Ingo Swann And CIA Remote Viewing Experiments
- By
- January 22, 2017
- September 23, 2021
- 14 min read
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- Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Government
The talents of psychics, mystics, or any of the other of the tags that are placed on those who can see beyond the limits of the majority of us, are embraced by some, and equally ridiculed by others. Perhaps it is surprising then that many government agencies, in the United States and elsewhere around the world, would seemingly be in the former category.
The CIA took a particular interest in the abilities of people who claimed to be able to leave their body and travel to destinations hundreds, even thousands of miles away, completely undetected to boot. The possibilities for espionage were seemingly limitless with such a “weapon” at their disposal.

Remote viewing
Before we look at some of these in more detail, check out the short video below – a brief summary of the CIA and their apparent regular use of remote viewing.
- 1 Ingo Swann
- 2 Co-ordinates For A Colony On The Moon?
- 3 Official Records Of Remote Viewing To Jupiter
- 4 Randy Cramer And More Claims Of A Secret Space Army
- 5 Twenty Year “Tour” On Mars
- 6 Mirrored Details In Other “Whistle-Blower” Cases
- 7 The Paranoid Beginnings Of US Intelligence Remote Viewing Research
- 8 The Intriguing Case Of Charlie Jordan
- 9 Military Remote Viewing Missions
Ingo Swann
Very recently in January 2017 – coincidentally or not at the same time as the mass attention of the Trump inauguration – the CIA released a huge amount of data files, [1] some of which spoke of such remote viewing programs, essentially confirming what people in conspiracy circles had long suspected as fact. They really happened, and what’s more it seems, they really worked.
As well as the CIA, many other intelligence agencies around the world have investigated the possibilities of remote viewing. Most notable of these is the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. One of the people initially “employed” by the United States to remote view and spy on the activities of the Soviets was Ingo Swann, who was regarded as one of the best in his field. He had repeatedly proven his skills, and his success rate in terms of key espionage information was very high.
In February 1975, Swann was instructed by a shadowy gentleman who worked out of Washington D.C., that he would be required to work on a top secret mission, and that a ”Mr. Axelrod” would be contacting him very soon to instruct him further.
Almost a month went by before the mysterious Mr. Axelrod made contact with Swann. It was a quick, one-way conversation, and he was told to meet Axelrod at the National Museum of Natural History. Once there, a man representing Mr Axelrod greeted him, before hustling him into a car. They were driven to an unknown destination where a helicopter stood waiting.
Already feeling rattled, Swann’s anxiety went up a little more when he was blindfolded once he was in the helicopter – such was the secrecy of their destination.

Ingo Swann.
When he finally arrived, still blindfolded, he was led to an elevator. The doors slid shut and he could feel it descending. It seemed to do so for some time, suggesting to Swann that he was being led into one of the rumoured underground bases said to be under the US military’s control.
The elevator finally came to a stop, and Swann was led into a room where the blindfold was removed. In front of him, there stood Mr. Axelrod.
Co-ordinates For A Colony On The Moon?
Mr. Axelrod quickly introduced himself to Swann, whose mind was reeling with everything that happened since arriving at the museum that afternoon. He also volunteered that “Axelrod” was indeed a pseudonym and not his real identity.
He began to grill Swann on the ins and outs of remote viewing and how he achieved his results. He also stated he was prepared to offer him an extremely large amount of money for his services. As if he needed reminding, the work would be of a top secret nature.
Tentatively accepting the “offer” (not feeling as if he had much of a choice), Axelrod then began to ask Swann as to the extent of his knowledge regarding the Moon. He then presented him with co-ordinates and asked him to “remote view” what was there.
Apprehensively, Swann did so. He found himself leaving the Earth and heading towards the Moon – the dark side of the Moon to be precise. He claimed he could see buildings and glass dome-like structures. His spiritual body entered this moon city. It was then that he noticed living beings. He described what he was seeing to Axelrod, including that these beings appeared to notice his presence.
This prompted Axelrod to bring the session to an immediate end, calling to Swann urgently, “Come away from there right now!”
Swann, extremely shaken by the experience, rushed back to his physical body, and after gathering himself, asked Axelrod what he had just seen. Was there really a colony on the Moon? Axelrod remained quiet. Swann asked again, indirectly insinuating that the beings might not be human, to which Axelrod was said to reply, “Isn’t that something, Huh?”
