Conspiracy Theory Analysis: Historical

They Might Be Giants? Well, They Just Might Be!

While many people think of conspiracies and cover-ups as something that began following the end of the Second World War when intelligence agencies began to assume to dominant and lofty positions they usually enjoy today, the fact is, history, going back to antiquity, is full of varying levels of conspiracy.

Indeed, there is a debate to be had, at least according to many researchers, that our accepted version of history is not only inaccurate but quite drastically wide of the mark. What is the true purpose of the Pyramids of Giza and why, generally speaking, are mainstream Egyptologists so hostile to suggestions outside of accepted history? If we look at other locations around the planet, why did our ancestors seemingly go from having the ability to build intricate structures out of huge pieces of stone and rock, to suddenly making much smaller dwellings out of far less sturdy materials?

And what about the legends of Atlantis and other alleged lost civilizations? Are the many finds of tools and other bizarre artifacts that have been dated, in some cases, as millions of years old, proof that these apparently mythical lands once existed? We might remind ourselves that the discovery of Troy was made following years of “accepted knowledge” claiming that writings telling of its existence were nothing more than mere myths…


Does The Old Testament Really Contain A Secret Code And Predictions?

The Bible Code is without a doubt one of the most intriguing and enduring conspiracies of the last half a century, with multiple different researchers and investigators exploring whether there is any truth in the notion that a secret code and predictions were somehow worked into the Old Testament many thousands of years ago. And while such claims are a little too outlandish for some, the fact is, there really could be more to them than many people would be comfortable admitting…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 16, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The Talmud of Jmmanuel Conspiracies – Opportunistic Nonsense Or Important Information?

The claims of secret meanings in the Talmud of Jmmanuel would be controversial in their own right. However, the fact that the person making the claims was already associated with assertions that many believed to be bordering on lunacy, at best, made them all the more controversial. Bill Meier made the claims of apparent writings dating back to the time of Jesus almost half a century ago. And the authenticity of his claims remains a point of debate among researchers still today…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 29, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Do The Secrets Of The Grand Canyon Suggest An Ancient Global Civilization?

The Grand Canyon in the United States is without a doubt one of the most majestic and enchanting locations on the planet. It is also a place that is home to multiple mysteries of secret discoveries and a hidden link to the civilizations of antiquity. Could the remains of an unknown civilization from thousands of years ago even offer proof that a global civilization once existed, one whose influence stretched from the Africa and the Middle East, right the way to the Americas…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 3, 2024
Last Updated
July 2, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Is There A Connection Between Secret Societies And Ancient Aliens Thousands Of Years In The Past?

Could it really be that the secret societies of the modern world have a bizarre connection ancient aliens that visited Earth thousands of years ago, connected by the civilizations of the antiquity and the such mysterious organizations as the Knights Templar. Indeed, mixed in with all of this are connections of these secret societies to the moon landings for reasons which could drastically alter what we think we know of human history…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 21, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

The Mysteries Of The “Lost City” Of Nan Madol

There are many mysterious and ancient locations around the world. All of which have their own secrets to reveal. However, an artificial island in the Pacific Ocean is without a doubt one of the most intriguing of such ancient locations on the planet. And with a small abundance of legends to its name, he island of Nan Madol very well might have more secrets than most to reveal…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 12, 2020
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Was The Moon Built By Humans From The Future?

The Moon is one of the most fascinating celestial bodies in skies. And it has captivated humanity since the beginning for time. However, might it be that the Moon is not just an accidental development, but that something altogether more remarkable lies at the truth of the creation of the Moon…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 27, 2020
Last Updated
January 22, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Nostradamus Prophecies

Most people know the name Nostradamus. And what’s more, most people know what he is famous for. Might he really have been able to tell the future? Might that be why his writings are still studied and translated today? Or might Nostradamus’ role in history have been much more secretive and altogether more soaked in conspiracy…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 27, 2019
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
20 min read

The Nazca Lines – An Ancient Industrial Site? A Spaceport? Or Signs Of A Lost Civilization?

The geoglyphs on the desert terrain of Nazca in Peru have fascinated researchers for over half a century. And while we know how they were made, we don’t know why, or by who. Indeed, while we know that these huge pictures and patterns, which can only be seen from high above the ground, are at least 1500 years old, it is very likely they are much older…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 8, 2019
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
8 min read

The Voynich Manuscript – The Most Mysterious Text In The World

Described by some as the most mysterious document in the world, it would appear we are no closer now to deciphering the Voynich Manuscript now than our ancestors were when it first came to light in the early-1600s. As we shall see, though, it was written almost 200 years before that, although its whereabouts following that remains as mysterious as the manuscript itself…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 17, 2019
Last Updated
May 8, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
11 min read

Conspiracies Of The “Real” Jesus

The story of Jesus is perhaps the most famous in the history of humanity. After 2,000 years, it still endures, and is still examined for the real truth and wisdom that is surely residing underneath the religious dogma that has held the account in its stranglehold for centuries. Was Jesus actually akin to the wisdom that makes up the rituals of the Freemasons today? And do those rituals themselves have their roots in the mystery schools of ancient Egypt…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 23, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
25 min read

The Tunguska Incident

Officially, the incident at Tunguska was due to the explosion of a meteorite several miles above the surface of the Earth and was the closest the modern world has come to witnessing a global cataclysmic event. However, other researchers over the years have put forward other theories. Might the object not have been a meteorite, but a nuts-and-bolts spacecraft that exploded? Might it have even been intentionally destroyed…?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
December 9, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
21 min read

The Turin Shroud – It’s Not Jesus! It’s Jacques De Molay!

Since its “discovery” in the mid-1300s the Shroud of Turin has long been claimed to be the cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus following his crucifixion. In fact, right up until the end of the twentieth century, despite scientific testing suggesting that it was only several hundred years old instead of 2,000 years old, this was still very much the stubborn view. Then, off the back of the work of two researchers, authors, and themselves Freemasons, another view emerged…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 29, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Is There Really Something To Be Found On Oak Island?

Oak Island just off the coast of Nova Scotia has been the center of a conspiracy of buried treasure and hidden knowledge for over 200 years. What’s more, the search for this so far elusive riches has resulted in the deaths of five people. Some researchers suggest that ties to the early Freemasons of Scotland suggest that the treasure people speak about is that of the Knights Templar…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 7, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

Alien Conspiracies And Mysteries Of The Mayans

According to many scholars of history, the Mayan civilization rivals, at the very least, those of ancient Egypt and Sumer. And according to some researchers outside of the mainstream, part of the reason for this might have been due to contact with an alien civilization long ago. While it certainly isn’t a view shared by anyone in the mainstream, there are some intriguing arguments to examine, not least many of the Mayans’ own legends…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
November 3, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

Fringe Science, Twisted Prophecies, And The Doomsday Scenario

Most of us might be tempted to think of science and religion as being completely at odds with each other. And the dogma of both very much presents that picture. And when we look at some of the hardline and fundamental religions, particularly those that speak of Armageddon and an End of Times scenario, it would appear a blurring of the lines occurs between the religions themselves and the sciences…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 31, 2018
Last Updated
September 26, 2021
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read