MKUltra, Mind Control, And Psycho Electronic Programming
- By
- March 14, 2019
- September 23, 2021
- 28 min read
- Posted in
- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Government
Although many people do not like to admit it, mind control – for want of a better phrase – is a very real concept. So much so that such agencies as the CIA have spent considerable time, money and resources over the years researching and experimenting with such notions.
Although the seeds of mind control were in all probability sewn during Operation Paperclip, it was United States soliders’ experience in the Korean prisoner of war camps in the Korean War that seemed to directly influence the secret programs that followed.

MK Ultra Mind Control
The US military found evidence that a lot of their captured soldiers had been “brainwashed” by the Korean regime. So much so that they would confess to crimes that there is no way they could possibly have committed. It appeared the communist regime had achieved this state of mind in their prisoners by the repeated threat and random implementation of violence.
The CIA began to research achieving this state of mind control shortly after, but not through the use of extreme violence. Instead, they used drugs – in particular, LSD and heroin – combined with hypnosis and fear.
The “patient” would be put into a near coma-like state by the use of LSD, while at the same time a constant “white noise” interspersed with commands and repetitive speech was played to them. These commands included keywords or triggers that would be used to have the patient carry out whatever “assignment” was programmed into them. The final stage to breaking down the patient’s mind and gaining control over their behavior was through the use of electric shock treatment.
- 1 MKULTRA 6% Of The Overall CIA Budget – That’s A Lot Of Dollars!
- 2 Mass Hypnosis And Suggestive Low Frequency Programming
- 3 Early Experiments Of Dr. Jose Delgado
- 4 Hijacking Of Ideas (and Intentions)
- 5 Further Development And Chilling Links
- 6 Low-Frequency Waves
- 7 Psycho Electronic Weapons
- 8 “EM Effects On The Human Body”
- 9 John St. Clair Akewi Takes On The NSA
- 10 “15 Years Ahead Of The Public!”
- 11 Bypassing The Senses
- 12 Two-Way RNM Communication
- 13 Influencing Moods, Emotions, And Decisions?
- 14 The Assassination Of Robert Kennedy
- 15 The Fort Lauderdale Airport Incident
- 16 The Polybius Conspiracy – A Mind-Altering Experiment Through Pop Culture?
- 17 Hollywood – A Tool To Control The Masses?
- 18 Is The Evidence Really Right There For All To See?
- 19 More And More Ways To Take Over Our Minds?
- 20 Ponder This!
MKULTRA 6% Of The Overall CIA Budget – That’s A Lot Of Dollars!
MKULTRA was earmarked to receive 6% of the overall CIA budget [1] in the early 1950s. Make no mistake about it, that might not sound very high, but that is a lot of funding in absolute dollars – particularly when most might think the concept to be nothing more than science fiction.
For their part, the CIA claimed that although they did “conduct research” into such concepts as mind control in the 1950s and 1960s, they had found no evidence to justify continuing beyond that point. Even this admission only came about by the New York Times forcing the program into the public arena following their investigations in the mid-seventies. Coincidentally or not it was around this time that many of the records of the project were destroyed by the department themselves in an effort to cure the “burgeoning paper problem!”
In an even darker turn, the body of Dr. Frank Olsen – a CIA researcher who was outspoken in his opposition to the MKULTRA program – was exhumed for investigation in the early nineties. The cause of his death had been ruled suicide. However, when his body was re-examined, scarring was discovered on his skull that suggested he had been attacked by someone using an instrument of sorts to the head. Essentially there was good evidence that he had been murdered.
Stranger still, was the death of former CIA director, William Colby, who had “accidentally drowned” in 1993 only days after being subpoenaed to testify in the investigation into Dr. Olsen’s death.
Perhaps more concerning, as we will examine shortly, this activity doesn’t appear to be limited to the political spectrum. You can check out the 1979 documentary Mind Control below. Although it might be a little dated, but still very much worth watching.
Mass Hypnosis And Suggestive Low Frequency Programming
As soon as you begin to speak of such things as mind control, mental conditioning, and Low-Frequency Programming, most people shut off in their minds, while smiling and nodding politely. Perhaps this is a sign of how the collective human mind rejects such notions that “normal” people “know” are science-fiction.
The fact is, however, not only are there well-documented experiments, with successful results on record to boot, there are also a wealth of credible claims of the implementation of this knowledge and technology on the world’s population in general.
Just for one moment, think how “easy” it is for a hypnotist to control the actions and perceptions of people. Many of us know someone who has been hypnotized. All attest to the strange notion that they are not in control of themselves, their thoughts or even their actions. If this takes place for entertainment purposes, imagine what takes place at military and intelligence levels. In private and away from the public eye no less.
Indeed, it evokes the question, how many of our thoughts are truly our own, and how many are subliminal implants? As chilling a thought as it might be, is there ever really a way for us to truly ever know?
Check out the video below, that poses that very thought.