Check out the video below that features Ingo Swann speaking of his experiences and the capabilities of the human spirit.
Official Records Of Remote Viewing To Jupiter
Two years previously in 1973, Swann was involved in another CIA remote viewing experiment. One that took his astral consciousness to the planet of Jupiter [2] – at least according to the official records of the experiment, that also included the NSA and Stanford University [3] in California.
A detailed timeline of the experiment [4] reproduced from the official records showed that the session began at 6pm. It was three minutes before Swann indicated that he was “there” – in front of the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. A journey that it seems, at least in the astral form, takes only minutes.
He made several interesting statements about the planet, including that a ring was present around the celestial body. When the Pioneer 10 probe completed its fly-by mission shortly after Swann’s claims, sending back its valuable data to NASA scientists, his statement was confirmed as absolute fact. Swann was extremely unlikely to have known this information without him having seen it for himself with his own eyes, astral or otherwise. Not even the top scientists and astronomers of the day were aware of the ring around Jupiter until the Pioneer 10 fly-by.
If Swann then was right about the ring around Jupiter, then might he also have been correct when he claimed to have seen cities and buildings on the Moon? And if he is correct about those, then does that imply that all those “crazy” whistle-blowers who have claimed to have been to these cities, might also have been telling the truth?
The CIA certainly appeared to have enough faith in Swann’s ability, and the phenomenon of remote viewing in general to continue their sessions. In 1978 Project Stargate was initiated – basically the continuation of the experiments they had been conducting already for several years.
Check out the video below – an in depth discussion that looks at remote viewing and in particular the Stargate project of the late 1970s.
Randy Cramer And More Claims Of A Secret Space Army
We have written before about secret space armies under the control of the US military and financed by black budgets – including the presence of colonies and cities on the Moon, as Swann stated he saw. Various whistle-blowers have come forward, claiming to have been involved in such secret space projects. One of the strangest of these perhaps, is the claims of Randy Cramer.
In 1987, when Cramer was seventeen years old, [5] he claims to have been awoken by a bright doorway that appeared to be a portal of some kind suddenly opening in his bedroom. In the doorway stood two strange men – similar to descriptions of the Men In Black. One of the men reached out to him, beckoning him to come with them. Confused and believing it to be an intense dream, Cramer rose from his bed and stepped into the bright portal-like door.
He further claims that he and up to fifty other teenagers found themselves in a huge hangar. In the centre of the gigantic room, was a black triangular craft, seemingly floating several feet from the ground. The group were told to enter the craft, which they did, half in awe and half in fear of the bizarre and surreal experience.
The next thing they knew, one of the military-type men stepped forward, and asked them to direct their attention to above their heads. According to Cramer, the roof then transformed into a huge glass window. Through it they could see the Earth as they were moving away from it and out into space.
They were told to take a “good, long look” at the planet. Not only would they not see it for some time, but everything they were about to undertake, was to defend it!
Twenty Year “Tour” On Mars
Cramer claimed that the group were then flown to the moon, where, like Swann had claimed to see remotely, they witnessed a huge city of tall buildings and glass domes. As if Cramer’s account could not get even stranger, he then claimed they were transferred to a different space craft, where they left the moon and went further out into space,
The next time they landed they stepped from the ship and were greeted by another military person, who announced matter-of-factly when he greeted them, “Welcome to Mars!”
In short, Cramer stated he spent twenty years serving in a specialised off-planet military unit. He further claimed that he and others like him were specifically selected due to them being genetically equipped to withstand the mission.
Following his two decade “tour”, Cramer asserts that he was returned to his bed, back in 1987, and was a teenager again. He had been “age-reversed” and then sent back in time. Although he remembered being brought back through the door-portal, only fifteen minutes had passed on his bed-side clock from when he first left. He told himself that the experience – what very little he remembered of it – was simply a dream.
According to Cramer it was a decade or so before he even began to experience an “unlocking” of his repressed memories.
The video below is an interview with Randy Cramer where he speaks in detail about his memories of his time in the Secret Space Off-World military program as a Special Services, Special Division Officer. Interesting viewing – see what you think to his claims.
