Aliens: Agendas

Perhaps above all, when we examine claims of alien visitation the two most pressing questions are why are they here and what do they want? Is there, as some researchers believe, a discreetly unfolding plan for these extraterrestrials to take over the world? Does this explain the apparent fascination with human biology reported in many alien abduction cases?
Might the resources of our planet be their main target? Or might, as some people who claim to have had exposure to these cosmic visitors state, they be here to save the planet from the environmental horrors that many claim lie ahead of us? Or perhaps they are simply here in a scientific capacity, much the same as we plan to visit Mars and other far-off moons in the solar system?
If the claims of alien visitation to our planet are even partly true, then we should concern ourselves with just what the reasons might be, and more importantly, of any potential consequences to humanity’s future.
Perhaps we should consider that there might not be just one race of alien visiting our planet? We know, for example, that several former government ministers have come forward claiming there is indeed more than one alien race visiting the Earth. What’s more, the many descriptions of alien encounters would appear to back up these claims.
Just what is the alien agenda…?
- Abductions (69)
- Agendas (30)
- Encounters (77)
- Reptilians (8)
Life-Altering And Profound: The Alien Abduction Encounter Of Nona Rossi
The presumed alien encounter of Nona Russi is without a doubt one of the most interesting on record, not least due to the apparent long-term changes to the Nona’s life in the months and years that followed, changes that completely altered her sense of reality and how she perceived the world around her…
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- January 10, 2025
- 7 min read
- 2
A Cosmic Cure? The Alien Intervention Case Of Cat Williams
Cat Williams underwent several terrifying experiences when she was only eight years old, experiences that while she would never forget them, would not become clear to her until decades later. When the memories of those encounters did finally come flooding back, she realized that not only had she been visited by apparent entities from another world but they had also seemingly cured her of a potentially fatal illness…
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- December 14, 2024
- December 15, 2024
- 8 min read
Code Orange: The Outlandish Claims Of Alien Entities At A British Military Base
There have been many accounts of top-secret government programs involving extraterrestrial entities. Without a doubt, though, one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking is one that revolves around an alleged program named Code Orange, a program that involved alleged aliens from the Roswell crash being transported to a secret location in the United Kingdom in order that a specially assigned unit could communicate with them…
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- August 30, 2024
- 21 min read
Alien Bases In The Mountains! The Remarkable Remote-Viewing Revelations Of Pat Price
In the early 1970s, with the CIA’s remote viewing projects still very much in their early stages, remote viewer, Pat Price, made some startling claims to his superiors – that many of the world’s mountains contained extraterrestrial bases, including one on American soil, Mount Hayes in Alaska. When these claims were investigated further following his sudden death, it appeared there was more to them than many people might have thought…
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- March 7, 2024
- 12 min read
The Bone-Chilling Alien Abduction Revelations Of Mabel White
The claims of Mabel White are both thought-provoking and alarming in equal measure. According to her, not only are alien abductions real, physical events, but they are part of a long-term hybridization program looking to create alien-human hybrids that can not only survive and flourish right here on Earth, but also on their own planet. If there is any truth and accuracy to her claims, then what might this mean for the future of humanity..?
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- February 29, 2024
- 8 min read
The Fake Alien Invasion Theories – A Genuine Concern Or Nothing But Nonsense?
There are many theories and suggestions constantly in flux in UFO circles, some more believable and credible than others. One claim, however, that a dark government elite is planning to use UFO reports and encounters in order to stage a “fake alien invasion” is without a doubt one of the strangest, interesting, and most divisive…
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- January 14, 2024
- January 15, 2024
- 7 min read
Setimus And The Aztec UFO Crash – The First Alien Contact Encounter Of Modern Times?