Early Experiments Of Dr. Jose Delgado
Dr. Jose Delgado would arrive at Yale University in 1950 to take a faculty position. It was here where Delgado would be one of the first people to theorize and then put into practice ways of utilizing transistor and electrical technology for the human body. Many were wary of Delgado and his Frankenstein-like approach to science. Particularly so when they discovered his main body of work centered around electrical stimulation of the brain.
Inspired by basic research on cats in Switzerland, Delgado was (rightly) convinced that by manipulating and controlling electrical stimuli in the brain, you could control the brain and its responses. Indeed, Delgado’s desires were perhaps noble, citing as he often did how “brutal” the alternative of the time (lobotomies) were.
Managing to isolate which parts of the brain were responsible for which actions and responses, Delgado could send extra stimuli to specific areas, and so essentially, control the response. Initial experiments would concentrate on the forced moving of limbs of test patients through electrical stimulation. They would prove successful.
By the mid-1950s, he would begin working with schizophrenic patients. People who would otherwise have been subject to lobotomies. In part, due to the increased risk of violent attacks, Delgado would invent the Stimoceiver. This piece of equipment featured small wires inserted directly into the patient’s skull. Electrical stimulation would then go directly to the desired area of the brain, dependent on the desired response, via the safety of a remote control. Again, these tests proved successful. Unwittingly or not, Delgado had just created the technology and know-how for remote controlling a person’s mind. And in turn, their actions.

LSD use in mind control experiments was allegedly rife
Hijacking Of Ideas (and Intentions)
Delgado would go on to evoke emotions at will through electrical stimulation. These would range from fear, happiness, and joy, to rage, and even intense sexual attraction.
While Delgado had originally set out to help mentally ill patients, he increasingly found himself down the path of all-out mind-control. Perhaps ironically, it was one of the other of the world’s (rightly or wrongly) perceived evils – the developments of medical drugs (or Big Pharma) – that finally derailed his initial intentions completely.
As treatment with drugs made lobotomies a thing of the past, and in turn, Delgado’s electrical stimulation research no longer required, he sort to use his knowledge of such matters to control the brain, and in so doing, controlling the person. Something that intelligence agencies, openly or not, would have had a great interest in.
Perhaps in a way to “humanize” his ideas, Delgado would cite a need to control violent prisoners. His research could show exactly how to do this – by the use of small implants in precise areas of the brain. These implants would then be under remote control. Delgado himself had already demonstrated their function in front of a live (and angry) bull. As the beast charged, Delgado stopped it dead in its tracks by remote control.
Check out the video below that look at Delgado’s experiments in a little more detail. It also looks at how an originally commendable idea, can develop into something altogether different. Particularly when the idea is subject to hijacking by outside interests, as Delgado’s ultimately was.
Further Development And Chilling Links
Some public, “light-hearted mind-control” experiments occurred throughout the late-50s and 1960s. Perhaps the most famous of these is the one with microsecond flashes of Coco-Cola products on cinema screens. The audience would not be aware they had seen the image. However, results would show sales of Coca-Cola increased during the next interval. These types of experiments would take place again, many times.
Surely though, knowing what we know about how the world’s governments have at times conducted themselves over the years, it would be naïve to think these “harmless” experiments to increase the purchase of soft drinks were all that went ahead. In fact, it is quite conceivable many worse “experiments” continue today.
Research even exists to show that subliminal audio messages, sent out under typical piping music in shopping centers urging people “not to steal” resulted in a huge drop in shoplifting cases. Again, while the intention is undoubtedly a good one, the potential, as extreme as it is, for an instruction of “don’t steal” to become, “kill everyone”, is surely a matter of simple technical alterations?
We recently wrote about the Oklahoma Bombing and the curious claims from Timothy McVeigh that he was “microchipped” while in the military. Is it possible this microchip, in the same way as the experiments run by Delgado controlled patient’s behavior, had the same effect on the apparent perpetrator? Particularly if they had access to McVeigh privately (as they would) to perhaps “implant” such technological devices?
Check out the video below. It looks at the theory of mass mind-control.
Low-Frequency Waves
Given we know that such subliminal audio instructions were “hidden” under the sound of pipe music in shopping centers, then we also know that the technology exists for this “covert” way of programming.
As a further example, just think of your television, radio or even wireless broadband connections. These are basically waves that are converted to images and sound, but they are still frequency waves nonetheless. So, what is to say that waves broadcast through television, if only on occasion, at such a low frequency we are not even aware we have heard it.
In the summer of 1993, journalist, Susan Bryce, wrote of such technologies. Perhaps more importantly, the knowledge of how the human mind responded to it, in an article for “Exposure” magazine.
She suggested that soundwaves “timed to the rhythm of the human heartbeat of seventy-two pulses per minute” can have controlling effects on human behavior. She went on to detail experiments done in public theaters with random audiences using such a formula. The experiment would show that one-in-six people went on to develop the desired result. If a person exposes themselves to these low-frequency waves, in a matter of minutes they will, for want of a better phrase, “be under their spell!”
If this was the information entering the public arena, how much further were they in reality? And how much further are they likely to be now?