Mirrored Details In Other “Whistle-Blower” Cases
Whether Cramer’s account and experience is true to any degree is obviously up for discussion. He did make a report of his “memories” to MUFON, widely regarded as a very credible independent UFO research network.
What is interesting is that some of the finer details mirror those of other alleged whistle-blowers. We wrote recently of Al Bielek and his alleged involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment – part of his claims involved being age-reversed and sent back (and indeed forward) in time.
Corey Goode has also made very similar claims of carrying out missions like Cramer described, including that he was sent to Mars and that he spent twenty years there before being sent back in time and age-reversed.
In fact Michael Relfe and Dr. Andrew D. Basiago also claimed to have been involved in such projects – and what’s more they claimed they were happening as far back as the late 1960s. Like Cramer and Goode, Relfe claimed to have spent twenty years on Mars, after being “recruited” for the project in 1976. He claimed his missions revolved around the building of two separate colonies on the red planet. Also like Cramer and Goode, he stated after his twenty-year service was complete he was age reversed and his memories of the missions suppressed.
Dr. Basiago on the other hand, claimed to have been fully aware of these projects, claiming that as well as colonizing Mars and the Moon, that the time-travel capabilities were even utilised for political advantage. [6] According to Dr. Basiago, he was shown images brought back from the future that showed him the carnage of the Twin Towers following the 9/11 attacks.
The Paranoid Beginnings Of US Intelligence Remote Viewing Research
What is perhaps interesting is that the US intelligence agencies’ interest in what would eventually be termed remote viewing largely began from apparent breakthroughs in this field by the Soviet Union. For example, in the book Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain, authors Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder claimed that this psychic research was “usually ignored by western science”. These assertions alerted the intelligence agencies in the United States that they very well could be left behind in a field they knew little about.
Shortly after the release of the book, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) would warn that the Soviet Union’s apparent breakthrough in psychic phenomena (psi) might ultimately prove to be a national security risk, potentially giving them access to secret documents, American military personnel positions and movements, NASA’s space vehicles, and perhaps even “mold the thoughts” of those in positions of power in the United States political and military positions. The warning even went as far as to suggest the real possibility of the “instant death of any US official” caused by such remote psychic experts, who would perform such bizarre assassinations from the safety of the Soviet Union.

American remote viewing in response to Soviet advances
It was after these warnings that the previously mentioned team at the Stanford Research Institute began their research into such matters as detailed above. Differing from clairvoyance, the research into remote viewing concentrated on a more specific, controlled mobile form of clairvoyance. In fact, research suggests that this type of skill is utilized through out-of-body experiences or astral projection.
Although the CIA officially abandoned the Stargate project in the late 1970s (at least officially – we will return to this shortly), the Defense Intelligence Agency would very discreetly take over the program in the years that followed, continuing it until the mid-1990s and, for the most part, using the cloak of national security to do so secretly.
As well as the experiments mentioned above, the Stargate program would also “rent” out its remote viewers to other departments, including local and federal investigators. And it is to one of those situations we will turn our attention to next.
The Intriguing Case Of Charlie Jordan
Perhaps an intriguing case to look at would be that of Charlie Jordan, who was, according to some, located via the use of just such a remote viewer. According to an account relayed in the book The Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files by Joe Nickell, Jordan had once been employed by the Drug Enforcement Agency in South Florida, and a key agent in the fight against the rife drug smuggling in the region. [7]
However, by the late 1980s, he had seemingly become a “rotten apple”, discovered to be essentially turning a blind eye to certain drug smuggling operations in return for bribes or hush money. He would soon flee once he discovered his employers were on to him. Not long after this, with Jordan having seemingly vanished off the face of the planet, it is claimed that the DEA sought the help of the remote viewing team of the DIA.
There were several attempts made to locate Jordan in this way. However, it was Angela Dellafiora – a previous employee of the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command – who would seemingly manage to provide information that would lead to his capture. In fact, Dellafiora’s methods of remote viewing are perhaps interesting in themselves.

Many remote viewers have assisted in the capture of criminals
Rather than use standard techniques of focusing on a picture or an object – as taught by intelligence agencies – she preferred to use communication with what we would essentially understand as spirits (which did not sit well with intelligence agencies who wished to distance themselves from the mystical element of remote viewing).
