Conspiracy Theory Analysis: Technology

As we negotiate our way through the twenty-first century there is little doubt that we are living through a technological revolution. The advances we have seen since the nineties passed the torch to the new millennium alone have been outstanding and unprecedented.
What should we make, then, to the claims – made in both mainstream and fringe circles – that the technology that will be released to the public over the next several decades is most likely already here and available behind the closed doors of the world’s government-sponsored technological development programs.
From propulsion and engineering to artificial intelligence and even weather manipulation programs and advanced methods of agriculture, all are of interest to our respective governments, although many are suspicious as to the way such technology will be used, and how long it will remain a secret.
Of course, there is no proof that such advanced technology exists, but if we take a look at the many devices and gadgets we enjoy today, we can see how these items – or the basics of them – were being utilized behind closed doors or high up in the corporate world several decades ago.
It is not being dramatic to state that technology and the development of it is one of the most closely guarded industries in the world, many of which intertwine with government, military, and intelligence agencies. And with that secrecy are born many conspiracies…
- Government (51)
- Historical (37)
- Technology (9)
- Unsolved & Unexplained (38)
Do Megalithic Structures Show An Ancient Energy Grid Around The Earth?
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- March 1, 2019
- May 10, 2022
- 17 min read
Artificial Intelligence: Robot Technology And The Danger Of Human Extinction!
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is something that is surging into all of our lives at an ever-increasing rate. And for the most part, that is a good thing. However, in a market that is largely unregulated with no real limits on what private companies or world governments alike can research, perfect, and then implement with no independent expert oversight. We have all seen the films of “the robots taking over”. The fact is, at least according to some, that fiction could quickly become a dark reality…
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- December 28, 2018
- September 27, 2021
- 29 min read
The Betz Sphere – Alien Artifact Or Ancient Doomsday Device?
When the Betz family discovered a strange metallic sphere in woodland near Jacksonville, Florida in March 1974 they were all fascinated by it, but didn’t for one minute expect it display the bizarre intelligence that it did. When they went public with their find it would begin a period of fascination and investigation of the potentially alien object that continues today…
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- May 7, 2018
- September 27, 2021
- 8 min read
- 6
Wilhelm Reich And Orgone Energy – More Suppressed Wisdom?
Although it was a concept seemingly embraced by many in the “new age” communities of the end of the twentieth century, Orgone Energy and the work of Wilhelm Reich has all the hallmarks of a scientific breakthrough that was covered-up and then purposely ridiculed by authorities. If this is the case, then we have to ask why? What “threat” was Orgone Energy to the world’s elite…?
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- April 5, 2018
- September 27, 2021
- 10 min read
- 2
Are The World’s Top Scientists Dying In Strange Circumstances?
Being a top scientist in your chosen field would not seem to be a vocation that would be regarded as particularly dangerous. However, since the early-2000s several of the world’s top scientific minds have met their ends either in suspicious circumstances, or in outright cold-blooded and targeted murder. And what’s more, nobody appears to know why. Or who might be next…?
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- November 9, 2017
- September 27, 2021
- 6 min read
- 2
The Black Knight Satellite And Strange Anomalies In Earth’s Orbit
Perhaps one of the most intriguing urban legends of space is the Black Knight Satellite, an apparent mysterious alien craft that discreetly orbits our planet for unknown reasons, at least according to some researchers. And what’s more, the stories behind the origins of the legends are equally as intriguing as claims of the Black Knight Satellite itself. Is there really an extraterrestrial monitoring device orbiting the Earth…?
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- July 14, 2017
- September 27, 2021
- 8 min read
- 2
The Iraqi Stargate Conspiracy – Nonsense? Or Required Questions?
There are lots of reasons to suspect that each of the Iraq wars were for vastly different reasons than those stated publicly. And while some of those reasons are quite probable, even likely, others are rather outlandish. That being said, there are plenty of people who strongly believe that at least the second Iraq invasion was down to the discovery of an ancient stargate, found decades previously…
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- April 23, 2017
- September 27, 2021
- 6 min read
- 3
Could Nikola Tesla Have Given The World “Free” Energy? – The Conspiracy Discussed
If there is one conspiracy that regularly overlaps into UFO interests, it is that of “free energy” – the ability to tap into the energy of the planet with minimal cost and damage. One person who is regularly connected to free energy is Nikola Tesla. Not only did Tesla all but prove that such a notion as free energy is real, but many believe his findings were purposely suppressed and ridiculed…
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- March 14, 2017
- September 27, 2021
- 6 min read
- 2
When You Break Down The Theory, The Great Pyramid Of Giza Really Could Have Been A Power Plant From Antiquity!
For long periods of our history we have been told that the Pyramids of Giza (like many other pyramids around Egypt and the world) are tombs of the pharaohs. However, even mainstream Egyptologists now admit this is very likely not the case. Some researchers have suggested an altogether more outlandish theory for their use. That they were an ancient power plant…
- By
- September 8, 2016
- September 28, 2021
- 6 min read
- 3