The short video below looks at this further.
Psycho Electronic Weapons
As we have established, then, many dismiss the idea of mind control, but each of us is subject to manipulation of the mind every time we watch advertising on television, for instance. As a more physical example, think of a hypnotist who can put people completely under their control. Speak to someone who has been hypnotized and more often than not, they will tell you they had absolutely no control over their actions, or perhaps more worryingly, of their perception.
If someone, that any one of us can hire “right out of the phone book” for entertainment or for minor medical reasons can take over our minds, imagine what intelligence agencies with unlimited budgets, confidential information, and advanced technologies can achieve. More chillingly, imagine their motivations.
In April 2018 an apparent leaking of information regarding such concepts and research found its way to MuckRock, who have since made this information widely available. It is not clear if this leak was purposeful or accidental, or indeed if it is merely a hoax or disinformation. Some of the ideas expressed in it, however, have been long discussed within conspiracy communities. And within the pages of the works of respected researchers.
Furthermore, it is widely accepted that intelligence agencies have researched these ideas. How far this research went, if it continues, and its possible implementation is open to debate. In a world of increasing disinformation and secret agendas, it would be perhaps naïve to not take such claims with a pinch of salt. It would also, however, be rather foolish to ignore such information completely.
“EM Effects On The Human Body”
The website who received the information specialize in Freedom of Information Acts and regularly seek and publish information that might otherwise be “glossed over” [2] in the public arena. One of the journalists working for the site, Curtis Waltman, had recently requested information from Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) who process data on terrorism and extremists. Waltman was looking for information relating to both white supremacist groups as well the anti-fascist group Antifa. His request was approved and the information he sought arrived electronically shortly after.
He also received another zip file which didn’t appear to be relevant to his request, but it would still catch his attention. It was called, “EM Effects On The Human Body”.
The three documents feature a breakdown of effects on the human body from “psycho-electronic weapons”, as well as ways to project this energy. According to the documents, “communications vans” would carry and utilize “psychotronic weapons” covertly for individual remote mind control”, while “black helicopters” would do so from the air. Phone and communications towers would send out such signals so as to achieve “mass mind control” over whole communities at a time.
The illustration below is one of the files and demonstrates the apparent effects on the human body in detail. As well as mind control these include, reading and broadcasting thoughts, controlled dreaming, hearing voices and commands inside a person’s head, and forced waking visions. Some of the more physical effects include sudden racing of the heart, artificial tinnitus, sudden and persistent itching, and general pain in joints and muscles. The documents also speak of making “communications with any object emitting energy” due to the “human body emitting low electronic signals” or vibrational frequencies.

Alleged official document of EM Effects on the human body
John St. Clair Akewi Takes On The NSA
It is certainly an interesting incident, and the documents look to have been in existence for some time. In 1992, Australian magazine ‘Nexus’ used similar images in an article they covered regarding John St. Clair Akewi who during a lawsuit against the NSA [3] would claim the agency has “the ability to covertly murder US citizens and conduct psychological control operations to cause certain individuals to be diagnosed as insane!”
The details of the case and the claims made in it read like a science-fiction novel. You have to ask, given the immense power the NSA would have to act “legally” to such accusations, what would anyone have to gain from making such statements in a US court?
Akewi would state that the NSA had “blanket coverage of electronic communications in the US and the world” in the name of “security”. Furthermore, this dated back to the 1940s, with some of the “most advanced computers in the world” operating out of Fort Meade since the early-1960s.
Of more interest though are the claims that the NSA had the ability to “decode Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) waves” projected by electric currents of the “magnetic flux” which surrounds each person. Further still, in a joint program with the Department of Defense, the technology exists to “remotely analyze all objects, whether manmade or organic, that have electrical activity”.
According to the case, the NSA had in excess of over 50,000 agents, each of whom had advanced permission to “spy” on any person they deemed to be of interest. The “electronic surveillance network” stretched the entire United States and could focus on entire groups or concentrate on an individual.

Low-frequency mind manipulation
“15 Years Ahead Of The Public!”
Much of what Akewi would claim back in the early-1990s is proving to be true, if only in part. He would state that the NSA “has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead” of what the public knows. Furthermore, due to the “blanket coverage” enjoyed by the agency, “artificial intelligence” would screen all communications for “keywords” which it then flagged to agents. We know this is exactly what happens today in the name of security. And not just in the US.
Perhaps of more concern is the ability of the technology to be able to tune into the remote frequency of individual personal computers. This can then “change the data of the circuit board”. In effect, this gave such agencies remote control of the computer. This allowed them to monitor as well as “plant” data on to the computer itself.
Even more chilling still are the claims of the ability to tap into the electrical signals in the brain and then decode them through computer technology. Even projecting images and words of such decoded signals. Essentially, the ability to read any subject’s thoughts at will. The illustration below shows the dire situation this would cause if there was any truth to the claims.

