The Battle Of Los Angeles
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- November 4, 2018
- October 13, 2021
- 21 min read
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- UFOs, Cover-Ups
The events in the early hours of 25th February 1942 have been sensationalized several times into Hollywood movies, and perhaps because of this there can be a tendency to forget the incident was very real, costing several lives, offering up one of the most famous pictures in UFO history, and perhaps most importantly, still remains unexplained. At least to any satisfactory degree. Taking place only months after the brutal attacks on Pearl Harbor – an incident that would drag the United States into the war raging in Europe – the entire United States was already on high alert. And this was particularly so with cities along the western US coastline of the Pacific.

Colorized impression of the Battle of Los Angeles
Whatever was moving along the coastal region of southern California, a journey that would see the strange object pass over several Los Angeles’ districts, the United States military were unnerved enough to open fire. And the gunfire and artillery would continue for several hours. Certainly not the behavior of trained soldiers, and perhaps more to the point, of experienced commanders who authorized such a preemptive strike for something that skeptics to the incident would claim was simply a weather balloon, or even “the planet Venus”. “The Battle Of Los Angeles” – sometimes referred to as “The Great Los Angeles Air Raid” – is one of the most intriguing, and possibly important nights of the twentieth century, of that, there is little doubt.
Before we look at that infamous night in the City of Angels, we will briefly examine the events of the previous twenty-four hours. It helps to understand the mindset of the people of California at the time. When an attack could arrive, as it had in Hawaii in December 1941, without warning and at any time. Incidentally, please note, all times given are US Pacific Time.
- 1 The Day Before! The Bombardment Of Ellwood
- 2 Sirens And Gunfire!
- 3 Something In The Sky
- 4 Total Blackout, Confused Reports And Fatalities
- 5 The Account Of “Katie”
- 6 “It Was Like The Fourth Of July!”
- 7 “The Threat Of Invasion Was Still Palpable!”
- 8 “The System Totally Collapsed!”
- 9 “I Think This Might Be The Real Thing!”
- 10 Everybody Who Could Went “Outside To See It!”
- 11 The “Balloon” Explanation
- 12 The Photograph
- 13 The Objects Out Of The Sea Incident, 9th December 1941
- 14 The Los Angeles Blackout Incident,11th December 1941
- 15 A Military “False Flag” Event?
- 16 Connections To The Little-Known Missouri Crash?
- 17 More UFO “Crashes” In Early-1940s America Than We Know?
- 18 Reverse-Engineering And Opportunistic Analysis Of Reactions
- 19 A Much Darker Goal?
- 20 California’s Long Supernatural History
- 21 A Reaction Undertaken By A Miniscule Percent Of The Population!
The Day Before! The Bombardment Of Ellwood
On the 23rd February 1942, Ellwood naval base came under sudden attack from Japanese forces. The Japanese had maintained a discreet presence in the area since the Pearl Harbor attacks of 7th December 1941. They had even managed to sink two American ships and damaged six more. Just after 7 pm on the 23rd February, a sudden bombardment came as Japanese forces attacked just off the coast. They would take aim at the Richfield aviation fuel tanks.
The attack would last around twenty minutes before the Japanese forces turned and retreated from the area. Although the damage was very limited and there were no severe casualties, the attack was still a resounding success. It managed to capitalize on the fear already established at Pearl Harbor. That the American public could come under attack at any moment and from anywhere along the west coast.
What is perhaps of interest here is in the wake of the attacks at Ellwood, naval intelligence would announce to all relevant chains of command that another attack was imminent. In fact, it could be expected within the next ten hours. Later that evening, numerous reports of “flares and blinking lights” would surface from locations around several defense plants along the Californian coast. By 7:18 pm a full alert was issued. However, by 10:23 pm, it appeared any perceived threat was a false alarm and the threat level was lowered. The reprieve wouldn’t last long.
Sirens And Gunfire!
