A Subterranean Lair Of Horrors: A Human-Alien Facility Deep Under Dulce?

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 22, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read
Posted in
Aliens, Abductions

The alien abduction of Crista Tilton is a highly detailed, thought-provoking, and equally bizarre account. The fact that it took place in Dulce, New Mexico, and involves journeys to deep underground alien bases only adds to its intrigue.

During the summer of 1987, Crista Tilton became increasingly troubled by several hours on a July evening that she couldn’t remember. She sensed that something significant had happened, but the details eluded her. Frustrated, she decided to undergo hypnotic regression in an effort to uncover the events of those lost hours. What she discovered would forever change her perception of the world.

Tilton’s case bears a striking resemblance to those of Myrna Hansen and Judy Doraty, suggesting that, if these accounts are accurate, they likely stem from the same intelligence operating within the same program. While these extraordinary claims might be easy to dismiss, the extensive work of respected researchers has led to a growing belief in a secretive mission to hybridize the human race. Furthermore, this large-scale, cosmic genetic program appears to hold little promise of being beneficial for humanity.

Missing Time

At first, Crista Tiltan’s memories were hazy and fragmented. She recalled two small aliens dragging her by the arms from her bed, across her room, and toward a strange, metallic craft. Shortly after, she remembered being “rendered unconscious” by these extraterrestrial beings. [1]

Her next recollection was waking up on a strange table, feeling disoriented and confused. However, she sensed that the vehicle she was in was moving. A different alien humanoid, unlike the ones who had taken her, approached. This figure, whom Tiltan would later refer to as her guide, gestured for her to sit up. She complied, and the guide handed her a drink, indicating she should consume it. Upon drinking, the feeling of disorientation vanished almost instantly.

The craft came to a sudden halt, and the guide led her to an open doorway. When she stepped outside, she found herself on a dark hillside, with the only source of light coming from a cavern ahead. Her guide led her in that direction.

As they got closer, Crista noticed a man standing guard, holding a heavy-duty machine gun and dressed in what she described as a “red military jumpsuit.” They walked past him and entered the cavern, which turned out to be a massive entrance leading into a tunnel carved into the side of a mountain.

Into The Tunnel Network

They continued down the tunnel for several minutes until they reached another checkpoint, where a second guard, also dressed in the same red military uniform as the one at the entrance, stood on duty.

While the guide and the guard conversed, Crista took in her surroundings. Everything looked distinctly futuristic, with multiple computer screens, flashing buttons, and cameras that monitored the entire area. She also noticed a large groove beside them, resembling a rail track. Following its path into the distance, she saw that it extended into a vast hallway that branched off into several other rooms beyond her line of sight.

Before she could observe further, a vehicle arrived on the track, and her guide motioned for her to board it. Moments later, the rail cart jolted forward, carrying them deep into the mountain. The journey seemed to last quite a while before the vehicle finally stopped at another checkpoint.

Screens And Flashing Devices

There, Crista was instructed to step out of the cart and stand on what resembled a large weighing scale. As soon as she positioned herself on the device, a cacophony of sounds erupted, accompanied by a flurry of flashing lights. After a few moments, everything abruptly stopped, and a card emerged from one of the nearby computer devices. The guard took the card, punched two holes in it, and handed it to her, explaining that it was her internal identification.

Her guide then directed her to follow him. She obeyed, walking down a long corridor before stepping into an oddly shaped elevator. The doors closed, and the elevator descended rapidly, coming to an abrupt halt. When the doors reopened, two more guards were waiting.

The guide led her past the guards and down another lengthy corridor. As she walked, Crista caught glimpses of rooms on either side, each bustling with activity. Many were filled with screens and flashing devices. She also noticed that, despite the corridor being brightly lit, there were no visible light strips or bulbs. It appeared as if the light was emanating directly from the walls—a detail often reported by others who claim to have been inside extraterrestrial crafts, noting similar properties about their exteriors.

A Mix Of Humans And Aliens

The hallway abruptly opened into a vast, open-plan area filled with cubicles and intersecting passageways, some leading to offices, others to elevators. Both people and alien beings moved around, each seemingly engaged in their own tasks.

At the center of this large space were several disc-shaped crafts, identical to the one Crista had arrived in on the mountainside. As she observed the flurry of activity around her, she followed her guide onto another elevator. However, as the doors closed, she felt a growing sense of unease. Sensing her discomfort, the guide assured her that as long as she stayed by his side, she would be safe.