Mind control
It is interesting that more and more stories appear on our newsfeeds about cars driving through “brain power”. Or computers that carry out commands at the power of a person’s thoughts. In the early-1990s at the time of this case, was claims of the utilization of “EMF Brain Stimulation” by the US military. This allowed for “brain-to-computer” links for flying military aircraft remotely. It is not an unreasonable stretch of the imagination to think the technology available to such secret agencies today is far beyond what most of us could imagine possible.
Bypassing The Senses
Through this “Remote Neural Monitoring” (RNM) the agency also has the ability to “send encoded signals”. These go to the auditory cortex area of an individual’s brain. This, according to the claim, would allow “audio communication direct to the brain”. The individual, however, would not hear it or even be aware their brain had heard it. To them, any reaction to this “invisible voice” would, at best merely be their own thoughts. At worst, however, the symptoms of “auditory hallucinations” would likely be “diagnosed” as paranoid schizophrenia.
All of this is done without any contact whatsoever with the individual. The RNM also “maps out” the electrical signals from the visual cortex of an individual’s brain. Once these are decoded they project images on to a computer screen. This allows the operative to see what “the subject’s eyes are seeing” as well as “images” through thoughts and dreams. Also, in the same way that voices can be sent into the brain and “bypass the ears”, so can images enter directly into an individual’s visual cortex and “bypass the eyes and optic nerves”.
It would give complete control over any individual. As well as altering perceptions and moods, these signals could even induce death should the mission require it. It is a thought that should be very sobering to many of us, for many reasons. Not least of which, how in control of our own actions are we? For example, and just to play Devil’s Advocate for a moment, how many times have we heard a “vicious killer” state they “heard voices” telling them to kill?
Two-Way RNM Communication
These methods, according to details of the case, were extremely cost-effective to implement. They could also achieve this while hiding in “plain sight” in the already expansive communications network throughout the country. As a further aid to remote mind control projects was the access the agency had to the “residential tap water and air ducts” of the homes of potential subjects (one would imagine apartment blocks and the like would make ideal targets for this). This allowed for the “delivery of drugs” to unaware residents which would make them more receptive to programming. Remember, there were similar methods of utilizing LSD by the CIA in the MK Ultra projects.
John St. Clair Akewi would also claim to have been a victim of “two-way RNM communications” in an effort to “incapacitate the Plaintiff” and prevent the lawsuit coming to court. By having access to each individual’s brain waves, agencies could then send “covert signals” to the brain. They would then monitor the responses to various stimuli. Each person has a different “bioelectric frequency” so this monitoring must occur in order to penetrate individuals with precise commands.
Despite the efforts of Akewi, there were no charges against any agents of the NSA. Nor against the NSA has a whole. Although Nexus Magazine would attempt to follow up the details, Akewi would refuse to speak any further about the matter. He has since seemingly left the public eye.
The details do leave us a lot to think about though. As do the recent files sent to the aforementioned Waltman. And we know the intelligence agencies have a collective interest in this area. It would appear there will prove to be a certain amount of truth in such claims.

MK monitoring?
Influencing Moods, Emotions, And Decisions?
Although we will examine the possible reasons the recently leaked file may have come to light now and how events unfolding might relate to it in a moment, we have to ask, why would agencies have such an interest in the thoughts of each and every individual. And perhaps more importantly, why would they influence their own citizens in such a way.
The reasons likely stem from the mundane (buy more beer!) to the extremely concerning (go out and kill people). Further to that, if such events are pre-determined (9/11 for sake of argument) but are to be sold to the public as a “tragic incident”, such “electronic messages” are invaluable. The conscious person has no idea their brain has received these. And they only serve to back up the angles and projections of the various media and news outlets. The vast majority of which, incidentally, get their news from the official source, which is usually the respective country’s government.
Whether it is how we spend our money, how we conduct ourselves, or what we believe as right and wrong. All, it seems, are subject to mental hijacking at any given moment. And all of them hand control over to those with the technology to carry out such operations. We often say, for example, that “there is something in the air” when referring to people in a bad mood. Or that there is “an atmosphere” in certain situations. That “something” or “atmosphere”, as outlandish as it sounds, might very well be electrical waves influencing emotion and mood.
The Assassination Of Robert Kennedy
Perhaps the most high-profile murder connected to mind control is that of Robert Kennedy, only months before, at least according to most opinion polls at the time, he would become President of the United States.
After speaking at an event at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, to accept being made the Democratic candidate for the upcoming 1968 election, an apparent crazed and lone gunman stepped from the crowd of supporters and shot Kennedy several times at point-blank range.
The gunman, named as Sirhan Sirhan, was caught in the seconds following the shots he had fired, the gun wrestled out of his hand by those that tackled him to the ground. By the time he appeared in court charged with Robert Kennedy’s murder, it seemed the evidence against him was overwhelming.
Evidence Too Good To Be True?
He admitted to the killing, claiming he had carried out the act due to Kennedy’s proposal to send the US Air Force on missions that targeted Palestine. Notebooks of Sirhan’s appeared to back this up, as his writings spoke extensively about his desire to kill Kennedy, and why. A witness was even found by the prosecution – Alvin Clark, Sirhan’s garbage collector – who said that Sirhan had confided in him of his plans to kill the Democratic nominee.
