Aliens: Abductions

The Paranormal Encounters That Were Actually Alien Abduction

Perhaps the most fascinating and dark aspects, in equal measure, of the alien question are the claims of abductions at the hands of these strange and unnerving entities. Many of these incidents are not fully recalled until months, sometimes years later, and even then, only with the help of hypnotic regression. Others become apparent to the victim upon the realization of missing time – usually a period of anywhere between 30 minutes to several hours that they just can’t account for. Others, such as the famous Travis Walton case, go missing for several days before reappearing with no memory of where they have been.

There are also those who discover and ultimately report multiple abductions, sometimes taking place randomly but regularly over many years. Does this suggest, as some researchers have declared, that some kind of cosmic breeding program is taking place right under our collective noses? If so, what would the end goal be of such a program, and is it something that our respective governments are aware of?

And what about the many examples of apparent alien implants that people have discovered lodged inside their body, perhaps in their hand, foot, or even nose. Many of these have been recovered and what limited testing has been done, while not conclusive, often contains a strange organic and technological mixture – essentially, a device, or part thereof, unknown to the modern world. Are these implants some kind of alien tracking device…?


A Subterranean Lair Of Horrors: A Human-Alien Facility Deep Under Dulce?

When Crista Tilton underwent hypnotic regression in order to unlock several hours of missing time one evening in the summer of 1987, she revealed to herself an ordeal beyond her wildest imagination, and one that, if true and accurate, should be a concern for all of us. Not only did she discover that she was abducted by entities from another world, but that the facility she was taken to was beneath the United States, and appeared to be a joint human-alien facility…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 22, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

Something Happened On The Road: The Steven Kilburn Extraterrestrial Encounter

When Steven Kilburn approached UFO researcher, Budd Hopkins, in 1978 about a strange drive home he experienced five years earlier, he didn’t expect to uncover not only a sighting of a UFO but a harrowing case of alien abduction. Through hypnotic regression, Hopkins and several other UFO investigators managed to unlock not only one of the most interesting cases of alien abduction but arguably one of the most credible and potentially one of the most important in terms of the intricate details it contained…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
June 10, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

Encounters Across Generations: The Ahrens Family Alien Abduction Case

The Ahrens family didn’t discover they had been abducted until over a decade and a half after their first encounter took place in 1976. However, when they did finally uncover the full details of that incident, Dan and Joyce Ahrens found that it was not only they who were involved in these harrowing encounters, but also their two children. In fact, the more details they discovered the more disturbing the encounters experienced by the family appeared to be…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 24, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

Missing Time And Hybrid Beings: The Disturbing Alien Abduction Encounters Of Terry Matthews

Although Terry Matthews had been abducted by aliens on multiple occasions throughout her adult life, she wasn’t fully aware of this until decades later after several hypnotic regression sessions with veteran UFO and alien investigator, David Jacobs, revealed some truly disturbing encounters and experiences. What’s more, it appears that these abductions are just one of many that contribute to an overriding agenda to create a race of alien-human hybrids – hybrids that one day in the future, at according to some, will take over humanity completely undetected…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 13, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
10 min read

Guardians For Eternity And Reincarnation: The Bizarre Alien Encounters Of “Kim”

An apparent alien abductee known only as “Kim” had strange experiences with equally strange entities since she was a young child. However, upon seeking hypnotic regression to get to the bottom of these bizarre encounters, she unlocked memories and insight into the world around us, and quite possibly the very nature of our universe…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 29, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

The 1939 Extraterrestrial Encounter Of Vicente Lucindo

An apparent alien abduction encounter from 1939 is not only one of the earliest recorded abductions on record, but it would result in information being passed to the witness that would result in he and his family benefitting financially. Just what happened at the base of a mountain in Brazil that evening remains a mystery, and truly a unique encounter…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 3, 2024
Estimated Reading Time
7 min read

