Agendas - Page 2
- Abductions (69)
- Agendas (30)
- Encounters (77)
- Reptilians (8)
The Potential Dark Side Of The UFO And Alien Question
Those who study UFO sightings and encounters, whether for research or investigative purposes, or indeed both, it will be no surprise to find oneself in a field of interest completely different from the UFO and alien question. These can be conspiracy, for example, or even the supernatural. On occasion, however, those other areas of interest are themselves very blurred. And perhaps more importantly sometimes lead to a very dark and at times, deadly destination…
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- December 12, 2018
- September 5, 2020
- 7 min read
Aliens, The Occult, And The Third Reich
There are a whirlwind of conspiracies and accusations of cover-up surrounding the Nazis before we begin to look at such things as the Occult, aliens and UFOs. However, the fact is that there was such an intense interest in these things at the highest levels of the Third Reich that many researchers have questioned just how much of this interest was ramblings of a distorted mind, and how much might have been access to knowledge and wisdom that most don’t know exists…
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- November 25, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 29 min read
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Project Sigma And Conspiracies Of The Greys
When most of us think of aliens, chances are the first image that will enter into most of our minds would picture “The Greys” – the small-bodied grey-skinned beings with over-sized heads and large, penetrative black eyes. Perhaps that is a result of the pop-culture environment that has engrained such an image in the subconscious of most of our minds. Or perhaps the reasons are much darker and even invasive…
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- October 24, 2018
- May 27, 2022
- 7 min read
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Human Origins On Earth And The “Prison Planet” Theory
There are many theories and off-shoot thoughts that come from examining UFO and alien incidents. Perhaps one of the more outlandish is the claim that humans themselves are not indigenous to the Earth – that we ourselves are an alien species, perhaps brought here long ago from another world? Possibly as prisoners. And what’s more, the evidence behind such claims makes more sense than you might think…
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- October 10, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 7 min read
- 3
The Connection Of Alien Contact And Sudden Psychic Ability
One of the most interesting aspects of alien abduction is that many of people who experience such encounters suddenly develop the ability to see into the future, or even read people’s thoughts or a whole manner of strange psychic gifts off-limits to most of us. Why might this be? And perhaps of more importance, it an intentional change on the part of the abductors or an incidental by-product…
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- June 13, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 8 min read
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The Laguna Cartagena And The UFO Significance Of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico, at least terms of the UFO and alien question, is one of the most active and controversial countries. Rumors abound of a secret alien base, hidden within areas of the country that are off-limits to the majority of the public. The abundance of UFO and alien encounters over this part of the world does nothing to quash such rumors…
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- April 14, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 6 min read
Just What Is The Alien Agenda?
Perhaps as important as establishing that extraterrestrial life is visiting the Earth, and where this alien life comes from, is why these visitations are happening in the first place? What is attracting these otherworldly entities to our planet? And why do so many people seemingly suffer abductions at the hands of these strange creatures? And, if we accept for a moment there is some kind of untoward cosmic agenda playing out, why are world government’s seemingly so helpless in the face of it…?
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- March 21, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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Occult, Satanic, And Alien Connections To “The Elite!”
There are numerous conspiracies that surround the world’s “Elite” and have been as far back as civilization stretches. However, particularly in the contemporary era with the instant access to information we enjoy, these conspiracies have links stretching out in many different directions. Indeed, the plethora of links to aliens, the Occult, and even Satanism perhaps forces us to ask, firstly if these conspiracies are credible. And secondly, is there really an “Invisible web” that connects world events and people of influence more than we could imagine…?
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- March 7, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 7 min read
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Albert Bender And Sought After “Elements” In Earth’s Oceans
We know today that there is very much a connection between UFO activity and oceans, seas, and large bodies of water. One of the first to pick up on this was Albert Bender, whose contribution to the UFO and alien question in the 1950s, was as intriguing as it was controversial. Indeed, as well the importance of water to these apparent alien visitors, Bender is thought to also have received visits from a group who would become known worldwide as the Men In Black…
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- September 13, 2017
- September 24, 2020
- 8 min read
Are Aliens Tracking Abductees With Implants?
One of the most bizarre, and indeed disturbing aspects of the UFO and alien phenomena is the discovery in many victims of alleged alien abduction of small implants in their bodies. Sometimes in the hand, sometimes in the nose cavity, or the foot, these minute metallic objects are of unknown substance and would appear to be some kind of tracking device. Of course, if aliens are keeping tracks on members of the public – much like we would tag cattle, for example – perhaps it should make us take the notion of alien abduction a little more seriously…
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- March 21, 2017
- December 6, 2021
- 9 min read
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Project Mannequin And The Mysterious Death Of Max Spiers
When (at the time) little-known conspiracy theorist, Max Spiers, died suddenly while on a trip to Poland, after he had asked his mother to “investigate his death” if anything was to happen and that he was “in trouble”, many researchers, including some in the mainstream began to pay attention to what he was saying, as well as his movements in his final days. Who was Max Spiers, and is his death something that should concern all of us…?
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- March 5, 2017
- December 6, 2021
- 6 min read
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Human Cattle Mutilation: The Grim And Chilling Claims
While cattle mutilation – whatever it might prove to be – is familiar with most people. However, claims of such mutilation experiments being inflicted on human beings is perhaps not so familiar. The fact is, though, there are several of these cases stretching around the planet and across decades. And what’s more, if there is any truth to them, the conspiracies they lead to are some of the darkest and deadliest we are likely to encounter…
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- March 1, 2017
- December 13, 2021
- 7 min read
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The Other-Worldly Mysteries Of China’s Yellow Emperor
China has a long and majestic history. One of much mystery and legend, and also one that, if you subscribe to the general theory, has examples of ancient alien contact littered within their ancient accounts and writings. Might the origins of the Chinese empire be more otherworldly than most might think? And might these explain the secrecy that still resides within much of the country today…
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- November 17, 2016
- December 13, 2021
- 6 min read
The Eisenhower Alien Meetings Are “Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!”
In what is perhaps one of the most persistent and potentially groundbreaking conspiracies in UFO, and indeed American history, the alleged meeting between President Dwight D. Eisenhower and not one, but two extraterrestrial races is one that if true, would truly change our collective perception of our recent history and the world around us, as well as what awaits us in the future…
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- October 18, 2016
- December 13, 2021
- 6 min read
- 14
Alien-Human Hybrids – Pure Nonsense? Or Something To Pay More Attention To?
Many people are prepared to listen to reports of UFO sightings. Most will even contemplate alien abduction claims. However, when presented with the notion of alien-human hybrids, living among us no less, for most, it an outlandish claim too far. That being said, though, there are more of these apparently wild claims than we might think. And what’s more, they come from all over the globe…
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- September 17, 2016
- December 13, 2021
- 29 min read
- 2