Is There Really Something To Be Found On Oak Island?
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- November 7, 2018
- September 26, 2021
- 9 min read
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- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Historical
On several occasions, we have mentioned, mostly in passing, the Knights Templar and the place in history they very likely occupy. The mysteries of Oak Island, off the North American coast, also share a connection with this most enigmatic medieval and largely European-based organization. Many people believe the “treasures” they escaped from Paris with during the rounding up of their members on the orders of King Philip of France on Friday 13th October 1307 reside here. Indeed, multiple people have attempted to locate these over the last two centuries, searches which have claimed the lives of five individuals. What might these treasures consist of? And how did they find their way from the dark days of medieval Europe to the promised land of the “new world” in the Americas? Perhaps it is first worth noting the date of their demise. A date considered unlucky ever since throughout the world.

Depiction of Oak Island (left) and a Templar Knight (right)
To say, then, that the Knights Templar were people of huge influence would be an understatement. But more importantly, that influence has continued into the modern world, with Friday 13th being just one example of the reach of the Templar Knights. And specifically, the families connected to them, hundreds of years later. Indeed, many of these families still influence world events today. With that in mind then, while there were undoubted “riches” in their possession, perhaps the real treasures will be manuscripts, esoteric writings, and hidden information about the real history of great chunks of our collective past. A past that, it would seem, has been hidden to all but a select few families of influence. Were they entrusted with such history for safeguarding? Or do they retain such knowledge only for themselves in order to maintain their influence and control?
Arcadia! The New World?
Following the purges of the Templar Knights throughout France and much of western Europe in the early-fourteenth-century, it is almost certain that many who escaped would make their way to Scotland. Following an apparent, yet purposely discreet (in terms of the historical record), intervention alongside Robert The Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, by the late-1390s, one of the “families” of the Templar bloodlines, the St. Clairs (now the Sinclairs) were preparing to send one of their own, Henry Sinclair, off to the New World, Arcadia.
In reality, if we assume Sinclair’s mission was authentic, Arcadia is what would eventually become to us, North America and in particular Nova Scotia (the French translation). We have examined the fact that there are (still) significant signs of a Templar presence on the northeastern side of the United States, as well as much of eastern Canada, and the further “return influence” that appears throughout the walls of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland where maize, for example, is clearly visible, carved at a time when it was apparently unknown to Europeans.
So, if we accept (and not everyone does) that Arcadia, the promised new land that the Templar Knights hierarchy knew of was indeed the North American continent, where did this knowledge come from? And furthermore, how did they apparently know of such precise directions? This sort of “inside information”, particularly at the time when most people were still unaware of such faraway lands, at least according to mainstream history, speaks not only of secret knowledge but a secret history. And given that the nearby Oak Island, just off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, is said to contain such priceless treasures, perhaps that should not surprise us.
America Before America!
The whole desire and reason for the new world of Arcadia was to avoid the brutal end that most of the Knights Templar suffered from happening again. And while it was King Philip who had issued such orders, even murdering one Pope and replacing him with his own “puppet” version, the influence of the Catholic Church was monstrous. Indeed, how many thousands of innocent people met unthinkable ends at the hands of the Church amid their Inquisition sprees is perhaps, in reality, unimaginable. And while Scotland was not under the influence of the Vatican, their quarrels with England were a constant threat of invasion, which for the Templar Knights, would mean persecution.
In Arcadia, though, the Church would have no influence. A person would be free to follow their own path, both in enlightenment and the knowledge of the universe and to God. Such acts as the sciences and the arts, for example, would not be seen as heresy. In many ways, this way of thinking would match the enlightened perspectives in parts of Europe, and in particular England and Scotland, throughout the early 1600s.
By the 1700s, this way of thinking went by the name of Freemasonry. And, as we have examined previously, many Freemasons and Masonic thinking were heavily involved in the establishing of the United States. It would appear, then, that they were looking to finish the work Henry Sinclair embarked on over a century previously. Work that remained in Masonic circles only. And work that the Sinclairs were carrying forward from a time that, at the very least, hails back to the start of the historical record.

Did ancient maps lead members of the Knights Templar to Oak Island and North America?