It was just after 3 am when residents of Los Angeles were cruelly dragged from their sleep due to the wailing sirens announcing an attack. [1] When the automatic gunfire announced itself at sporadic but regular bursts it didn’t take long for citizens to recall images of the attacks of the previous day, or from Pearl Harbor a little over two months earlier. Indeed, many families, at least those who had them, would immediately take to their various bomb shelters, themselves ranging from professional builds to very makeshift facilities. Whatever was going on outside, it wasn’t a good thing, that much was certain.
Unbeknown to the confused and increasingly panicked residents of the City of Angels was that US navy radar had picked up an unidentified object around 120 miles to the west of the city and had been tracking it since shortly after midnight. By 2:15 am, antiaircraft stations were put on standby. Several minutes later, with the object still approaching they would receive a “Green Alert” telling them to be ready to fire immediately.
Those who didn’t have shelters to head to, or simply weren’t concerned enough to utilize them, would spill out on to the previously serene and sleepy streets of various housing estates of Los Angeles. It is from many of these “stragglers” on to the street where some of the most accurate, and perhaps key witness statements would later come.
The short video below is an original piece of news footage regarding the incident.
Something In The Sky
What many people who stepped from their houses first noticed was that despite the barrage of automatic fire heading skywards from the ground, there were no enemy fighters falling in flames to the ground below. In fact, it didn’t appear there were any planes at all in the sky. Nothing swooping and descending. Nothing sending short rattles of fire downward. What many did see, however, was the vague shape of a huge oval object. An object that appeared to be the target of the military automatic gunfire. Except, nothing seemed to impact on it. Instead, it appeared as though some kind of invisible shield was around this equally mysterious object.
The more residents of Los Angeles’ many districts looked on, it appeared as though the behemoth-like object was calmly and smoothly moving through the dark sky of the early morning, seemingly oblivious to the round after round of heavy-duty artillery fire. It was also many of these “street witnesses” who would repeatedly report the sound of American fighter planes in the skies overhead. However, the US air force and, in turn, the US military, would deny any deployment of US aircraft on the night in question.
It would appear that the first sightings from the public would come from the Santa Monica area of the city a little after 3 am. According to military reports, though, several sightings of “enemy planes” had come from defense posts along the coast for the at least thirty minutes leading up to that point. At 2:43 am, for example, several “planes” were sighted over Long Beach. Only a few moments later another sighting claimed “25 planes at 12,000 feet” over downtown Los Angeles. At 3:06 am “a balloon with a red flare” was seen over Santa Monica. Seconds later came the gunfire.
Total Blackout, Confused Reports And Fatalities
Along with the ominous warning wail of the sirens came orders of a complete blackout. Not a single light from a single house or vehicle was lit throughout Los Angeles shortly after 3 am.
During the three-and-a-half hours until just after 7 am – when a sense of normality arrived with the light of the morning – numerous and varied reports would circulate. Both among the military and throughout the wider community. Many reports of “planes”, for example, would surface, although most of these would insist the planes in question were American planes.
There were also several fatalities that would share, at least, an indirect connection to the events of the early hours of 25th February 1942. All of the dead were civilians. Some were victims of traffic accidents as they had made fatal attempts to negotiate the blacked-out roads. At least one person is thought to have died as a result of falling shrapnel. Several other deaths, attributed to heart attacks, are also widely accepted to have been a consequence of the bizarre and frightening events.
The Account Of “Katie”
While we will look at some of the other witness statements from the incident, one of particular intrigue is that of “Katie”, [2] who at the time was an interior designer and artist who worked with many of the Hollywood stars. She was also, along with over 12,000 other Los Angeles residents, a volunteer air raid warden. So, when her phone rang in the early hours of 25th February, she already had an idea that something was likely afoot. She wasn’t wrong. On the other end of the line was her district air raid supervisor. There was, they said, an immediate alert. Rather more intriguing, they wished to know if she had seen anything unusual in the sky. More specifically near to her home.
