The Nazca Lines – An Ancient Industrial Site? A Spaceport? Or Signs Of A Lost Civilization?
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- March 8, 2019
- September 26, 2021
- 8 min read
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- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Historical
Since their disclosure to the wider public in the second half of the twentieth century, the geoglyphs in Peru known as the Nazca Lines have fascinated researchers and historians alike as to their true purpose and origin. Indeed, the bizarre collection of huge shapes, precisely straight lines, some of which are several miles long, pictures and animals, and even mathematically precise patterns are as mysterious as they are interesting. Even more so when they appear to match constellations of the stars accurately.

Examples of the Nazca Lines
What’s more, the legends surrounding the creation of the Nazca Lines would appear to be similar to other creation stories throughout the America’s, which themselves are almost identical to such stories from ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Might this, then, suggest a time when a civilization existed that not only predates accepted history, but that spanned the entire globe? If so, where might that civilization come from, and what might the purpose of the Nazca Lines have been?
Indeed, theories and claims range from the mundane to the outrageously intriguing. What we need to keep in mind is that these pictures, patterns, and shapes, are only visible from high above the ground and cover an area over 170 square miles. The fact that these lines were created somewhere between 500 BC and the fourth or fifth century adds yet another layer of intrigue.
We should add that the only method to date the lines is carbon dates of pottery and other items found in the region. In truth, the lines could, and perhaps most likely, are hundreds, if not thousands of years older than 1500 years old.
Something Only Appreciated From The Air!
Megalithic sites and structures can be found throughout Peru. The same can be said of the South American continent as a whole. Sites such as Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, or Machu Picchu all contain evidence of advanced building techniques and technology.
Much like the Pyramids at Giza, the way the mammoth stones are wedged together so that absolutely nothing can penetrate the gaps is mind-blowing. Similarly, the positioning of many of these sites in relation to the stars and certain constellations suggests advanced knowledge of astronomy, to say the least. Even the question of how such huge pieces of rock were moved to some of the most treacherous terrains suggests technology beyond what we have today.
Of course, arguably the most fascinating of Peru’s links to the past are the mysterious Nazca Lines. These reside in the south of the country and are huge geoglyphs in the dry preserve of the Nazca desert.
They show various pictures of animals – monkeys, fish, birds, for example – as well as one particularly strange figure nicknamed, “The Spaceman”. These depictions go back anywhere from 500 BC to 500 AD. What is perhaps bizarre then, is that these creations only stand out from high above the ground.
There are many theories about the Nazca Lines and what their purpose might be. Some believe it was an effort to attract aliens back down to Earth. According to some theories, an extra-terrestrial race did land in the South American continent thousands of years ago (as per the creation stories).
This is interesting in it shares the notion with ancient Egyptian legends of a time when “the gods walked among mankind”.

The Spider – just one of the many pictures and symbols of the Nazca Lines
Ancient Landing Strips?
Of course, the idea of an ancient advanced civilization, terrestrial or otherwise, is to some, nonsense. Indeed, demonstrations have been successful in producing similar patterns without any aerial assistance. However, they were not on the scale as some of the most impressive geoglyphs. And more importantly, it still wouldn’t answer the question of why and for what purpose?
Some researchers point to the many miles long lines at Nazca as opposed to the actual pictures. Masterfully straight – as if something has just sliced off the top layer of rock – these lines, to some, are actually ancient landing strips [1] which alien spacecraft would have used to land and depart from.
As crazy as that might appear, a quick look at the Quimbaya artifacts – sometimes referred to as the Tolima Airplanes – make the idea more credible. They came to light in nearby Colombia, and as the name suggests, they look exactly like modern aircraft. Might these items actually depict an alien flying craft from thousands of years ago? Some researchers even suggest, particularly of the many civilizations in the region that simply vanished, these flying machines may even have belonged to them as opposed to an alien race.
Again, we can draw comparisons to ancient Egypt and a relic known as The Saqqara Bird. Despite its name, many point to what appears to be a tail-fin of a modern airplane. As well as how straight the wings are. Ultimately, they suggest it might actually be a representation of flying craft. We know the ancient Egyptians, at the very least, understood the principles of flight due to the wooden glider in the Cairo Museum, which dates back to the era.