An Influence Across The Ages
Ample research exists today to suggest the Freemasons have their roots directly in the Knights Templar. And the families that hosted them in 1300s Scotland. And, in turn, the Templar Knights, likely take their secrets, ceremonies, and beliefs from the mystery schools of ancient Egypt. Which in turn arrived from the ancient Sumerians.
And while this influence stretches back, it would seem, to the dawn of our collectives civilizations and beyond, even passing through Biblical events of antiquity, themselves the victim of twistings and retellings to suit differing perspectives and secret agendas, it also continues today in the form of secret societies, themselves often fronts for a select elite to maintain control and jockey for positions of influence among themselves only. Even historic incidents outside of our planet such as the Moon landings, for example, would appear to be awash with Masonic influence and esoteric rituals and ceremonies.
Most Masonic researchers, and even some Freemasons who have spoken as openly as they feel comfortable doing about the rituals and ceremonies of their respective lodges, state that their roots do indeed go back to ancient Egypt and the mystery schools of that era. Many also believe that the actual specifics of such rituals likely no longer exist. Most modern rituals are simply loose copies and attempts to recreate such esoteric knowledge.
However, given the still unaccounted for “treasures” of the Templars, it is not a complete impossibility that such knowledge resides hidden away somewhere. Perhaps, somewhere deep below the treacherous terrain of Oak Island.
Jesus – A Pharaoh And Freemason?
It is an interesting thought that while most dismiss such religious writings as The Bible, there is another perspective to such texts. While The Bible isn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, historically accurate, studying the actual historical records can sometimes reveal the true events that, through manipulation, morphed into these Biblical accounts. Author, Ralph Eillis explains this in, ‘Jesus – The Last of the Pharaohs’. [1]
Ellis, like other researchers and authors, essentially argues that Jesus (as we know him) was a product of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. And furthermore, and more importantly, he was not a divine person as The Bible tells it, but a Pharaoh (in waiting, by lineage). Egyptian royalty whose family would face exile. It is from this situation that The Bible stems, although the facts and the details are the result of clear manipulation hundreds of years later to suit Constantine, who would begin Christianity, essentially an ancient Sun worship disguised as the worshipping of Jesus Christ. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians also worshipped the sun god, Ra. Or Amen-Ra. Interesting, then, that Christian prayers should end with the word “Amen”.
The essential point is, however, that Jesus (the man), and this particular royal line were of importance. So much that accounts were twisted and maintained for over 2,000 years. Indeed, our concept of “dating time” goes back and begins at the alleged birth years of Jesus.
Not only that, we know of a two-year “gap” in the life of Jesus. According to Ellis, he very likely traveled to Heliopolis, his family’s hometown, and spent time in the Egyptian mystery schools. It was, for the sake of a modern perspective, an initiation. An initiation into the secret knowledge of the universe. He was becoming a Freemason.

Was Jesus actually what we would recognize as a Freemason today?
Masonic Rituals At The Heart Of History?
Ellis presents further evidence of Masonic overtones to the life of Jesus. And it would appear he was not only royalty (the anointed one – as we still anoint kings and queens today). But he was also a master of his craft. The account of Lazarus, who Jesus leaves for three days and nights. Then he “brings him back from the dead”. This would appear to some kind of Masonic ritual. One that involves the cutting oneself off from the “living world”. In a cave without food, water, or light so that one might reach a point of “divine inspiration”. And a greater understanding of life and the universe. Jesus didn’t literally bring Lazarus back from the dead, he simply completed the ritual of initiation.
Perhaps of further interest, and a slight side-note, is the similar two-year gap in the life of Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci was another “once in a lifetime” figure. His understanding and knowledge far outweighed all around him. Furthermore, the only account of this gap is Da Vinci’s writings of his experience in front of a large cave. About which, his curiosity outweighed his fear, and he felt a “need” to enter. Was Da Vinci not simply wandering around Florence? Might this brief account be eluding to the same kind of Masonic initiation? Interestingly, although some debate the authenticity of the claims, Da Vinci also has connections to certain secret societies. These were, for all intents and purposes, the little-known organizations in the years between the Knights Templar and the Freemasons.
With this in mind, then, if such cross-generational bloodlines exist, and have continued through the course of thousands of years, might evidence of such a divine bloodline reside on Oak Island?
