The Caspar Mummy – Evidence Of A Hidden Race From Antiquity?
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- May 18, 2018
- September 26, 2021
- 13 min read
- Posted in
- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Historical
There are many legends of races largely forgotten by modern humanity that thrived on the planet we call Earth. Indeed, according to some researchers, Earth was once called “Atlantis” in antediluvian times and was awash with life and (relative) harmony until its destruction in a cataclysmic event. An event recorded in our own myths and ancient writings as “The Flood”. Author and researcher, Ralph Ellis, would make such assertions in his book, ‘Thoth, Architect of the Universe’.

The Caspar Mummy
Of course, to some, the legends and myths are exactly that. To others, however, the evidence of much truth to be found in such documentation mounts daily between like-minded researchers and enthusiasts. And aside from the vast plethora of artifacts suggesting advanced technology in such pre-historic times, is evidence of unknown races of humanoids, some of whom may still live alongside us today. Perhaps legends of a civilization living inside the Earth, for example, have more truth in them than many would think.
What is interesting about the Caspar Mummy, as we will see shortly, is the (comparatively) small size of it. Many Native American tribes state that the mountain ranges of the United States have long been home to the ‘Nirumbee’ or ‘Awwakkule’. We have written before of the “little people of Iceland”, while much of Europe has legends dating back to antiquity of “elves or trolls”. There are many similar legends throughout the world. The short video below features such a first-hand account.
The Caspar Mummy
Sometimes referred to as “The Pedro Mountain Mummy”, [1] the discovery of a human mummy only a foot high in Caspar, Wyoming, is one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century. It is also one of the least spoken of or documented.
The discovery happened in October 1932 (some sources state June 1934) when two gold prospectors were searching for gold in a cave in the Pedro Mountain range. Cecil Mann and Frank Carr, after finding traces of gold in one of the cave walls, would make the decision to use dynamite to access their find. The small blast, however, would reveal not just deposits of gold, but another, well-preserved “room” within the cave system. Even more bizarre, a “man”, a little over one foot high, sat cross-legged on a shelf on the wall. He was a dark bronze color, and while not alive, was remarkably preserved.
They would pack their find and carefully transport it out of the Pedro Mountains, and into the city of Caspar. News of their discovery quickly spread and would eventually result in Wyoming State Historical Society arranging for a professional X-raying of the body. What it revealed was even more fascinating.
The internal structure of the man was completely intact as it would be in a “normal” adult male. Furthermore, the man had a complete set of teeth, again in line with an adult human male. It was estimated that the man was around 65-years-old at the time of his death. Further examinations at Harvard, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Egyptian Department at Boston Museum would reveal the man had likely died from a “blunt object to the head” and that the mummification process was “comparable to the Ancient Egyptians”.
Plenty To Think About
Did a race of “little people” exist in America in the distant past? It is an intriguing prospect that at one point in time a race of humans no taller than one-foot in height existed on Earth. In terms of legends, folklore and fairy tales, they are full of references to “little people” who live hidden away from the rest of humanity.
Perhaps what is also interesting, as wildly speculative as it is, are the many references and writings of giants in existence in the distant past. Many researchers believe that the basis to many religions and legends stem from one definitive source. Some go further in their belief that the source in question was what some refer to as “Atlantis”. If this tiny race of people existed in pre-Flood times, maybe it is possible that references about giants are not written by our ancestors, but theirs.
While there are discoveries of “giant” remains on record, many of them range from eight to twelve feet in height. This would certainly be big in relation to us, but not necessarily gigantic. Imagine, though, a person six times our height (roughly 36-feet), and then the term “giant” applies perfectly. Perhaps the legends of giants are writings of the ancestors from the race of people the Caspar Mummy belongs. About us!
Incidentally, the two men would sell the Caspar Mummy to collector, Ivan Goodman. It was he who allowed the extensive tests to go ahead. Following his death in 1950, the last known owner of it was, Leonard Wadler. Its whereabouts today, however, is unknown. Also worth noting are other discoveries of such remains. [2]
In 1876 in Tennessee came the discovery of “thousands of dwarf-like people”. A similar burial ground also came to light in Ohio.