The Saqqara Bird (left) Nazca landing strip? (right)
Evidence Of A Large-Scale Industrial Operation?
Some theories suggest that the Nazca site, including many of the pyramid temples across the entire Americas, are remains of an industrial complex. For example, some researchers have suggested that many of the temples and pyramids in the region, if we accept their origins to be much older than mainstream history would suggest, show signs of ore-washing and processing.
What is interesting is that many of the Nazca lines show a change in electromagnetic energy. What’s more, many of the key points and corners of these lines also show a higher than normal electrical conductivity.
Does this show the remains of a large-scale industrial operation to extract valuable metals and minerals from the ground? Might the “gods” of the creation legends who “came from the sky” have actually been harvesting the land of valuable natural resources? Are the Nazca Lines the remnants of such a project? Perhaps put in place as aerial markers for such an extraction operation?
This is a particularly interesting assertion when we examine a similar glyph hundreds of miles to the north in Ohio in the United States. Known as Serpent Mound, the pattern, seen only from the air, is right on the edge of a meteor crater. Many meteors carry with them valuable elements. Was this a sign for aerial vehicles in the past to know where to extract from?
What is perhaps even more interesting, as we will examine in more detail shortly, is the native legends state that those responsible were known as the Plumed (or Feathered) Serpent. Leaving aside the serpent sign for a moment, this moniker was also bestowed upon the apparent creator god of the indigenous tribes of the South American continent, including Nazca.

Are some of the the ruins of South America the remains of industrial sites of the ancient world?
The Gate Of The Gods
The entire continent of South America has many mysterious tales to tell. Both modern accounts and ones dating back to antiquity.
Perhaps one of the most fascinating is the site of Hayu Marca [2] and the Gate of the Gods. The discovery of the site, at least in terms of telling the story of it to the outside world, is due to a local tour guide. In preparation for his new job, Jose Luis Delgado would speak to tribes whose history goes back thousands of years. It was one of these conversations that would lead Delgado to Hayu Marca.
Although the location would undoubtedly be a hit with tourists, Delgado would later tell researchers that the descriptions given to him by the tribes matched exactly a recurring dream that had plagued him for many years.
The “gateway” itself consists of a large “T” shape which is, in fact, two doors – one inside the other. According to local legend, “the gods” used the larger doorway to reach “the land of the gods!” The second doorway was for “mortals” but only with express permission from the gods. Furthermore, any mortals that did pass through this doorway would also attain immortality.
Even more intriguing are the tales of Amaru Maru. According to legend, Maru (an Incan high priest) had escaped the Spanish invasion via the doorway. He would take a round disc – the “key of the gods of the seven rays” – to the Shaman who would guard the doorway. Following a certain ritual order, the disc was locked into the wall. Then, the rock morphed into a “shimmering tunnel of great blue light!”
The wall at the site does indeed show a “round indentation!”
In more recent times, discoveries may suggest such an alien presence was indeed accurate.
A “Most Important” Discovery? – The Nazca Alien
In the summer of 2017, an announcement of a discovery from journalist, Jaime Maussan, sent ripples around social media. Maussan would even state that the discovery of a mummy would be “one of the most important” [3] of the twenty-first century. If true, he may well be right.
According to Maussan the mummified remains belong to:
…a species unlike anything found in the fossil record!
It may even prove to be of extra-terrestrial origin. Initial analysis of the preserved body suggests it dates back to somewhere between 245-410 AD. Its positioning is in line with several other human mummy discoveries, but that is where the similarities end.
The creature has only three fingers and three toes, all of which are proportionally longer than they should be. These digits also boast many more joint mechanisms than humans. Inside its ribcage, itself more complicated than a human one, its organs are all still intact.
What is particularly interesting is that Peruvian gods from antiquity have long been depicted as having three fingers and toes. These depictions are everywhere throughout Peru and stretch back thousands of years. As do the stories of these three-fingered “gods coming down from the stars!”
According to Dr. Raymundo Salas Alfaro, who performed CAT scans on the preserve “it is not a fake!” Russian researcher, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov would echo those assertions following the carbon dating of the remains. However, he would urge caution saying “the CAT scan has proven it is a real body” but that the three fingers and toes may be artificially attached. Further analysis would appear to show this is not the case.
However, some have doubts over the discovery. The World Congress on Mummy Studies claims the find to be a potential “grave-robber-cut-and-paste-job” amid calls for an investigation.
An “Unknown Civilization” From Deep Antiquity?
Perhaps we should return once more to the creation stories of the region. The Americas are two separate continents and multiple countries today in our contemporary era. There is plenty of evidence, however, to suggest that thousands of years ago, in the abyss that is pre-history, there was a civilization that, if it didn’t stretch across the Americas, their influence most certainly did.
In his book Fingerprints of the Gods, [4] author and researcher, Graham Hancock explores extensively these connections and the ever-present hint of an “unknown civilization” that not only appears to connect the many civilizations such as the Incas, the Olmecs, and the Mayans (to name a few) but also to civilizations on the other side of the world in such ancient empires as Egypt or Sumer.
The creation legends of the people of this region all spoke of the same teachers. And while some had different names for them, all would appear to be the Viracochas. Pale-skinned, tall, bearded people, usually depicted as cloaked in white. The similarities with “angels” in biblical writings is immediate. More subtle, but equally intriguing, as Hancock notes, are what appear to be “Christian cross” signs, before “Christianity” existed in depictions of these savior teachers in the region.
Interestingly, the Viracochas are also represented or associated with a Plumed (or Feathered) Serpent. The same as the Native American legends, and ones which run right the way through the American continents.