Katie lived not far from Santa Monica on Los Angeles’ west side. Upon being asked the question, she walked over to the window of the room she was in. She would later recall to UFO investigator, Jeff Rense, “It was huge. It was just enormous. And it was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life”. She would continue that it was “just hovering there”. She would remember that whatever the object was, it was a “lovely pale orange” and although it had an “eerie” quality to it, it was “the most beautiful thing” she had ever seen.
Partly because there was no other competing light due to the blackout, the object would shine spectacularly in the dark, black sky. It was around this time that the US military searchlights found the object with the glare.

Original picture from the LA Times
“It Was Like The Fourth Of July!”
Like many of the other witnesses, Katie would declare with absolute certainty, “they sent fighter planes up. And I watched them in groups approach it and then turn away”. She would further recall how the planes were “shooting at it, but it didn’t seem to matter”. According to Katie, the planes would make several approaches but they would suddenly retreat. Then, the ground artillery began to fire. So much firepower was sent upwards it was “like the Fourth of July” with the military “firing like crazy”.
Katie would continue to watch events unfold from the relative safety of her living room window for close to half-an-hour. Then, the object began to move away, eventually disappearing into the night. Also like many other witnesses, Katie would recall that several “direct hits” impacted upon the surface of the object. However, no damage at all was visible. In fact, it would appear as though the huge shells simply fell to the ground at the last moment. Despite the apparent attack from this mysterious object, Katie would recall that it was a “magnificent sight. Just marvelous”.
Retired anthropology professor, Scott Littleton, who was only a young boy at the time, and whose father was also an air raid warden also had an almost perfect view of the incident. [3] He would describe the object as “like a lozenge” with artillery shells exploding “all around it”. Also, like Katie, he would claim the very real presence of American fighter jets.
In fact, Littleton would prove to be a strong voice over the decades that followed regarding the encounter. Indeed, he just may prove to be one of the key witnesses to that winter’s evening in February 1942.
“The Threat Of Invasion Was Still Palpable!”
Although Littleton was only a young child at the time of the incident, that most bizarre night is emblazoned on his mind. Littleton would become a college professor of Anthropology from 1962 until his retirement forty years later in 2002. His studies and teachings took him across a wide range of mythology and folklore. Also of interest to him was the question of UFOs and alien life. In particular what the “possible implications for mythology and folklore” might be.
Littleton would describe the Battle of Los Angeles as “the night that a UFO was fired upon by the US repeatedly with no apparent effect”. [4] He would witness the events from near his home in Hermosa Beach. With the events of Pearl Harbor still fresh in everyone’s minds, residents of California were only too aware of their location on the coast. To them, “the threat of invasion was still palpable, if not imminent” in the minds of many. In fact, even military sources and intelligence would suggest such a bombing campaign, likely from the Japanese, was inevitable.
All along the waterfront from Santa Monica Bay, to Malibu, to Palos Verdes antiaircraft guns fired their deadly loads at targets purposely dragged along the skies over the water. Specially designed US planes would pull along these targets, allowing those who might one day be firing on approaching enemy planes to practice. These displays would often entertain the locals, including the young Littleton, who would remember them as “a grand show”, during which the searchlights from the ground would light up not only the “targets” but the exploding shells. These practice runs would normally run from 9 pm to 10 pm each evening.
“The System Totally Collapsed!”
There were also regular blackouts, which Littleton’s father as a volunteer air raid warden, would get prior notice of. During such blackouts he would have to don his hard hat and patrol the streets in his designated area, ensuring that all curtains would remain closed and/or lights off, and to make sure anyone who shouldn’t be outside would return home immediately. Generally speaking, these practice runs always went relatively smoothly. However, in the early hours of 25th February, during “the real thing”, Littleton would remember that “the system totally collapsed”.