Ultimately, although there is debate as to how accurate Dellafiora’s remote viewing details were, Jordan apprehended in the state of Wyoming following her claiming he was in the Cowboy State, possibly in a town called Lowell, near to a Native American burial ground. Although there isn’t a town called Lowell, investigators soon zeroed in on a town named Lovell. What’s more, a Native American burial was relatively close by.
Jordan was arrested after having been spotted and recognized by a Yellowstone National Park ranger, around 50 miles from the town of Lovell. However, his movements suggested that he was in the town at the time the remote viewing was conducted. We should note, however, there are many different versions of exactly what happened in the capture of Charles Jordan, perhaps, speculatively speaking, suggesting a suppressing of the role that the remote viewing information played.
Military Remote Viewing Missions
In the book The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told By A Psychic Spy For The US Military, Lyn Buchanan relays several military operations that had remote viewing at their core, some of which are certainly worthy of our examination here. [8]
Sabotage Remote Viewed At The Chernobyl Disaster?
Perhaps one of the most intriguing of these involves the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986. Buchanan tells of a scene she witnessed during a training exercise in the days before the nuclear explosion in Pripyat in what is now modern-day Ukraine. The exercise revolved in an attempt to reveal a particular news story that would appear in international newspapers that coming weekend. Ultimately, as Buchanan states herself, she failed the specifics of the actual test. However, she would perhaps reveal some potentially intriguing information.
She would claim that she had envisioned a man, wearing a white lab coat who was stood in front of a “huge wall of dials and gauges” in a building that appeared to be a power plant. As she scanned the room, she noticed a Wilson cloud chamber – a device used in nuclear research which led her to further conclude the man was a nuclear scientist and the power planet likely to be nuclear. Buchanan then “moved back to the man and began assessing him mentally”.

Did remote viewers see a planned disaster at Chernobyl?
She claimed the man was thinking of a recent visit to his home by two mystery men. She noticed that while one of these men remained in the car, the other stood outside the passenger side, speaking to the man in the white lab coat. She picked up that this man had been promising him “new possessions, a new car, and a new place to live” – a place far away. Even more remarkable, she sensed that they had come to an agreement where the lab worker would create a distraction of sorts so that the mystery man, he was speaking to could obtain something from the plant.
Suddenly she was back out of the man’s thoughts and was watching him once more, stood in front of the gauges and dials. At that point, he reached out and manipulated a piece of equipment before walking out of the room, seemingly looking to ensure he was not being watched. Then, she was back in the room in the United States.
She would report what she had seen, stating it was her belief that a nuclear disaster would occur that weekend. However, as this disaster was merely her own conclusion her official findings were that a nuclear power plant would be in the news over the coming days. As the weekend came and went, however, there was no such report. However, only two days into the following week, things changed.

The crippled Chernobyl plant
Increased radiation levels had been picked up by sensors in Iceland. Further investigation would reveal the disaster at the Chernobyl plant several days later. Although a nuclear power plant disaster would indeed be in international newspapers the following weekend, Buchanan’s remote viewing assignment was still classed as a miss, not least due to the two mystery men, who appeared to have had nothing to do with what was almost universally agreed was a tragic accident.
However, several years later, new information would come to Buchanan as she conducted online research. Specifically, information about missing fuel from the power plant that she discovered on the official Chernobyl website.
According to the website, anywhere between ten and 50 tons of reactor fuel remains missing, which causes a significant amount of concern and anxiety, not only to the Russians but to governments around the world. If the fuel is buried somewhere under the ruins of the power plant, then there is every chance that water could reach it and cause a reaction. Indeed, investigators do appear to have located a likely location for the missing fuel if this proved to be the case.
However, what if it isn’t still on-site? What if Buchanan’s remote viewing session was more accurate than even she believed? As she writes, there remains a question, at least in her mind, as to “whether the Chernobyl disaster was purely an accident”, further asking whether it might have been “a diversion tactic that got out of hand”.
Use In Hostage And Terrorist Situations
Whether officially recognized or not, Buchanan goes on to write of the fact that remote viewing is often used in hostage or even terrorist situations. In fact, CIA documents since declassified [9] state that intelligence agencies had conducted over 700 missions using remote viewers (sometimes referred to in files as psychics). What’s more, it would appear that the results are accurate around 80 percent of the time.