While the defense pleaded with the jury that the killing was carried out by a “mentally ill man”, he was predictably convicted of Kennedy’s murder. He was sentenced to life in prison after his original death sentence was commuted on appeal.
However, since then, apparent new evidence has come to light, not least of which statements made by Sirhan himself. Although he accepts that he did physically pull the trigger that evening, he has no memory of doing it. In fact not only does Sirhan claim not to remember the shooting, he claims not to remember his trial either. The reason, he and others believe, is because he had been programmed to carry out the killing.
Before we look at those claims, the footage below shows Robert Kennedy speaking in the moments before the assassination – as well as the chaos that followed in the aftermath of the incident.
A Real-Life Manchurian Candidate?
Sirhan soon claimed that he had no memory of his actions that evening. What’s more, there began to be a suspicion among investigators and researchers, that the young Palestinian was the victim of mind control.
Many sighted a strange woman in a polka-dot dress who was clearly seen in photos and video footage of that evening, before seemingly disappearing in the moments following Siran discharging the weapon into the would-be president’s chest. During questioning under hypnosis, Sirhan responded when asked who he was with when he shot Kennedy, “Girl! The girl, the girl…!” Was this mystery lady Siran’s handler, in charge of “activating” him into a predetermined action by a keyword or signal – one that his brain had no choice but to obey?
There were also claims that there was a strong CIA presence [4] at the Ambassador Hotel that evening, despite the fact that the agency had no jurisdiction or reason to be there. One of these agents was named on the BBC “Newsnight” show in 2006 as David Morales.
Revenge Via “Mental” Warfare?
It is claimed that Morales was known to have hated the Kennedy brothers due to what he saw as the betrayal of John Kennedy over the planned “Bay of Pigs” operation. A former attorney of Morales, Robert Walton, spoke on the show, claiming his one-time client had admitted to him that he had indeed been present at both of the brother’s deaths.
Given that the CIA are known to have conducted extensive research at the very least into the concept of mind control, it is at least a little suspicious that they are now known to have been present at two of the most controversial assassinations of the twentieth century.
When the conspiracies that surround John Kennedy’s death are taken into account, particularly that a lot of those are all but proven to be true, it is not at all beyond the realms of possibility that the claims and conspiracies surrounding his younger brother Robert are not also grounded in truth.
The video below looks at the assassination of Robert Kennedy and whether there was more behind his death than a lone gunman with a political ax to grind.
The Fort Lauderdale Airport Incident
More recently in January 2017, with this article written only twenty-four hours removed from the events, a gunman entered Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida, and opened fire, killing five people. [5] He had apparently taken a gun that was in his packed luggage and calmly began firing the weapon.
One of the first reports that seemed to surface about the gunman, once his identity had been released to the media as 26-year-old Esteban Santiago, was that he had complained to the FBI only two months earlier that he had been a victim of mind-control at the hands of the CIA.
Santiago, who had recently served as a National Guardsman, made the announcement after arriving at the Alaskan FBI offices in Anchorage, according to witnesses in a state of distress. Not only did he inform agents who spoke with him that his mind had been infiltrated somewhat, but that the agency had seemingly “urged him” to fight for terror organizations against the United States. They did this, he said, by way of subjecting him to constant propaganda-type footage (something that is a known mind-control technique).
The FBI, at least officially, determined that Santiago was essentially crying out for help and medical attention, and did not put any stock in his claims. He was soon transferred to a nearby medical facility for treatment.
Whether Santiago’s claims have any truth to them, or whether he was another “victim” of the time he spent in the war in Iraq, time that perhaps weakened an already troubled mind to breaking point is something that will be debated for some time yet.
The video below looks into these tragic events and theories in a little more detail.
The Polybius Conspiracy – A Mind-Altering Experiment Through Pop Culture?
Perhaps one of the most intriguing conspiracies surrounding apparent mind control and secret experiments of the intelligence agencies are those that surround the Polybius arcade game, not least as no one is quite sure if the apparent intelligence gathering, mind-altering arcade ever even existed. Legend has it they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. [6]
The apparent origins of the conspiracy appear to stretch back to sometime in early-1980s in Portland, Oregon, a state sandwiched between the state of Washington to the north and California and Nevada to the south on the western coast of the United States. Perhaps this location, then, if there is a conspiracy here to examine, would be ideally quieter and much more low-key than its apparently other, better-known neighbors, particularly their southern ones.
According to the urban legends of the Polybius Conspiracy, in early-1981 a new and suddenly popular arcade game began appearing in arcade halls around various areas of Portland. In fact, so popular was the new Polybius game that many players became seemingly addicted to playing.
Furthermore, huge crowds of onlookers would form around such players, as well as large lines of players waiting their turn to insert their coins and take control of the apparently simple one-joystick-and-button-set-up but with far-advanced, hypnotic graphics. If the legends are to be believed, and according to some researchers who have tracked down gamers of that era, many serious fights would often break out regarding whose game or turn was next.
