apparent “knowledge bank” available to anyone, but only in their non-physical or astral form. This is essentially speaking of out-of-body experiences, which many mystics, perhaps most notably, Edgar Cayce, mentioned many times.

These areas of research are largely ignored by the academic world and those in the “mainstream”. However, such intentional ignorance will not lead us to a greater understanding of the world around us. Nor the true nature of our reality. It will, however, lead us into a dark age of the mind where questioning leads to ridicule. And, on some occasions, even worse.

A city at night with a digital globe superimposed over the top

Might the Akashic Record really exist?

The words of the great Nikola Tesla once again are appropriate here. And are both damning and hopeful at the same time. He would state that when “science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence”.

Maybe we should also consider the point, if we assume for a moment that all human minds have the potential to delve into other aspects of reality and even different realms of existence altogether, that such a scenario wouldn’t at all be in the interests of the apparent ruling elite. And if we accept that those same bloodlines and families have ruled over the majority of the human race since antiquity, then we should turn our attention to the legends of one of the creator gods of one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world.

The Creation Of The World From The Mind Of The Gods?

We should remind ourselves, then, of the legends from the creation times of ancient Egypt and the god Ptah? He would, essentially, imagine the world into being? Indeed, many ancient writings and creation myths speak of such notions. And many researchers state that these myths are actually speaking of the human mind, and the control, even if our conscious selves don’t realize it, that it has over the reality in which we all exist.

What is perhaps also interesting with these thoughts in mind are the apparent experiments by the CIA and the alleged Montauk Chair. According to the leaks of information – and we should, of course, take them with a pinch of salt – the purpose of the Montauk Chair and the experiments connected to it was to study the “power of thought to manifest physical forms into reality”.

If we return to ancient Egypt for a moment and the legends of Ptah, he was said to “create the universe through the thought of his heart and the utterance of his tongue” while seated on a “winged throne”.

A grey sky with a face shaped from wicker wire

Was the world created by the power of the mind?

While it is rampant, unashamed speculation, might the winged throne of one of the creator gods of ancient Egypt and the Montauk Chair experiments, if indeed they did take place, be utilizing the same power of the human mind? And if so, just how far did such experiments go?

And perhaps overriding all of that, might there be more truth to the creation myths of such ancient civilizations as ancient Egypt? Might there really have been a time in antiquity, and even before that in the void of “pre-history”, where “the gods” walked the Earth? And if so, who are the gods? Why were they here? And where did they go?

Malicious Means And Astral Attacks

McCue states that should such a psychic internet exist in the realms of the collective human subconscious, then it could be used for a whole manner of reasons and ends. Not least for malicious and self-serving purposes. As we mentioned above, the implications of this would be dire for the rest of us, at the very least.

We have written before of researchers who claim to have not only managed to use forms of astral projection but to have suffered “astral attacks” during these processes. Might these claims be in line with the notion that the psychic internet theory could indeed be used to conduct “battles” against people on a level that most of us don’t realize exists much less know how to enter and control.

And what if, as we mentioned earlier, those with access or ability to reach such realms also had the ability to control what the rest of us saw as reality?

It is perhaps interesting to note that many with esoteric leanings believe deeply in the power of the mind. And how that untapped power of the mind shapes our reality. Or at least what we understand reality to be.

A Life Of Its Own!

McCue also, albeit briefly, explores the possibility that such a psychic internet could very well take on a life of its own. For example, once a notion or collective feeling has been created, the population, whether through personal beliefs, experience, or both, continue to feed (and access) that collective feeling via the psychic internet.

This would mean, then, that such collective, subconscious feelings, whether they be love, hate, fear, joy, or any other number of emotions that make up the human experience, has been building up since the beginning of time. Perhaps, like a build-up of pressure it on occasion spills over from the subconscious world into the real one.

A black figure superimposed behind a digital computer screen

Might energy by the key to understanding strange incidents?

Maybe these overspills result in years of war, destruction, or death in the “real world”. Such as the many conflicts that have scarred humanity. Or perhaps global movements where public perspective changes. The “peace and love” movements of the 1960s, for example, or the “awakening” movements of the early twenty-first century.

Another intriguing idea behind the psychic internet theory is that it could also explain, at least in theory, the notion of sending “prayers”, “best wishes”, or “good luck” to someone who might be gravely ill or facing desperate times. In our modern age, such gestures are often empty, hollow words. Almost to soothe one’s own guilt as much as to send out genuinely positive vibes. And this is not so much for selfish reasons, but more due to the lack of belief in such matters.

And, of course, as McCue mentions, these positive well wishes certainly don’t always work. He uses the death of Pope John Paul II in 2005 as a prime example. The many prayers and wishes for good health seemingly going unanswered, at least on that occasion.