The practice had gone ahead as normal on the evening of the 24th February before falling silent just after 10 pm. Littleton remembers clearly going to bed shortly after the usual display, reading for a little while before falling asleep. The next thing he knew, it was 3:15 am, and it sounded as though it was thundering outside. After shaking the sleep from his mind, he realized the “thunder” was, in fact, the antiaircraft fire. Thinking it was possibly another drill he soon dismissed such notions as “there was something about the rate and intensity of the bombardment that just didn’t seem right”.
As he looked out of his bedroom window he could instantly make out the searchlights sweeping around the night sky. Among them was the “bright flashes of exploding rounds”. This further pushed away the notion of what he was seeing was a drill of some kind. The explosions during the practice runs were usually quite a way out to sea. These explosions were much closer to the mainland. Then, he could hear his parents talking in the hall of the house. When he put his head out of the door he could clearly make out the worried look on his father’s face.

Newspaper article of the Battle of Los Angeles
“I Think This Might Be The Real Thing!”
According to Littleton, his father couldn’t understand why he, or other local air raid wardens didn’t receive word. Whether it was a drill or a “real attack”, all local air raid wardens should receive notification to attend their positions. This could be an interesting point. Littleton’s father would place several phone calls to the Civil Defense headquarters in a bid to find out information. Nobody, however, would pick up. He would make the decision to take to the streets as per his duties of his own accord in the absence of any superior command. It would, apparently, turn out later that although the alarm was raised sometime between 2;15 am and 2:25 am, someone forgot to notify local air raid wardens.
However, as we will remember, Katie was notified a little after 3 am. In fact, she would receive questons whether she could visually see anything from her position. Again, this is simple speculation, might it have been a purposeful decision to keep as many of the air raid wardens inside? Might they have wanted as few witnesses as possible?
Regardless of the reason, after Littleton’s father had been outside for a short while, he returned even more concerned than before. By this time, the grandparents who happened to be staying there were also awake and downstairs. Littleton’s father instructed them to make their way to the bomb shelter immediately. “I think this may be the real thing” he would declare as he ushered them down the basement.
Everybody Who Could Went “Outside To See It!”
While the Littleton household squeezed into the cramped basement, Littleton’s father would return to the street. When his mother decided to go up and see what was happening around ten minutes later, Littleton discreetly tagged along. The pair made their way to the doorstep of the house and then stood there watching the fascinating events unfold above them.
Each of them stared up at the silver “lozenge-shaped bug” that glowed brightly in the searchlights that had converged upon it. For several moments the object simply hung motionless in the air, seemingly happy to take the apparent pounding from the constant barrage of gunfire and heavy artillery from below. Then, it began to move slowly. It would head towards Redondo Beach, southeast from their direction. They would watch it for several minutes before it disappeared out of sight.
Although it disappeared from Littleton’s sight, as the object passed over Redondo Beach, a five-year-old child, Tike Karavas, would witness it pass over his family home. [5] Not only that, it appeared to descend slightly as it did so. The rest of the Karavas family also witnessed the incident, with Tike’s father even attempting to follow the craft in his car in case it landed. However, instead of landing, the object would begin to rise again. It would head south of the beach, along the coast where the LAX airport stands today, before passing over the El Segundo oil refinery. Karavas would recall how despite the time, “almost everybody on our whole block who could, got up to go outside to see it”. Despite the intense barrage of antiaircraft fire, the mysterious object “escaped unscathed”.
The “Balloon” Explanation
Littleton, who for obvious reasons would have an intense interest in the case and has performed his own investigations into it, would take particular exception that the entire episode, including the barrage of fire from the US military, was nothing other than a balloon that had strayed off course. In fact, he would state that this official explanation is almost impossible.
