The Great Government Alien Cover-up: It’s For Your Own Good?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 13, 2012
Last Updated
August 31, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read
Posted in
Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Government

Remember when you questioned your mum about one of the unfair restrictions she was placing on your 8-year-old life and she would say, “It’s for your own good.”

Her clipped tone added silently, “and that’s the end of it.”

When it comes to the US government covering up UFO’s and alien abductions, they are acting like your mum. Ever since the incident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, they’ve covered up the existence of aliens among us.

Consider the comments of Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut in a conversation with WPTV, a West Palm Beach TV station. Tim Malloy, reporter, told the home viewers, “He says the government he served in the military, and as an astronaut, is perpetuating cover-ups of alien sightings going all the way back to the legendary July 9, 1947 Roswell incident, an alleged alien spacecraft crash where remains where allegedly recovered.”

Jesse Marcel with foil type material recovered from the Roswell crash.

Jesse Marcel with foil type material recovered from the Roswell crash.

Mr. Mitchell explained, “The reason for the denial is, number one, they didn’t know if they were hostile, and could we protect ourselves from them? And they didn’t want the Soviets to know, so they devised to lie about it and covered it up.”

At Roswell, Air Force officers first turned in reports that they discovered parts and debris from a flying disc that had crashed. Later they came out with an official report that said that the debris had come from a “downed weather balloon.”

This was the beginning of many times the US government would cover up UFO sightings and paranormal phenomena. Researcher Leslie McAney reported in an article in Gallup Poll Monthly that 71 percent of people surveyed expressed a belief that the US government knows more about UFOs than it is publicly admitting.

Wide Spread Doubt

The idea that the government is conducting an alien cover-up permeates the media. Every night in the United States, radio listeners tune in to Coast To Coast, a nationwide program featuring conspiracy theories, paranormal activity, and UFOlogy. Many movies such as Men In Black and Independence Day as well as TV shows such as The X-Files use a conspiracy theme.

It’s not just UFO “watchers” and “abductees” that believe the government is keeping secrets. A 1971 survey conducted by Industrial Research/Development magazine revealed that 76 percent of respondents believe leaders are not telling everything they know about UFOs.

Some government officials have stated openly they think UFO evidence is being kept secret. They include Vice Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, Senator Barry Goldwater, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, and various French generals and space experts.

Abduction Groups

There are several different alien abduction groups. They share interest on different types of aliens: Grays, Reptilians, and Nordics. Each is believed to have a different rationale for coming to Earth. The groups claim that the lack of awareness about UFOs is due to the alien’s own agenda, or the government is covering it up.

In The Hidden Hand, an award-winning documentary that explores UFOs and US military cover-ups, Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and author of Flyers Saucers and Science said, “The government is important because they have the radar systems. They are in a position to connect, and to collect the data.”

In the same film, Richard Dolan, a historian, and author of UFOs and the National Security State, Volumes 1 and 2, said, “People in the national security world are dealing with the fact that this is a lie that has gone now for so long, how do you undo such a long-standing series of deceptions?”

Merged Technology

Some UFO enthusiasts believe the explosion in technology in our modern world is the result of the government merging their technology with that of aliens. One theory is that aliens help “reverse engineer” their knowledge to make it work on our planet.

In a speech at an conference, Paul Hellyer, an author, and former Canadian Defense Minister said he believes the USA is using alien technology and feels the opportunity has been wasted:

“We have a problem when official US policy says UFO’s don’t exist…The veil of secrecy has to be lifted now, before it is too late…How much has been accomplished in 60 years of feverish activity by some of the most educated minds in the United States. Has America developed flying saucers that are visually indistinguishable from the Visitors as alleged, and if so what do they propose to do with them?.…Well, who has the answers? Well, somebody does! But, apparently they aren’t telling the Secretaries of Defense or Presidents because they don’t have a “need to know.”

UFO’s Are Real

On MSNBC-TV, Hellyer spoke with host Tucker Carlson. Carlson asked Hellyer if UFO’s were real.

Hellyer answered, “For the last two or three years I’ve been looking at the evidence and assessing it much as a judge would, trying to determine who was telling the truth and who wasn’t and I finally concluded, especially after reading a book called The Day after Roswell written by Col. Philip Corso, that Unidentified Flying Objects are in fact as real as the planes flying overhead, and there has been a monumental cover-up for more than half-century.

“This is after looking at a lot of evidence in trying to discern who was telling truth and who wasn’t, and I’ve concluded unequivocally that the people who claim that they have either seen UFOs or seen classified documents about UFOs, or have seen wreckage from the crash at Roswell on or about July 4, 1947, are the ones who are telling the truth. And consequently, I’m basing my policy considerations on that.”

Later Tucker asked, “Does this make sense: if in fact there are extraterrestrials and they are buzzing our planet, why wouldn’t we want to take steps to defend ourselves from them if they turn hostile?”

