Something Far From Friendly: The Alien Abduction Encounters Of “Paul K”
- By
- December 1, 2024
- 9 min read
- Posted in
- Aliens, Abductions
Many people who have been victims of alien abduction later discover these events have happened to them multiple times before, usually dating back to when they were young children. That is very much the case with a report that has recently entered the public arena from a man in Ireland, who states he has been abducted several times since at least the age of seven. The account in question has only recently come to light following an email sent to the online media platform Weird World from a man who would only reveal himself as “Paul K”.
What is perhaps further interesting about Paul’s account is that he offers only what he can recall from memory, having opted not to undergo hypnotic regression on several occasions for fear of what other revelations such sessions might uncover. One thing Paul is certain of, however, is that these entities, whoever they are, are not friendly and are not here for the betterment of humanity.
We should note that many of the details in Paul’s account resonate very nicely with other reports of alien abduction from across the decades and around the world. Furthermore, these details also suggest, like other accounts, that these abductions are of a very purposeful and predetermined nature, even of some kind of long-running program. Indeed, while there are undoubtedly further details hidden in Paul’s subconscious, his account is just one of the latest of many that continue to build up a clearer picture on increasingly solid foundations.
Something In The Bedroom
When the first incident occurred in the early 1980s, Paul was only seven years old and lived with his parents in the small village of Maynooth in County Kildare, just over 30 miles outside of Dublin. On this particular summer’s morning, at around 7 am, with the bedroom already filled with bright sunlight, Paul awoke to feel a “presence” standing at his bedroom door. If there was any doubt about this presence, it was washed away a moment later when he witnessed the door slowly begin to open. At the same time, he suddenly realized he was completely paralyzed and unable to move. He later described this sensation as feeling as though he was “frozen in time”.
He continued watching the door as it was pushed open, seemingly in slow motion and with no sound whatsoever. A sense of fear ran through him. He had no idea what was about to enter his bedroom, but he fully expected it was not something friendly. Then, a moment later, what he later described as several “small grey beings” stepped into the room. There were four in total, with two going to one side of his bed and two going to the other. Despite feeling anxious previously, as these figures stood on each side of his bed, he suddenly felt no fear at all, almost as if he knew them and had been expecting them, elaborating that they seemed “strangely familiar!”
He also recalled noticing how they appeared “mechanical” as they moved, particularly their heads, which appeared to “bob up and down”. Eventually, all four of the figures lined up at the bottom of the bed in a single line as if they were waiting for something or someone. The next thing Paul realized, a tall, dark figure entered the room, much taller than the first four figures, standing at around eight feet tall. He watched as this tall entity appeared to be issuing instructions to the four beings, and given that the room remained in silence, it was likely that these instructions were being given telepathically.
Just One Of Many Encounters
The more Paul looked at this taller being, the more unsettled and anxious he felt. Then, when the tall being turned and pointed directly at Paul, that anxiety turned into absolute panic. A moment later, the smaller beings returned to the side of his bed, two on each side once more. This time, though, they grabbed him by the arms and began lifting him from the bed. As this was happening, Paul attempted to scream and call out to his parents, but try as he might, no sound came out of his mouth. A moment later, everything went black, and he lost consciousness.
He woke up several hours later, lying on his bed. He stayed home from school for several days following the encounter, telling his parents he wasn’t well. In reality, though, his mind was in absolute turmoil. Being so young, he struggled to fathom just what had happened that morning. He was, though, certain that this happened on numerous occasions in the years that followed.
One of the most thought-provoking of these encounters occurred around a decade later, in 1991 when Paul was 17 years old. He was not living in the town of Greystones in County Wicklow. On the night in question, Paul was returning home from Kilcoole after spending the evening with his girlfriend. It would be an evening he wouldn’t forget.
The Sphere Down The Lane
Before catching the last bus home, Paul decided to stop off at a late-night garage in order to purchase new batteries for his Walkman. The night was cold and wet, and when he stepped onto the bus he found he was the only passenger. Around ten minutes later, he arrived at his stop and, after stepping from the bus, he began up a dark lane that led to his home, a walk that took less than five minutes. As he walked, he switched his Walkman back on.
He was only several hundred feet away from his house when he noticed his Walkman began to slow down dramatically as if the batteries (which were brand new, remember) were just about drained. He stopped momentarily and opened the battery compartment of his Walkman to check they were secure before replacing the cover. He then checked the tape, thinking it might have been chewed up by the player. It also appeared as it should. It was then that he suddenly sensed that he wasn’t alone.
He could sense some kind of movement or activity behind him on his right-hand side. He turned around slowly. There, right behind, was some kind of clear, purple neon-colored sphere hovering just above the ground. This strange object was around 20 feet in diameter and had what looked like two glass cylinders protruding out of the top of it. After a moment, the sphere began to ascend into the night sky. Paul, now unable to move, stood and watched as it did so. He was uncertain if he was simply rooted to the spot with fear or if some kind of device from the sphere itself had caused this temporary paralysis.
He watched as the sphere rose to a height of around 30 feet before it “sped off” into the distance, disappearing from his sight in a second. A moment later, he regained control of his movement once more. Whether of consequence to the evening’s events or not, he noticed a large, black dog looking over at him from the courtyard of an old church that overlooked this section of the quiet country lane. He suddenly felt a surge of fear wash over him, and he broke into a sudden run.