Remember, most of the sightings and the bulk of the shooting took place in the Santa Monica area of Los Angeles. Littleton’s research shows that the only place in Los Angeles where such balloons were was to the south of Santa Monica, in El Segundo. Littleton would explain that this would mean, assuming there was a missing balloon (there were no reports of any missing or stolen balloons in or around the night in question), it would have to find its way almost perfectly northward towards Santa Monica. Once at its destination, it would then hover in the same spot, somehow absorbing the firepower of the antiaircraft guns below for close to thirty minutes, before then calmly moving away in a different direction from the way it arrived.
Perhaps backing up Littleton’s, and many other UFO researcher’s claims that the object hovering over Los Angeles was far from a balloon and was, in fact, a nuts-and-bolts craft from another part of the galaxy comes from one of most famous and iconic images of the incident.
Before we move on to that, however, check out the short video below. It features Scott Littleton speaking about the incident.
The Photograph
As events were unfolding, a reporter with the ‘Los Angeles Times’ newspaper would receive word that “something” was happening near Santa Monica. The reporter in question lived around twelve miles away, to the east of the location in the San Gabriel Valley area of the city. He immediately dressed and jumped into his car, making his way cautiously through the now blackened roads, unable to use his headlights in case he attracted the attention of the police, military, or the air raid wardens who would order him inside or arrest him.
He arrived close to his destination shortly after, settling near the Baldwin Hills. The reporter could clearly see the object caught in the collective glow of the several searchlights on it. He jumped out of his car, the guns sounding immediately louder as he did so, and pointed his camera at the scene above him. He snapped the picture shut, and by the 26th February, the image would run in the ‘Los Angeles Times’ newspaper. Millions of people around the world would study the picture over the years.
Does it show an alien craft withstanding an intense barrage of US military firepower? Although there have been accusations of “touching up” of the photograph, it is indeed a genuine image. These “touch-ups” are, in reality, simply changing of contrasts and such to provide the image with more clarity for newspaper print. As you can see from the image below. It certainly appears as though the reflective glow from a disc-shaped craft is clearly visible.
Check out the image below.

Close up of the Battle of Los Angeles image
The Objects Out Of The Sea Incident, 9th December 1941
Although they are not nearly as popular, and there may not be a connection, two sightings on the respective evenings of 9th and 11th December 1941 are certainly worth looking at. Perhaps not least because of the military presence at each of them.
The first took place to the north of Los Angeles in San Francisco (a relative stones-throw away) on the evening of the 9th December. According to the main witness, General Ryan, several strange objects “came out of the sea” causing the US Navy to send out three vessels to investigate just what the strange crafts were. He would state to the ‘The Times Union’ newspaper that “I don’t know how many planes there were, but there were a large number”. Given that Ryan claims these “planes” came out of the sea, we can likely replace the word plane with UFO, remember a phrase still a decade away from its eventual interweaving into the fabric of American popular culture.
Ryan would further elaborate in response to a question if the “planes” were Japanese by simply saying, “they weren’t Army planes. They weren’t Navy planes. And you can be sure they weren’t civilian planes”. He would stop short of pointing the finger at the Japanese, but he was emphatic that the incident was “not a test”. The entire city was under blackout. Residents along the water front, however, would each claim to have witnessed around sixty US Army trucks positioning anti-aircraft guns on the water’s edge. One official explanation was that the operation was merely a test in response to the declaration of war on Japan by the US and Great Britain only twenty-four hours earlier.
The Los Angeles Blackout Incident,11th December 1941
Two night later, in Los Angeles (although areas as far away as San Diego and even Las Vegas were affected), another blackout took hold of the city. Once more, just like General Ryan had forty-eight hours earlier, the announcement from the Interceptor Command would state that “this is not a practice black-out”.
It was a little after 7:35 pm when the alert signal turned yellow. This indicated that an “unidentified airplane” was approaching the city. And what’s more, they were approaching from the stretches of the Pacific Ocean. All air and naval bases would go to instant alert, with antiaircraft posts on stand-by along the water front. Some witnesses would later state they could hear antiaircraft fire, although the military would declare that there was no authorization to fire. That a “situation” was underway, however, was certain. The Interceptor Command would state, “There are planes over the south of Los Angeles that are unidentified. The area will be blacked out until we can identify them”.