Ivan Goodman
The Chiquita Discovery
We will return to some of those earlier discoveries shortly. It is also worth our time examining the discovery [3] of another very similar figure to the Caspar Mummy by George Gill. Gill had a particular interest in the mysterious mummy and had researched it for 20 years when he was given the opportunity to see a similarly preserved body in the early 1990s.
A Native American family had made contact with him with the offer of passing to him the preserved remains of a baby. However, the similarities to the Caspar Mummy were obvious. Not only was the mysterious remains of the little girl (who was named Chiquita by researchers) but it was positioned in almost the exact same stance.

Gill would note how there appeared to be no other known discoveries of such mummified remains in this position in the entire state of Wyoming or the surrounding areas. There was, he would state, “a clear connection between the two of them, besides being in the same region”.
Further analysis would reveal that the girl was indeed human and of Native American origin. What’s more, she was born around 500 years ago at some time in the 1500s meaning it had been preserved in almost perfect condition for five centuries. Perhaps most intriguing, his results would suggest that the young child had suffered from anencephaly – a condition that affects the child in the mother’s womb. We will explore this further next.
Possible Explanations?
In light of the findings following the analysis on Chiquita, we should now turn our attention to the work of Harry Shapiro of the American Museum of Natural History. He would conduct numerous tests on the Caspar Mummy, including X-rays. It was his belief that the mummy was not from an unknown race of “little people” but rather a baby. One who was afflicted with Anencephaly – a condition that strikes the child while in the womb and results in parts of the brain, skull, and scalp not forming at all.
While some who have this condition might survive childbirth, none would survive much longer after being born. It was likely, according to Shapiro, that this is exactly what had happened with the alleged mummy. Although why it was preserved in the manner it was remains a mystery.

X-Ray of the Caspar Mummy
While it is most likely correct that both of the preserved forms were babies suffering from the fatal condition of Anencephaly, without the Caspar Mummy undergoing further analysis to confirm this there remains an element of mystery to the affair. And we should note again how the Caspar mummy had a full set of adult-like teeth, as well as the digestive remains of solid food (according to X-rays). What’s more, rather than the skull not forming correctly, some analysis appeared to show that the mummy, when alive, had been struck hard in the skull. There was also damage to the spine and limbs.
It is certainly not a clear-cut case that the discovery has been explained. And, as we will examine, there are numerous legends of “little people” from all around the world. With that in mind, we will shift our focus next onto to some of those myths and legends, and ask whether they might contain at least partial truths within them.
The Atacama Skeleton
A discovery in the Atacama Desert in Chile in 2003, at least for a time, set alight many in the research fields of mysterious mummies of possible lost races. Even those in the UFO community paid attention to the notion that the discovery of a tiny skeletal body by Oscar Munoz, might be that of an alien.
When DNA analysis was carried out, however, it determined that the skeletal remains were that of a human fetus and not those of an ancient alien entity. However, they also picked up on several interesting parts of the data that suggested the remains were that of someone suffering from dwarfism.
Just to make the waters even cloudier, these results were also questioned to the point where there is now a fierce debate around the issue. Especially when a geneticist from Stanford University in California appeared to reignite the debate as to whether the strange remains might be of extraterrestrial origin after all. There are some intriguing anomalies of the body itself, though. For example, it has only 10 ribs as opposed to 12 like most humans, and the head was severely misshapen, very much, incidentally, like that of a typical description of a grey alien.