Even more bizarre were the tales of several strange “side-effects” of the game. According to the accounts, some players would become extremely sick following long-term exposure to the game. Some would even experience unsettling nightmares, while others couldn’t sleep at all despite feeling desperately tired.
Then, there were the Men In Black.

Polybius conspiracy
A Strange Game With Military Technology, Collecting Data And Modifying Behavior?
According to many accounts, and pretty central to the legend, were the visits and quiet monitoring of the arcade halls that housed the Polybius game by Men in Black. It is not entirely clear if these Men in Black are the Men In Black associated with UFO and alien sightings, or if it is simply a reference to dark-suited men in general.
Indeed, it would appear, if we assume there is at least partial truth in the claims for a moment that these mystery dark-suited watchers were likely from one intelligence agency or another.
Not only would they monitor the premises and seemingly keep check of who went in and out of such establishments, they would regularly replace components in the back of them, according to some, “removing collected data” for analysis. What was particularly strange, at least according to one arcade owner it was only the information they took, apparently have no interest in the plethora of quarters inside.
They also seemingly had a strange interest in those who played the Polybius games – particularly the ones who got sick.
Rumors began to spread that the makers of the game had links to “military technology”, particularly in “behavior modification algorithms”. Many people who claim to have either played the Polybius game or of seeing it played recall many strange attention-getting sounds, but more specifically very hypnotic colors and patterns combined with “puzzle-solving” elements that truly engage the mind.
Then, after a little over a month, the Polybius games seemingly overnight just disappeared. None have been seen since.
Another Intentional Entanglement Of Broken Facts And Claims Of A Hoax!
What should we make of the Polybius Conspiracy? There are several explanations available. As well as several theories as to their purpose.
One explanation points to an apparent world record attempt where two players became ill on the same day at the same arcade where they had been playing Tempest and Asteroids for over 24 hours.
Furthermore, and apparently by pure coincidence, an FBI investigation into apparent illegal gambling resulted in several “suited” agents witnessed by gamers in the days leading up to a sting operation that saw several arcades raided just after a week following the aforementioned world record arcade playing attempts.
Further still, it wasn’t at all unusual for games companies to select certain arcade stores to test out new games. Sometimes these machines might be there several months. Others, however, only a matter of weeks. Might this have been the case with the Polybius game?
Indeed, there could well be some merit in this. After all, many legends, urban or otherwise, have twisted retellings from unclear memories of an event. But an actual event, nonetheless. However, it wouldn’t explain why no apparent records of a game have to come to light. Perhaps, then, there is something to be revealed regarding the apparently mind-altering arcade game of the early-1980s?
Others, on the other hand, state the Polybius conspiracy to be nothing more than an outright hoax of the Internet age. Of course, such perspectives, if we assume intelligence agencies were behind such secret programs, would suit them and their agenda perfectly.
A Blueprint For An “Audience” Much Further Reaching?
Today almost four decades later, the Polybius conspiracy remains a topic for debate. If there was any truth, even in the notion of such mind-altering research taking place right under the public’s nose, then what should we make of such over-the-counter entertainment for games consoles and the plethora of television stations that equally captivate audiences, day and night?
Indeed, looking back to the Polybius conspiracy for just a moment, just what messages, instructions, or thoughts, subliminally or otherwise, remembered or stored in a person’s subconscious, were being communicated? And more importantly, for what aim or end goal? It would be hard to imagine, for example, that such an experiment was some kind of marketing to influence purchasing or spending. So, what, then, was the purpose.
Let’s look at the apparent regular reading of information and data from this most mysterious machine for a moment. What influence on the mind and the data it would provide would be of interest to intelligence agencies? We know that such use of computer simulation (straight out of the arcade and games industry) is widespread in training soldiers today. However, we would imagine that such tests, if they were to take place, would do so in military campuses away from the public.
If there was some kind of secret operation taking place in the Portland region in 1981, it would appear this “field experiment”, open to several variables, was likely monitoring the results of some kind of influence on a mass or (relatively) widespread audience.
And, as we have seen before in both conspiracy circles and in the UFO community, one of the best ways to discredit something is to surround it with disinformation and false claims. It is certainly an element of the mind-control experiments worth keeping on our mental back-burners.
Hollywood – A Tool To Control The Masses?
There have been numerous claims that Hollywood is run by dark powers, possibly connected to the Illuminati, and that various forms of mind control are exorcized. Barr’s claims that such CIA programs as MKULTRA “ruling Hollywood” is also one shared by many – and it has more weight than many might think.
The CIA, for example, has a dedicated department whose sole purpose is to monitor and oversee the entertainment industry. Although the “Entertainment Industry Liaison Office” acts purely in an advisory manner, many argue its purpose is to ensure certain slants, angles, and messages are put across in blockbuster films and big productions. The fact that they offer monetary assistance in this capacity should be warning enough.