Shortly after, several response planes would leave the runway of their respective airports to investigate these strange oncoming objects. While there was no known interception, the blackout mission was an apparent “success”.
It is perhaps interesting that descriptions of these crafts would appear to conform to those that were allegedly witnessed in various spots across the United States (and even Mexico) in the early 1940s, some of which we will look at a little later, and which may also share a connection to the apparent events of Los Angeles in February 1942.
However, if these incidents were merely military tests, might it be that the alleged Battle Of Los Angeles was also such a test?

Map of the route of the incident
A Military “False Flag” Event?
There is plenty of reason to assume that the events were a false flag event, possibly to maintain support for the United States’ involvement in the Second World War. As we have looked at previously in our look at the events of Pearl Harbor, there is substantial reason to believe the key event that brought the United States into World War Two was, at best, allowed to happen, at worst, of purposeful planning. Might the “Battle of Los Angeles” have been a similar event? There is certainly an argument for the claim.
For example, several radar operators would state in a television documentary in the early-2000s [6] that they received prior warning from their superiors to expect a “target coming in”. One would even go as far as to say that “…it was a meteorologist balloon, with a wavelength of wire tied (to it) so the radar would pick it up”. Does this suggest that there was a purposeful operation in place? Or is this simply a case of a mistaken sighting by the radar operators in question? Or is this possibly a case of disinformation? How, for example, would the “balloon explanation” match up alongside “Katie’s” sighting? Or, might Katie’s claims be disinformation to take away from secret military action? After all, she was a volunteer air raid warden. Perhaps she would see it as her duty?
If we assume that this was a military test, the fact that several residents would lose their lives would mean the military would have to maintain that “something” took place. Lest they face scrutiny and possibly lawsuits for possible “reckless” behavior and a disregard for its own citizens’ safety? Or might it be a military test of otherworldly technology?
Connections To The Little-Known Missouri Crash?
Perhaps, though, the incident was handled the way it was by the military due to an apparent downed UFO near Cape Girardeau in Missouri only months earlier in April 1941. According to the witness of the report, Charlotte Mann, she recalled how her grandfather, Reverend William Huffman received a call from the nearby military base. According to Mann, a large “strange disc” made from some unknown metallic material had crashed to the ground in the open country. The military was already at the scene. They required Huffman’s services to “administer the last rites”.
Upon seeing this out-of-this-world craft, Huffman would realize these last rites were not for anything human. He would see three small bodies lying together near the crippled craft. All three were already dead, but Huffman said a prayer for each anyway. When he returned home later in the early hours of the morning, he would tell both his wife, and Charlotte, that the remains were “definitely not human”. Incidentally, several interesting details would surface in the report. The first, the use of strange metallic foil-like material being present at the scene (which would come more prominently during the Roswell crash six years later). And the apparent “ancient Egyptian-style hieroglyphics” on the exterior, another seemingly bizarre detail that comes up in other UFO encounters.
Perhaps also of interest in regard to this last detail is another little-known report. One of a “plane crash” on the morning of 24th February near to the heart of Hollywood. A crash that might not have been a “plane” crash at all.
More UFO “Crashes” In Early-1940s America Than We Know?
One witness would state that he saw “Japanese writing” on the remains of the craft. Remains which were, interestingly enough, covered over by the military within minutes of the apparent crash. Japanese planes marked their planes using Arabic numbers during World War Two. It couldn’t, then, have been a Japanese plane the witness saw. Might it be, that it wasn’t Japanese writing, but Egyptian-style hieroglyphs? And is it possible that it wasn’t a plane, but an unknown craft? Might it be that the Battle of Los Angeles was the result of an extraterrestrial craft? One that might have actually started before the early hours of the 25th February?