For example, during the Iranian Hostage crisis, remote viewers were asked to use their skills to locate where the hostages were and, more importantly, if they were still alive and in (relative) good health.
According to Lyn Buchanan, they were also tasked with assessing the mindset and possible intentions of the Iranian government. Furthermore, following these remote viewing sessions and the apparent information they yielded, the US government launched the ill-fated Operation Eagle Claw – a daring attempt to rescue the hostages.
The plan was to launch eight rescue helicopters from the US Nimitz where they would land in a region dubbed Desert One where six transport planes were waiting for them. From this location, they would the now enlarged units would head to a location tagged Desert Two, where the plan was to use rescue trucks to discreetly storm Tehran and the US Embassy. And what’s more, the unit had orders to kill anyone who showed resistance to their rescue efforts.
The mission, though, would run into several mechanical problems with vehicles, as well as a sudden sandstorm, and was ultimately abandoned. Even worse, during refueling for the return journey, the sandstorm caused further problems with vehicles, causing a helicopter and transport plane to crash into each other and explode. According to Buchanan, President Carter was informed of the crash by information from remote viewers ten minutes before he was informed from official channels.
Buchanan also speaks of the incident that saw General Dozier taken hostage by Red Brigade terrorists in Padua, Italy in 1981. According to Buchanan’s information, intelligence agencies were kept informed of Dozier’s location and general health throughout the situation.

Did remote viewers manage to assist in the hunt for the Lockerbie bombers?
Perhaps one of the most harrowing accounts of remote viewing, though, at least according to Buchanan, is the sessions conducted in order to discover the details of the Lockerbie bombing, not so much for the information it revealed, but for the insight into how it must be to be able to remote view in such a way and just what is experienced by those who do so.
Buchanan states that following the explosion of the Pan-Am flight over Lockerbie in Scotland…
She would write that “within seconds of the explosion there were spirits of people walking the aisles, wondering what had happened”. She would describe how the “burning tongues of fire mixed with the blasts of icy cold wind coming from all sides” would cause “every sense organ to be in a state of total confusion and panic”.
She would recall that although the team of remote viewers did manage to provide information regarding the location of the bomb, the sessions were ones that would take “many months to get over”.
The video below looks at Project Stargate a little further.
↑1 | CIA releases psychic experiment documents, Bonnie Burton, Cnet, January 20th, 2017 https://www.cnet.com/news/cia-releases-psychic-experiment-documents-online-stargate-project-stranger-things/ |
↑2 | Stanford Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable, Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, August 9th, 2014 https://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/08/09/scientists-observe-man-travel-out-of-his-body-and-into-space-what-he-saw-was-remarkable/ |
↑3 | CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute, Harold E. Puthoff, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237282216_CIA-Initiated_Remote_Viewing_Program_at_Stanford_Research_Institute |
↑4 | The Ingo Swann 1973 Remote Viewing probe of the planet Jupiter, Ingo Swan, December 12th, 1995 http://www.thelivingmoon.com/44cosmic_wisdom/01documents/Ingo_Swann_Remote_Viewing_Jupiter.htm |
↑5 | Mars Disclosure: Randy Cramer (Captain Kaye) Expands Upon His Mars Recall, Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles, November 20th, 2014 https://thefreedomarticles.com/mars-disclosure-randy-cramer-captain-k/ |
↑6 | Two Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Exopolitics Examiner, September 9th, 2009 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/esp_marte_49.htm |
↑7 | The Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files, Joe Nickell, ISBN 978081 3123189 (page 88-100) |
↑8 | The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told By A Psychic Spy For The US Military, Lyn Buchanan, ISBN 978074 3462688 |
↑9 | Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/ |
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I was there, not on Mars but a planet where there’s insanely tall ,huge landing strip lights that made me think of street lights. They were on either side of a decent length strip for ships to land. It struck me as only a transfer or transport planet, idk what for but I sensed it was empty but for that & it’s incredibly important to everyone, that spot/planet’s function, that is.
I knew a doctor from another planet that I ran into in a “dream” around 5-6 years or so. As soon as I looked up & into his eyes I knew who he was, instantly recognizing him as a long time dear old friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time. I knew all of it in that dream’s moment . His name, that we’ve been good friends for a very long time & I even commented on how he had cut his hair short since the last time I’d seen him. I want to meet someone who also knows him.
i want to know MORE