The Atacama Skeleton
Even the date of the remains are seemingly up for question. Some researchers – especially initially – asserted that the remains were hundreds if not thousands of years old. However, subsequent research suggests that they could be as recent as the 1970s.
As we might imagine, the mention of dwarfism – however controversially – also drew the attention of researchers into such remains as the Caspar Mummy, as well as the many apparent finds of “little people” graveyards over the centuries in both continents of the Americas, some of which we will examine very shortly.
Incidentally, Munoz would ultimately sell the remains to a Spanish businessman by the name of Ramon Navia-Osorio. Like many such discoveries, as we have seen, there is much controversy and mystery around the find. [4] Perhaps that is intentional in order to murky the waters, or perhaps it is the result of researchers being a little too eager in looking to find proof of their theories. Interest in such discoveries, however, remains high. As does the debate regarding the origin of this strange skeletal discovery.
“Little People” From Legends Of The Americas
When examining some of the legends of “little people” from around the world, it is perhaps best to start with those of the Nimerigar [5] who are part of Native American folklore. What’s more, they are said to have inhabited the regions of Wyoming where the Caspar Mummy was discovered.
Although they had magical powers which they often used to heal people, they were an aggressive race and certainly lived up to the translation of their name – “people eaters”. Legends state that should a human, for whatever reason, fall on the wrong side of the Nimerigar, they would likely be attacked with poisoned arrows.
Interestingly enough, there are historical accounts of the Nimerigar in the writings of Zeisberger from 1778. According to the records, a “pygmy burial ground” was discovered somewhere near Cochocton, Ohio. These graves were neatly laid out and suggested that each of the bodies in them was no bigger than three feet in height at the most. What’s more, there was ample evidence of advance planning and tool making at the site, as well as evidence that this mysterious race of people might have practiced sun worship. The burial grounds, however, if they did exist, have long since been wiped out due to the encroachment from settlers to make use of the land for farming.

Native American mythological artwork
Perhaps most intriguing of the legends of the Nimerigar, though, are those which speak of how the elderly of their race were often “killed off”. And this was usually done with a sharp blow to the head. Obviously, the comparisons to the apparent injury to the head of the Caspar Mummy should come leaping out at us. As well as why it appeared to have fully formed adult features.
There were also other discoveries of similarly sized people as reported in the New York Times as well as The Anthropological Journal in 1876. The graveyard – which was reported as covering around six-acres – was located in Coffee County, Tennessee. Even more intriguing are the claims that there were “between 75,000 to 100,000 pygmies” in the alleged graveyard.
Interestingly, certainly in relation to the Caspar Mummy, the bodies were all discovered “buried in a sitting or standing position” and all were facing the same way.
Like other discoveries, before and after, those who made the discovery believed they had at first found a macabre mass grave of children and infants. However, when the skulls were examined, it was quickly established that most had a fully developed set of adult teeth. According to the reports, those investigating the site claimed that the bodies must be those of “a dwarf tribe”.
Was there a secret race of “little people” that called the North American continent home thousands of years ago? Might they have still been very much in residence by the time the pilgrims arrived?
The “Little People” Of The Pryor Mountain Range
We will stay with the legends of the Native Americans for a little while longer and turn our attention to the Little People of the Pryor Mountains [6] in Montana. Accounts of them can be found in the legends of the Crow Nation, with the Little People regarded as being responsible for the spiritual development of the tribe through their sharing of such knowledge over many generations. They are, however, not entirely peaceful, with some accounts describing them as somewhat violent on occasion.
Although they are only between one and two feet tall, the Little People are incredibly strong, especially in their arms. They have a general bulky physique, with a particularly bulky shoulder and neck. Perhaps most unnerving of all, they have a set of extremely sharp teeth and are known meat eaters who can – according to the legends – take down a fully grown bull alone. Perhaps most chilling of all, many legends speak of these Little People being responsible for missing children, many of whom would go missing in the mountain regions.