Watching Him From The Driveway
He continued running through the wet night until he reached the front door of his house. He could, though, sense that something was watching and following him. He struggled with his keys, largely due to the state of panic he was in. He eventually inserted the key into the lock and pushed open the door, stepping into the kitchen with great relief. He remained still for a moment, catching his breath. Then, a moment later, his father, who was watching television in the living room, called out to him asking if everything was OK.
Paul assured his father he was fine and that he was going straight up to bed. His father was a no-nonsense person at the best of times, and he was certain he wouldn’t have time for his tales of strange objects rising into the sky. He removed his coat and began up the stairs. When he entered his bedroom, he could hear the rain lashing against the window. He paused momentarily, quickly going over the strange events in his mind. Then, he had a sudden urge to pull back the curtains to his bedroom window.
He walked over to the window and did exactly that, not fully understanding why he had a sudden compulsion to do so. He looked out through the glass onto the driveway and almost physically moved back from the window in shock. There, on the driveway, was the black dog from the church courtyard, standing staring directly at Paul. A moment later, Paul brought the curtains to a close once more and lay on his bed, his mind racing, so much so that he hardly slept at all that night.
On A Hard Table In A Large Room
By the following evening, having been awake for well over 24 hours, Paul was in bed relatively early. However, several hours later, he found himself awake once more. Only now, it felt like he was no longer in his bed but lying on some kind of hard table. Finally, he opened his eyes. Not only was he no longer in his bed, he found himself in a “very large room”, so large, in fact, that all the noises echoed around its walls.
He could see multiple other tables in the room, each with some kind of dim lighting overhead, much like the dim light above him. He could see strange figures moving from table to table. Then, the figures headed in his direction. Feeling panic began to overtake him, and he shut his eyes tightly. A moment later, he could sense that someone – or something – was standing over him and looking down at him. More than that, he could sense that the figure – whatever it was – was looking directly at him.
Paul kept his eyes tightly shut. In fact, he was squeezing them so tightly shut that it began to cause them to hurt. Although he couldn’t fathom why, something inside him told him that if he opened his eyes, he would never see home again. Once more, as he lay there, eyes still shut, the distinct feeling that this had happened many times previously went through his mind. He kept his eyes shut, and moments later, he blacked out.
Corroboration From A Neighbor
He awoke the next morning as normal, and while he was relieved the encounter was over, he had a strange feeling that he couldn’t explain or shake. He went downstairs to the kitchen to make himself a coffee, asking his mother, who was also in the kitchen, if she would like one. It was then that he noticed his mother had a strange, perplexed, and almost “unsettled” look on her face. He asked her if everything was OK, and she appeared to snap back to her usual self, which assured him it was.
He continued to make the coffee. As he did so, he began to tell his mother that “something strange” had happened during the night. However, he immediately got the sense that she didn’t want to speak or hear about it. She then offered to Paul that it appeared to be a morning of strangeness before telling him of her visiting the elderly lady next door a little earlier.
His mother told him that her neighbor had confided in her that the previous evening, in the middle of the night, she had awoken to find “six little gray men” floating past her bedroom window. She claimed these men moved purposely and slowly – so slowly that she had time to count them and work out the direction they were coming from. And it seemed they were coming from somewhere close to Paul’s bedroom window, which was directly next to hers.
Upon hearing this, Paul told his mother of his own experience the previous evening. Despite the bizarre nature of his account, she believed what he was saying. She did, though, advise that he not tell anyone else of the encounter, something that he agreed with.
Something “I Wish Had Never Happened!”
Although he didn’t know what to make of the strange encounters that had seemingly plagued him since he was a young boy, one that he was certain of was that these entities, whoever they were and wherever they came from, were far from friendly, and certainly didn’t have the betterment of humanity at the top of their agenda, despite what many researchers and experiencers had suggested.
Now, in the 2020s, Paul is in his early 50s, and aside from the anonymous report to Weird World, he has not spoken publicly of the encounter, not even to his wife. Whether the incidents still happen or not is not known, but Paul did offer that the memories of the events remain as fresh in his mind today as they did when they occurred decades previously. Furthermore, he still has no explanation for the strange events.
He offered that he had contemplated hypnotic regression on several occasions but had always opted out of it for fear of knowing more than he might wish to know. Rather than being something that he embraces (as some abductees do), Paul stated that he wished that none of the events had ever happened, adding that it is something he “wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy”.
Another Part Of The Big UFO And Alien Picture
Ultimately, the alien abduction encounters of Paul K, outside of what we have examined here, remain largely unexplored. We can only guess at other encounters that are locked away inside his subconscious, as it appears almost certain he would have experienced many similar incidents throughout his life.
With this in mind, here we appear to have another case of repeated alien abductions that have taken place over many years. We know from multiple other similar cases that repeat abductees often discover that these abductions have taken place over several generations, with other members of their families also being taken. Could this be the case here?
Whether Paul K changes his mind and undergoes hypnotic regressions to unveil any other potential encounters or whether any other memories force their way to the front of his mind remains to be seen. His account, though, contributes another piece to the UFO and alien mysteries.
Perhaps one of the most intriguing details of this case is the large dog that seemingly followed Paul home from the old church and then kept watch over him from the driveway. Was this an alien entity that manifested in such a form? Or had something taken over this unfortunate dog in order to use it to follow Paul? Both possibilities are equally thought-provoking.
The short video below explores this fascinating case a little further.
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