A Global Influence Thousands Of Years Old
Who were these bearded people? Many claim them to be obvious descriptions of the Anunnaki. Aliens who spawned the human race hundreds of thousands of years ago. Others insist they were likely survivors of Atlantis, who themselves may have connections to the Anunnaki. And what should we make of the serpent symbols? Are these symbols suggesting that a reptilian race may have been behind the Viracochas?
One of the translations of the name is Foam of the Sea. What is interesting, if we accept the reptilian claims to be true for a moment, is that some legends claim the reptilians originate from an “aquatic planet” or “aquatic world”.
Whatever the Nazca Lines were and what their true purpose was, it would appear that the same mystery civilization responsible for them is one that is responsible for several such anomalies right across the globe. With access to knowledge and wisdom that history states they simply shouldn’t have had. Their presence then filtered down through the creation stories and legends of the many civilizations that came after them. Some of whom, mainstream historians have perhaps credited their achievements to a little too quickly.
Might this civilization be a human, terrestrial one that was somehow wiped out by one disaster or another? Or might such notions as the ancient astronaut theory be true? Just who was responsible for such mystifying and fascinating features such as the Nazca Lines remains open to debate. That an advanced civilization existed before recorded history, however, is becoming an increasingly likely, if not obvious scenario.
Check out the video below. It looks at the secrets of the Nazca Lines a little further.
↑1 | Ancient Runways and Flying Fish: Did the Nazca Culture Take Flight?, Caleb Storm, Ancient Origins, August 24th, 2017 https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/ancient-runways-and-flying-fish-did-nazca-culture-take-flight-008662 |
↑2 | The Gate of the Gods, Ancient Wisdom http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/perugateofthegods.htm |
↑3 | Three-fingered Peruvian mummies unearthed in tomb last year ‘have alien anatomy’, Sophie Williams, The Evening Standard, March 13th, 2018 https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/russian-researchers-claim-threefingered-peruvian-mummies-unearthed-in-tomb-last-year-have-different-anatomy-to-humans-a3788421.html |
↑4 | Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock, ISBN 978071 2679060 |
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The first search result after Googling “Tolima Airplanes” is a page that ‘debunks’ not scientific theories.
Can anyone guess why is this?
Same thing happens with a lot of searches, it shows you the opposite of what you’re looking for. That means an attempt of monopolization of thinking. Anyway, people who is not stupid, intuit this and the outcome of their efforts to deviate and hide information is contrary: If they don’t want you to know something, is because it must be true.