The Pryor Mountain range
In fact, many of the Crow Nation legends state that the many petroglyphs in the region are the work of the Little People as a way of marking their territory, an area that the tribe considers sacred and only to be treated with the utmost respect. So much so, that the Crow Nation would make an annual trip to the region with the lone purpose of leaving offerings and gifts to the Little People.
Little People Legends From Around The World
There are myths of “little people” from all over the planet to be found in a country’s respective mythologies. For example, the word “pygmy” has been several times within this article. However, in Greek mythology, the pygmies, according to Aristotle, were a “race of dwarfish men” whose “horses are little in proportion” [7] and who “live in caves underground”. What’s more, they would often engage in bloody warfare with the inhabitants of the region.
Perhaps slightly less menacing, but still in Europe are the Scandinavian legends of the Nisse (in Norway) and the Tomte (in Sweden), which appear to be one and the same thing. They are said to be dwarf-sized people who usually take up secret residency on farms. What’s more, they will often assist with farm chores, perhaps as a way of paying their way. And of course, most of us know of the Leprechaun legends from Ireland.
Similar legends can be found in Slavic mythology in the form of the Domovoi. These little spirits are said to reside in peoples’ homes and have an appearance like that of a bearded man, with some accounts giving them devil-like features such as a tail and/or horns. Legends state that as long as the owner of the house leaves bread and milk in a corner of the room for these little creatures, they will protect the property from any form of bad luck. Legends also claim that you might even hear the footsteps of the domovoi as it makes it way from room to room.
Similar Myths On Different Continents
If we move our attention to the West African regions, we will come across folklore of the Dahomey. [8] They are small human-like creatures that live in the forests named Aziza. Although they are almost perfectly human in appearance, they also have insect-like wings. In fact, these legends even speak of the Aziza teaching humans in ancient times how to make fire and continue to assist humans who might happen to venture into the woodland. Interestingly, these grateful people of the region, like some of the tales from Europe, leave food out for the Aziza to show their gratitude.

Artist’s impression of an Aziza
Indonesian folklore is home to a much more aggressive and unfriendly “little people” named the Ebu Gogo. [9] Unlike the Aziza, the Ebu Gogo have no interest in helping humans. In fact, their only interest is to obtain and consume as much food as they can. And this ranges from fruit and vegetables to raw meat. Some legends even state that they have even been known to eat human meat if they feel brave enough to attack a person or happen upon an already dead body.
Perhaps interestingly, some researchers have suggested that there might be a partial truth to the legends of the Ebu Gogo, with the most popular being that they are likely the memories of a monkey-like creature that has long since become extinct. Indeed, descriptions of the Ebu Gogo conjure up an image of a monkey, with their long body hair and three-foot height, combined with long arms and fingers and a rigid walk.
Folklore Of Little People Around The Pacific
If we move deep into the Pacific regions, we will find the legends of the Maori people in New Zealand. They tell of the Patupaiarehe, [10] a pale-skinned small human-like creature who reside, like the Aziza, in the forests and woodlands of the region and largely maintain a nocturnal presence. They also said to have red hair (some accounts state yellow). However, what is interesting about this is that while most stories speak of the Patupaiarehe as being tiny creatures, some accounts describe giants. And many of the descriptions of gigantic creatures said to once have inhabited the North American continent fit the description of pale skin and red hair almost identically.
Unlike the Aziza, however, the Patupaiarehe are not altogether for the betterment of mankind. Depending on their mood they are equally as likely to attack, even kill a person, as much as assist them in any way, usually in the form of teaching magic tricks or formulas.