The Origins Of “The Money Pit”
Given the apparent Templar desire to begin a new world free from Church – a Church that, if we accept their origins as laid out above to be true had used its own ancestry and history not only for its own ends but to actively hunt the Templars – it would make sense that the most protected of their knowledge, information, relics, and treasures should come with them. Remember, Nova Scotia was the place of landing of Henry Sinclair in 1398. It would make sense, then, that an island location nearby would serve as such a place to hide them. Although, much like the knowledge of the authentic Egyptian mystery school rituals, whether an actual “key” to retrieving such treasures is still knowingly in someone’s possession, if it still exists at all, is very much up for debate.
Wider contemporary interest in Oak Island goes back to 1795 [2] when 16-year-old, Daniel McGinnis, along with two friends, discovered a strange “circular depression” while roaming the island one afternoon. They would dig down at the spot, discovering “platforms” of wood every ten-feet. They would reach thirty feet, uncovering another two platforms. Then, however, they would abandon their efforts due to the job being too large.
However, word soon got around the Nova Scotia area. In 1803, several well-placed and influential local residents would form the Onslow Company. Over the years that followed, this (likely Masonic) syndicate would finance more professional digs. They would continue to reveal the wooden platform at ten-feet intervals. That was until they reached ninety-feet down. There, they uncovered a stone with strange symbols on. These symbols were a code stating there was treasure only “forty-feet below”.

Aerial shot of Oak Island
A Treasure “Of Far Greater Value” Than Riches!
Since that discovery and over the two centuries later, several digs have taken place, all of which have failed. Many people believe the “clue” on the stone tablet to have been intentionally false. This, to encourage any treasure hunters to continue digging. Especially as all such efforts would lead to “flooding of the shafts” from the sea water around the island. No-one has managed to figure out just what sets these traps off. And more importantly, how to bypass them. The ownership of the land has gone through several changes, usually involving certain amounts of shared ownership.
There have been some intriguing episodes involving the island. In 1954, for example, a mystery letter would arrive with the (then) owners of Oak Island. It would state that there was indeed a treasure there, but it was “of far greater value” than mere riches. According to the letter, “relics and gold from the Temple of Jerusalem” would be found on the island. As well as “manuscripts and documents that would add to man’s knowledge of human history”.
Perhaps, with this in mind, if we accept Masonic involvement not only in the treasures of Oak Island but in the harboring of the true knowledge of human history, we should note Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon was a Freemason and intellectual who would preserve important documents in mercury. Strange, then, of the discovery of bottles with traces of mercury on the island. Furthermore, carbon dating from structures puts activity on Oak Island around the apparent Money Pit to between 1390 and 1660. This would match, in theory, Henry Sinclair’s involvement on one side of the time-frame. And Sir Francis Bacon’s on the other.
A Templar-Masonic Distraction?
Some people have speculated that the whole “set-up” at Oak Island was indeed of Templar origin. However, the reason is to intentionally draw attention from the real location of such treasures. Likely to be on the mainland of Nova Scotia, or possibly somewhere in the north-eastern corner of the United States. And given the lack of any concrete findings on the island this might could be very much the case. It is certainly no less plausible than any other theories. Whichever is correct, the “treasure of the Templars”, whatever it was and is, must be truly momentous and historic.
In more recent years, some researchers have eluded to the fact that many of those who have been involved in search missions for the alleged treasure on Oak Island are, in fact, Freemasons. Or at the very least share tight connections to them. Even records and accounts of some of the previous expeditions and searches of the island are suspicious to some. They contain, they say, Masonic symbols and hidden messages.
Some even believe that such treasured relics as the Holy Grail reside here. However, as highlighted in the 1982 book ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ this would not be a physical treasure. [3] But rather proof of the royal dynastic line mentioned above. That Jesus was but a man, with a wife, and children, meaning there is a possibility of descendants even today. Perhaps some of those descendants lay within the elite families and secret societies of our modern world. If that was true, what form would that proof take? And what might such descendants’ goal and purpose be?
Check out the short video below. It looks at this most mysterious island in a little more detail.
↑1 | Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, Ralph Ellis, ISBN 9780953 191314 |
↑2 | Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Crystal Link https://www.crystalinks.com/oakislandmystery.html |
↑3 | The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Michael Beigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, ISBN 9780099 503095 |
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Marcus should be crowned as the king of conspiracy theory writing. This article is fascinating and insightful, especially the relation of Jesus and sun worshipping.