Much like the Missouri incident mentioned above, there is another encounter which very well may share a connection to the events over the City of Angels. In late-October 1941, a UFO apparently crashed to the ground in Sonora, Mexico. The US military managed to locate and retrieve it, and bring it back into the United States. Much like the alleged crash in Missouri, as well as the recovery of the craft itself, were several alien bodies. Might this craft and more specifically the intelligent entities behind it be the same that appeared over Los Angeles?
Although it happened after the Los Angeles incident, another UFO apparently crashed to Earth in late-1942 “somewhere north of Georgia”. Much like the previous accounts, the object was disc-like, silver and metallic, and contained several small entities. Several months later, in April 1943, US pilot, Gerry Casey, would notice a silver disc-shaped object. It would approach his plane as he navigated the California coastline near the Santiago Mountain. It remained with them for several minutes before vanished at speed.

Newspaper article of the incident
Reverse-Engineering And Opportunistic Analysis Of Reactions
Might be, might the accounts of the downed UFOs in Missouri and Sonora be genuine? Did the US military manage to reverse-engineer this recovered technology? Might the sighting and the incident that followed have been a test flight of the US military? Remember, some radar operators insist they would receive instructions to “expect an incoming target”. This, before they first picked up the strange object approaching the California coastline.
Is it possible that this expected target was a repaired disc from a previous (and genuine) UFO crash now under testing by US military personnel? It is, admittedly, a highly unlikely notion. Not so much that such alien crafts would crash at these various locations around the United States. But that our scientists would have been able to reverse engineer something so technologically advanced so quickly. Although, the technological revolution was just around the corner following the end of the Second World War. Perhaps, then, we should give such scientists more credit?
As an afterthought, maybe the public’s reaction to such an otherworldly craft is key. Perhaps the situation would offer the United States insight into how they could use it to their advantage? It is certainly a possibility. Especially given everything we now know regarding UFO encounters from the late-1940s onwards. Might the public’s reaction offer the US military insight in how to handle any future such episodes? Or perhaps the incident was a secret military experiment. And the insight was in how the public instead would seek an otherworldly explanation. So leaving such military action unexposed, and unaccountable.
The video below goes over the incident.
A Much Darker Goal?
The way the military would act and the initial information they shared with the press is interesting. Perhaps a forerunner to how the eventual Roswell incident would unfold. For example, the initial press reports were relatively full of detail. The very few that followed weren’t. Then, reports seemed to die down altogether. Almost unnaturally so. They would claim there was no credibility in the witness statements. It is very likely that many people would contact the press with all manner of wild tales. Whether for a little attention and possibly monetary reward. It would appear an overreaction, to say the least, to simply drop the story altogether, however. In fact, it simply doesn’t make sense. Unless, of course, considering the fact that the United States was officially “at war”, they would receive instructions to do so.
Perhaps the military, and even, in turn, the US government were using the incident to their own ends. Maybe they manufactured it and it was indeed a “false flag”. Or maybe they were completely off-guard to an unknown enemy. It was very much in their interests, though, to have the public suspect the Japanese were behind the attack. And the general fear in the populace of another similar encounter did nothing to hurt their cause.
At the time of the incident, the heavily controversial (even then) Executive Order 9606 was racing its way through the significant legal channels. An order that would relocate Japanese-American citizens and Japanese immigrants alike. Essentially, it was an internment order which would send such people to nothing more than concentration camps. Many people saw the order as a form of “ethnic cleansing”. To some, having the public fear such Japanese attacks would perhaps calm this resistance somewhat.
California’s Long Supernatural History
Or maybe the answer is more supernatural? The event that is The Battle of Los Angeles certainly stands on its own as a unique event. However, the state of California is a hotbed of intriguing, fascinating, and chilling activity. And what’s more, it goes back hundreds, possibly thousands of years. With that in mind, might the alleged sighting of Los Angeles have been just one of those strange anomalous experiences? One that has plagued the area for eons and remains a mystery to all who study such events even today?