Hidden Memories And Strange Metal Devices: The Tim Cullen Alien Abduction Case

The apparent alien abduction encounters of Tim Cullen are intriguing enough. However, when an alleged alien implant was removed from his arm two decades later, that intrigue level went up even more. Indeed, the alien abduction encounter and the apparent alien device recovered by Dr. Leir could make this incident one of the most important alien abduction cases of all time…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
October 8, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
6 min read

Horror In The Mojave Desert: The Disturbing Alien Abduction Of Steve And Dawn Hess

The alien abduction encounter of Steve and Dawn Hess in the Mojave Desert occurred over three decades ago but remains of immense interest to UFO researchers and investigators today in the twenty-first century, perhaps not least as many details of their encounter resonates with other abduction cases, both before and after. Indeed, the Hess abduction case could prove to be one of the most important on record as we hurtle towards disclosure and the revelations it could bring…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 27, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
14 min read

Bizarre Fake Interviews – A Little-Known Detail Of The Alien Abduction Phenomena

During his investigations of alien abductees, Budd Hopkins happened upon three women who not only were all seemingly caught up in repeat alien abduction scenarios, but all experienced bizarre fake interviews that appeared, at least to Hopkins, to be connected to their otherworldly encounters. Indeed, his further investigations of these incidents suggested a very organized abduction program, that possibly suggested the existence of an alien-human hybridization program…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
July 1, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
19 min read

The Alien Abduction That Revealed A Past Extraterrestrial Life

The claims of Pauline Delcour-Min regarding several alien abductions she has experienced are remarkable enough. However, when hypnotic regression took her back not only to these abduction encounters, but to past life experiences, those claims became even more intriguing, even more so still, when she revealed she had even lived a past life as a grey alien being…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
April 8, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
13 min read

Strange Objects, Missing Time, And Bizarre Memories – A Case Of Mass Alien Abduction In Massachusetts?

To begin with, a UFO sighting in September 1969 in Berkshire County in Massachusetts was one of multiple witnesses and several reports. However, the further the case was investigated, and the more people that came forward, it quickly became apparent that something much more occurred that evening. It appeared very much that the event was one of mass alien abduction…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
March 29, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
17 min read

Taken From The Mountainside: The Klissberget Alien Abduction

Although the encounter took place in the mid-1940s – three years before the alleged Roswell crash – it didn’t come to light until decades later when the witness had a sudden flashback and contacted a journalist to relay an alien abduction encounter on the ski-slopes of Sweden. Not only is the incident remarkably intriguing, the details of the case mirror those of other, later cases of alien abduction that would begin happening around the world in the decades that followed…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
February 7, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

Identical Twins Abducted By Aliens? The Audrey and Debbie Hewins Encounter

Not only were identical twins Audrey and Debbie Hewins allegedly abducted by aliens at the same time, but they had been repeatedly taken by these entities from another world going back to when they were very young. Indeed, the more we examine their claims, the more evidence there is that at the heart of these alien abductions, is some kind of unsettling hybridization and breeding program with an unknown end goal…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
January 20, 2023
Estimated Reading Time
9 min read

One Of The Darkest Cases Of Repeat Alien Abduction – The Harrowing Encounters Of “Susan”

The encounter of “Susan” from Wales in the United Kingdom is one that if there is any grain of truth to it, should be a huge concern for all of us, for it suggests that human beings are nothing but cattle or even a commodity to an alien presence from elsewhere. And what’s more, it would appear that a gritty and brutal scenario awaits humanity at some point in the near future…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 26, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
18 min read

Do Extraterrestrials Render Abductees Invisible During Alien Abductions?

Although it might sound bizarre – even to those in the UFO community – but the notion that alien entities have the technology to render those they abduct invisible is one that has been seriously explored by some. And what’s more, it would help explain why some people appear to have suffered abductions in the middle of the day in full view of multiple people…

Marcus Lowth
Published Date
August 19, 2022
Estimated Reading Time
18 min read