Encounters - Page 6


Human Interactions With Aliens Before The Modern Era

Many people who subscribe to the ancient astronaut theory believe that interaction between humans and extraterrestrials has been taking place for thousands and thousands of years. And what’s more, when we examine the legends and ancient writings, there would appear to be ample evidence to support the theory. As more and more newspapers and press became more widespread in the 1800s, and with the emergence of the United States, more and more of these alien interactions were recorded…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
May 18, 2017
Last Updated
July 18, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

The Night Of The Kentucky Goblins – The Hopkinsville Invasion!

An evening at an isolated farmhouse in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in August 1955 would turn into one of the longest and most bizarre nights for two entire families. An evening where they came under attack from apparent “goblins” who appeared shortly after the landing of a strange light in the nearby woodlands. Local police would witness part of the carnage, and while all members of the families would survive the encounter, and explanation remains elusive…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 13, 2017
Last Updated
September 6, 2020
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read