The Rendlesham Forest Connection?

With the idea, then, that the mind can somehow, perhaps with the use of certain technologies, create reality, or at least real physical objects, we might do well to quickly turn our attention to a veteran paranormal researcher, Nick Redfern. In his book The Pyramids and the Pentagon: The Government’s Secret Pursuit of Mystic Relics, Ancient Astronauts and Lost Civilizations, Redfern relays some intriguing revelations regarding the famous UFO sightings in Rendlesham Forest in late December 1980. [2]

A forest at night glowing green

Was the Rendlesham Forest incident a secret experiment?

Redfern writes that some researchers had claimed that “the entire event was a hologram style experiment, tested on unwitting military personnel”. The apparent reason for this was see if those involved “could be fooled into thinking they were encountering alien spacecraft”. What’s more, even the location had been meticulously selected so that “the reactions and the response of the participants could be carefully watched and assessed”. The idea, at the time given that the Cold War was still very much a reality, was to use such technology on “America’s potential enemies”.

However, further revelations documented by Redfern are those of UFO investigator, Ray Boeche, and they are of particular relevance to us here. According to Boeche, two Department of Defense scientists had informed him that the Rendlesham incident was very much an experiment with “highly advanced terrestrial technology”.

This is where the apparent UFO sightings at Rendlesham Forest, if we accept the claims to be accurate, potentially take a dramatic and thought-provoking turn.

A Hologram That Could “Interact With The Environment!”

Further according to Boeche the whole incident was down to “some sort of psychotronic device – a hologram”.

However, more than just a mere hologram – something that was seen but wasn’t real – this technology could “interact with the environment”.  Essentially, that even though the UFO was a hologram, it still left score marks on the ground and did damage to one of the trees.

Boeche would press the two scientists, who revealed the information to him in 1991, on how a mere hologram could also have “material, physical capabilities” but they would decline to reveal any more. The two scientists also noted that the superiors in charge that evening were seemingly “more concerned with the reaction of the men”.

a plasma orb

Reports of strange glowing orbs are relatively rife

The following year, according to Redfern’s retelling, Boeche would meet with fellow UFO researcher, Jenny Randles. And she would add further pieces to the puzzle following the conversation. According to Randles, this advanced military technology was able to “stimulate the mind into having vivid hallucinations” which would then create “physical effects in the real world”. Essentially, what the mind hallucinated, manifested itself in reality and resulted in a “terrifying apparition”.

As Redfern notes, what is also interesting about these claims, is they resonate nicely with long-standing rumors of similar technologies planned use in the first Gulf War. However, there are other examples we can look to. All of which might suggest a potential credibility to the psychic internet theory.

Similar Military Experiments At Stonehenge

We might also be well served to turn our attention to another revelation by Redfern in the same book. According to his research, several bizarre military training exercises took place on Salisbury Plain in the late 1950s. During these exercises, some military personnel would witness “strange aerial balls of light” that hovered over them. Even stranger, superior officers would issue “strict orders” on how to pursue these strange orbs. When they did pursue them, they found themselves at the site of Stonehenge where the mysterious balls of light stopped and remained hovering above the ancient site before zipping away and disappearing.

Even stranger, though, are the reports of military personnel who approached these mysterious “plasma-like phenomena”. When they did, much like the apparent events at Rendlesham, they began to hallucinate in the most extraordinary way. Each would see the plasma ball morph into a very definite entity.

For example, one would seemingly see a dragon suddenly appear in front of him, while another described an angel. Even more bizarrely, another soldier claimed he could see an “octopus-like creature”.

It would also seem that only the soldiers who had approached the plasma balls close up could see these entities. Those who had remained further back could only see the orbs. However, they could clearly see the soldiers’ reactions to what they claimed they were seeing.

A depiction of Stonehenge with lightning overhead

Do strange incidents occur at Stonehenge?

Whether these orbs were a naturally occurring phenomena or whether they were a military technology that only those of the highest rank knew, is perhaps open to debate. Perhaps it is even possible that the military learned how to use this speculative naturally occurring phenomena for their own ends, and perhaps the result of that harnessing of the orbs resulted in the alleged bizarre experiment in Rendlesham Forest.

We might also quickly consider another incident at Stonehenge, as noted by Redfern, that featured a local woman who witnessed a strange orb over the ancient monument several years after the military experiments. This time, the witness saw the orb suddenly drop to the ground and transformed itself into a “monstrous, writhing worm”. What’s more, when the bizarre creature turned to face her, it had “two bulging eyes” which looked straight at her, ultimately, causing her to flee the scene as fast as she could.

A Weaponizing Of Unknown Phenomena?