Journalist Carl Bernstein wrote extensively about how the CIA has influence in media outlets, [7] and use this to sway public opinion on a whole range of social and political matters. This is a project codenamed “Mockingbird” and was arguably at its most active during the Cold War years, although it is still very much alive today.
Simple Repetition
Remember, the most basic form of mind control is simply repetition. The constant barrage of advertising, marketing backed up by “popular public and social opinion” is enough to coerce many to act, purchase and believe in a certain way.
As far-fetched as it might seem, it is perhaps important to remember that the owners of Hollywood companies (which include many major record labels) also own huge corporations in the food, health and energy industries – referred to as Big Food, Big Pharma and Big Oil. For many, the “stars” that we are encouraged to idolize and want to emulate, are simply “programmed tools” of such huge companies.
The video below should perhaps be watched with a pinch of salt, but it is interesting viewing given such claims as Roseanne Barr’s. Are these merely examples of strange, quirky and bizarre personalities of celebrities who are a little removed from reality? Or might they really be the breaking down of a mind that has been destroyed by pre-programming?
Roseanne Barr: “MKULTRA Rules In Hollywood!”
Although it can be argued that she has a personal gripe with those concerned, Roseanne Barr is just one of many “industry insiders” who claim Hollywood is littered with evidence of MKULTRA infiltration. And you could counter-argue that the reason she might have a “personal gripe” is that she dared to speak up about the inner workings of Hollywood in the first place.
Barr recently spoke to RT News where she stated that mind control is used in Hollywood and that people are controlled through other mediums, primarily fear:
This is a culture of fear, and nobody is more fearful than people in Hollywood. Hollywood are the ones who keep all this culture of racism, and sexism, and classism, and genderism and all of that in place. They continually feed it, and make a lot of money doing it, and they do it at the behest of their masters who run everything! [8]
The use of the phrase “their masters” is an interesting choice of words. Many who subscribe to New World Order theories often use this term. Controversial author and researcher, David Icke, also uses this term a lot in his works and theories regarding the inner workings of those in power.
They “Don’t Forgive The First Person” That Does It!
Barr goes on to claim that many people in Hollywood quietly approach her and thank her for “speaking out” – something she acknowledges she is lucky to be able to do:
You don’t really want to put yourself at odds with people who decide your future and pay for your work, but sometimes you have to. I was very lucky that I had a successful show that made me a lot of money, and so I can do that (speak out) and feel I owe that to the people I came from – who can’t do that because they’re afraid they’ll be fired, or they’re afraid even that they will be put in jail! MKULTRA rules in Hollywood. There is a danger (if you don’t toe the line) that you will never work again, and people know it! Everyone has friends that it has happened to. Maybe you said too much, or maybe you were too vocal on popular issues!
Barr went on to state that even if those popular issues become mainstream acceptance “they (Hollywood) still don’t forgive the first person that does it!”
This is also an interesting assertion by Barr. Perhaps a good example of this recently would be Benedict Cumberbatch, who after making critical remarks about how the governments of Europe and indeed much of the general public, had handled the ongoing refugee crisis, quietly backtracked from his stance and “expressed regret” [9] for his comments.
You can check out the RT interview with Roseanne Barr below.
Kanye West’s Latest Bizarre Behaviour
Before we look at some of those dark sides of mind control though, one recent episode involving another “celebrity” melting down in full view of the public is just too strange to ignore.
While Kanye West is a circus unto himself for the most part, when he began to enter into strange rambling rants on stage in November 2016, it was bizarre even for him. Not least due to the content of these ramblings, in particular, he was an alien starseed who was “on a mission to help the Earth!”
He was quickly hospitalized, said to be suffering from sleep deprivation. He entered the facility handcuffed to a gurney, which was quickly seized upon by conspiracy theorists and celebrity culture writers alike.
Perhaps not surprisingly then, some believed his admittance for medical attention was likely more in line with him being “reprogrammed”, possibly for attempting to speak out on certain issues, or even just to repair a mind ravaged from past programming.
Indeed when he appeared with the president-elect, Donald Trump, shortly after his release from hospital in December 2016, he seemed to be a little removed from the reality around him. He appeared more than dazed, and the appearance itself was questionable, if only for its apparent randomness. While it is known that Trump likes to surround himself with well-known people and celebrities such as West, and despite as his claims that they were “old friends” and spoke about “life”, the meeting did come across as “staged” purely for the world to see.
While it is likely the pop star simply “lost his mind” for a little while and was in desperate need of treatment, the similarities of other “breakdowns” of suspected celebrity victims of MK ULTRA is interesting at the very least.
Is The Evidence Really Right There For All To See?
Some theorists who have researched and studied MKULTRA and its victims, state that around the age of thirty, the brain begins to go into a meltdown of sorts. This is due to the constant programming and breaking down of the mind – often since a very young age.
Supporters of this theory often look to Britney Spears and her infamous meltdown in 2007 as proof of their claims. Following supposed stints in rehab, footage of Spears surfaced on the internet of her with a clean-shaven head – apparently an act she had done to herself. When asked why she had done this a witness stated she replied, “she was tired of people touching her and she didn’t want them plugging things into her!”