Despite his reassurance, when the elevator stopped and they reached their destination, the ominous feeling only deepened. Even the guards they encountered appeared more menacing than before.

As the guide spoke with the guards, Crista was handed a bundle and instructed to change her clothing. She unfolded the items and realized it was a type of hospital gown, but one that fastened on both sides. While she was changing, she noticed that the two military guards saluted her guide, leading her to realize that he held a position of authority—even, it seemed, over members of the United States military.

Strange, Ominous Tanks

Her guide gestured for her to step onto another platform resembling a weighing scale. As she did, various devices and computers sprang to life, producing a burst of sound and color. This time, however, she noticed a strange frequency that caused significant discomfort in her ears, which only subsided when the process ended.

The guide then led her down yet another long corridor. Her sense of unease remained, especially when she detected a smell reminiscent of formaldehyde—a scent she remembered from her early years working as a nurse. The odor grew stronger the further they walked.

The corridor eventually opened into a larger room. As Crista entered, she saw several large tanks, each about four feet tall, equipped with tubes and a mechanical arm.

Curious, she moved closer to one of the tanks to peer inside. However, her guide quickly pulled her back, warning that seeing what was inside would “complicate matters.” Without further explanation, he led her out of the room, down another short corridor, and into what appeared to be a large laboratory.

Some Kind Of Surgical Procedure

Crista glanced around the room, noting the medical-like equipment and furnishings. In the center of the room, she spotted a grey alien, similar to the two beings that had taken her from her bed. A wave of fear washed over her, which intensified when she heard the clinking of metal—a sound she recognized from her nursing days as surgical instruments being prepared.

At that moment, her guide instructed her to move to the table in the middle of the room. Paralyzed with fear, she refused. The reassuring expression on the guide’s face had vanished, replaced by a stern and threatening demeanor. He warned her that it would be much easier if she complied.

Crista stood frozen, unable to move, as another man entered the room. He was dressed like a surgeon, with a card attached to him that had two holes, identical to the one she had been given earlier. The guide walked over, exchanged a few words with the surgeon, and then informed Crista that he would wait outside.

Crista’s mind went into shock. She remembered how the room suddenly felt cold and hearing the doctor call for assistance, prompting another grey alien to appear. Then, everything went black.

Chambers Of Human Beings

Crista’s next memory was of waking up on an operating table. The first thing she saw was two black, almond-shaped eyes, which she quickly realized belonged to a grey alien peering closely at her. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her torso and saw that the surgeon had inserted a device into her side. Within seconds, the pain faded, and her upper body went completely numb.

The surgeon and the grey aliens worked quickly and efficiently, though Crista had no idea what kind of procedure they were performing. Once it was over, she was helped off the table with no apparent aftereffects and directed to a side room where she could find her clothes. When she returned, now dressed, she saw her guide conversing with the surgeon.

She was then led out of the room and into a waiting rail vehicle. After a short ride, the cart came to a stop, and they stepped out into another large room. It was there that Crista witnessed the most unsettling sight of all.

As she entered the chamber, she was met with rows upon rows of illuminated glass medical chambers, each glowing with a neon-like light. Inside each chamber was a human being. They resembled incredibly lifelike wax figures, but Crista instinctively knew they were real people, somehow alive and kept in a state of suspended animation.

Further Suggestions Of A Human-Alien Agenda

Faced with this final, unsettling scene, Crista’s mind began to shut down—she was essentially going into shock. The next thing she remembered was leaving the facility on one of the rail carts, then boarding a disc-shaped craft. After that, she awoke at home, with no recollection of the journey from the mountain base back to her house.

During her regression sessions, Crista would reveal a deep-seated feeling that these encounters had happened to her many times before, suggesting that she was part of a long-term human-alien experimental program.

If Crista Tiltan’s claims are true, and she was indeed abducted by aliens and taken to a human-alien-operated facility deep underground in Dulce, New Mexico, what implications does this have for the broader UFO and alien phenomenon? To what extent are government agencies involved, and what might their agenda and ultimate goals be? What could be happening right beneath our collective awareness, and what might it mean for the future of humanity?

The short video below examines the Dulce conspiracies a little further.


1 The Christa Tilton Story, UFO Casebook https://www.ufocasebook.com/christatilton.html

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience.

Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics.

Read Marcus' full bio.

You can contact Marcus via email.

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