Where might these accounts fit into the Psychic Internet Theory, if anywhere? Might the notion that collective minds can create reality have somehow been harnessed and weaponized by at least some of the world’s militaries? As outlandish as it sounds, the lengths military intelligence agencies go to explore all kinds of seemingly preposterous notions to get an edge on their respective potential enemies should perhaps not be underestimated.

For example, we know they very seriously pursued remote viewing projects. We might also consider such projects as DARPA who some believe can project voices into an individual person’s minds, or even subject them to pulse technology that can induce heart attacks.

It is perhaps also worth reminding ourselves of leaked government files (through a Freedom of Information request) in 2018 titles “EM Effects on the Human Body”. The document mentions “psychotronic weapons” to be used for mind control purposes.

Incidentally, there is also a mention of “black helicopters” being used to transmit such sonic pulse from the air. Of course, we have to consider the possibility that the apparent leak is nothing more than purposeful disinformation, or outright false documentation.

However, the content and suggestions that are made resonate somewhat with many other claims that have surfaced over the years. Perhaps while we might wish to take such claims with a pinch of salt, they are not to be dismissed entirely.

Indeed, as much as we question the Psychic Internet Theory here, we might also, alongside it, consider what we know of our reality, and what real elements of it might be.

The short video below looks at mind control and the various conspiracies connected to it.

How Might This Speculative Mind Technology Be Used?

And where might the alleged military experiments in Rendlesham Forest fit into all of this? Is it possible that certain military projects – well-hidden from the vast majority of people – have tapped into the potential of the ability to produce physical objects from the power of a person’s mind, even if that thought has to be manipulated somehow through some advanced technology?

Indeed, might this technology have been perfected by these speculative military projects to affect multiple people at once, perhaps explaining at least some of the multiple witness UFO sightings? We might also recall some of the recent sightings of apparent “floating cities” spotted around the world? Might these be another example of such highly advanced and secret technology?

If such things could be weaponized and ultimately used against large portions of humanity, in what form would such an attack come?

For example, if we consider the long-thrown-around notion that (assuming there is a dark elite looking to control humanity) a “fake alien invasion” will be unleashed upon the world, how real or fake might this speculative attack be?

Depiction of an alien invasion

Depiction of an alien invasion

Most consider the use of highly advanced hologram technology to be enough to sow the seed of such an invasion and the ultimate submission of the world’s population. However, given what we have examined here with the alleged Rendlesham Forest experiments, might such an invasion be the result of hallucinations made physically real?

And then we might ask, how much of those hallucinations might be purposely planted and how much would be exclusive to the individual person? As wild as these speculations are, it might very well be the case that these hallucinating manifestation attacks might prove to be highly effective as they take twists revolving around individual fears and phobias.

Admittedly, these are highly speculative ideas based on claims that might need to be treated with a pinch of salt. However, if we do, for the sake of argument, subscribe to the ideas of the Psychic Internet Theory, then we should most certainly consider the notion that such bending of reality could potentially be used against the majority.

Required Questions About Our Reality!

In short, the psychic internet theory, while bizarre to some, is really not that obscure. And has existed in various forms and from various perspectives for some time, as McCue himself states. Does humanity somehow retain every single memory of every single living person? Perhaps every single living organism? And does this go back to the beginning of life, at least as we know it? It is something that has fascinating thinkers and researchers for centuries.

For example, might we, somehow within our genetic make-up retain the memories of our collective ancestors? Even going back thousands and thousands of years?

And if so, just what is the true nature of our reality? Is it this – the human experience? Or might what we call “life” be the surreal and bizarre realm of existence? And the vibratory realms of existence the true plateau of reality?

Such questions are impossible to answer. Almost the same as asking what came before the beginning of time? Where is the end of space?

All we can do with such questions is take what we know, what we think we know, and what we feel we know, and somewhere in between those emotions and gut-feelings, attempt to understand not only the true nature of reality but how we individually use such realities to attempt to contemplate and traverse life itself.

One thing I often find myself saying is that “it is an interesting world in which we live”. I stand by that completely. If there is a psychic internet type of consciousness that we each access, whether we realize it or not, then that feeling that appears to permeate our existence of wanting or knowing “something more” should perhaps be listened to with a little more contemplation and urgency.


1 Paranormal Encounters on Britain’s Roads, Peter A McCue, ISBN 9780750 984386
2 The Pyramids and the Pentagon: The Government’s Secret Pursuit of Mystic Relics, Ancient Astronauts and Lost Civilizations, Nick Redfern, ISBN 9781601 632067

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

You can contact Marcus via email.

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  • Barry Taff says:

    Excellent article. After 51 years doing parapsychological research I can state with great confidence that the theory stated here is very close to what really underlies the paranormal. For more on this, visit my website,

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