Trusted UFO, Conspiracy & Paranormal Studies & Analysis
Welcome to UFO Insight, the website trusted by hundreds of thousands of users where you will find in-depth articles discussing, analysing and sometimes debunking not only some of the most intriguing UFO sightings from history but alleged encounters with aliens and the conspiracies and cover-ups that apparently exist throughout the claimed secretive government departments who control the public perception of this most fascinating field of interest.
Both Sides of the Story
Are UFOs actually extraterrestrial visitors or are they the result of top-secret military aircraft?
We do our best to put both sides of the stories and accounts across. And while some of the claims are undoubtedly bizarre and, in some cases, bordering on the outlandish, they still deserve to be told and examined.
We can’t say we fit the mold of “believers” or “skeptics”, but merely an unbiased but extremely interested third party who desperately wishes to get to the truth of this enigmatic subject.
You make up your own mind.
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Life-Altering And Profound: The Alien Abduction Encounter Of Nona Rossi
The presumed alien encounter of Nona Russi is without a doubt one of the most interesting on record, not least due to the apparent long-term changes to the Nona’s life in the months and years that followed, changes that completely altered her sense of reality and how she perceived the world around her…
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- January 10, 2025
- 7 min read
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“Greenish Creatures” From Another World: The Remarkable Extraterrestrial Encounter Of Jose Cantu
There is no doubt that the UFO occupant encounter of Jose Cantu was not the most dramatic on record, but it is certainly one of the most credible, not to mention remarkable. The sighting remains unexplained to this day, but the physical evidence left behind is a testament to the fact that something very real happened that morning in 1977…
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- December 28, 2024
- 6 min read

Conspiracy Theory Analysis
“Britain’s Secret War!” The Alleged Top Secret British Missions In Post-War Antarctica
There are many bizarre and, at times, outlandish conspiracy claims that surround the icy world of Antarctica, perhaps none more so than those alleging a top-secret British military operation there in the immediate aftermath of the end of the Second World War in Europe, an operation set to locate and destroy an advanced base of the Third Reich, as well as the advanced technology being developed there…
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- January 20, 2025
- 15 min read
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Suppressed Experiments Or Nothing But Fiction? The Bizarre Conspiracies Of Ong’s Hat
The claims and conspiracies surrounding the abandoned town of Ong’s Hat in the Pine Barrens region of New Jersey are some of the most fascinating and intriguing on record. They are also some of the most controversial, with most researchers and investigators insistent that they are nothing more than fiction that the Internet has twisted into an urban legend that straddles the line between realities. At least one person claims to have seen documents that prove the authenticity of the claims, meaning that, at least for now, there is doubt as to how true the claims might be…
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- December 21, 2024
- 7 min read

The Extraterrestrial Giants Of The Solomon Islands?
The Solomon Islands have some of the most scenic, paradise-like terrain on the planet. They are also home to some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking claims of strange creatures and mystifying aerial objects in the world. And these claims go back centuries, to the time of ancient legends – legends that the local population insist are historical fact as opposed to mere stories…
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- March 28, 2024
- 11 min read
The Other You – Unsettling Accounts Of Strange And Menacing Doubles
Just what should we make of the notion of doppelgangers really existing – strange doubles of ourselves seemingly separate from our own bodies. The fact is there have been accounts of these strange “others” going back centuries. Might our understanding of these entities lead us to understanding not only the paranormal, but our own reality…
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- July 11, 2023
- 20 min read

Losing The Electrical Grid Could Be Disaster For All Of Us!
Most of are fully aware of electricity and the difference it makes to modern life. However, most people are not perhaps aware that if we were suddenly be without electricity – if we lost the world’s electrical grid – the consequences for humanity would be catastrophic – and long lasting. And the fact is, all it would take is a solar flare striking the Earth to make that happen. More worrying still, the likelihood of that happening is considerable…
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- September 1, 2024
- August 30, 2024
- 9 min read
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Was There A Time In Human History When The Moon Didn’t Exist?
While it is a notion that mainstream history and science dismisses unreservedly, there are many legends to be found in ancient writings of a time before the moon; a time when the night skies seemingly looked very different than they do today. While common sense says that life, human life, could not survive without the moon, some researchers suggest our moon is just the latest of several that has orbited the planet, which could mean that humanity did indeed exist, and perhaps thrive, before our current moon came into existence…
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- August 20, 2024
- 7 min read

A Mystery Of Our Collective Reality: The Astral Projection Experiments
Astral projection is without a doubt one of the most fascinating fields of interest of the paranormal and supernatural world – the ability to leave ones body and view events miles away as if the person was there in the flesh. While this sounds like the stuff of science fiction, the fact is there are more documented cases than many of might think, and they range from the thought-provoking to the outright terrifying…
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- November 13, 2024
- 7 min read
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The Lost Twin From The Other Side: The Disturbing Encounters Of “Amber”
“Amber” had experienced unsettling and inexplicable events since she was a young child – as did her friends, who would often see what was, essentially, her doppelganger. As she grew up, while these encounters became fewer and further between, they still happened, culminating in her attempting to finally make contact with this mysterious entity…
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- October 12, 2024
- October 11, 2024
- 6 min read

One Strange Day in ’76 – A Bizarre 24 Hours Of UFO And Alien Encounters
September 3rd, 1976, saw multiple UFO and alien encounters take place around the planet within a 24 hour period, undoubtedly a day of high strangeness. What makes this even more intriguing, is that while these bizarre events were taking place here on Earth, the Viking 2 mission was touching down on the Martian surface ready to explore our cosmic neighbor. And while this is almost certainly nothing but pure coincidence, it is a thought-provoking one, to say the least…
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- March 16, 2025
- 8 min read
Strange Lights, Circling Objects, And Backyard Aliens – The 1926 Wave Of UFO And Humanoid Encounters
Reports of strange lights moving over Maitland in Canada came from multiple residents over the space of several months throughout 1926 – decades before the start of the Modern UFO Era. Furthermore, these were just one of many UFO and humanoid encounters that took place during this time, with reports coming from around the world. Indeed, rather than being one-off sightings, we might ask if there was some kind of purposeful extraterrestrial presence on Earth a hundred years ago, at the very least…
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- March 10, 2025
- 6 min read