The Lost Twin From The Other Side: The Disturbing Encounters Of “Amber”

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 12, 2024
Last Updated
October 11, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read
Posted in
Supernatural, Folklore

There are many claims of encounters with doppelgangers throughout history, some of which have been intricately investigated and documented. One such case is perhaps lesser-known and was submitted by a person known only as “Amber” to an online platform, and it is without a doubt one of the most fascinating, if disturbing, accounts on record.

Over the course of her life, Amber experienced many mysterious events, but those that caused her the most concern were apparent encounters with her doppelganger, whom her friends witnessed on several occasions. These events continued as Amber grew older, with this mysterious entity following her wherever she went, culminating in Amber attempting to make contact with her tormentor.

Amber’s case is one of the most interesting of its kind on record – apparent repeat encounters with a doppelganger – which, as we will see, leads us to question just what a doppelganger might actually be.

A Long History Of Strange Goings-On!

According to a reader’s account submitted to a YouTube channel in 2019, Amber, from Grand Rapids in Michigan, claimed she had had encounters with her apparent doppelganger for years, right the way back to when she was a young child. Or perhaps more accurately, her friends had several encounters with her doppelganger, with her best friend witnessing it on several separate occasions.

Even before these encounters with Amber’s other self, she regularly experienced strange goings-on at her home. Cupboard doors would often open and close by themselves, for example, while she often saw the impressions of footprints on the carpets in her house, as if an invisible person was walking on them. Of most concern to her, though, was an apparent apparition of a young girl who she would often see out of the corner of her eye. She kept these encounters largely to herself. However, when other people started seeing other versions of her, she knew something truly strange was taking place around her.

Amber offered that from the age of seven to 18, she had the same best friend. The two were very close and were often together at each other’s houses. It was this friend who witnessed Amber’s doppelganger on a semi-regular basis. On several occasions, for example, Amber’s friend would claim to have seen Amber looking out of the window. However, when she spoke to her, Amber would simply ignore her, staring blankly ahead. When her friend told Amber of this later, she was more than confused as she had usually been in a completely different part of the house.

Amber’s “Other” Self

One particular afternoon when they were teenagers, Amber and her friend were walking in the nearby woods and decided to play hide-and-seek. When it was Amber’s turn to hide, she hid in a bush and waited for her friend to find her. However, after several minutes, Amber heard her friend let out a terrified scream. She immediately jumped out of the bush and ran to the sounds of her friend in order to see what the matter was.

When she finally located her, though, her friend became quite cross with Amber, stating that she had snuck up on her from behind and placed her hand on her shoulder only moments ago, causing her to let out a loud scream. Her friend continued that she had remained completely silent throughout the incident, not even blinking before she turned and ran into the woods. Obviously, Amber was perplexed by the accusations of frightening her friend. She had remained in the bushes until hearing her scream. However, despite her protests, her friend was insistent on what – or who – she had seen.

This particular incident appeared to be the last encounter with Amber’s doppelganger, at least of her childhood. Several years later, when she went off to university, it appeared this “other Amber” made the journey also. As the months and years went on, several of her university friends would comment to her on how they had seen her earlier in the day, staring blankly out of a window or standing in a doorway. Furthermore, they were usually a little confused as to why Amber had acknowledged them or said hello back. Amber did her best to brush off such comments. However, deep down, she suspected that who they had seen was not her but the “other” her.

The Woman In The Hall

Once more, after university encounters with the doppelganger appeared to stop once more. However, several years later, when she was a 26-year-old woman, she experienced the most frightening encounter of all.

On this particular occasion, she and a friend had traveled out of town in order to attend a concert and had arranged to meet with a third friend at their apartment. After the show, the three friends returned to the apartment and prepared to bed down for the night. The friend would sleep in her room as normal, while Amber and her other friend prepared a bed on the living room floor using an inflatable mattress.

Before retiring to her bedroom for the night, Amber’s friend checked all the windows and doors to ensure they were locked. When she came to the front door of the apartment, however, a sudden “unsettling” feeling washed over her. She peered through the peephole of the door. There, on the other side of the door, staring directly back at her, was “Amber”. She wasn’t moving or even blinking, simply staring ahead, expressionless. Amber’s friend quickly backed away from the door and ran to the living room screaming. As shocked as she had been to see “Amber” standing outside the door, she was even more shocked to see the actual Amber on the blowup mattress where she had seen her only minutes earlier.

Following this encounter, Amber began to question to who this other version of herself was, and if it might have some kind of connection to the figure of the young girl she often saw as a child. Upon returning home, she began efforts to find answers.

I’m Here For “You!”

The more Amber thought about the strange goings-on that had plagued her life, the more she began to realize that whatever was behind these disturbing events was something attached to her personally and not a specific location. Ultimately, wherever Amber went, this mysterious double would follow, manifesting at random times. This last sighting, though, appeared to have been much more menacing.

Amber decided to use a “Spirit Box” application on her mobile phone to communicate with this curious entity and planned to ask it several questions – “Are you there?”, “What’s your name?”, “How old are you?”, “What year is it?”, “How did you die?”, and “Why are you here?” She asked these questions several times, watching the Spirit Box as it scanned the frequency waves. When she was asking the questions for the fifth time, she finally received an answer, specifically to the question, “How did you die?” And what’s more, she was more than a little surprised to hear a male voice come over the airwaves, which replied, “I don’t know” over and over.

After several moments, Amber asked again, “Why are you here?” She was not at all prepared for the answer she received. In a long drawn out drawl, the voice replied, “You!” Amber immediately shut the Spirit Box app and turned off her mobile phone.

She would go over and over the events in her mind, thinking back to every inexplicable encounter she had experienced throughout her life, and she eventually arrived at her own conclusions as to the reasons behind these bizarre events. Although she had not given it much thought previously, she recalled that when her mother had been pregnant with her, she had originally been pregnant with twins. However, the other fetus was lost during the pregnancy. Amber concluded that this other her, this mysterious entity, was the spirit of her lost twin.

A Most Intriguing Case

Whether Amber was correct in her conclusions or not is open to debate. If he were, however, it would perhaps raise questions about other would-be twins whose pre-birth sibling didn’t survive. Could there be many people around the world who have been plagued by similar events to Amber?

We might also ask if Amber’s other self – essentially, her doppelganger – is the same kind of doppelganger as has been documented in other cases around the world and across the decades. Or could there be something much more supernatural about this manifestation? After all, if it was connected to a pre-birth twin lost during pregnancy, then we might conclude that rather than being some mysterious entity, it was something more akin to a spirit or a ghost.

We might also ask why the voice of the entity that Amber eventually made contact with was male. Had she made contact with another entity altogether? Or was that simply the type of voice the entity chose to use? Or might you even contemplate that the “other Amber” was an entity that manifested in her likeness? And perhaps this is why the entity appears to grow and age in sympathy with Amber?

Of course, we don’t know if Amber is still experiencing these strange occurrences today or not? The account, however, is certainly thought-provoking, of that, there is no doubt.

The short video below features Amber’s encounter in more detail.

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

You can contact Marcus via email.

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