Hellyer said,

“Well, I think the critical question is whether or not they are hostile? When the crash first occurred (in Roswell) General Nathan Twining…declared that there were enemy aliens. There is no evidence that I’ve seen that would convince me that they are in fact enemies. What I would like to know is whether that classification of enemy aliens still exists, and if it did exist, what is the evidence that the United States government bases its conclusion.”

Karl Wolf

What about people actually inside the US government? Consider these statements from ex-Air Force air-man Karl Wolf: “I was a precision electronics photographic repairman with the top-secret crypto-clearance in the United States Air Force. I was stationed at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia in mid-1965. I was loaned to the lunar orbiter project of NASA at Langley Field.

Could this image be of alien buildings and structures on the Lunar surface?

Could this image be of alien buildings and structures on the lunar surface?

“I was taken into the laboratory where the equipment was malfunctioning…about 30 minutes into the process, he said to me in a very distressed way, ‘By the way, we’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon. And then he proceeded to put photographs down in front of me.

“Clearly in these photographs were structures, mushroom-shaped buildings, spherical buildings, and towers, and at that point, I was very concerned because I knew we were working in compartmentalized security, and he had breached security. I was actually frightened at that moment and I did not question him any further.”

Donna Hare

Donna Hare worked for a NASA supplier and learned about cover-ups early on. She said, “I worked at Philco-Ford Aerospace from 1967 to 1981. During that time I was a design engineer/illustrator draftsman. I did the launch slides, the landing slides, and also projected lunar maps for NASA.

“We were contractors but most of the time I worked on-site in building 8. I had the opportunity to do extra work through downtime, which was between missions, and I walked into the photo lab, which was a NASA lab across the hallway.

“I had a secret clearance and I was able to go into restricted. One of the techs in there drew my attention to a photograph–it had a dot on it–I said was that dot on the emulsion? He smiled and he had his hands crossed, and he said round dots on the emulsion don’t leave shadows on the ground.

“This was an aerial photograph of the Earth. There were shadows of a craft, I did not know what this was, but I realized at this point that it was very secretive, that it was a ‘kept secret.’ I asked him what he could do with this piece of information. He said ‘we always airbrush these out before we showed them to the public.’”

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell told WPTV, “I don’t know how many or where or how they’re doing it but they been observing us here for quite some time and we see these craft all the time. I believe what I’m saying and I cite the evidence that I know. “

According to WPTV reporter Tim Malloy, “Mitchell is unbothered by critics who think the guy with the right stuff has taken a wrong turn.  He has no doubt that there are alien craft observing Earth right now and many more out there looking for us.”

Malloy asked Mitchell, “How many civilizations do you believe are out there?”

Mitchell answered, “Billions. There are billions and billions of stars in the galaxy, and billions and billions of galaxies don’t take but a few planets around a few stars to have quite a few civilizations.” Dr. Mitchell is one of only 12 people who have walked on the moon. He said he has never personally seen an alien but believes people who have.

Specific incidents

There have been several incidents over the past few decades where the government has covered up reports, commentary, photographs, films and more from people inside and outside the government. Here are a few examples:

  • On July 7, 1947 William Rhodes took a picture of a strange object in Arizona. The pictures were published in a Phoenix newspaper and several other publications. An Army Air Force intelligence officer and a member of the FBI soon met with Rhodes and talked him into turning over the negatives. They then told him he would not be getting them back. The pictures ended up in classified Air Force UFO reports.
  • In 1958, Donald Keyhole, a retired US Marine and UFO specialist, appeared on TV. His commentary about UFOs was “pre-censored” by the Air Force. As the show went on, when he tried to interject original statements that were not in the “pre-censored” script, the network cut his sound, saying later that he was about to violate security standards. Conspiracy theorists believe that what he was about to reveal were several unknown military studies that make the assertion that UFOs were interplanetary.
  • John Callahan, a former Division Chief of the Accident and Investigations Branch of the Federal Aviation Authority in Washington said that in 1986, after a Japanese Airlines 747 had an encounter with a giant UFO over Alaska, it was recorded by radar on both the ground and in the air. The FAA started an investigation. Callahan held a briefing for the President’s Scientific Study Group, and other intelligence offices. Shortly after the briefing, one of the CIA agents in attendance said, “They were never there and this never happened.” The rationale given for this positioning was that they did not want the public to panic.

Why is the government trying to cover-up UFO sightings? What are they afraid of? Mass panic? That seems dubious. Maybe that was a concern in 1947. More than fifty years later, however, nearly everyone has a cell phone. We have an orbiting space station. Governments are being overthrown by reformists using Twitter and Facebook.

In other words, we’ve come a long way technologically. We can handle some grown up talk about science, space and aliens. It is time for the government to come clean and tell us everything they know about UFOs, aliens and alien abductions.

We don’t need another Mum. We like the one we have.

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

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