According to many UFO researchers, there was a UFO crash the year after the more famous Roswell incident in Aztec, New Mexico that not only resulted in the recovery of a downed alien vehicle, but a live extraterrestrial – one that would remain in the United States for several years following the incident…
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- January 5, 2023
- July 20, 2023
- 14 min read
- 1
Resonating Details Of The UFO And Alien Question
There are many, many UFO and alien encounters on record. And what’s more, there are many repeated details to be found in many of these reports. So many, in fact, that it allows to build at least a partial picture of what lies at the heart of the UFO and Alien question, albeit a speculative one. What is perhaps certain, is that whatever might be behind these accounts, it is certainly something very real, in one way or another…
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- December 30, 2021
- 21 min read
Ancient Gods, Alien Abduction, and Human Souls – A Potentially Dark Connection!
There are many possible scenarios and theories that might one day explain the alien abduction phenomenon. However, there is one that is perhaps darker and more ominous than many might imagine. That rather than these apparent extraterrestrial entities being interested in humans in a scientific biological way, they are, in fact, looking to create and possibly take over human souls…
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- October 3, 2021
- 18 min read
The Ancient Alien Evidence And Influence Of The Indus Valley Civilization
Although often overlooked, the ancient civilization of the Indus Valley region is arguably the most highly advanced of the ancient world. Furthermore, many of the ancient Sanskrit writings speak of their gods coming down to Earth from the sky, writings that many who have studied them insist are historical fact as opposed to mere myth. Indeed, the Indus Valley Region – which encompassed what is modern-day India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Pakistan – is perhaps a location where proof of alien visitation in antiquity might be found…
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- July 4, 2021
- December 5, 2021
- 17 min read
The Dogon Sirius Mystery
For decades the Sirius mystery – named after the book of the same name by Robert Temple – appeared to offer definitive proof of extraterrestrial visitation and intervention in human affairs thousands of years ago. Essentially, if offered proof of the ancient astronaut theory. However, since then a mountain of counterclaims of surfaced which casts doubt on at least part of the claims of alien visitors from the Sirius star system…
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- April 25, 2020
- December 5, 2021
- 14 min read
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The Other Side Of “Alternative” Research – UFOs, History, And Covert Agendas!
The idea of disinformation is one that those of us in UFO and conspiracy circles accept as standard procedure. And as frustrating as it is, most of accept that we simply have to sift through such half-truths and outright lies to get to the heart, and ultimately, the truth of our research. However, what many of us perhaps do not contemplate as often, including ourselves, is that there are plenty within alternative fields that also have their own agendas…
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- March 27, 2020
- December 5, 2021
- 6 min read
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The Ancient Astronaut Theory
The Ancient Astronaut Theory is one of the most intriguing and controversial theories in the already controversial UFO community. Might it be possible that extraterrestrials came to Earth thousands, maybe millions of years ago and not only contributed to the human existence, but actively intervened in the creation of it? It is a theory that still divides opinion, almost half a century after it kicked in the door of the mainstream off the back of the Eric Von Daniken bestseller, Chariots of the Gods…
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- April 21, 2019
- December 5, 2021
- 17 min read
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UFOs, Aliens, And The Paranormal
Most of us would perhaps automatically assume that such things as UFOs and aliens and concepts as the supernatural and the paranormal or completely different fields of interest. However, the more we research such accounts, the more we realize that these strange encounters and incidents are seemingly connected. And what’s more, the connection runs deeper than most of us think…
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- January 27, 2019
- September 5, 2020
- 21 min read
- 2
The Organism 46B Conspiracy And The “Aliens” Of Lake Vostok
Rumors of aliens residing within the inner Earth, accessed through a secret location on the continent of Antarctica, are persistent, inside and outside of the conspiracy community. So, when world leaders descended there in late-2016 more than a few eyebrows were raised. Those suspicions of secretive activity grew even more when an apparent whistleblower made claims of a captured “alien octopus” from deep below the Antarctic ice, an entity whose DNA shadowy authorities were now looking to “weaponize” …
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- December 20, 2018
- December 6, 2021
- 6 min read