Or, might there be a connection to Mount Shasta? Itself an ancient body that has all manner of strange accounts to its name? Including that it hosts within its bowels an alien base that stretches underground for all miles around. And, that somewhere above its majestic peak, a portal exists where such cosmic craft come and go from the Earth. Interestingly enough, US Navy records show tracking of an unidentified craft moving into the Santa Monic mountain range on 25th February. It had arrived from the north, coincidentally enough where Mount Shasta resides. Sightings of strange lights and orbs are common in and around the area of the ancient and enchanting mountain. Many Native American tribes have lived in the area for hundreds of years. They state that a network of caves and tunnels lead to the “inner Earth”.
Check out the short video below. It is from 2013 and claims to show a UFO leaving the planet via a portal contained within a vortex. If this footage is genuine, might it suggest that what eventually drew the gunfire of the US military in February 1942, had indeed originated from the same type of portal in the same location?
A Reaction Undertaken By A Miniscule Percent Of The Population!
Like many of the cases we examine, that “something” significant took place between 2 am and 7 am on the 25th February 1942 is without question. Was it a military exercise that broke down among confusion and panic? So resulting in the unfortunate deaths of several Los Angeles residents? Or might it be one of many coldly calculated events to bring forth such measures as Executive 9606? Not to mention to drum up and maintain support for the United States entry into another war in Europe? It is a rather blunt accusation but certainly not one without merit. And not one that requires too much of a stretch of the imagination.
Or was there indeed a UFO, a craft from another world, hovering over human civilization? While it fired their comparatively primitive weapons at them in a blind panic? The US military, although far from the slick machine-like operation it is today, was still one of the world’s best. Perhaps there was the realization that humanity was simply ill-prepared? And no match for such cosmic visitors? Maybe this is the reason for the plethora of cover stories, denials, and general disinformation. All of which has polluted the UFO subject for decades?
Might this event even be the first time in the contemporary era such cosmic visitors were visible? If that is the case, what might the consequences be of our collective, and aggressive reaction? A reaction undertaken by a miniscule percent of the planet’s population. And authorized by an even tinier percent of that. That thought alone, in whatever walk of modern life, should be sobering enough.
The video below is one of many available looking at the Battle of Los Angeles.
↑1 | World War II’s Bizarre ‘Battle of Los Angeles’, Evan Andrews, History, February 23rd, 2017 https://www.history.com/news/world-war-iis-bizarre-battle-of-los-angeles |
↑2 | ‘Battle Of Los Angeles’ Photographic Comparison, Frank Warren, Rense https://rense.com/general93/battle.htm |
↑3 | The Battle Of Los Angeles, 1942 UFO, The Wanderling http://the-wanderling.com/la_ufo.html |
↑4 | Eyewitness to History: The Battle of Los Angeles, C. Scott Littleton, Signs of the Times, May 24th, 2007 https://www.sott.net/article/132795-Eyewitness-to-History-The-Battle-of-Los-Angeles |
↑5 | UFO Over LA: The Battle of Los Angeles, The Wanderling https://wanderling.tripod.com/la_ufo.html |
↑6 | The Great Los Angeles Air Raid: What Actually Happened, According to Witnesses, Micah Hanks, Mysterious Universe, July 18th, 2017 https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/07/the-great-los-angeles-air-raid-what-actually-happened-according-to-witnesses/ |
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1 Comment
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Well done! An excellent article full of pertinent information that is germane to today’s UFO issues. While researching for my own writing this came up in my search results along with the typical fodder that glosses over this incident. While looking at the map and the route of travel, it made me think of several other famous sightings where the object traveled slowly across county & state lines. The Phoenix sighting among others. That would seem to be a shared characteristic of sightings of the large craft. This was a fine piece of work and I will look forward to reading more!