To some, this statement was an obvious reference to mind control procedures. These theories intensified when in January 2008 it was reported that Spears had “multiple personalities” after she began addressing people in a full British accent. This was – according to sources close to her – referred to as “The British Girl” and is just one of many personalities she has. Even actor, writer, director and ufologist, Dan Aykroyd told in 2008 of how he noticed strange “Men In Black” listening and monitoring phone calls he made to Spears in the run up to an interview they were due to film for TV – an interview which incidentally didn’t run and was suddenly shut down.
More recently, Nickelodeon star, Amanda Byrnes has exhibited remarkably similar behavior to that of Spears’, leading many to believe she is simply another in a long list of controlled media stars. Just one of her recent tweets read, “I will not be manipulated or brainwashed by anyone anymore!”
More And More Ways To Take Over Our Minds?
The claims of electrical frequencies matching those of brain waves is also an interesting assertion. Particularly when the TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) masts began to appear in locations around the UK, the US and Europe. These new communications systems are officially to aid the police and emergency services in times of crisis. Some people, however, are more than suspicious. They claim that the frequency TETRA operates on is almost identical to brainwave frequency. This means signals can project directly to the brain and so influence behavior. As a side-note to an already grim notion is that these electrical frequencies are close to the frequencies of the human body in general. This could cause cell division and ultimately serious health problems.
Research scientist, Barry Trower, is just one of many who suspect government’s, “non-public” research allows them to hoodwink the public. They also dismiss any cases that might prove this notion as not providing “conclusive proof”. This is virtually impossible to give in any situation.
It is also interesting regarding the claims for Akewi of the “two-way RNM communications”. Essentially that intelligence agencies were attempting to control his mind so he would decide not to pursue the case. Given how it fizzled out and his ultimate reluctance to speak about it, maybe they eventually succeeded.
Other conspiracy theorists and researchers, however, have made similar assertions, although their perception of it was much different. Max Spiers, for example, would state on several occasions he was subject to “astral attacks” from those in lofty positions. David Icke is another who states the “elite” even do this among themselves, jockeying for positions of influence and power.
Ponder This!
While it is unclear of the intention behind the recent file, perhaps there is a connection to Waltman’s original request. Steadily since the banking crisis of 2008, and increasingly so since such events as Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, there appears, specifically in the “West”, to be increasing amounts of people taking more and more definite and inflexible positions. There is less middle ground to negotiate and increasing tribal attitudes of “you are either with us or against us!” In short, there is more division among “the people” than apparently any time in recent history.
Might it be that these files arrived with Waltman following his requests on such apparently opposing groups purposely? To have him make the connection that this current “division” is also purposeful? Perhaps these files illustrate why this change is occurring throughout the West? A middle ground allows people with different viewpoints to compromise and find a solution that is inclusive and mutually beneficial. “Left against Right”, “Us against Them” and other such nonsense stops this progress. This makes all of us far easier to control, preoccupied as we are arguing and battling with each other.
And as grim and speculative as it is, the more divided we are, the more the need for “state solutions”. Are we dividing and ultimately weakening ourselves without even realizing it? Maybe we should collectively ask ourselves, in a world of convenient echo chambers and cries of “fake news” as a protective measure against inconvenient truths, are our thoughts, feelings, and even our motivations truly our own?
Check out the video below. It should make for chilling viewing. And if it doesn’t, who knows, maybe you have been “programmed” to dismiss it. “Question everything”, it would appear, has never been more appropriate.
↑1 | Operation Midnight Climax, Shad Larsen, Damn Interesting https://www.damninteresting.com/retired/operation-midnight-climax/ |
↑2 | Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control, Curtis Waltman, Muckrock, April 18th, 2018 https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/apr/18/fusion-center-em/ |
↑3 | Covert Operations of The US National Security Agency, John St. Clair Akwei, Nexus Magazine, April/May 1996 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech12.htm |
↑4 | CIA role claim in Kennedy killing, BBC, November 21st 2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/6169006.stm |
↑5 | Fort Lauderdale airport suspect ‘came here specifically’ to attack, FBI says, Catherine E. Shoicet, CNN, January 7th, 2017 https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/06/us/fort-lauderdale-airport-incident/index.html |
↑6 | Polybius: The story behind the world’s most mysterious arcade cabinet, Jeffrey Matulef, Eurogamer, May 22nd, 2015 https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-05-22-polybius-the-story-behind-the-worlds-most-mysterious-arcade-cabinet |
↑7 | The CIA and the Media, Carl Bernstein http://carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php |
↑8 | Roseanne Barr: “MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood”, Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, August 21st, 2013 https://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/21/roseanne-barr-mk-ultra-rules-in-hollywood/ |
↑9 | Benedict Cumberbatch expresses regret for his comments about the refugee crisis, Maya Oppenheim, The Independent, October 25th, 2016 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/benedict-cumberbatch-refugee-crisis-regrets-stand-a7379561.html |
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