Artists impression of a Patupaiarehe
Many who venture into the woods and mountain regions of New Zealand – particularly if doing so at night – will often build and maintain a fire throughout the dark hours. This is said to ensure that the sometimes-mischievous creatures keep their distance.
Over the water in Australia are the tales of the Woodarjee from the Noongar Aboriginal people. Said to be only a foot in height, these creatures are essentially miniature versions of a typical Aboriginal person. What’s more, they make and carry very similar weapons and are known to be a very aggressive race of creature.
On the other side of the Pacific in Hawaii are legends of the Menehune. The two-foot-tall creatures are said to have resided on the islands since ancient times. Unlike the other “little people” of the Pacific, however, the Menehune are largely seen as peaceful creatures who seek to avoid contact with humans if possible. While most believe the legends to be nothing more than that, there are historical documents from the early 1800s that lists over 50 such creatures.
The Deros Conspiracy
Although it is a claim that should perhaps be taken with a pinch of salt, accounts of the Deros are certainly worth looking at here. [11] Claims of these three-foot “subterranean creatures” first circulated in the public arena via the science-fiction magazine, ‘Amazing Stories’ run by Ray Palmer. Palmer would claim that Richard Shaver had approached him in 1943. He claimed to have uncovered evidence of maniacal descendants of an ancient civilization who had highly advanced technology at their disposal. This includes teleportation devices, with which they kidnap humans from the surface of the Earth. Furthermore, they send out “rays and influences” to the Earth’s surface in an effort to control humanity.
According to Shaver’s claims, the Deros were descendants of an alien race who came to Earth in antiquity. Incidentally, they would call the planet, Lemuria. Out of their civilization came the empire of Atlantis, which colonized both the “inner and outer Earth”. Most of the Lemurians would leave the planet following a “geological cataclysm”. Those who remained would take shelter inside the Earth. While humanity grew once more on the Earth’s surface, those below the Earth began to deteriorate, both physically and mentally. Their understanding of the vast amounts of technology around them would deteriorate also, aside from their most basic devices.
The Deros are largely unthinking, violent, and with a loathing of humanity in general. Interestingly or not, the word “Dero” is based on “Detrimental Robot” which almost suggests a zombie-type entity. As you might imagine, most disregard these claims as ways to increase sales, which they almost certainly were. However, the amount of details that crop up in abduction cases echoing these stories does on occasion make one wonder. Perhaps this is a case of “fact hiding in fiction”, if only in part.
↑1 | The Pedro Mountain Mummy, Rebecca Hein, Wyo History, November 8th, 2014 https://www.wyohistory.org/encyclopedia/pedro-mountain-mummy |
↑2 | Little People & the Pedro Mountain Mummy, Kathy Weiser-Alexander, Legends of America, November 2019 https://www.legendsofamerica.com/wy-littlepeople/ |
↑3 | The Truth Behind the Disturbing Mystery of the San Pedro Mountains Mummy, Natasha, Sheldon, History Collection, January 4th, 2018 https://historycollection.com/truth-behind-disturbing-mystery-san-pedro-mountains-mummy/2/ |
↑4 | Genetic tests reveal tragic reality of Atacama ‘alien’ skeleton, Ian Sample, The Guardian, March 22nd, 2018 https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/mar/22/genetic-tests-reveal-tragic-reality-of-atacama-alien-skeleton |
↑5 | Native American Legends: Nimerigar (Nunumbi), Native Languages http://www.native-languages.org/nimerigar.htm |
↑6 | Little People of the Pryor Mountains, Haunted Places https://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/little-people-of-the-pryor-mountains/ |
↑7 | Pygmy, Ancient Greece Reloaded https://www.ancientgreecereloaded.com/files/ancient_greece_reloaded_website/legendary_monsters/pygmy.php |
↑8 | The legend of Benin’s fearless female warriors, Fleur Macdonald, BBC, August 27th 2018 https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20180826-the-legend-of-benins-fearless-female-warriors |
↑9 | Ebu Gogo, Cryptozoology https://cryptozoology.fandom.com/wiki/Ebu_Gogo |
↑10 | Patupaiarehe – The Fairy Folk of New Zealand, T.M. Rowe, October12th, 2016 https://tmrowe.com/2016/10/12/patupaiarehe-the-fairy-folk-of-new-zealand/ |
↑11 | The Shaver Mystery: The Most Sensational True Story Ever Told!, MetaFilter, July 6th, 2017 https://www.metafilter.com/168074/The-Shaver-Mystery-The-Most-Sensational-True-Story-Ever-Told |
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